Stage 1
Conduct an Inventory of RESOURCES
HSA/FFWPU USA has massive resources already -- we have been busy recording events for decades.
Unificationists are people who take their history seriously.
History is meaningful, more than that, it is providential; we sense God’s presence in the historical process.
Survey HQs departments, affiliated organizations, local churches, membership.
Stage 2
Engage in Discussion / Solicit Ideas
Sound out members as to their vision
Partner with related organizations – Hyo Jeong East Garden Museum; Multi-Format, Inc. (audio-video digitizing), FFWPU Media Team
Open up interaction and investigate models that have been developed in Korea and Japan
Create a larger, advisory committee for regular dialogue
Collect Materials
Pursue oral history
Solicit members for materials (journals/diaries)
Work with sources in 4 main areas – 1)print; 2) audio-video; 3) photographs; 4) artifacts
We have partial understandings – need to come to the reality of TPs and UM from multiple angles
Organize/Protect Materials
Determine priorities -- which sources are most important (collection development policy)
Allow history to speak for itself vs. imposing external concepts, desires or standards
Protect the resources -- catalog them properly; house them properly; obtain funding to maintain them properly
Market Resources
Official launch
Publicize the Institute -- reports
Sponsor exhibitions, conferences
Develop an attractive and dynamic website
Publish materials