International Relief Friendship Foundation - Long Distance Child Sponsorship Scheme in Kiev, Ukraine and St. Petersburg, Russia

by Chris D. Hays-London, UK

In launching our child sponsorship scheme with the buildup from May & June 1995, IRFF has cast the net much wider, making new partnerships and new joint-ventures in the former Soviet Union, and at home here in Britain. Leaving just enough room in our scheme buildup to be surprised, we have achieved a 28% increase in our service delivery output over 1994.

When you become a sponsor of an orphaned child, in either Kiev, Ukraine or St. Petersburg, Russia, IRFF-UK will provide you with a photograph and details of the child's personal background together with a comprehensive description of the institution the child is living in and the school he/she attends.

For the Long Distance Child, sponsorship means the provision of nutrition for the child, primary health care and the opportunity for better education, with an improvement in the family's living conditions, by way of your regular contributions.

To lift families out of poverty, every child placed on the scheme will be linked to a project where he/she can become, in due course, self- reliant. Towards this end, a St. Petersburg bank has registered on the scheme to provide self-help loans to qualifying families.

When IRFF-UK receives your first month's or first quarter's payment, we assign from a pool of 395 children, an orphaned child, aged range 1 to 9 years old. You are given a sponsorship account, account number and all your payment will be recorded in an official manner. Monthly, a transfer of all funds from all client accounts is made to the St. Petersburg bank, for the institution there, and also forwarded to Kiev, for the orphanage there. The child's progress will be reported to you quarterly, by the partners of the scheme, The Red Cross, IRFF U.K., and Assoc. of British Health-Care.

This is so that you know how your child is getting on. Your letters, postcards and magazines/books may be exchanged with your sponsored child through our scheme field office, Wembley Park. There, materials will be translated and forwarded, as needed.

Sometimes, sponsors might like to send an extra-special wish to the child, their family or the project of work, at the institution. Gifts should be sent in the form of money to IRFF U.K., which will pass on 100% of your gift with your instructions-though it is normal practice to pool gifts so that no one child is left out, in orphanages.

The name of the institutions where your child will be drawn are:

* The School for Life, St. Petersburg, Russia, and

* The Kiev Children's Foundation, Kiev, Ukraine.

Solution-oriented feedback is crucial for the Long Distance Child Sponsorship Scheme to work, and towards this end the maintenance of resource procurement is vital. If your contribution is in-kind, over the counter medicines, health care supplies or non-perishable foodstuffs, then you can sponsor a child this way, as well. All logistics will be handled by the joint-partners in the scheme, including the Red Cross's forward team in Kiev, Ukraine. What the former Soviet Union needs: bedding, blankets, milk powder, cotton wool, plasters ("bandaids"), pasta, rice, flour, cleaning disinfectant, antiseptics, etc.

Help Poor People to Help Themselves: Ten pounds or twenty dollars a month can be stretched much further for those truly in need.

Contact: Chris D. Hays on 01426 659 553 (pager).

International Family Picnic Held in S. Calif.

by Stan and Caroline Paczynski-Downey, CA

The WFWP of the Mid-Cities organized on Sunday, May 28, 1995 an international family picnic at the home of Stan and Caroline Paczynski in Downey, CA at 3pm.

The idea came from noticing the variety of ethnic groups right in our immediate neighborhood. So neighbors, friends, brothers and sisters of the Mid-Cities and everyone directly and indirectly involved in making this event were invited, including our Southern Calif. WFWP chairwoman, Mrs. Sheri Reuter. We sent out over 30 invitations. Twenty-one families attended the picnic, 14 nations were represented: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Iran, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Ukraine, Vietnam, and of course our U.S.A.

The support and help of our neighbors and our brothers and sisters was incredible. From neighbors we received picnic tables with umbrellas and large picnic tables to set up the food. Participants brought special dishes from their country of origin, and there was plenty. All the ladies wore a white carnation corsage as a symbol for peace. Mr. John Holmes and Mr. Antonio Tangretti entertained us with beautiful music while we ate.

Around 4:20pm we started our program. Mrs. Caroline Paczynski was our MC. We opened with a short presentation on the WFWP by our chairwoman of the Mid-Cities, Mrs. Katrin McCarty. She explained the foundation, purpose and commitment of the organization.

