Cleeve House: A New Lease of Life

by John and Ginger Nicholls-London, UK

For many brothers and sisters who joined U.C. in England, Cleeve House has been a haven of spiritual rebirth. Situated in the beautiful countryside of Wiltshire, outside of the small picturesque village of Seend, this 19th-century mansion house stands bold and proud, its back gardens flowing into soft meadows which stretch as far as Salisbury Plains.

It was discovered in 1974 with the help of a dream received by Doris Orme, one of our early American members, and soon purchased by our church. It became Cleeve House School, a residential primary school for blessed children and some local day students. Later, it was used as a nursery for blessed children, combined with occasional D.P. workshops for adults.

In the '90s, Cleeve House has so far been used mainly as a D.P. education workshop center for adults and blessed children's summer camp. Carlo and Barbara Zaccarelli, a 777 blessed couple with six children, have been in recent years the main family in residence responsible for caretaking the property and lending their support to D.P. workshops. Carlo is also the regional U.C. pastor and Barbara has been the national president of WFWP for the last three years.

In December 1994, the hotel my husband and I were managing in London closed down temporarily for refurbishments. We were given permission by our national leader to move to Cleeve House as a temporary dwelling place and were extremely grateful for a place to live where we could help out and also benefit from the high spiritual atmosphere.

During the previous six months, as managers of a 30-room B&B hotel, our schedule was grueling. As the employees for six days each week, we began at 7:30am and closed reception at 10pm, often receiving calls and customers until 3am through an intercom in our bedroom. Our responsibilities included reception, switchboard, accounts, serving continental breakfast, vacuuming, cleaning toilets, and light maintenance. The owner was a millionaire from India, and more demanding than your toughest MFT commander!

Soon after moving to Cleeve House, John and I took over responsibility for managing workshops, general affairs, accounts, housekeeping, and occasional lecturing. Compared to the hotel, being at Cleeve House was like being in heaven. However, our hotel experience gave us the incentive to consider developing Cleeve House as a commercial enterprise.

Throughout 1995 we continued to invest in D.P. workshops and summer camp for blessed children, while John became self-employed as a courier. Occasionally we would discuss ideas for developing Cleeve House with Carlo and Barbara Zaccarelli, especially as more and more workshops were being held at another location closer to London. It wasn't until the end of 1995, when we were told of the possibility of plans to sell Cleeve House, that we felt a strong kick in the pants to put our ideas into action.

Hence, during the last week of 1995, John and I met together with Carlo and Barbara and outlined a business proposal to recreate Cleeve House as a multipurpose conference center. With historical sites nearby, such as the Roman-built city of Bath, the famous Stonehenge, and Glastonbury (known worldwide as a mystical center for New Age seekers), it is an ideal location for tourist-related business. The initial thrust will be aimed at residential English-language courses for foreign students with the potential for an all-inclusive tourist package (i.e., flight, accommodations, tuition and excursions- e.g., hot-air balloons). This will be followed by the development of healthy living seminars (i.e., courses on universal spiritual principles and holistic health, including massage, yoga and use of local sports facilities). The grounds surrounding Cleeve House naturally facilitate outdoor recreation activities (sports, hikes, meditation, etc.).

Through market research, the advice from experienced contacts, and the support of our local U.C. community, we are developing a brochure to advertise and provide information regarding package details, fees, etc. At this stage, we are reaching out to the Unification community worldwide to seek your involvement in this worthy project. We need people in the position of agents who would receive a commission for each applicant who books one of these courses at Cleeve House.

Please consider joining us to assist this proud and bold 19th-century mansion house gain its new lease of life in the era of Kingship. If you are interested and would like more information, contact:

Ginger Nicholls
Cleeve House
Seend, Melksham
Wiltshire SN12 6PG
Tel: England (1380-828-549)
Fax: England (1380-828-024)

Christ May Not Return

by Lloyd Howell-Holiday, FL

This is the text of an advertisement that Lloyd ran in the religion section his local paper to generate dialog. We reprint it here as an inspiration to our readers.

