
Hyung Moon Jin and Yeon Ah Moon
January 30, 2013


Yeon Ah Nim: When my husband reintroduced the concept of repentance and of our being sinners to our church a couple of years ago, many of our church members did not know how to deal with it, how to digest it. It may be interesting for you to hear me say this, but I also had a problem with that concept -- repentance and being a sinner. I joined the True Family when I was nineteen years old. I had kept my purity and didn't have any other problems. So I was wondering, "What do I have to really repent for?"

I had never before been told that I had to repent in front of Heavenly Father and True Parents. I was thinking, I am in the second generation, so what do I have to repent for?

It was a new concept and I didn't know how to digest it. After hearing my husband's teaching about repentance, I looked back on my life and realized that in some way I had been resenting God, and even True Parents. When True Parents blessed my parents, True Father gave a blessing to my father and mother, saying that from you will come a great war general; that a great world leader would appear in your family. My mother was struggling a little bit with their blessing, so my father and mother really cherished those words, and they really wanted to fulfill them. They had a daughter, then a second daughter, and then a third daughter -- which was me -- and then, finally, they had a son.

At the time that my brother was born, however, he suffered oxygen deficiency and his brain was damaged; he has a mental disability. I had thought what True Father said would come true, but his words were not actualized. True Father -- Heavenly Father -- had said there would be a blessing, but actually there was not. Because of that, for many years of my life, I could not open myself to Heavenly Father and True Parents. I was struggling.

Then, when I realized how I had been feeling, I repented, knowing I had been a sinner for resenting Heavenly Father and True Parents. I truly repented. Then a couple of months later, at a small gathering, True Father told me to give my testimony. So I stood up and gave my testimony; I said, True Father, I truly repent in front of you; at one point of my life I resented you and I even could not see you as the True Parent.

What True Father said to me was remarkable, you know what? Who said only a man can be a general? You, as a woman, can be a general, too!"

I am a very shy person. I'm a very bashful person, as you can see, but I became a "world general" to preach for the Good Sex Marriage Ministry. This is where God has worked a miracle....

[Hyung Jin Nim, laughing: I am the chairman of her fan club....] All ladies, let's be our husband's biggest fan. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned this: As Foundation Day is coming and as we develop our Good Sex Marriage Ministry, many of our blessed couples who are in difficult situations may actually feel scarred and hurt. They sometimes feel judged and even condemned, as if we were saying that if you don't have a good sex marriage, you'd better work it out.

Some of our blessed family members may feel like this. Even so, this is truly True Father's teaching. This is actually God's teaching, one that we need to manifest in our lives. This is what True Parents want for us to have in our lives as blessed family members.

So, all that the Good Sex Marriage Ministry is saying is: Let's take a step toward having a good sex marriage. Let's do it step by step. We don't have to have everything perfect overnight.

My husband and I are not perfect. That's why our marriage's motto is Every year gets better. Even though we are not perfect, that's okay! As was said today, if we move one step, God will do two steps. God will push us forward two steps. We cannot do it with our own might or power alone, but with God everything is possible.

Hyung Jin Nim: Oh, give Him praise!

We were sharing with another group the other day, and I realized we could never grasp the heroic task we are involved in. What is our heroic mission?

Think of the "Bad Sex Movement." They have heroic missions. They're fighting for "civil rights," they're going to eradicate AIDS through condom education. Right? They have "heroic" missions, heroic "grand" visions.

What we have is "We will create world peace and unification." But how are we going to do that? What's the method? We might do service work, but it never hit me that that is going to totally transform the world. Yet I always knew, deep in my heart that we have an amazing, heroic mission. We have something that nobody else has. We've been told that, but why aren't we clear about how we are going to do this?

Yet, Father made it clear: We are here to build the kingdom of God. How are we going to do that? Through good sex marriages.

There's been so much research done on this. We saw two articles this week. When a man focuses on his wife's happiness, as his priority... The study was that some men had to do three good validating things every day. They found that these men made more money, became more productive at work, became happier in the household, became healthier and wanted to become more attractive (through lifting weights, etc.). They started prospering in all sorts of ways just because they started focusing on their spouse and on a good sex marriage. [Yeon Ah Nim: I liked those articles.] My wife loved those articles.

We want to believe we are in a heroic mission, that we have a heroic purpose. What is that? It's good sex marriage. That is how the kingdom of God will be built.

When couples are loving, when couples are fulfilled, when couples are in joy, when they are one and giving joy to God, the kingdom is starting! That energy is going to influence their children. We had remarkable lectures by Richard Panzer here, showing the signs and key factors to child poverty -- all were related to how the parents are. For example, the top three factors (from the national Kids Count report) were, first, out of wedlock birth; second, when the mother has her first child as a teen; and third, that the mother has not graduated from high school. These are the three key factors accounting for over 79 percent of children in poverty. They are directly related to their parents' "marriage" situation.