After that, the representatives of 12 different countries made a presentation by singing or dancing or sharing something particular about their country. It was altogether interesting and entertaining, and truly opened the participants' hearts and minds to these countries. Result: we really felt like one family of brothers and sisters. We felt God's love with us.

The closing remarks were made by Caroline Paczynski. Each country represented was called out. All the participants representing their country received a round of applause from everyone present. After a short, inspiring speech, we closed with the song, "Let there be peace on earth."

We also had a lot of children present. They had much fun. In fact, most of them watched the program and particularly the puppet show performed by one neighbor's family to represent the U.S.A.

It was truly a memorable experience for everyone.

Thank you for everyone's support.

ICC Veteran Hits the Road Again

by Dan Fefferman

Rev. Levy Daugherty, who taught seminars and led international tours for thousands of Christian ministers during the 1980s, hit the road again last month to bring the message of Blessing `95 to clergy throughout the nation.

Rev. Daugherty's primary audience is ministers who participated in the International Conferences for Clergy (ICC) during the period of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's unjust conviction in a US court and his tragic incarceration in Danbury Prison. Churches throughout the nation, including the National Council of Churches, strongly protested the conviction.

"These ministers stood with Father during his time of trial," said Rev. Daugherty, of Norfolk, Virginia, "and now he and Mother Moon are extending their hands to them in blessing."

Blessing `95 marks the first time that the Blessing, which is the most sacred ceremony in Unification Church tradition, has been opened to members of other churches in large numbers. The ceremony is believed to confer God's special blessing of love on couples and their future descendants. Until 1992, it was open to Unification Church members only.

"Today God has opened wide the gates of the Blessing," continued Rev. Daugherty, "and Rev. Moon especially want those who supported him during the Danbury episode to be among the first the receive it."

"Many of these ministers came to Korea, studied the Principle and cried out to God with us at the Rock of Tears. For many of them, the Rock of Tears was a life-changing experience. Those memories are embedded deeply in their hearts and minds."

The Rock of Tears is a place of pilgrimage for Unificationists, where Rev. Moon spent many long hours in tearful prayer as a young man. Groups of ministers climbed the hill on which the rock sits in order to participate in a prayer vigil as part of the ICC conferences which Rev. Daugherty helped lead.

"These ministers understand Rev. Moon's heart and experience," said Rev. Daugherty. "When I explain the Blessing and tell them that the way is open for them, they get really excited, even to the point of shedding tears in gratitude."

"Last night in Mobile," he said in phone interview, "twelve ministers came, and every one of them signed up to attend the Blessing. The previous night in Miami, we had about 35 ministers attend."

The current whirlwind tour will take Levy Daugherty to more than 25 cities in July and August, spending just one evening in each city.

"Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I'm not sure what state I'm in," Levy jokes. "But this is a new era, and God is providing lots of extra energy. As the old spiritual says: `I Don't Feel Noways Tired!"

Hometown Blessing Workshops - Just Do It!!

by Edy Iversen-Palm Coast, FL

From Kevin Costner's movie Field of Dreams came the famous line, "If you build it, they will come." Even though that poor farm family had no money, and almost no hope, God gave them a dream and they determined to do it. Even though no one else believed, they believed, and their dream became reality, and other people began to see the dream, too.

When our inspired city leader of Jacksonville, Richard Sapp, came back from hearing Father's directions about the blessing, he determined to have a blessing workshop. He and Lenny Thiesen started a Bible study and began praying how to do it. When Richard called me and said he already rented a hotel room for the workshop with absolutely no prospects in sight, I thought he was crazy. But because he was willing to take responsibility to unite with Father's direction, I was determined to support him, even though the workshop was far away. He printed up some simple fliers and got the black and white slide presentation from CARP.

When he sent me the fliers, I couldn't imagine whom I would invite, so I just started praying and asking God to help me find the prepared people. I took the fliers in my car and visited all my good contacts and even invited people I had just met, and parents of members who lived in the area. I tried not to have any concepts about whether or not people could come, but just tried to unite with Father's direction, as I knew this was a different time in history now and maybe we could reap the fruit of all of Father's indemnity.

