Protector of Freedom

Hyung Jin Moon
June 24, 2012
5.5, HC, the 3rd year of Cheongi

Hyung Jin Moon -- July 20, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon -- July 20, 2012

Hello brothers and sisters. Today I'd like to speak on the topic, 'Protector of Freedom.' First let's look at the Gospel of John 8:31-32

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."


Jesus' words explained simply, that if we followed his teaching and followed that path we would come to know the truth, and through the truth, we would be set free.

For several months, I'd actually wanted to tell you a very important message, today's message. Among the things that I'd struggled much with, we Unificationists have repeated world history that has brought transition and changed the world. In the 1970s, True Father went to America and through the Principle, young people across the US, about 40,000 new members joined.

In about 1-2 years, an incredible revolution took place. The clear theology within the Divine Principle, clear answers about God, clear answers to what Christianity could not solve and about how the Lord of the Second Advent would come again -- many people at that time found great hope through the Principle.

Yet unfortunately as that period passed, we witnessed the providence being prolonged as, we were unable to realize the promise within the Principle, the prophesy of the Principle, and practice acts that would build the ideal world of freedom, the kingdom of heaven on earth. During the Cold War, Father accomplished great feats and we won the Cold War, fought communism and won; however, we were not able to clearly give the answer to what would happen in the future, following the Cold War.

Now more than 30 years have passed. The Foundation day is now approaching. It is coming quickly. I think that all of us have a question as to how history will change, can we really see a new age through the coming of Foundation day.

Kook Jin Moon – May 9, 2012

Kook Jin Moon – May 9, 2012

We struggled about our theology and many things, but I was truly grateful that Kook Jin hyung was not just a businessman, a CEO of a foundation. What was really amazing was that from the time he was born, Father prophesied that 'this son will raise a nation.' And gave him very special experience. Kook Jin hyung started a business from early on, and was successful in the free market. Success. He was most successful among the True Family, raising and leading a company to success in the outside world, and there aren't too many such examples of success like that.

Through this, he also made many investments. Through his business, he earned interest in several countries, made investments. In order to do this, you have to know politics, global politics very well too. Especially, in order to earn interest, you have to know the politics of a particular country, its situation. He talked about these things, that by knowing a country well, he can decide whether to make investments or not.

Having such a background, of course he was also a person of faith always. He always had strong faith. You may not know, but in the US, he always donated hundreds of millions of won each year from his company to UTS, the graduate seminary. Without saying anything, he had always done these things. That is how, with much combined experience, he was able to develop the talent of making special analysis.

What amazes me is that Kook Jin hyung discovered something very big in the Principle. For instance, when we look at the Principle of Creation, or at Divine Principle as a whole, we analyze international relations – these countries are in the Abel realm, God's realm, these are in Cain's realm, Satan's realm. We also make a lot of theological analysis. Of diverse Christian theology, we analyze various things, and international relations, relations between countries. We analyze WWI, and WWII. However, we have not analyzed domestic matters. What does that mean?

If you look at the Principle of Creation, we can understand that God exists, and that God created Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are the son and daughter of God. God gives them something important. The 3 great blessings. We heard all of this through the Principle. All Unificationists know this, don't they. God gave the 3 great blessings. First, individual perfection, completing individual responsibility, second, he gave us a family, multiplying the family, and third dominion over all things. It's a simple content. We heard this content many times, and analyzed it in various ways, but analyzed it just on the level that individual perfection was to train the mind and body, the family level is to create an ideal family, and dominion over creation is to harmonize with nature and live well, that we must live, giving and receiving. Through the Principle of the Fall, we learn about Satan's way of doing things. Father revealed clearly how Satan made Adam and Eve fall.

The story of Adam, Eve and the Archangel that we see in the theory and Principle of Creation is very important. This is not just a theological story. It is not just a story within the Bible, not just a conclusion that we should live morally, but there is a secret within the story. As Kook Jin Nim knows organizations and systems such as the economic and political systems, he asked me one day while we were having a meal.

When you studied history, especially Greece and Rome, they were very magnificent civilizations, weren't they. These countries also sought for democracy, for a free country. They strove to give freedom to all citizens. Ancient Greece did so at a certain period and so did ancient Rome. However, there were four stages in the process of how freedom was lost, how it changed, how freedom changed into tyranny.

First it begins as a free country. It's a free country that strives to give freedom to all its people. But as time passes, in the second stage, politicians have to be elected and thus resorted to various ways to gain popularity. This is populism. E.g., social welfare, looking after everyone, granting everyone this and that…they try to gain votes through such policies.

In this way, e.g., the social welfare system grows, becomes too huge through populism, and then, the government has no money to pay for the various educational and other institutions, so where do the funds come from? It has to come from the people. Thus, there is no choice but to raise taxes.

But since that's not enough, they must borrow from outside. Thus, a country builds its debt. The socialist system, the economic system gradually collapses. Because they cannot trade freely, and the government grasps everything and monopolizes. The economy is ruined and under such circumstances, tyrants appear. They say, 'Look, democracy doesn't work. Follow me from now on.'

This doesn't happen just to ancient democracies. It was so with Argentina 50 years ago. Cuba also started as a democracy. So did Germany. Hitler changed a democratic country into a tyrannical country. Through these 4 stages, a country loses its freedom.

What is amazing is that this content begins with the theory of creation. We are able to discover a big secret in the theory of creation. If we were to see the Garden of Eden that Adam, Eve and the Archangel Lucifer were in as a government, what kind of a position would the government be in. is the government in the position of Adam? In the position of son of God? Or is the government in the position of Eve, the daughter of God? Or in the Archangel's position?

The position to assist the son/daughter of God? Which position? You all know right away, because you know the Principle. The government was not originally in the position of the master, but the servant of Adam and Eve, of God's son and daughter. The Archangel was to attend the son/daughter of God.

In the same way, as you know, people who work for the government are called public servants. Servants of the people. They are to help the people and work for them. Isn't that so? According to the original ideal, this is something all people of a democratic country can agree to.

Now, it doesn't mean that the government, the government itself or people who work for the government are Satan. The position is what is significant. The position of the government is not that of the son/daughter of God, but its position is to attend the son/daughter of God. Through the Fall, Satan switched his position around to that of Adam and Eve, son/daughter of God. He took over the position of master, and Adam and Eve came to attend Satan. We are speaking of this position. Of course, if we visit a government organ like the local office, they are probably all very kind. I'm not speaking of whether the employees are kind or not, but referring to 'position.'