So, when we talk about good sex marriage, I know this is something that changes the world.

Many people are in difficult marriages. Yet it is not hopeless if that changes, step by step. One person makes a commitment. The other person makes that commitment. Step by step. And it starts things changing. That relationship can change to the kingdom of heaven. 

True Parents Are Offering Tearful Devotions

Hyung Jin Moon
February 17, 2013
International President
To the Blessing Participants

Blessing participants who have come from nations across the world to take part in the Cosmic Holy Blessing Ceremony by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 2013, Distinguished guests from home and abroad that are gracing us with your presence at this meaningful event and Blessing Ceremony participants in 194 nations who are simultaneously participating in this solemn Blessing Ceremony through internet broadcast:

The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have set this year, 2013, as the first year of the beginning of the substantial Cheon Il Guk; that is, the year of its Foundation Day. The ideal of Cheon Il Guk is a nation in which two people are united as one centered on true love for the Heavenly Parent. It is the kingdom of the ideal of peace, free from antagonism, conflicts and struggles. Now, the long-awaited Foundation Day is only five days away.

Even as we speak, True Parents are offering tearful devotions to create a new environment centering on Foundation Day. They are working for the providence, endeavoring to save every one of the 7 billion people that compose the global population and not abandon even one person among them.

I hope and pray that all of you taking part in today's Blessing Ceremony will fulfill the hopes and expectations of the wholehearted love from the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. To do so, all of you Blessing Ceremony participants need to establish the three great kingships and the four-position foundation centered on God. Moreover, with Foundation Day only days away, you need to always remember in your heart True Father, who is now in the spirit world and embed in your homes the words of eternal life written

in the textbooks and teaching materials you have been given, through Hoon Dok Hae. Thus, you should play the role of the true teacher, true owner and true parent to your tribes and your societies.

Partakers in the Blessing Ceremony: This Holy Blessing Ceremony you are participating in is being celebrated here and now, not only by your parents and relatives on earth but also by your ancestors in the spiritual world. When you steadfastly uphold and develop Heaven's traditions and absolute sexual ethics, the spiritual world will work great miracles for you and help you in your endeavors. Once again, I congratulate you on this wonderful occasion of your marriage blessing, and I will end the Blessing Address with the prayer that God and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind's great love and blessings will always be with you and your families forevermore. Thank you. 

Sexual Organs

Hyung Moon Jin and Yeon Ah Moon
January 16, 2013

Hyung Jin Nim: Brothers and sisters we have to remember there's a process, and nobody's perfect, so every week we want to improve. Every day, every week, we don't have to try to make huge leaps, but we want to make many small leaps, tiny, tiny steps, and then watch: two or three years later, we find God has worked a miracle! You don't even know it is happening day by day, but when you look back to three years earlier, life has changed!
From Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 1289

The key that can unlock the sexual organ of a man is owned by the woman, and the key for the woman is owned by the man. There is only one key for every person. There must only be one key per person. Do you want to possess ten or twenty keys, as in the case of free sex? Do you want to become a ruined house who has its gates open for everyone and does not have an owner? Do you want to become a place that anyone can pass through, and come and go at will?

Look at that again: Father speaks of the sexual organs as "the house" Of course, he speaks of the "gates" and the "key" and the "owner" -- the house needs an owner -- Father is clear.... The key to a man's heart is not just his stomach. You don't win a man by just making him a nice steak. Father is very clear; it's his holy palace. And the key to a woman's holy palace is her heart.

When you look at the Chinese character for "sex," it has the character for "heart" within it, on the left. On the right side is the character for "life." So the key to the heart, the key to life, is absolute sex. The man, as the subject, should first give love to his wife, he should touch her heart. For women, their heart needs to be unlocked first.

Men, we cannot just be like little gorillas, asking our wife, are you awake? That is not what a woman wants to hear. She wants to hear, "I love you." Don't be like gorillas, people!

We have to be sons of God. We've got to unlock the heart. This is key. This is essential. We have to unlock her heart. We have to unlock this first, and then the palace gate can unlock.

We must be princes and princesses. Why? In the world of absolute sex, we must be princes and princesses because we are talking about the "royal palace."

If the princess welcomes her blessed prince into her holy palace with joy, expressing her pleasure to be with him, this unlocks the prince's holy palace, which then unlocks his heart -- which is the thing that she actually wants most, the prince's heart -- with gratitude and joy. That's incredible. It's incredible give-and-receive between husband and wife, the unlocking of the hearts and of the palace....