For the first workshop, God sent me three people to bring; we also had a handful of members' parents who came to hear Divine Principle. I felt it was just the beginning, but if we continued on, God would send more people. For our second workshop, I was able to bring one guest, and I felt it was our growth period experience. Finally, for the third workshop, I decided to have it in my home where we could create a beautiful spiritual atmosphere. I called everybody I knew, my neighbors, friends, former Church members, contacts, parents of members and all the Church centers within a 3-hour radius. The response was great. This time we had a total of nine guests and nine members, who were as diverse as the whole world, coming from as far away as Tampa. Some of the members had been trying to witness to their families for years and were finally able to bring them to the workshop.

Richard gave the color slide presentation on the Principles of Creation and the spiritual world, and Lenny explained briefly about the fall of man and why we need and value True Parents. Then we showed the Blessing film and actually passed out applications for the Blessing. We tried to unite with the programs that Dr. Baughman and Dan Fefferman are doing in New York (see May's U News).

It was a great experience for all of us, because it broke down our concepts and fears and made us realize that if we were willing to take responsibility to unite with Father's direction, God would work. We are hoping that through our efforts and continued follow-up and workshops, we will be able to fulfill our responsibilities in bringing people to the blessing.

If you are thinking about having a workshop in your home and do not know where to begin, here are some helpful hints:

1. Just do it! Determine a date and then begin to pray. God will guide you about who is prepared and things will begin to happen.

2. Print up bright fliers. If you need a sample, you can call us-or call headquarters for what they are doing in New York.

3. Find a good lecturer who can give Divine Principle lecturers. Even if the best one is three hours away, invite them or get the color slides from CARP and read from the script yourself (that's all we did!).

4. Don't have any concepts! People who never would have come ten years ago, might be viable candidates now. Ask all those you have loved and served in the past. Your parents, neighbors, CAUSA and United to Serve America contacts, brothers and sisters of Church members, pastors, etc. Father said he will be able to bless whole churches at this time. One missionary couple recently called from Guam and asked me to visit their parents, and they came to the Blessing workshop!

5. Have faith! Many of us have had tremendous disappointments and hurts in the past, witnessing and pouring out our hearts to people, and having been crushed so many times. God knows our hearts. This is truly a different time in history where we can reap all the fruits of our past suffering. People in the fallen world realize that without God, love does not work. Many ex-church members want to come back. Try to contact those you have known in the past.

6. Follow-up. We must continue to love and follow up on each person we bring, trying to get them to understand more deeply about Father and Divine Principle. They do not need to change their religion but merely understand the concept of True Parents and recognize who our Father is.

7. Hurry up! Time is of the essence. The blessing is Aug. 24, just weeks away. Don't wait for others to organize a workshop. Have one yourself in your own home. Even if you only have one guest and struggle to teach the Divine Principle yourself, God will work through your desire and heart.

If we give 100% of our heart and prayer, God will work to help us. Father wants to give the world the Blessing-that is why he came to this earth! Let us work together to make Father's dream a reality.

High Crimes And Spies

All of us have encountered crime. And we've read about "high crimes" amongst the leaders and elite of our society. We've also read news reports about "spies" infiltrating our nation. An investigative reporter "commits suicide" in West Virginia, just after warning friends that he was close to uncovering a major government-corruption scandal. International smuggler's ships boldly sail into our major harbors, unloading their human cargo into a future of virtual enslavement. We read "extremist's" allegations of Vietnam War heroin- trading fortunes, and wonder why some of our POW's may have been left to rot.

There are several basic kinds of "sins" and "fallen natures." Often they are subtle, manifesting as deeprooted pride and selfishness. In this article we will look at one very apparent aspect of these. (See "Self Interested" for a broader view.)

Crime and enmity are among their most egregious manifestations. When unchecked by conscience or social constraints, they result in crime. On a larger scale, divisions of many kinds result in national suspicions and hostilities.

We can read history books about outrageous corruption and betrayal in such places as revolutionary China. (Read "The Soong Dynasty " by Stirling Seagrave) And today we read of places such as war-ravaged Bosnia and Somalia. Of powerful local "warlords" cutting deals, shifting loyalties, and generally profiting from the worst of human misery.