If we see the country from a principled analysis, the government should be in a position to attend the son/daughter of God. That is the important point. If we understand this, we will come to have great power, because we are, Adam and Eve and the people ought to be the master of the nation. As you know, communist governments own everything. I have been to various communist countries, but the people cannot own anything. The government owns all 100%, and the people have to apply, even to go to another city. There is no freedom at all. And there is no possession/ownership. The people also do not have weapons. I.e., the government, the Archangel controls everything. Under such circumstances, the Archangel is the master. Adam and Eve are servants. That is why in such a country, you cannot have a faith. That is why True Parents have fought fierce battles with this ideology.

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon

When I think about this content, Father says amazing things in the Original Divine Principle, Wolli Wonbon (Original Copy of the Divine Principle). As you know, even among our members many people are likely to mistake this point. You know what the OCDP is, don't you? Many say that the OCDP is something that Father wrote, by dictating it to Rev. Won Pil Kim. However, many people, even many leaders do not know this. Many members of the church do not know, that Father himself wrote more than 600 pages of it on his own. Over 600 pages, a huge part of it he wrote. If you view this from a theological viewpoint, if Jesus had written 600 pages on his own, this would be a world treasure. A treasure that cannot be compared. At any rate, this OCDP will soon be published worldwide, before Foundation Day, and I am reading some parts of it now, which has incredible content.

The Wolli Wonbon (Original Copy of the Divine Principle) was written by Father from May 11, 1951 to May 10, 1952. In such a short period. Yet, in that era, Father, as given in the OCDP viewed the future and wrote about "the ideal world of freedom, ideal world of freedom, ideal world of freedom…" repeating this. Father desired the ideal world of freedom. And then he speaks about an amazing point. Father asks, how will peace come? I studied various religions, and they respond to that question, how will peace come. E.g., religions centered on meditation such as Buddhism, Hinduism, or certain Catholic faiths, centering on meditation will say, "It's simple. Each one of us should attain peace. Each one should meditate, attain peace through training, and in that way, each person will realize a peaceful world." As you know in Christianity, they say peace will come centered on the Bible, and as you know in Islam, they say peace will come if you obey the Koran.

But, what does Father say? It is amazing! In the OCDP in 1951, some 62 years ago, Father said this. "Before attaining peace, there must be freedom." Freedom! There must be freedom! First of all, there must be freedom.

Please think about it. If we see the Family Pledge no. 4, it says, "Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is God's ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centering on true love." Freedom comes first. Freedom, peace, unity and happiness. Without freedom, peace cannot come. Why is that? Without freedom, tyrants will always appear. If people are oppressed, there will be no peace. Then, there will be no unification either. Look at the situation. North-south unification hasn't been realized. Why? Because there is no freedom. Without freedom, unification cannot take place. And without freedom, of course there is no happiness. In the Principle, freedom is a core point. Why? If we want to practice true love, if we want to love God, there has to be freedom. Without the freedom of choice, we cannot choose to love God. Even if we wanted to love God, we wouldn't be able to choose it. We would just be robots. A robot.

However, God gave us an incredible gift. The freedom of choice. Through this freedom, we can choose love. Of course, we can also choose evil. That's right. We can choose sin. That's right. Then again at the same time we can choose love. We can choose true love. We can choose what's righteous. We can choose to do what's ethical. We can choose to do what gives pleasure to God. At the core of all these choices is freedom.

If we come to understand this we'll begin to see how the archangel stole our freedom. Who did Lucifer first seduce, everyone? Who did he first seduce? We heard many times that in the bible it is written that he seduced Eve first. And we heard that he seduced Adam next. The archangel position is a position that always tries to expand its powers, always. Even in the government, the government itself, or the people working in the government themselves, not to say that those individuals are evil, but the character of the government structure always wants to expand. That's the only thing they can do. That's why even during the early stages of the United States, presidents and philosophers told their people to hold guns and raise a revolution against the government every 30 years, just so they'd remember not to get too big. From this position, we know that the government tells us stories that are very sweet, like how the archangel does, to get our vote, and our faith (20'00"). For example, think about this. Let's think about Father's Words. What kind of a world does Father see? If you look at Father's Words, it is so astonishing.

What kind of world is the ideal world? A world without borders, or laws, where we live by our conscience, centered on the family, faith, trust, where the peace army, police exist, and lawyers and judges don't. What would you think if you heard this? When I first heard this I thought, "hey, it can't happen. We can't create this kind of world, with those kinds of countries on this earth." Then again everyone, America was originally that kind of country. In the initial stages of America, everybody had a responsibility to protect their own freedom. In Article 2 of the constitution, all people are given the right to bear fire arms. It's different from Korea. And it's quite significantly different from other Eastern countries. Through this content, simply said, people were forced to become soldiers protecting their own country. And also they had to become the police who protected their freedom. Police who had to protect their own property, not asking the government to send police to protect them, but having to protect their land themselves. Originally America was that kind of a country.

From the 40's, through President Roosevelt and that period, the social welfare system was launched. Interesting story. The social welfare system sounds so sweet, doesn't it? We must look after all our people. Deprived children should be taken care of by all. This sounds so sweet. Everyone, do you know what happened because of social welfare? America used to have many strong Christian families. Lots of strong families. Then social welfare started. And a few conditions followed. For example, if one wanted to receive social welfare support from their government, they first of all needed to get a divorce. They needed to get divorced. They had to divorce their husbands. Only then could they receive money. So would this raise the divorce culture or not? It would.

Brothers and sisters, you may think that this only relates to America. However, this is what I heard from one of our lecturers giving Divine Principle for the Pilipino sisters. The Pilipino sisters told him that "Korea is absolutely the same. When I called the government institution and asked for availability of social benefits, I was advised that I could receive these benefits only after divorcing my husband." This proves the point. The archangel always approaches is with a sweet fruit, sweet temptation in order to ruin the family. Kick out the husband, don't marry Adam, marry me, and promise me loyalty. This is how Korean society is becoming to resemble the US.

Next, the more babies you bear the more money you can receive. It didn't matter how many men you slept with to bare those children, you could have slept with 50 different individuals, and the more babies you bear the more money you received. Then what happened? The free sex culture flourished.

What came out of social welfare and wanting to help all people? The archangel attacks the family. He kicks out the husband from his home. He kicks out the husband and goes over to Eve and says, "Marry me. I'll take care of you. I have power. I have a lot of money. I'll look after you. What can you do about the fact that Adam left you. I'll help you. I choose you. First, you must kick out your husband." This is divorce. The divorce culture. "After that, it doesn't matter how many babies you bear, and with how many men you bore them with. I will continue to take care of you.