CHRIST MAY NOT RETURN in the manner that many expect! A large number of today's Christians hold fast to the view that Christ (God's anointed) will return literally "on the clouds." But recall that 2,000 years ago there were many who also held fast to that same view (having read Daniel 7:13) and still others who held varying but inflexible concepts about how the messiah would appear and what he would do. These faithful believers were caught unaware and as a result of their adamant adherence to fixed concepts they were never able to recover their balance and seriously entertain that God's anointed had already appeared in their midst-having grown to maturity years after an inconspicuous birth. In futility they awaited a most fantastic and blatant advent and because of this missed the moment they had waited and suffered for.

The Unification Movement holds that the real challenge of faith is to remove the mote from one's eye so that the truth & love of God can be recognized as embodied in a living person-ultimately the Christ. The believer's task is therefore to be cleansed, to eliminate his arrogance, self-centeredness and so forth so that he will be able to recognize the Messiah when he walks the earth again.

As a missionary member of the Unification Church I want to invite my fellow Christians to reevaluate their expectations and at least consider the possibility of another silent night. Consider that the word "clouds" can also be used symbolically. Refer, for instance, to Ezek. 39:9 & Heb. 12:1. Thus the words "clouds" can mean a group of people or a mass of believers, purified through trials and tribulations (much as water is purified through vaporization into a cloud). The returning Christ would gather these people and be heralded by them.

As for literal clouds, perhaps that is a possibility but in a different way-why couldn't Christ appearing in our day and age take the common mode of transportation-the airplane! Then indeed he would come via the clouds perhaps hopscotching from country to country so that all eyes may see and hear him! I know many contemporary Christians will recoil in dismay and say "blasphemy" upon hearing of this possibility, yet just how farfetched is it? Didn't Jesus the Christ 2,000 years ago take the common mode of transportation- traveling to & fro via donkey & foot-did that make him any less the Son of God?

Consider also that Jesus said the 2nd advent would come upon mankind like a thief in the night-that is to say, catching people by surprise. Thus this event that we wait for may not at first occur in such a blatant form as a man riding literally upon the clouds. Surely a birth would indeed lend itself to this understanding. In Luke 18:8 Jesus asks, "However, when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?" Consider that perhaps Jesus was referring to "true faith"-that ability to recognize, belief in and follow a God-sent human being, a person burdened with the messianic mission.

When Christ appeared 2,000 years ago there was indeed faith on the earth-great faith-many dedicated believers then studied their scriptures, many observed the holy days, fasted, tithed and prayed. Yet when it came right down to considering that the Messiah might be walking beside them, eating food as they did and wearing clothes similar to theirs, they had great difficulty. From this viewpoint, Jesus could not find any faith on earth. Similarly today there are millions of good Christians waiting for the Lord to appear (on the clouds); but if he comes in the same manner as before, WILL THEY HAVE THE FAITH WHICH ENABLES THEM TO RECOGNIZE HIM, FOLLOW HIM & SUPPORT HIM?

Thus I ask you my fellow believers to consider the possibility, however remote it may seem, that Christ may indeed return in a manner most unexpected. For the sake of preparing ourselves appropriately, you are invited to come and explore this possibility. Lectures, videos and literature are available. Matt. 9:17.

Lloyd Howell, M.Re.Ed.-Unification Missionary
2626 Blossom Lake Drive, Holiday, FL 34691
(813) 938-4422

Camp Sunrise Donation Scheme

Camp Sunrise is quietly resting under a blanket of snow patiently awaiting for the spring thaw.

This season will mark our 8th. year at the camp. Oh, how time flies. Over the years we've hosted many seminars and various programs and outings for a number of church and non-church functions. However our greatest use has come from the ever-growing 2nd. generation population. Last year we had our biggest challenge and honor to host our 2nd. Generation's 70 Day Training program as well as having the opportunity to attend True Father and Family when they visited.

There were many challenges that presented itself to us especially from the NY State Dept. of Health. For the last seven years we've been under the heading family camp. However in running a children's camp there are many more rules and regulations. With the cooperation of World CARP we were able to receive the blessing in the form of having a permit issued from the State of New York for children's camp.

I'm reminded once again how fortunate we are to have such a place just 43 miles from mid-town Manhattan and away from the many distractions of daily life. To have a place where members guests and friends can go to feel the presence of God.


Toward the end of November 1994, we were quite desperate in fear of loosing our lease due to a lack of funds. We had to pay $7500 to reopen the camp. We know how much everyone loves and appreciates the camp so we asked our church community for help. We decided to have a membership drive and raised exactly enough to open last year. Thank you everyone. Many people asked if we are going to continue with the membership. We will. Hopefully with even a greater response. This years membership will have more advantages than before.