We are also saddened and dismayed by awful "street level" crimes, which fill the headlines-- and our lives. In New York, the "Long Island Railway" shooting. In California, the "101 California" shooting and the Polly Klaas case. Public anger and concern have reached tremendous levels. Hopefully, there will now be a move toward genuine solutions. Neither blind retribution, nor "airheaded" liberal government programs.

Our "local police" fight against the violent criminals that plague our everyday lives. They need all the support they can get! Sometimes they become corrupt themselves, as a recent New York City case publicized. The "crime bosses" add millions of tempting dollars to this mix, unfortunately. Still, most all police do their best. And the public is inspired by the "Untouchables" of past and present times.

The FBI, DEA and other national outfits fight the "high level" criminals. The smugglers of drugs, illegal goods-- and immigrants. This is the infamous world of fast boats and palatial villas. They usually do a very good job indeed. Yet sometimes they go horribly wrong, as with the Weaver case in Idaho, or in Waco (America's own Tianenman Square??). These agents have the same temptations and triumphs as the local police-- only larger.

Our CIA, National Security Agency and others watch for spies from other nations. They attempt to discover the plans and capabilities of other nations and powers. They also work against terrorists and enemy agents who threaten our society from without. Again, they usually do a very professional job.

Sometimes they really "drop the ball," as in the case of Sergeant Jack Dunlap, who drove his "KGB money" sports car to work -to the NSA parking lot- every day for weeks! (Strikingly similar to the recent, but worse, Ames/CIA case. For him it was years.) However, their greatest successes, by the very nature of their work, cannot be revealed.

We can learn a great deal from books on these subjects. For example, George Washington himself was a successful spymaster. He had the British generals running to and from nonexistant armies! He even used his own secret code, written with invisible ink. (Read Spies of the Revolution by Katherine and John Bakeless.) World War Two has filled entire libraries with its espionage exploits. Such as the "Ultra Secret"; reading the "unbreakable" German codes-- with the very first electronic computer. And Churchill allowing the destruction of Coventry, to avoid "tipping off" the Germans.

There are several entire fiction genres based upon these subjects. Unfortunately, "modern" publishing encourages some rather graphic writing, far too explicit for many people's standards. Often, the authors do have "inside" knowledge. Such as Ian Fleming, the ex-spy who wrote the James Bond books. Others have tales "too hot to tell," and so couch their revelations in fiction. Such stories include the fate of the huge war booty found in Occupied Germany and Japan. And the (by now) very high level people who proved to have "sticky fingers" . . .

Various societies define crime quite differently. Many countries will execute a "drug dealer," while others merely "wink at" his actions. All nations outlaw murder, and yet -even today- there are "macho" countries where a man can kill his wife, and "explain" his justification to the (male) Judge-- and get that same "wink"... The United States allows "American Nazi" and "Revolutionary Communist" Parties to operate freely. While Singapore bans many organizations, and even outlaws "gum chewing!" And North Korea still outlaws everything not specifically allowed by the authorities.

America is again engaged in a "war on crime," especially since the heartrending cases mentioned earlier. But, this has taken some odd twists and turns. To (supposedly) stop the spread of AIDS, free needles are given out to (otherwise criminal) drug users. While, cigarettes are banned in many jails-- and their price has risen as high as $200 a pack! Dozens of guards have themselves been arrested for smuggling them in, since these bans. Gun laws are a perennial "hot issue" Yet, few people look for the causes that actually lead to these addictions in the first place. There is much speculation, but too little in the way of the true "spiritual" answers.

Many people look for the causes of "high crimes" and "national enmities" in Conspiracy Theories. (Watch the film "JFK" for an overdose of these!) These supposed conspiracies span centuries-- and the globe. They are allegedly carried out, depending on whom you ask, by a great number of organizations. Strangly, those which are not exactly friendly with each other, in point of fact. Such as: the Vatican and the Masons, or the Mormons and the Marxists, or the Satanists and the CIA.