This is the free sex culture that Father fought against for 50 years in America. Everyone, who destroyed the American family? The archangel position did. It was the archangel. No one could ever clearly define this analysis. Now with a Principled analysis we can definitely put a finger on it. Let's all think how the family is destroyed. Before this social welfare system was set in place, America never used to have a social welfare program. That's why no one received any money from the government. So in all my relationships, I'm the one that needs to mature. I need to act and live maturely. If I went bankrupt who would help me? My family would. But if I spit on them, hired a lawyer and sued them, then when I went bankrupt would they come and help me? No they won't. That's why I need to act maturely and appreciate and value these familial relationships. If I went bankrupt who would help me? My family. Then accountability is created. In a free country accountability is created.

Also, in a free country, who would be in charge of welfare? The family would take charge of welfare, right? And what other organization, what would be the second? Religion would take responsibility for welfare. Religion helps people. They help a lot of people. Historically religion has helped a lot of people. Why would the family and religion do a better job at welfare than the government? Why is that? It's because they teach ethics. They teach ethics, values. The government teaches, "Live as you wish, sleep with as many men as you wish, and bare as many babies with those men as you wish. We'll give you money." There's no ethics. No values. No God's Will. If this was your family, they'd scold you saying, "No. If you act that way we will not help you. You need to grow up fast." Then they'd slowly start to teach you and little by little start to help you. So that person will become a real person. The same goes for religion. Would religion help those who drink and use violence on others? I don't think so. As they teach ethics they'll say "You need to fix this. God hates this." They teach God's Will. As they say, you can only receive help if you change. Then you need to hold people accountable. That's why people say that religion and family are a more secular group, and they can raise people and take care of their welfare better than the archangel group.

Through a Principled interpretation of these contents, we can see more and more, how the archangel position uses sweet promises to steal our freedom. In America they tried to give free education to all its citizens. America gives its public schools $10,000 for each student. For every student. America is number one in the world in investments made per student. Then, if we were to say the problem in education was the lack of money or investment, since America invests more than anywhere, they should score highest in international tests, right? But the reality is completely different.

The US spends the highest amount of money per student education, however, it occupies 25th place in the world, 25th. However, the result is zero. The quality of American public education is consistently deteriorating because there is no healthy competition. Most of you have iPhones, don't you? How did iPhone or Samsung smartphones appear? They came out because of freedom. They came out of creativity which exists in the free market economy. They came out of healthy competition. New better products appear on the market since firms compete to satisfy customers' needs. Aren't consumers happier this way? We enjoy the benefits of better products as a result of firms competing with each other. A product like iPhone cannot be created by a socialist system, since the government, or archangel, dominates the market and blocks (creativity). There can be no progress, no healthy competition. Therefore, socialist nations cannot develop and their economy is weakened.

We didn't realize that such deep analysis is possible with the help of Divine Principle. In fact, I was quite worried before when I listened to people discussing such issues. If the Unification Church had the political power, what kind of country will it create? All the previous analyses of Father's words led us to believe that we lean toward the left-wing, communist, socialist type of political thinking. Therefore, I couldn't feel any hope. I was questioning myself: "If Father and Unification Church win the political power, what kind of political system do we base our country upon?" It will probably be a socialist system. Or a tyranny. I wouldn't want to live in such country. You wouldn't want to live there either, right? Nobody would. Why? Because we all have original minds that seek freedom. Finally, after realizing the insights of the Divine Principle, the place of the archangel, the fact that the government acts in the position of the archangel, then we realize that Adam and Eve should enjoy the highest degree of freedom.

It is Adam and Eve, or the citizens, who should enjoy the most freedom and should possess the most assets, while the government should be small and serve the citizens from the position of the Archangel. Such country will not only enjoy prosperity and freedom without borders, but also have the government that is not burdening its citizens with issuing one law after another. Since the money does not fall from the sky (given by the government), family relations become more important, and relationship of faith become more important. People would volunteer because everyone is watching how one lives and support goes to those who care about their community and behave responsibility toward others. In such society, people are free but are responsible and therefore participate in Peace Army and Peace Police forces to defend justice, peace and the country. Such people become owners of CIG and the world will recognize Unification Church as a religion that protects freedom for all.

Brothers and sisters, no other religion can accomplish this task. No other religion. Since Jesus was crucified, we were able to enjoy only spiritual salvation, but physical salvation was not to be found. Therefore, all the religions that came before were essentially on the side of goodness but yet they supported socialism, monarchy or totalitarianism. Look at history. So it was with Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Protestantism. American Protestants are strong supporters of socialism. No one can deny this fact. So how is Unification Church different?

Our religion advocates the world of ideal freedom, a free country that operates and preserves world freedom based on the Principle. We have the will of True Parents the Returning Christ. It is only with the coming of the Lord that the completion of the ideal world is possible.

Brothers and sisters, I am full of hope about the future of Unification Church. We know the Principle, the Three Blessings, the place of the archangel and the reason for True Father coming as a religious leader. Think about it. Religion is very special. Think about all the different educational institutions. Don't they change with the change of educational theories? This theory follows that and yet another… Politics are the same. This time we follow Democracy, then Communism, then again Democracy… One after another. However, religion is different. Religion has a Will, an unchanging truth, a teaching that does not change from generation to generation. Also, religion is able to simplify difficult concepts and allow many people to relate to them. What are these concepts? We all need to keep the precious gift of freedom given to us by God and understand the proper position of the archangel. We should strive to live in the ideal world destined for Adam and Eve. In such country Adam and Eve can be again free, prosperous, family- centered. All the citizens will become owners of CIG and participate in Peace Army, Peace Police in order to protect freedom. The Abel UN will be settled and the Unification Church will become a religion that defends world freedom.

Brothers and sisters, I feel the new age is approaching. I also feel we should discuss these issues in more depth. The more we discuss in small groups or with our pastors, the better we understand. And once we truly realize the meaning of the ideal world and freedom, True Parents can reign such ideal world of freedom as King of Kings centered on the Divine Principle.

Brothers and sisters, I am sorry for the long sermon today. But this is too important. I have refrained from releasing this content for too many weeks now. Since Kook Jin Nim is the one who discovered this, for ethical reasons, I had to wait until he himself makes this content public. Please understand my long silence. However, I am convinced now we have a new vision that can change the world and we can become the unification family that can change the world.

A historic turning point is at hand and as we approach Foundation Day I want to urge you to offer more devotion and really become the protectors of freedom and help the world realize the ideal world for True Parents. Let us conclude with True Parents words.