Membership Has Its Privileges

Here are the plans

Plan A for a donation of $250.00

1) You, your family and guest will have access to the camp and your $7.00 Admission Fee will be waived for the season. (up to 3 vehicles

2) You and your family will have 2 days and 2 nights free lodging (meals will be included).

3) You will be given a discount of 25% off of any future accommodations this season for food or lodging for you, you family and friends (a total of 10 people or less)

(Swimming will be limited to the weekend and special occasions)

Plan B for a donation of $125.00

1) You will have access to the camp and your $7.00 Admission Fee will be waived for the season.

2) You and your family will have 2 days and 2 nights of lodging (meals not included) 3) You will be given a discount of 20% off food and lodging any time you stay or eat at the camp.

(Swimming will be limited to the weekend and special occasions)

If you respond before April 1, 1996. Plan A will be $200.00 Plan B will be $100.00

Thank you, we are looking forward in hearing from you.

British Church is Scapegoat

According to the Roman historian, Tacitus, it was Nero who began in earnest the persecution of Christians in 64 AD. In an effort to hide his own role in starting the fire which had destroyed much of Rome, Nero tried to pin it on the Christians. And so Nero introduced to the Western world the ominous political ploy of blaming a small and politically vulnerable religious community for society's woes. Due to the violent and hideous massacre of Christians which Nero subsequently embarked on, the Roman citizenry began to feel sorry for the unfortunate Christians. The historian, Tacitus, wrote that the Romans came to realize that the Christians "were being massacred not for the public good but to satisfy one man's mania." The persecution of Christians however only increased. To justify the recurring pogroms which extended through the reigns of the Emperors Marcus Aurelius, Decius, and Diocletian, various legal grounds were adduced, among them, that Christians were cannibals, atheists, and alternatively, that they were incestuous. As Aristotle noted: At his best man is the noblest of all animals; separated from justice he is the worst.

In describing how Christians were made the scapegoats in ancient Rome for every malady or ill-fortune, Tertullian, the first Christian author to write in Latin, wrote in his Apology: "if the River Tiber reaches the walls, if the River Nile does not rise to the fields, if the sky does not move or the earth does, if there is famine, if there is plague, the cry is at once: "The Christians to the lion!" What, all of them to one lion?' Thus, at least since ancient Rome we can trace the insidious tactic of exploiting others for political advantage or ulterior self-centered gain. And the lion still roars.

In late December of 1995, the political career of the British Home Secretary, Michael Howard, was by all accounts floundering and about to wreck upon the rocks. But wait! Upon the horizon neared the Reverend Moon on his international tour. Let's create some waves and blow some hot air and be spared from the rocks. And thus going against judicial precedents in almost the exact same situation and with all the courage and integrity of Nero, Howard publicly declared that the Reverend Moon would not be permitted to enter Howard's Britain because he believed this visit from a world-wide religious leader would not be "conducive to the public good." A British High Court ruled that the Home Secretary had acted unlawfully when deciding to ban Reverend Moon by failing to follow rules of procedural fairness. Unashamed, Secretary Howard remained defiant and his office continued to announce that the decision to exclude Reverend Moon "still stands." And so the Home Secretary roared and brought disgrace to his Cabinet, his Government, and to his people.

On January 29, 1996, a bomb was detonated outside the national headquarters of the Unification Church in France. Fortunately, no one was harmed although the front structure of the church was destroyed. While no one has yet claimed responsibility for this attack, it is apparent that recent public attacks on new religious communities in the media and in government circles has created a climate which led to this attack. Fear and alarm is being intentionally inflamed throughout Europe by self-described "cult-watching organizations" through the exploitation of the aberrant activities of Aum Shinri Kyo and the Solar Temple. But when governments, like those of Britain and France react to the irrational clamoring of those small, though vocal, groups of hate-mongers and political opportunists and proceed to engage in state-sponsored religious persecution universally accepted principles of justice are trod underfoot. History reminds us that hatred and bigotry have an insatiable lion's appetite.