Obviously, this gets rather absurd. There are dedicated "utopian socialists," violent "revolutionary crusaders," and greedy "backstabbing bankers" in ALL nations, and they've worked their wiles where ever they could. One could just as easily posit a huge Master Conspiracy, say, the "Frumpine Menace." Peg the Frumpines with the murder of JFK-- and of Lincoln. Blame them for the Great Depression-- and the World Wars. "Hey, how would you ever find out?", asks the conspiracy buff. "The Frumpines write the history books, and own the presses, you know! They 'eliminate' those who stand in their way!! They want you to call me a 'crackpot' because killing me isn't worth it. I have proof. Old documents and diaries, which I liberally quote. Can you look at them? Heck no! THEY have already tried to steal them, twice! " Again, this gets silly after a while. The real conspirator is Satan, and all the greedy and criminal people who do his will-- whether they realize it or not.

The city of Las Vegas is the "fast buck" capital of America. Every sort of scam and scheme is hatched and spread there; often by phone and computer, these days. However, the "friendly con" capitol lies to the north; Salt Lake City. The hardworking Mormon's wealth is, too often, taken away by "wolves in sheep's clothing." False "Saints" whom they are naturally inclined to respect and trust. (Author's note: Having lived in those cities, I report what I've learned there.) Unfortunately, in the past our Unification Movement has also been hoodwinked, both by "great offers" and by "fake members" (As recounted in "Inquisition") The Unification movement has also had its experiences with "spies," especially in France. Sometimes during sermons, Rev. Moon has "addressed the spies," asking them to "tell your masters" some message. Several years ago, the CIA, in the U.S. Supreme Court, fought off our "Freedom of Information Act" request that would have revealed some of their names.

Sometimes, the government itself becomes the enemy. The best-known case, both morally and historically, is Nazi occupied Europe. Where the "Resistance" had to violate the occupier's "laws" in order to oppose and hamper the enemy. They faced terrible choices, such as assasinating "The Hangman" Heydrich even though an entire village was massacred in retribution. Christians were haunted by these moral dilemmas-- and the imperative to oppose evil. (Read "Christian Witness in the Resistance." By the World's Student Christian Federation, Geneva, April 1947.) Things were heroic, which would have been immoral, if not criminal in ordinary times. Also check out TV's "Deep Space Nine," which has explored these themes well.

Already mentioned are unfortunate cases where the U.S. government became an "enemy," but fortunately these are isolated incidents-- that in no way compare to Occupied Europe. It is still possible to "work through the system" here, although many doubt it nowadays.

The Unification movement has chosen not to directly oppose the criminals and spies that plague our nation and world. We do support local police through a number of community projects. And the publications we've founded, such as the Segye Ilbo and the Washington Times, have already done much to expose corruption and other "high crimes." However, the "big guys" of crime can be ruthless and deadly, and we're not "meeting them head on" at this time.

These people prey upon people's fallen nature, through gambling, prostitution, drugs, etc. They also divide and exploit people through extortion, gang warfare, etc. And they try to corrupt law enforcement, politicians, etc. The Unification movement, through teaching the clear morals and ideals of the Divine Principle, can and does help "immunize" people against these evil influences.

Also, through VOC, we help in hampering spies, who use these same methods, as well as mis-directed idealism. This was recognized long ago by several national governments, who -fortunately for them- permitted these VOC teachings. Oddly enough, even "ordinary" criminals can enlist in such nation-saving causes!! As when the Sicilian Mafia helped the U.S. Army in its World War Two liberation of Italy. Things are not always as "black and white" as we'd like!

In the future, how should governments deal with Crimes and Spies? In Abel-type nations like America, citizens enjoy "freedom, rights and privacy." And these must always be defended! Yet, criminals and spies must not be allowed to hide-- they must be exposed!! In Orwell's famous 1984, the government watched everybody, all the time Some countries are trying to do that, even now . . .Yet, "who watches the watchers?" In Romania, their liberation exposed increadable debauchery and corruption among their "elites," including the Security Forces. Only with "true heart" could government be really trusted with its powers.

What of the hardened "street criminals?" Right now lawmakers are working on "Three Strikes and You're Out" laws, to keep repeat violent felons behind bars forever. There have been several scientific breakthroughs on the "causes of criminality." Rev. Moon mentions the sheer importance of "having both parents there, or at least the grandparents." In Russia we have begun "prison workshops."