"When God first created the world, the original ideal was the garden of freedom, liberation and unification. Yet you cannot deny that there was a reason God's ideal was not fulfilled. That became the source of sorrow for God, humankind and all creation. What was this source of distress? We know well that it was the fall of man. In restoring humankind, God must have an ideal for this society, and we must also have that ideal. What is the standard of this ideal? You should know that freedom for the sake of God's Shim Jung, liberation centered on God's situation, and unification centered on God's ideal are God's hope, our hope and the standard of the ideal."


God Bless You! 

The Health of a Nation

Hyung Jin Moon
June 20, 2012

Hyung Jin nim spoke at a meeting for church regional presidents held at the Cheon Jeong Peace Palace on the Day of All True Things, June 20.

I would like to say something about the extension of the life of faith into the realm of politics and economics. This is something that we've not fully developed in our movement. In earlier days, our church grew quickly in certain countries; there were many prophesies and many expectations. Over a few years, there was a remarkable revolution. The Divine Principle gave people clear answers about God, clear answers to issues Christianity could not solve, including about how the Lord would return. Many people at that time found great hope through the Principle.

Yet for various reasons, the hoped-for results did not come. Even though True Father accomplished great things, including fighting against and winning over communism, we have not been able to clearly provide the answer to the question of what should happen in the future. But now with the coming of Foundation Day, I truly feel that a turning point for the world is coming -- and not just spiritually.

My brother Kook Jin has been studying the Principle deeply. He began his own business, and within the free market system he has been very successful. Through his business work, he has made investments in several countries. To do this successfully, you have to understand the political situation in different parts of the world. Combined with such a background, he is also a person of strong faith.

Kook Jin nim has provided us with a significant insight into the Divine Principle and its application in society. I believe it is a revolutionary understanding.' From the Principle's perspective, we divide the world into its Cain and Abel spheres, internationally. In the First World War and the Second World War, for example, we distinguish the nations that stood on the Cain and Abel sides, on Satan's and God's side. But we have not applied the same analysis much within nations.

Looking at the Role of Government through the Lens of Divine Principle

What Kook Jin nim is saying is quite simple. In the Principle, we read about Adam, Eve and the archangel Lucifer in the Garden of Eden with God. Lucifer was the servant of Adam and Eve. He was to serve them. God gave three blessings to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: To perfect themselves as individuals, to raise a family and to have dominion over the creation. Over the years since I was a child, I have thought a lot about this. All of us have. We've dealt with it in our mind–body relationship training, in taking care of our family members so that they grow up relating with God's will, and in taking care of the creation.

Through the teaching about the Fall, we learn about Satan's way of doing things. Father has revealed how Satan led Adam and Eve to fall. The story of Adam, Eve and the archangel that we see in the Principle is very important. It is not just a theological story. There is more to the conclusion than that we should live morally; there is a secret within the story.

One day, Kook Jin nim asked me, "Within a country, what position does the government hold among Adam, Eve and the archangel?" The answer is very simple isn't it? The government is naturally in the archangel position. The archangel was meant to help Adam and Eve as they grew up, to help them take the position of Lord and owner. The government is the same. We use the word "public servant." This is someone who takes care of the citizens and works for their benefit. Of course, if we visit a local government office, the people working there are probably all very kind. Kook Jin nim is not speaking of whether government employees are good people or not, but referring to the position that government itself holds within a certain model.

Kook Jin nim goes on to explain how nations in the free world can end up under tyranny if a particular scenario plays out. He identifies four stages in this course.

When we think of the free world, we think of democratic countries. We begin with the first stage, a free country that strives to maintain freedom for all its people. But as time passes, politicians have to be elected, so they speak about things that are attractive to the people and win their votes -- such as social security, free education and free health care. This becomes populism. This is the second stage. These programs are then adopted as government policy. As more programs are demanded, and offered, the economy begins to decline as the government struggles to pay for the increasing number of social welfare initiatives. Where does it get the money to pay for them? It must come from the people, as the government has no money of its own. Taxes therefore increase. Eventually the country runs out of money and must borrow, which creates national debt. This is the third stage. The economy begins to collapse. When this happens, who is it that has a plan to help the nation? A tyrant has a plan. He comes into power, renouncing democracy, and says, Everyone must follow my policies. Under this scenario, a country can change from a free society into a dictatorship in four stages.

In a dictatorship, the government effectively owns everything and the citizens own nothing. In the Garden of Eden, Satan seized everything from Adam and Eve. He took away all ownership, he stole the three great blessings.

In the United States, the social welfare state was gradually set up in the 1940s. If a wife or mother wants, for example, to receive social welfare benefits, the husband (the father) must be outside her home. Then, the more children you have, the more welfare assistance you can receive for them from the government. This leads to two problems. The first is that many more divorces occur. Secondly, it creates a culture of promiscuity, because no matter how many men you have children with, or how many children you have, regardless of who the fathers are, you can receive financial support.

Nice, sweet words come from the government: We will take care of you. Especially if you don't have a husband. We will help you and your children, even if you have many. In other words, "Don't marry your husband, marry me, Lucifer." Marry the government. It's the same thing. Precisely what happened in the Garden of Eden is occurring in democratic countries, and this is the means by which freedom disappears.

If we look, we can see who has caused the breakdown of the American family, even the Christian family in America. It is "Lucifer." The government, acting in the position of an archangel and using the social welfare system, has provided incentives for people to divorce or to be sexually promiscuous. You may already know that President Obama is supporting homosexual marriage. The UN has also said that it will support same-sex marriage. This attacks the four-position foundation. Father has been fighting to save the family.

Lessons of History

Religions have supported tyrannical kings in order to ensure the primacy of the position held by their faith within their country. Religions have not actually given freedom to people. They have given support to social welfare, to socialist systems. The Protestant churches in America, for example, have supported the government social welfare system to a high degree. They continue to do so today, and the Catholics have joined them.

Although most African American leaders have been strong advocates of government welfare, these people's ancestors were brought to America from Africa to be slaves. Abolitionists began a movement to liberate the slaves. A well-known leader in that movement was a former slave, Frederick Douglass; he told his people not to receive even one dollar from the government. He was concerned about their falling into slavery of another kind. In its demands for government support, American society today exhibits the diametric opposite of Douglass' ideal. Lucifer is stealing a nation's freedom -- Adam and Eve's freedom.