The worst and most current incident of state-sponsored persecution of the Unification community is in full swing in the Philippines. On January 23, 1996, the Unification community in conjunction with eminent members of Philippine society, conducted a Blessing ceremony of over 1, 000 couples. As is customary, many of these couples were international and a large number were comprised of Korean men and Filipino women. These couples dedicated themselves to uphold the purity, dignity, and honor of this sacred event and to endeavor to embody the ideals promoted by the Blessing. Moreover, the Korean/Filipino couples pledged to be emissaries of peace and harmony between their respective nations with full knowledge that past relations between their peoples had generated pain and bitterness. However, into the arena of this holy Blessing ceremony stepped the Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation, Leandro Verceles. In an attempt to buttress a political career that has begun to come apart due to a cacophony of allegations about financial improprieties, the Commissioner publicly stated that the Blessing ceremony was nothing but a front to export Filipino women to the Korea where they would be "forced to become housemaids and prostitutes." To add fuel to this defamation the Commissioner made additional accusations that the Blessing ceremony violated Filipino marriage laws, that it violated laws prohibiting the purchasing of mail-order brides and laws prohibiting the deceptive recruitment of women for illicit purposes!! (Recall the Roman efforts to fabricate legal justifications for their persecution of the early Christians.) Without a shred of corroborating evidence, Mr. Verceles made these false accusations and ignited a wild-fire within the ranks of the tabloid press. It has not gone unnoticed that a certain contradiction exists between the agenda of the Commissioner and his son, a Congressman, who has sought to sponsor legislation that would give legal sanction to the importation and distribution of pornography in the Philippines.

The true intentions of the Commissioner are most poignantly demonstrated in his decision to send three female agents from his department to conduct surveillance of this event to the extent that these agents became Blessing participants. Immediately after the Blessing these agents returned to their offices leaving their three blessed partners in limbo. This intentional desecration of a religious rite stands alone as the most egregious single violation of the Blessing ceremony by a national government. It ranks in my mind along side the protest in Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York by radical homosexual activists affiliated with Act-Up. Perhaps the most opprobrious element to this assault was when some of the Act-Up radicals received the consecrated Holy Eucharist and then threw it on the ground in protest. In dispatching three of his agents to infiltrate the Blessing ceremony to the extent to which they did, Commissioner Verceles has disgraced his government and violated the sensibilities of all religious people.

The most revealing information to emerge within the last few days has been provided by the Philippine Ambassador in Korea, Ambassador Ernesto Gidya. Mr. Verceles has persistently relied upon a report which he claims he received from the Embassy in Seoul to support his defamatory statements about the Blessing ceremony. However in an interview with a reporter from The Segye Times on February 9, Ambassador Ernesto Gidya said: "Among the Filipinas who participated in the International Holy Blessing, I have never sent a report to my country saying that there were any prostitutes." He continued: "We have surveyed more than 100 Filipinas now living in Korea after having participated in the International Holy Blessing and as a result we find that they are living in Unification Churches in various areas of Korea adjusting themselves to Korean culture by studying the Korean language and customs." In light of the Ambassador's statements, one can only wonder for how long the Filipino government will continue to require Commissioner Verceles' services. Unificationists ought to be prayerful and concerned about the perils posed to our community overseas. The open letter from Dr. Hendricks to President Ramos of the Philippines and the report from the Church in France published in this edition of UNEWS should therefore be read with great concern by us all.

Book Review - Gentle Persuasion

by Tom Bowers, Unification Theological Seminary Librarian

Aldrich, Joseph C. (1988) Gentle Persuasion: Creative Ways to Introduce Your Friends to Christ, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Press). $8.99 pp.237. To order call 1-800-933-7526.

Recently I was looking for books for the library in a used bookstore and I came a cross a gem that I want to share with you. We are constantly called upon to invite our "contacts" to something and I, at least, come up short most of the time. If you would like a good laugh and a kick in the pants, pick up this book. It's written from an evangelical Christian point of view with a focus on introducing friends to Christ. The insights the author presents and the principles he articulates can easily be applied to introducing friends to True Parents, the Principle or other meaningful experiences such as the Blessing.