Certainly, the widespread teaching of Divine Principle will cause a huge drop in crime and national enmity. Also, the growth of "Home Town" and "Tribal Messiahship" will build better and stronger families and neighborhoods. Concerned neighbors -with "true heart," not gossip- will surely be a healing influence. And involved Pastors can do what Policemen cannot; preventing troubles early on- giving the police less to do!

In popular fiction, such as in "Star Trek" we've seen "infallable cures" for criminals and social deviants. BUT -you guessed it- the "deviants" were hardly that . . . It was more like "deprogramming," in the hands of government! Clearly, we must do all humanly -and divinely- possible "rehabilitation." And the "incorrigible" holdouts? Exile? In fiction there are even "exile planets."

In the evolving Kingdom, under Principle, most "details" could be left to the good conscience of the citizens-- most laws would be obsolete. Yet there might be "moral" crimes, mainly involving the illicit sex that today is still "winked at." Would this be the concern of family, church, or state?? Even far in the future, the people concerned would always have to be vigilant, and prepared to handle any such errors, accidents, or "throwback" crimes.

In Unification history, it is told that "angels reported to Father" when he was isolated in Hung Nam prison. No electronic "bug" could possibly outdo an Angel!! Ultimately, God sees everything, no matter how well hidden. In The Way of Tradition it says that "Godly people will feel God's feeling, toward a stranger." Therefore, any future criminal wouldn't get very far! Finally, Divine Principle states that, in the Kingdom, crime would be impossible because "all would feel that pain."

So in conclusion, we find the Unification movement working in stages. Teaching Principle to strengthen people and societies, and VOC to help Abel-type governments. Assisting local police-- and perhaps the bigger agencies also. Finally, confronting criminals head-on, and helping all those who will accept it, leaving the incorrigables for the "state" to handle. None of this is, or will be easy, but it is the clear path to the Peaceable Kingdom.

(c) by Paul Carlson

Guidelines to Authors

Much of the content of the Unification News consists of unsolicited material from our world-wide readership. This is just as well since the newspaper has the minimum of staffing, and we just cannot keep up with all that is happening.

In case you might suspect that you are called to write something for the Unification community, we have created these guidelines to encourage you into action.



Any event you participated in that is of interest and significance to the Unification community. Your own interpretation of the events should be indicated (To my mind, this shows that ") as well as quoting authorities (Senator Helms has gone on record saying that ").

Photos are really helpful in making news reports come alive.

Write a snappy headline. Two lines are OK.

Include your byline, your name and city/state (or country) which you are reporting from.


Know your place is a helpful admonition in writing about how you think things really are. Realize there are probably limits to your wisdom and omniscience and write about things other people can accept you as an authority on. Running the Providence is probably not one of these things-certain exceptions obviously are exceptions.

If you need the support of "Father says "", please use a literature reference. "In the notes I took during Father's speech after Carnegie Hall "" is occasionally an acceptable substitute. "I remember he said "" is not appropriate if you are trying to make a substantial point.

Illustrations or a simple chart can help make the article attractive.

Write a catchy headline that encapsulates your article along with your name and city/state which you are reporting from.


Short and evocative is the maxim here. Without meaning to demean the discipline, poetry usually ends up as filler-poetry tends to find a home on a page when everything else planned for that page has some room left over. Just the right space for your poem has to remain and, as our planning is not too inaccurate, these spaces tend to be small.

Multiple submissions are fine if they are good-Dr. Hendricks is a ruthless critic of the poetic arts.

In Memoriam

We rely on our readers to supply a testimonial to a member of our community who has passed on to spirit world. Photos are really appreciated here and we always return them.


Photographs and illustrations greatly enhance the appeal of an article. In a pinch, buy a one-time-use camera; they are only about $10.

Photos will be returned to you.

No negatives, please. 8" x 10" max.

Write short captions for those photos that need them.


In general order of preference, your submission can be:

* computer floppy disc, Mac or IBM 3.5 or 5". Formats: Word 5.x or 6.x, WordPerfect 5.x (not 6!) or lower. ASCII or unformatted plain text. Contact the office if you want to send in computer graphics files. A layer of aluminum foil wrapped around the disc seems to prevent any problems in the mail. Include a printout in case of problems.