On the national level, in Europe for example, many countries are facing the reality of decline. Democratic countries are declining through the impossible economics of populism. Parallel to the Fall, democratic countries are accepting Satan's sovereignty and falling into dictatorship. This course is the same as that seen in the Garden of Eden. This hasn't just happened in ancient democracies such as Greece and Rome. It happened in Argentina fifty years ago. And Adolf Hitler changed a German democratic government into a tyranny.

Avoiding the Pitfalls and Choosing a Principled Path

Adam and Eve had freedom of choice. They could choose to love. Without freedom, you cannot love. You would just be a robot, and you would be unable to make the choice to love God. Freedom is so important in the Principle. Without freedom, people cannot become God's object partners. They can only be robots. Of course, if you have freedom, you can choose to do wrong, that is true. But because you have freedom, you can also choose true love. Without freedom, you cannot choose love. In the Garden of Eden, Lucifer spoke sweet words to Adam and Eve in order to snatch away their freedom.

No one has known this secret. It is contained within the Divine Principle. This leaves us, as Unificationists, spellbound. We hold in our hands a secret that can protect freedom. If we know for sure that the government is in the position of an archangel, we know that we should not be gradually increasing the size of the government, but rather decreasing its size; that is, decreasing the power of the archangel, and giving the people greater freedom.

When the government takes ownership of everything, the citizens own nothing, and the citizens in the end can only be in the servant position. Conversely, if the citizens have ownership of everything, and the government has ownership of nothing, the government can only be in the servant position.

Think about the ideal world that True Father looks toward. He looks toward a world without national borders, without laws, without lawyers, without judges, without police.... Surely such a world is impossible? Yet it is possible.

America in its early days was a nation after that pattern. It had the greatest freedom. And the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution recognizes American citizens' right to bear arms. With the right to bear arms, if the government becomes bad, it gives Americans the responsibility to fight against the tyranny of even their own government. The early presidents spoke of the citizens' responsibility to revolt against the government if it went wrong. America's constitution freeing its citizens to own guns means they can play a role in policing their country.

Then, if the government is not going to be the main support, who is responsible to sustain me if I stumble in life? Who will help me? There are two primary organizations. The first is family and the second is religion. These two institutions are much better than the government at this task.

The government gives money based more on secular thinking than on family values. It may even send the message "you need to be divorced in order to receive our help." In contrast, if a religious organization is going to help someone, it first teaches values and ethics, and instills the word of God. So you can only receive help if you respond by changing yourself. You receive help little by little and that enables you to regain your independence.

It's the same system with the family. It's not unconditional. There is responsibility, one person for another. So if one person falls into ruin and comes humbly, rather than with an arrogant attitude, of course his family will help him. That family will help their family member continue on his path of growth. That's why we need to act maturely and to appreciate and value our familial relationships. In a free society, accountability is created.

It is not the same if the government gets involved. Governments usually don't impart a system of values or give a moral imperative. They can bring you into a state of dependency and into a state of virtual servitude. This is how Satan has worked since the Garden of Eden. If we watch how democratic countries lose ground, it is precisely in the order I have described. People are tempted by free education, free healthcare and the like. "If you believe in our government, we will take care of everything for you." Do Americans want to go to live in a place like Cuba? Absolutely not.

Through sweet promises, a nation's citizens give up their freedom to the archangel. And if they want to regain it, they don't have guns, or other weapons with which to fight back. That's the end of it; they are reduced to being servants.

The Primacy Of Freedom

God trusts people. God trusted Adam and Eve and gave them freedom. He told them in plain words not to eat the fruit, but at the same time He gave them freedom. He didn't say, Oh Adam and Eve are going to go wrong, so I should create the police and the army and build a brick wall around the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He gave them freedom. In this regard, those who believe in people stand on God's side.

In his or her heart, every person in the world pursues freedom. But freedom is not free. Responsibility is actually a heavy burden. In a free society, people understand that responsibility. They know the government is not going to take care of them. That's why we have to be responsible for our actions, become mature, build good relationships, and raise our children well.

All religions have an explanation for how peace will be established. Religions with a tradition of meditation say that peace will come through that method. Christians talk about peace centering on the teachings of the Bible, and Muslims talk about peace through obedience to the holy Koran. In True Father's Original Divine Principle, Father definitively explains how he is going to realize the ideal world of peace.

In the Original Divine Principle, Father's teaching is very clear. There must be freedom; before peace can come, freedom must exist. In pledge four, we pledge to "perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness." Freedom comes first. Without freedom, only those with power, those who are strong and despotic, can climb to the top. They never wish to give up their power. They will not give freedom to their people. But without freedom, there can never be happiness. Only with freedom can we find the path to peace.

Why did True Father have to come as a religious man? There is an important reason. Religion is different. It has teachings that are unchanging even over many generations. Religion can teach difficult concepts through simple means. And when people learn that protecting freedom is God's will, they will make it a priority. As a generation passes and a new generation arises, new fighters for freedom will also come into being. New owners of Cheon II Guk, global citizens who protect freedom, will appear.

The words "ideal world of freedom" is in fact Father's very own; they are his prophecy, and his belief. The Original Divine Principle book tells us about the heart, the knowledge and the emotions of the Returning Lord in 1951 as it explains the importance of freedom from the perspective of the Principle of Creation.

When we understand about the "freedom society" and those who fight for freedom, we will clearly understand that True Father is indeed the founder of the ideal world of freedom. 

Wrestling Christological Issues

Hyung Jin Moon
May 1, 2012
Hannam-dong, Seoul, Korea

We have been wrestling through Christological issues. What kind of being is Christ? Also, what kind of beings are the first, second and third Adams -- Adam, Jesus and True Parents? What you might call Adamology! How was God, or how is God, using them differently than He does you or I?

And if I am praying and I do conditions and receive some kind of revelation from

God that guides me in a certain direction or to take on a new mission (whatever I've been praying about) and I get a real confirmation and I feel God is guiding me, what is the nature of that communication? Is that God Himself? That's a very important question.

Historical, Christian Trinitarian formulations rely on ontological' categories borrowed from Greek philosophy and use such terms as "essencia" [essence] or "substantia" [substance]. They say that from the essence of God-the-Father proceeds the Son, and that because he proceeds from the essence and he is of the same essence -- of the same substance -- that the Father and the Son are actually the same. They are identical in terms of their being the same substance and essence.

However, unintended theological problems arise from this union of Biblical faith and experience and Greek philosophy. These issues include ditheism, or tritheism. Christianity has been accused of believing in two Gods and then adding the Holy Spirit to that.

Most contemporary critical theologians have recognized the problem of using words such as "essence" and "substance," because as conceptual metaphors, they are inadequate to explain the nature of God and may even further conceal God's real nature. Put in other words, a substantialist or essentialist ontology does not best accommodate the doctrine of the Trinity -- the affirmation that God is both three and one; that is, the three persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of the one God.