The operative word is friends and the author admits that "it is easier to talk to a stranger than to build a friendship." (p. 154) He makes creating friendships and an important part of what he calls "life style evangelism". Reaching out to others, as he describes it, is not an event after which you go back to what you were doing. Rather reaching out calls for a strategy and he clearly has one. He says that without a strategy persuading people is like "throwing hamburger in a fan and hoping someone opens his mouth." (p. 18)

What Aldrich is articulating is consistent with the concepts of Home Church and Home Town and he presents advice and humor on the foundation of many successful years of applying the principles he offers to his readers. This book reminded me of how unexpected acts of kindness opens my heart to people and gave me many good ideas about how I can move the hearts of the people who are within my reach during many everyday life. In this spirit the second chapter is entitled: "Can You Bake a Cherry Pie?"

Most book reviews are about recent publications. I am not writing this to announce a new book. I am writing it to say that I think that many members of our Unification family would enjoy it and find it useful.

February 1996

Unsuspected Cause Of Many Illnesses

I still remember the face of the middle-aged gentleman as he stood before me with a face full of excitement. His eyes were so big as he told me what had happened to him just the day before. I had known this man for quite some time. He was suffering from myasthenia gravis, a condition marked by muscular weakness and progressive fatigue, for many years. Even so, he had managed to build a successful business. A few months earlier he had finally decided to start my Internal Cleansing Program since nothing else seemed to give him any relief from his health problem. Now, there he stood, telling me how the day before he had passed, what he described as thousands of small, seed like parasites. What's more important though, this was the first big event that signaled his victory over his long time sickness.

Since that time I have encountered testimonies from many people in books and articles saying the same thing. They all overcame a variety of health problems when they were able to free themselves from parasites in their body.

Do you experience gas, constipation or diarrhea? Do you suffer from food sensitivities? Do you have allergic reactions and don't know why? Do you have weight management problems-you can't gain or lose weight? Or do you simply sense that something is not quite right with you but you just can't figure out the cause-and neither can your physician? If so, take steps now to rid yourself of intestinal parasites.

Over the last six months I have shared with you the reasons for so many of our nation's health problems. I showed you how properly combining foods for optimal digestion and cleansing your intestinal system, together with cleansing your circulatory and lymph system, can make a huge difference in the way your body functions, the way you feel and the energy you have. In addition, you can avoid many of the so called unavoidable health problems of getting older.

Infestation by intestinal parasites may be one reason why your health is not what it should be. Let's look into this rather unusual subject area of parasites. When you hear the word parasites, chances are that you think about a poor nation in the developing world. Statistics, however, prove that worms are a health hazard, not only in third world countries, but equally as much in the developed world.

"We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States-it's just not being identified," says Peter Weina, Ph.D., Chief of Pathobiology at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. A huge problem is the fact that correctly diagnosing parasite infestation is quite difficult due to the fact that parasitic infections can mimic a number of well known health problems.

According to the American Medical Association, physicians correctly diagnose a disease 16% of the time-that's one out of six! A `scientific' laboratory, (Medical University) will diagnose correctly almost 50% of the time-or one out of two. Indeed, a physician might not be likely to connect an illness to a person's predilection for hot dogs, pork, or playing with pets.

As a known cause of weight problems, the worms are being well fed, while the body is only getting calories, water and a fraction of the nutrients, according to Dr. Donald W. Kelley.

The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta warned about the rise of fish tapeworm in America. We eat meat and fish not thoroughly cooked. The diseases are often transmitted by domestic animals. We hug and kiss and sleep with our pets. We handle the dirt in which their contaminated feces is deposited.

In one case, a seven-year-old boy had picked up a worm infestation from his pets. He slept with his animals. He suffered from constant fatigue, was bloated, and had a problem focusing in the sunlight. One specialist suggested leukemia. The animals were kept out of his bed and an intestinal cleansing conducted. In one week the boy was out playing and appeared normal.

Worms overlooked

"Often, the problem is simply overlooked," says nutritionist Ann Gittleman, MS, formerly director of nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center and also staff nutritionist at New York's Bellevue Hospital and the Yale Hill Health Center in New Haven, Connecticut.

"Tapeworms can grow to 50 feet long. You are not only feeding a monster within you but also absorbing the toxicity of its waste products. The most famous tapeworm of recent years belonged to the late opera singer Maria Callas. She had a serious weight and skin problem. When the tapeworm was detected and removed, her weight dropped, her skin improved and her temperament mellowed," said Gittleman.

"Once the intestines are cleansed and the worms and eggs eliminated," she added, "many of the symptoms disappear."