When this virtuous cycle of life is happening between husband and wife, where the husband, as the subject partner, is taking the initiative to unlock the wife's heart, then by really winning her heart, her love -- by unlocking that -- her holy palace can unlock, and then the husband's holy palace can unlock, and then the husband's heart can unlock. This amazing power of true love begins -- as Father said -- "spinning in a vortex." Powerful. This is what we are talking about when we are talking about absolute, good sex -- blessed sex.

Yeon Ah Nim: From a woman's perspective, it's as if a woman is always in the "giving mode." Whether they have a job in society or not, they feel obligated to take care of the children, to do the housework, cooking breakfast and dinner, and when children get sick, they are the ones who have to go to pick the children up and do the consultation with the teacher, and if they're at work they have to come back, and then they have to cook dinner for everybody, for the whole family. So, the woman is always in the giving mode.

At the end of the day, the last thing she wants to do is have intimacy with her husband. She just wants to have some resting time for herself. Not only is she physically tired but she is mentally tired. She's been giving all day. She just needs some time to rest, to give herself a break at the end of the day. For a woman, it is like another time of having to give. That's why women are not always willing to initiate a good sex life.

From the man's perspective the true reason he wants to come home is to experience intimacy with his wife. For the man, that time with his wife is not only a physical thing, but the intimacy with his wife is also a healing time. It gives acceptance; it gives appreciation to the other person, [it relieves] all the "beatings," all the stress, all the failure he might feel in society; by his woman accepting him at night -- or even in the day. [Hitting-/in Him, laughing: Praise God!] To be accepted into her palace means so much to him. It's a healing time, literally.

For many women, this is very hard to understand because God designed man and woman very differently. But I believe that if a woman practices absolute sex with her husband, God will bless them more.

It's very interesting how God blesses a woman. If a woman has a lot of absolute sex with her husband, the husband is willing to help his wife more. He will help her around the house. He will -- guess what? -- listen to you more! If your husband doesn't listen to you well, I absolutely guarantee that if you practice absolute good sex with him more, he will help you, he will listen to you. Then truly God will bless your family and you as a human being.

Women are used to giving and giving, but do we really think of intimacy time as a time of giving? Is this only about us sacrificing our time? I think we women need to shift our perspective about sex. This is something through which the Heavenly Parents dwell with us, in the union with our husband. It's a wonderful time. This can unlock our husband's heart.

What a woman ultimately wants is happiness for her children. She wants her children to receive blessing. She wants her husband to receive blessing, and she wants to be happy, too.

So if that's what women ultimately want, if we really want to be blessed, the absolute good sex practice is actually a way to bring a lot of fortune and blessing into our families.

Hyung Jin Nim: I notice if my wife gets a new eye-blush color, a new hairstyle, new earrings. I notice these things, and I say it. You know, those small things -- we have to always be interested in her. I am always saying, "I love you so much. You're amazing." Every day, every minute, "Oh, you have your short socks on today -- I love those." Or "You've got your long socks on -- beautiful!" I am making those kinds of "heartistic" offerings to her heart. These can be small or large.

One thing I love about Jesus' last parable,' when he talks about new treasures and old, is that it reminds us that when there is true, absolute sex within the blessing of marriage, as Jesus says, "treasures old and new come forth from that." That means that new precious gifts continually emerge. Our motto in our marriage is, Every Year Gets Better. We've been married fifteen years now -- praise God, thank you, True Parents for blessing us for fifteen years -- and every year gets better.

Every marriage has its ups and downs. Every marriage has them. The key is to keep the trajectory going up. You cannot stop the ups and downs, you can't have a straight line up. But you don't want it going down, that is bad. You don't want it "flat-lining" -- that's not good either. You want it to make more up than down, for eternity.

Yeon Ah Nim: Hyung Jin Nim said, Notice your wife. You know, like pick up a flower for her on your way back from work. Just as he mentioned, you have to unlock your wife's heart first. That's a message for men.

But I would like to give a message to women, too: We have to recognize that our husbands are truly making effort. If he does bring a flower, you know it takes a lot of courage for a man to do that. He might say very casually that he got the flower on the way home, but that doesn't mean it is a very casual gift. He might have put a lot of thought into it, but he's a little bit shy to mention that.

So when he does something nice -- say, he took out the trash -- Oh, you're a good husband! You should say nice things to him. 

Hyung Jin Moon's photo at Police Station where Father was tortured 1948

January 15, 2013


 Members of the Chofu Church in Japan have been producing a series of articles on the geographic locations mentioned in True Father's autobiography. In their most recent installment, they identify the exact location of the Daedong Police Station where Father was tortured nearly to death in 1948.

It turns out that the location was where Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim took a photograph during their visit to Pyongyang in 2011. The members conclude as a result of their research using documents from the Japanese colonial period and the U.S. military, that the police station stood about where you see a blue fence to Yeon Ah Nim's left.