I concentrated my studies in this area near the end of my time at Harvard. I was interested to compare with Hwa-yen Buddhism, which had a particular trinitarian formulation, with two bodhisattvas -- the bodhisattva manjushri and the bodhisattva samantabhadra -- with Vairocana Buddha. They articulated a notion of mutual interpenetration and non-obstruction [of the three Buddhist entities] that closely matched John of Damascus notion of the perichoresis, the dancing of the three persons within the Christian Trinity.

In the end, many Trinitarian theologians say, "It's a mystery. We are not able to fully understand the Trinity," which is one reason that the Lord returns. He clarifies what Jesus Christ could not reveal in his time on earth because of the hardness of heart and perhaps thickness of mind of his audience.

On May 18, True Father stood at the podium and spoke for more than five hours without respite at the Cheongshim Peace World Center to members beginning the 30-day OSDP workshop.

On May 18, True Father stood at the podium and spoke for more than five hours without respite at the Cheongshim Peace World Center to members beginning the 30-day OSDP workshop.

The Principle ontology is relational. Nothing can exist without relationship. Even in God, there are dual characteristics. Love itself cannot exist outside of a relationship. We know love is the essence of God, so thus God cannot "exist" without relationship. (He has His internal relationship of dual characteristics, of course.)

What we have is a critique of traditional ontology, and a new relational ontology. On top of that, we have a new type of anthropology that explains what a human person is.

One's anthropology has implications for many theological and practical issues. In Christianity, you have the soul and the body. Some Christians take the scriptures to be saying that when Christ returns, the bodies of the deceased will be resurrected from the grave, the Rapture. They actually believe that the bodies of the dead will be reconstituted.

In Unification anthropology, a human being is composed of four parts, not two. A person has a spiritual self and a physical self. The spiritual self is comprised of a mind and body, and the physical self is comprised of a mind and body. When the Lord returns, the deceased can be resurrected with their spiritual body. That "body" would be resurrected and have relationships with the saints on earth who are attending Christ during his Second Advent. So our unique anthropology of a four dimensional human being allows for a new perspective on both physical and spiritual experience.

To return to the Christological question, we can best understand Father's uniqueness through his unique relationship to God If that's tho cast' we don't run into "essence" and "substance" issues. We are saying that True Father is relating to God directly. What we mean by directly is this:

God is a transcendent mind. He doesn't have a spirit body. Father has the four parts of the anthropology of a human being -- spirit mind, spirit body, physical mind and physical body. We are saying that Father's spirit mind is infused with God's spirit mind. Hence, God is one with Father's spirit mind, which is in an inseparable relationship with Father's spirit body. Thus, God can use Father's spirit body. That's why, when you see God in the spirit world you'll see True Parents. God is not Himself visible. He has no form. He is intangible. Father's spirit self (his spirit mind and spirit body) is in an inseparable relationship with Father's physical self. Through this mind–body relationship, God can experience the world through True Father's spiritual and physical selves.

How would that then relate to us? If I am praying to God, can't I speak to God? Can't God speak to me? Doesn't He answer my prayers?

In the spirit world, I can see your spirit body but not your spirit mind, just as in the physical world, I cannot see your physical mind. Yet, God is only spirit mind. True Father is infused with God; God is in his spirit mind. Because Father's spirit mind is inseparable from his spirit body, God is one with Father's spirit body. Because God is present in Father's spirit mind, in the spirit world, through Father's spiritual body, we can actually see God. Because True Father's spirit self is completely one with his physical self, when we see Father on earth we are actually seeing God. Christ is a unique mediator. He is unique because God so chooses. He chose Adam. When the time came, He chose to use Jesus, but Jesus' earthly life was cut short. Then God chose to use Father as the Lord at the Second Advent, and Father succeeded in completing the mission of the Christ.

Through the union of True Mother with True Father, God can experience True Mother's physical self (through True Father's physical self) and He can experience True Mother's spirit body and spirit mind. Father and Mother become assumed into God. So when we see True Parents, we see God.

Now, when I get a message from God, or I feel God is pushing me in some direction, what is that? It's just as it is in the spirit world; it's a voice or influence coming through True Father or True Mother's spiritual body. Is it God Himself? Yes and no. It's not that God is in your spirit mind so that you are equal to the Messiah, to Christ, because God did not choose you as Christ. God chose True Parents as Christ. So, He is infused in their spirit minds, and uses their spirit bodies in an inseparable relationship. When you are internally pushed by something in the physical world, you may be interacting with their spirit bodies.

We might say, I can become a true parent. However, that is only possible, from a Principled perspective because we can come into a full relationship with God because of our relationship with True Parents. Because God chose Father as Christ, Father has the unique role of the mediator.

Of course, God is fully there when we are interacting with Father's spirit body, because Father is in an inseparable relationship with God's spirit and mind. It's Principled. We unlock the mystery of the Trinity through Unification relational ontology. The Trinity can be understood with relational ontology. We are not talking about three different Gods.

I want to keep wrestling with this theology, because this is something we are just coming upon. I don't want to mass produce it and publicize it all over the world, but these are some of the things we are wrestling through. While I'm serving Father, I have to continue to think theologically so that we can understand Christ's value, the value of Christ at his Second Advent.

With this understanding, we can understand why True Parents are absolutely essential. They play the mediator role between humankind and God. Also by understanding our relational ontology, we can also understand the Christology of Christ from a Divine Principle perspective, the nature of this Trinity.

True Father would be the first-ever to be infused with God's spirit because he fulfilled the original three blessings offered to Adam and completed Jesus' mission. The Principle does say that God will dwell within our spiritual and physical selves, that He wants to experience the husband–wife relationship (absolute sex). That's true. But Father is the chosen one. Without True Parents, you could never be in a relationship as a blessed couple. Without that central relationship between True Parents and God, we wouldn't have the way to get to God. True Parents play that unique mediator role.

Father has said that when we meet God in the spirit world -- when God appears -- He will appear in the persons of True Parents. That evidently says that True Parents' spirit bodies are the way in which beings in the spirit world will experience God. So God would not infuse our spirit mind in the same way that God infuses True Father's spirit mind.

Relatedness is everything. Love itself cannot exist without a relationship. Father says, "God wouldn't be anything without me!" We can understand how that is true if we look at existence in terms of our relational ontology. When Father says "God is nothing without me," it is true that without an object partner, God cannot love and thus cannot be a God of love. Because love can only exist within relationships, God can only truly be God through True Parents' victory 

The Abel UN hasn't been announced yet

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon
March 26, 2012
Special Proclamation and Hoon Dok Hae
King Garden on 3. 5 H.C.