I introduced my Parasite Package in 1990. It consists of two bottles: DIAMIN (which shreds the clinging worms) and DC#1 (which flushes them out). Take these two supplements for one month and you may experience a significant improvement in your overall health. Why one month? The gestation length for Mrs. Worm is about 22 days. Thousands of babies every 22 days, plus all their excreting piles up into problems. That's why we should not miss one day of the simple 30-day program. This program is even more effective if you are already participating in my Internal Cleansing Program. Many parasites become embedded in the intestinal wall, and no amount of DIAMIN or medication can reach them until the mucus and encrusted waste matter overlying the worms are softened and removed.

Knowing farmers have been using diatomaceous earth for years to stay on top of parasitic infestation with their farm animals. They simply mix this natural mineral-laden, soft rock phosphate with meals to avoid parasite problems. So if you are in contact with animals or frequently dine out, I would advise that you make efforts to remove unwanted intestinal parasitic hosts by taking the parasite package more frequently. In recent years many Unificationists have traveled more extensively to developing nations in Latin and South America, Africa and Asia. Picking up parasites through the food and especially the water is rather easy on such trips.

This treatment will do you no harm, even if you feel that you don't have a parasite problem, on the other hand, when one considers the hardships quite a few people experience because of parasite infestation, it is quite amazing how quick, easy and cost effective the solution to the problem can be.

True Family Values and the American Political Debate

Unificationists believe that if all families were true families, this world would be a world of goodness and joy. Is this the same empty truism as, "if every person were perfect, this would be a happy world"? It is not, because the concept of a perfect person does not contain a clue as to how one becomes perfect, nor how personal perfection translates into social good.

On the other hand, the concept of the true family does contain the means of its own accomplishment, as well as the method by which its perfection translates into the creation of a society, nation and world of good. The basic point is that of "expansion." An individual cannot, of his own capacity, expand his perfection to others. The best that can be done is to create institutions which perpetuate the teachings or methods of a very unique individual. This is limited, in that there are only a few individuals of such quality in the history of the human race. Second, the institution is a partial transmission at best of the golden individual's perfection. Religions are a good example here. Don't even bring up businesses or kingdoms.

Families, on the other hand, contain the principle of expansion. And they are available to everyone. The perfection of every man and woman, which is achieved in the act of marriage, is transmitted by power of God and the universe to others the child. This is the most important distinction between a family and an individual (or set of individuals). And it is the most important definition of "family." This rules out of court social constructions such as same-sex parents or single-parent households. Such anomalies cannot expand. They have no such connection to the power of God or the universe.

First allow me a moment with the assertion that if all families were true families, this world would be a world of goodness and joy. I'll be as practical and empirical as I can.

Solution to crime: Research shows that criminals are bred by broken homes, in particular where grandparents are not present. Happy families breed law-abiding citizens.

Solution to mental illness: Along the same lines, mental illness is bred by broken homes, in particular where grandparents are not present. Happy families breed sane, balanced people. Divorces breed children likely to divorce.

Solution to the economy: Two-parent families do far better economically than one-parent families and divorced people. The extended family is the environment for small-scale entrepreneurship. Small-scale entrepreneurship leads to large scale creation of wealth.

Solution to cultural decay: Good families create their own culture of family love. True parents do not enjoy decadent cultural products, nor do their children. In fact, they abhor them as more destructive than poison or lead-based paint. (If we spent the money and energy getting rid of sex-garbage TV that we do on getting rid of lead-based paint in our homes, the brains of our kids would be far better off.)

Solution to drug abuse, alcoholism: Same point as that of mental illness: healthy family life ends drug and alcohol abuse.

Solution to the government: Strong families do not require welfare. A society without welfare requires less government. A society without criminals and adulterers requires less government. Strong families create healthy communities which work for the benefit of the state and nation.

Solution to foreign affairs: As the family lives for the community, and community for the nation, the national leaders will guide the nation to live for the world, bringing world peace.

Solution to religious and racial strife: Good families live for the sake of other families, regardless of race or religion. This is because true family values transcend race and religion and culture. We've long known that children everywhere are the same. We should realize that husband and wives and parents and grandparents are the same everywhere in the world.

Solution to the environment: Good families consume, wisely, products which are good for children. Good families value the environment above financial profit. Good families create good homes and gardens, creating a park-like environment in their own community. Good families do not litter; they respect cleanliness as next to godliness. (NB: when we gave up godliness, we lost cleanliness in the bargain.)