* Over the Internet either as an e-mail containing the article or as an attached file (America Online subscribers only). Photos and illustrations must be sent by regular "snail" mail, however. Contact the office if you want to send in computer graphics files over the Internet.

* Typed or neatly-handwritten manuscript.

* Fax in the manuscript. Use a largish font as faxes can have poor resolution. Photos and illustrations must be sent by regular mail.


An example of a submission that it would be a pleasure to receive is:

* a 3.5 IBM disc with a report of a children's summer camp written in WordPerfect 5.1

* a printout of the article

* a catchy headline, a byline with the name and city/state of the author

* contact information for finding out about next year's summer camp

* five evocative color snaps of the event: a group shot, two long shots and two close-ups.

Contact Information

Unification News
4 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
(212) 997-0050 x208
Fax: (212) 768-0791

Ginseng and Inner Cleansing

Mrs. Sung Bok Hsu

In the last two articles I explained why our eating and living habits make it imperative that we cleanse our digestive and eliminative systems. It has been said that we are what we eat, however it may be more appropriate to say that we are what we digest and assimilate, and this is the area of greatest concern. Since millions of Americans suffer from digestive and eliminative problems, this is rather easily understood. However, anything that goes wrong in those systems immediately also burdens the river of life in our body-the blood stream.

The small intestine is so constructed that nutrient absorption is most efficient. A large inner surface area is provided by the accordion like folds of the intestinal wall. Lining the wall are fingerlike structures called villi. They project into the interior of the small intestine from all directions where they pick up the small molecular particles of the broken down food. From there, the blood stream and the lymph system bring these food particles to the liver which in turn passes them on to all of the cells in the body.

However, together with nutrients we also pick up toxins, either already present in the food and water we consume, or created when bad eating habits lead to their development in our digestive and eliminative systems. At that stage, what can be done? This is one area where the power of ginseng becomes apparent. Americans have known about ginseng for quite some time now and many people drink it because it gives them more energy, it strengthens their immune system, and it increases their resistance to the effects of stress that take a huge toll on the mental and physical health of Americans.

What allows ginseng to do so many things? Again, it is interesting to compare ancient wisdom with modern research. Taoists say that ginseng has the strongest agility of any herb to absorb the energy from the earth. Modern research shows that ginseng contains up to 72 trace minerals, steroids similar to male and female hormones, vitamins, minerals, and volatile oils. Researchers have also noted that many plants regarded for their health value contain significant amounts of organic germanium. It is believed that germanium in the organic form assists the body in its transport of oxygen and the removal of heavy toxins. Korean ginseng contains more organic germanium than any other plant. The modern scientific method prefers to deal with isolated substances, but with complex food like ginseng, the interaction of the many elements creates a synergistic effect. Thus, the whole root demonstrated a greater impact than any one of its constituents.

One of the results of an unhealthy diet is the formation of high levels of uric acid in the blood. This uric acid is carried by the blood stream to the joints, forming crystals, thereby producing inflammation, swelling and a great deal of pain-arthritis. Ginseng has the power not only to remove toxins and heavy metals from the blood stream, but uric acid as well, producing much needed relief for arthritis sufferers. In addition, excess uric acid can lead to the leaching of calcium from our skeletal structure leading to osteoporosis, one of the most common illnesses of women after menopause.

With the proliferation of ginseng products-teas, capsules, candies, chewing gums, even cigarettes -quality control has become a big concern for many consumers. My personal test of ginseng products always involves observing their cleansing abilities. If the ginseng is true and potent, increased urination should begin right away. By urinating more often, you experience water weight-loss immediately, and that is a good result by itself. Remember, most of the poisons in your blood leave through the kidney-urine. If you are not urinating more, how are you going to release toxins from your blood?

True Panax ginseng is almost extinct in its wild form. Farming cultivated ginseng is very difficult. The roots require very exact conditions and mineral-rich soil. The best quality ginseng comes from six year old roots. During that time the roots extract all of the beneficial minerals from the soil to such a degree that no ginseng can be grown in that soil for a good many years.