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

True Parents arrived at the King Garden after Father welcomed Mother at the airport. Right after Father got off from the car, he had Rev. Ki Hun [Peter] Kim to do 'Eog Mansei for the Abel UN.' Then in the King garden, True Parents stood hand-in-hand, Shin Deuk Nim stood behind them, and Hyung Jin Nim, Shin Jun Nim, and Yeon Ah Nim also stood hand-in-hand in front of True Parents. Then Father said,

"We will do Mansei for the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for Hawaii and the assembly in Washington D.C. Do you understand? This is being recorded. (Father checked the recording machine.) As of now, the Abel UN hasn't been announced yet. We have to say Mansei for the Abel UN, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for the East. West and True Parents, and Mansei for the Blessed families in heaven and on earth. (Then Father initiated Mansei as follows).

천지통일기반 위에 서 가지고 아담해와가 하나 완전히 일체 완성됨으로 말미암아 가인 아벨 세계가 갈라진 것을 통일선포하는 시간이 되어서 천지인 참부모가 중심이 되어가지고 가인 아벨 세계통일 만세 ('Mansei.') 승리한 천지인참부모 만세 ('Mansei.') 하늘 땅을 통일한 하늘 땅의 일체이상 모든것을 해와가 되가지고 종결을 지을 수 있는 모든 천지의 통일적 통일 만세 ('Mansei.') 참부모 정착 안착 영원할지어다. 하나님 해방, 밤의 하나님 해방, 참부모 일체권 완전통일 일체완성 만세 ('Mansei.') Sit down. 모든 전부를 참부모 해방, 가인ㆍ아벨 해방 유엔 발표한 그 위에서 보고하나이다. 완성으로 받아 주시옵소서! 박수."

(Katsumi: What Father basically proclaimed through Mansei was "It is time to be able to proclaim the unification of the Cain and Abel worlds that have been separate, thanks to the unity and perfection of Adam and Eve. Mansei for the unification of the Cain and Abel worlds centering on True Parents, Mansei for victorious True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, Mansei for the unification of heaven and earth that can conclude everything through Eve, Mansei for the liberation of the God of Night and for the perfected unification and the realm of the unity of True Parents.")

Hyung Jin Nim made a report in Korean and the following are excerpts.

"While Father was offering Jeong Seong in Hawaii, Mother went to Moo Chang Po (무창포) where my elder brother Kook Jin had made a hotel, called Beache Palace ( He started to make condominiums there two years ago, and this time 1,500 WFWPU leaders from the world got together there to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Mother gave her address at the opening ceremony, which was a condensed version of Father's speech 천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포 천주대회. Before her speech, my elder brother Kook Jin gave welcome remarks, in which he emphasized that women must be strong enough to join the peace police and peace army for world peace.

When we had the Blessing ceremony and other events, world leaders came to Korea (for Nuclear Security Summit which top leaders from 57 nations and international organizations joined) which symbolized the Cain world joined the Abel world.

Within 5 years, they say China will have the biggest army in the world. They are not only making weapons, but also aggressively going to the Pacific Ocean. 5 years ago in 2007, True Father, through his world tour, had spoken about the settlement of the Abel UN and the necessity of banding together all islands in the region such as Taiwan, Japan, etc. He also mentioned the danger of Russia and China. Elder brother Kook Jin is now promoting the national campaign called 'Strong Korea.' Centering on Korea, Japan, US and all islands in the region must be together against the danger and establish the Abel UN, which will open the era of the Pacific Rim Era."

The following are some of Father's words at Hoon Dok Hae.

"All things must get together and become even (smooth). 平泰太平主王 (평태태평주왕)

(Katsumi: Father suddenly said these Chinese characters and wrote them with his right hand in the air).

Today we are going over the number 6. After the fall, God doesn't have 어머니 (means 'wife'). 平泰太平主王 (평태태평주왕).

(Katsumi: Father seems to say the new title of God. While writing, Father explained the meaning of each Character as follows: 平 (even, smooth), 泰 (big) 太 (big), 平 (even, smooth), 主 (owner), 王 (King)) (Then he said again)平泰太平主王 (평태태평주왕)."

"Your body and my body are fundamentally different. Mine is so sensitive. You need 8 hours of sleep but I am OK without sleeping or eating."

(Showing his agenda book) "This is my personal agenda book. I recorded here things I had thought about 50 years ago."

"God wasn't finished with His creation. Individual perfection of the creation (개인창조완성) wasn't done yet. The Perfection of a couple wasn't done yet. These must be done."

(Katsumi: According to Prof. Tek Yong Oh posted on the web page 통일교, the proclamation above could be realized due to Mother's victory on establishing Women's UN through the 20th anniversary of WFWPU, which strengthened the foundation of the Abel UN. This proclamation is also meaningful in relation to D-Day when God's Blessing ceremony will take place.) 

Receive the Holy Blessing from True Parents

Hyung Jin Moon
March 25, 2012
Sermon at Cheon Bok Gung

Good morning. Today, our Bible quotations are from Galatians chapter five, verses one and six. One: "For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." And six: "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love."

St. Paul is writing to Christians in Galatia' on the subject of the necessity of circumcision. Among Galatian Christians, one group was saying that circumcision was necessary; that in following Christ, they should still keep the Mosaic Law. Another group was saying, no, because we have received grace from God, we follow God based on faith and love. A dispute arose among the Galatians. At that time, St. Paul was saying to them that Christ had made them free= and that they should stand firm and not be enslaved.

Brothers and sisters, what does it mean to receive the holy blessing from True Parents? It's the change of lineage; the descendants, who were connected to Satan's lineage, are entering God's family. It's an astonishing blessing; not one that ordinary people can receive. Even if you say that you don't have much sin, when you assess your qualification, brothers and sisters, you'll see that a lot of sin has accumulated in your heart. Even if we say that we have lived a perfect life, we actually harbor disbelief and doubts and have complaints against God; we even curse Him. All these things in our hearts are sins. They bring pain to God. That's why, when we look at our qualifications, no one is qualified to receive the blessing. I too would not be able to receive it. We could not receive it. No one could.

One member spoke to me, saying, "Actually I'm not qualified to receive the blessing." She is actually very mature, because she recognizes that the blessing is precious. She understands that she has to grow. This member had spoken to another member, who had advised her that you wouldn't be qualified to receive the blessing from God even if you were to set conditions for thirty forty or fifty years.