Solution to AIDS: Good families practice sexual purity. AIDS is wiped out forever. So is abortion and illegitimacy.

Does it sound utopian? I believe that each of those assertions can be supported through scientifically-based research. The weakest (to my knowledge) is the connection between the family and the environment. But if not self-evident, I believe it is at least consistent with common-sense.

How the does the true family contain the means of its own accomplishment, as well as the power to create a society, nation and world of good? It does so because all fundamental human desires are satisfied in the family and only in the family. Note that by "family," I mean the biologically-based unit of three generations with grandparents and parents intact (barring death), not socially- constructed groupings of inter-generational roommates.

The fundamental human desire is to give and receive love, several kinds of love, all of which are available in a context of trust, purity, immediacy and necessity within the family. The baby receives parental love and grandparental love, of the masculine and feminine types. As the child grows, the depth and content of that parental and grandparental love develops appropriately, as it differentiates between the male and female child, and between the elders and youngers among the children. Receiving it in the family, no one will go "looking for love in all the wrong places."

Everything I stated about the child receiving love can be reversed to point out that the parents' and grandparents' desire, nature and responsibility to give love is fulfilled in the family. Of course, there will be those exceptional individuals whose capacity to give parental or grandparental love embraces groups larger than their own family, such as a business (employer), a team (manager, conductor), a club (president), a community (mayor), a state (governor), nation (king) and so forth. This is as it should be, but the parental and grandparental love within the family is the root and model for these expansions of parental love.

The illustrations of various types of love can be multiplied, but the point is made. The true family is the perfect social unit; there is nothing which can surpass or replace it.

The next question was, how does the true family contain the means of its own accomplishment? The answer is that the true family creates persons of true love, and persons of true love, in turn, create true families. Thus, once a true family is established, it will naturally expand and replenish both itself and everything around it. Then, one might ask, which comes first, the individual or the family?

The question is not right. What comes first is something prior to both the individual and family, and that is the Creator, God, and prior even to God there was True Love itself. True Love has within itself a logic of its own essence and existence: to sacrificially give all within oneself in order to create and then unite with the object, and then move to a greater dimension and repeat the process. God found the way to substantialize True Love, and expand it, through His children.

To do so, at the beginning God had an idea, or Word (logos). The logos was the idea of the substantial perfection of love through the perfection of human/divine love in the true marriage and family. The very idea of the "the subject partner of true love" holds within itself the idea of the perfect "object partner of true love" which can receive, respond with beauty, and return the love it received with interest. In turn, the idea of a true love object partner obviously includes the idea of the true love subject partner, an origin or source. Finally, the idea of a male and female giver, receiver and returner of true love holds within itself the idea of the greater whole which is created anew through their unity in love. And here is the miracle of God's power: the greater whole becomes itself a new substantial being: the child. Thus concept of the individual and family cannot be separated; they exist simultaneously together within the logic of true love.

The position of children introduces another crucial category: growth and responsibility. By understanding this, we can understand how history begins (and how it must begin again).

To implant true love into history, we do start with the individual. History did not start with a family; it started with two individuals who were children, Adam and Eve, with God as their Parent, the angelic world as their spiritual environment, and the physical world as their physical environment. Adam and Eve as children had to perfect the process of growth by their own responsibility. They were to perfect themselves as people of true love, inheriting God's love, life and lineage, and create a family. In so doing they were cooperating with God in their own self-creation or self-perfection. Otherwise you could not say there was any new, entity of a self to give and receive and increase by returning love; no subject, no object; hence, no true love.

Also, by co-creating their own perfection, Adam and Eve would have been able to stand as God's representatives, God's body in perfect freedom, and as Lords of the creation. But Adam and Eve fell. Their fall was no small matter; they became monsters, misbegotten beings of false love, who gave birth the creatures the likes of which God never intended to exist. That's us, folks; that's us. Am I harsh? This truth as harsh as the distance between the world's reality and the ideal for which we long is great. It is as harsh as the size of the reader's doubt that the ideal can be accomplished.

So we have jumped from practical strategies to theological beliefs. True love connects God and the world, through the true family. Everything must be connected, for we are people who long for the greatest in life" the life of true love.