Because of the difficulties involved in bringing six-year old mature roots on the market, shortcuts are being made by quite a few growers, saving money in the process but also offering substandard ginseng at a reduced price to the consumer. This is why it is so important to become an educated consumer. In addition, Panax ginseng's rarity has led to other plants being touted as ginseng. Thus you may find tienchi ginseng, pseudo ginseng, Siberian ginseng, and others. Though these may be healthy plants in their own right, they will not provide all of the benefits of authentic Panax ginseng. Only American ginseng, Panax quinquefolium, is closely related. One thing is for sure, you cannot get authentic, high quality Panax ginseng for a low price.

By now a pattern of true health care is beginning to emerge. All of the bodily systems are interconnected. Lack of balance and toxins in one system immediately affect the function of the others. The starting point for true preventive health care as well as rejuvenation of ourselves has to be proper eating habits, on the foundation of a clean, functionable, well-tuned body. I will explain a healthful eating and food combining plan in a future installment of this series. Before that, my next column will address the cleansing of our second circulatory system which is hardly ever thought of by most people-the lymph system.

May God Bless you and be well.

From Young Me Hwang's Kitchen

Quick & Delish-Decorated Fish

Serves 4-6

1-1 1/2 lbs Boneless fish fillets salt, pepper flour 3 eggs 1/2 tsp crushed garlic vegetable oil Green Vegetable Decoration

Whiting, haddock or similar firm-fleshed ocean fish can be purchased frozen. With sharp knife, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces while still frozen. Slice horizontally to obtain uniform thickness (1/4 inch) if necessary.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper. Place on paper towels to thaw. Salt will draw out excess moisture. Pat dry.

In shallow bowl gently beat 3 eggs with crushed garlic and a bit of salt.

Dredge each piece in flour first, then in egg mixture until completely coated.

Vegetable decoration: You will need one leaf for each piece of fish. Use Korean SUK GAHD ( ) if available.* Or use celery leaf, sprigs of fresh dill or marjoram, curly or flat-leaf parsley, or cilantro.

Heat oil in frying pan. Fry pieces on one side until golden brown. Use egg mixture to glue leaf decoration on top side of each piece. Then turn and cook lightly on other side.

Serve decorated fish as a side dish with steamed rice.

Decorated Spam!**

For variety, used canned Spam instead of fish. Each slice should be very thin, 1/6 inch. Cut into tidy squares, which can be handled easily with chopsticks. Dredge in flour first, then egg mixture. Do not add salt, as Spam is very salty. Decorate with green leaf as before. Fry on both sides.

This makes an excellent dish for breakfast or picnic lunch.

*SUK GAHD is the leaf of Crown Daisy, and is purchased in bunches in Korean food stores. In English it is known as mugwort and grows as a weed. However, the leaves picked in the neighbor's yard were tough and awful-tasting! When used as decoration, each leaf looks like a tiny Christmas tree.

**Historical note: Spam was brought to Korea by American soldiers. Consequently, a G.I. often became known as "Spam-man" by the local residents.

From Young Me Hwang's Kitchen

Egg Flower Soup

Serves 4-6 1/2 carrot 3 eggs 1/3 onion (yellow or white) salt 2 green onions 3 eggs 1 tsp crushed garlic 1/2 tsp sesame oil

Bring 1 1/2 quarts water to boil. Cut carrot into 2-inch long, extra fine matchstick shreds. Cut an equal amount of onion into fine shreds (not rings). Add to the boiling water. Add crushed garlic. Add salt to taste and cook 20-30 minutes until vegetables are soft. Taste. Adjust seasoning if necessary. If too salty, add more water.

Slice green onions very thin. Set aside. In small bowl, whip 3 eggs with chopsticks, then add eggs to boiling vegetable broth, stirring constantly, while eggs cook, about 1 minute. Turn off heat. If temperature is too hot or if cooked too long, eggs will become hard like rubber. If you do not stir constantly, eggs become ugly lumps.

Eggs should resemble petals of chrysanthemum, giving the soup its name. Add 1 tsp sesame oil. Now add sliced green onions as garnish, and serve. Beautiful!

contributed by Jonatha A. Johnson