When God gives grace, we have to understand God's heart in giving it to us. We should thank Him and be determined to live for Him. That's being responsible! Taking responsibility for love.

The course of living for God and True Parents isn't just something in the Principle; it's also a responsibility resulting from love. If we receive the blessing with this kind of mind-set, of course we are still unqualified to receive it, but if we are thankful for God's grace and we take responsibility out of love, and set our mind on living for God, that makes it possible to give God joy. If we keep all the laws, we may therefore think that God has to give us everything; that God has to listen to us. It may make us very arrogant, when in fact, none of us is able to follow all God's laws. Fundamentally, as we are unqualified to receive love and grace from God, if we do receive a big blessing and then we thank God and our heart returns glory to God, we won't be trapped by Satan. Satan tells us we are not qualified, which is correct. But Satan keeps on saying to us, "You're not qualified. You're not qualified. You're not qualified!" intending that we will never receive the blessing.

St. Paul points out in the first biblical quotation (Galatians 5:1) that when we receive God's love and grace and offer glory with gratitude and love, it is only when we take action that we will truly find freedom. If I think that because I kept all the laws I could receive the blessing, therefore I am worthy of receiving Father's grace, that is arrogance. In such a case, I will inevitably be distant from Father forever.

However, even if I kept all those laws, I am not qualified to receive this great blessing, or have a lovely wife and family. But, although I am not qualified, God gave these all to me. Therefore, I deeply thank God and must live for Him, taking responsibility based on love. I think that having a heart like that is very important. If we have such a heart, our relationship of heart with Father becomes closer.

When I was young, I liked martial arts very much. When I was a high school student, I concentrated on martial arts. As a result I wasn't affected by the party and drinking culture. From that point of view, at that time, martial arts saved me.

In a recent interview in Korea, one reporter asked me, "What kind of martial arts do you like?" I replied that I had done many kinds; that I had done Kendo, and so forth. However, if it came out that the Unification Church international president practiced full contact fighting style martial arts, or Jujitsu, with its choking techniques, some people might have disapproved. But I did those kinds of martial arts -- combat style, Muay Thai (kick boxing), boxing, Jujitsu, wrestling. As a religious person, I wondered if I should be doing such strong martial arts. While I was doing my church leader duties over three years, I didn't put on any demonstrations although I had plenty of opportunities. I was thinking, what if people misunderstand it?

I continue practicing during my meditation time, even as I attend True Father directly these days. As you might have noticed, these are real martial arts and may look quite fearsome or merciless. However, I believe that everything depends on the purpose for which one uses these skills.... As you know,

I was doing church ministry for three years. I have always tried to be kind and caring and to behave as a gentleman, as a mature person. That all takes effort. If you do that, it doesn't mean you can't do martial arts, it simply means you don't show it off. A true martial artist practices to control not only his body but also his heart, mind-set and emotions.

That is why I think meditation practice is important for training the mind and heart. I always tell our Hoonsa nims that they are practicing the most difficult martial art -- offering Jeong Seong, fighting every day for mastery of the mind. That is the highest level.

Why would I say this now? Because even though I have benefited a lot not only from the exercise but also spiritually from this kind of training, I felt I could never speak to members or the public about my involvement with martial arts. I worried about how people in society would see me. After giving a demonstration of my skills in front of True Father, at his request, on Geomun Island, he asked me to repeat that demonstration every day.

I asked Father repeatedly not to make me do it. My point was that a true martial artist would never show off his skills. However, True Father's reply was "Don't say that!" He never changed his stance on that. He asked me to do a public demonstration in Korea. I had no choice but to follow Father's direction.

Yet, actually, Father liberated me. He said that in order to bring great blessing to the Wongu Peace Cup, I should give a martial arts demonstration. So we made a demonstration video and showed it to Father. Father was very happy and said we had done a great job.

Through this experience, I had a deep realization. Oh! If someone trusts and believes in True Father, he or she will be liberated! I never intended to show my skills to anyone. I thought I could not go public with my involvement with martial arts, but Father pushed me, and he challenged me as to whether I was going to have faith in him or not. Because Father pushed me and because I followed the direction he gave -- although at first it was difficult -- I found I was attaining new freedom for myself. I was able to reveal something I had been hiding, and I can do it now with a new sense of responsibility because True Father allowed me to make my skills public.

It is not for the sake of showing off or of learning something to oppress those weaker than yourself that you would train your body. It is with the objective of growing to maturity and in order to train the mind through meditation. It is for this reason that I realized that if one trusts and believes in True Parents, he will find freedom. True Parents know us better than we know ourselves.

All this is related to the themes of having a strong fatherland, a strong Abel UN and to the Pacific Rim era. True Father urges us to witness to our families and become tribal messiahs. In fact, not everyone is willing to do that, but if we think about establishing the Abel UN, we cannot make excuses just because it is difficult to do.

I feel very strongly that for us actually to be able to establish the Abel UN, we need to be strong, not in a sense that we should flex our muscles; we should be humble but strong at the same time. Only under those circumstances can Abel and Cain unite. As you know from Divine Principle, only on the foundation of unity between Cain and Abel can the Messiah establish a worldwide foundation.

The regaining of strong homelands that are not suppressed by anyone will be necessary for the establishment of the Abel UN, and this is going to be decisive in the realization of world peace. If we look back at the history of warfare, we see that Abel-type nations won because they were strong, not when they were weak. The United States, Great Britain and others were strong enough to confront the Soviet Union and that is why they won. It was not through being weak.

President Reagan was gentle but pursued strong policies. In order to win over the Soviet Union, which was manufacturing fearful weapons, the United States did not give up its own weapons. On the contrary, Pres. Reagan announced that the U.S. would make more dreadful weapons than those of the Soviet Union. Reagan proved historically that one does not obtain power in order to use it.

Abel needs to be strong not to be able to exercise this power or show it off, but because Abel needs this power to control Cain's bad character, which seeks to dominate weaker people. After gaining control over these things, Abel can open the way to the next stage of peace, which is achieved through communication. Power is not acquired just to be used. However, it can be used if one is being attacked; people can defend themselves. But it should never be used to oppress people.

Precisely for this reason we need to become strong Abels. Also, establishing the Abel UN is because Abel-type nations must realize world peace in the face of the rising power of strong Cain-type nations.

If we trust True Parents' great wisdom, as we create a strong homeland and establish the Abel UN, and work to realize world peace, we will see the dawning of True Parents' era of eternal peace and prosperity for all.