Chapter 4 The Relationship Between Ourselves and Spirit People [Part 3]

Chapter 4 The Relationship Between Ourselves and Spirit People [Part 3]

Section 5. Returning Resurrection and Assistance of Spirits

1. Position of People in the Spirit World

The one who experiences in his life the heart of God, who is leading the providence with historical sorrow, will be unable to look at God without tears wherever he goes. When he understands God's Will and struggles to become His child, and when he finds collaborators of the same heart, God will come and shed tears. Then, where does God's sorrow lie? It lies in this nation and world, and in all things, as well as in each of us. We should eradicate this and restore God's joy. The center of our life is the self who can experience God's sorrow.

Then the question is whether I am able to move spirits to testify. The spirit world also requests this. Since spirit world knows God's heart, if such a person makes such an appeal, spirit people are mobilized to help in order to realize the ideal of the heavenly kingdom. Why can't spirit people come down to earth? It is because earth has become the wall of lamentation. (4-?0)

The place where you are standing is not where Adam fell. It is beyond that hill. In other words, now is the time when Adam can communicate directly and go straight towards one purpose. From this point of view, the histories before and after the third seven-year course will be radically different. Through the third seven-year course, evil force will go down and good force will go up; thus, this course is the time when spiritual and physical worlds cross. You should know this.

In the spirit world, there are good, neutral, and evil spirits. In the three-stage development, after the third seven-year course, good spirits will become able to communicate with earth. It is inevitable. Formation and growth stages are under satanic dominion, and thus evil spirits have led the way and evil people have controlled the world. From now, however, good spirits come down. So far, good and evil kept rising and falling, intermingling with each other, but now we enter the age in which good and evil are separated completely. (75-193)

When you go to the spirit world, you will find that some great figure in the New Testament, who was martyred, respected, and supposed to be in a lofty place, is actually in the most miserable place. Those who die with a thought that their death will bring them to the Kingdom of Heaven cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. The attitude of such people is like a madman who killed himself for the Kingdom of Heaven. But those who suffered and sacrificed, even if not martyred, in order to send others to the Kingdom of Heaven, turn out to be the ones in the Kingdom of Heaven. We should fix the fundamental root of faith. Christianity caused much disaster because of wrong beliefs. Unification ideology is to remove this disaster. Even if we do not destroy it, it is destined to perish. Then, why do we have to destroy it quickly? It is because we must destroy it and rescue it before it perishes on its own and becomes deserted by God. (64-110)

Among your ancestors, there are many who went to hell. We should liberate them all. Since this is the way of Parents, you must follow it; it is your destiny to follow it all the way to the end. Then spirit world will help us through individual, familial, tribal, and national levels, thereby bringing unification. You should know this. 1f we unify the world, we can unify the spirit world automatically. Evil spirits have been coming down before good spirits. This is why there is the phenomenon of neurosis among people on earth. You don't know this, but now evil spirits are all down on earth, attacking the human world.

With the coming of the age of ideological confusion centering on democracy and Communism, evil spirits come down and cause chaos of body and spirit. When good spirits come down to earth, however, they expand and start occupying the evil spirits' areas on earth. When good spirits occupy the earth, there is no place for evil spirits to go, and they will have to surrender. When Satan comes to the earth and surrenders, evil spirits also surrender. So in the Last Days, we should restore even Satan. (54-228)

2. Mobilization of the Spirit World and Spiritual Assistance

In witnessing, you should witness even when it does not go well. Again and again. It is like throwing stones in the sea. You keep doing it until the stones fill the seas and form a mountain. What happens, then? You grow in shimjung. Although the body does net change, shimjung grows. You get up early in the morning and pray in tears for the village for which you are responsible. This is. the way of shimjung and touching the spirit world. You feel that when God looks upon this village, He cannot help shedding tears because they are all destined to, hell, and you shed tears for God.

When, you create a powerful resonance by shedding; tears for God the entire spirit world will be mobilized. You should be able to inspire God with your tears so that He thanks you and considers you better than Adam and Eve, otherwise you cannot touch the spirit world. Only when God says in tears, "'As betrayers' descendants, how can you be so good!" will the spirit world come to your assistance? That is the, point where spirit world starts to open; anything below that standard absolutely will not work. This is the Principle. (96-262)

Everyone, do you like going to the spirit world? Between your desire to go to the spirit world and the desire off spirit people to return to earth, which should be stronger? [Spirits'] From the standpoint of the Principle, which should be stronger? The spirit world is the archangelic world and this world is a world of Adam Eve, and children. Should, children be more eager or servants? Are you supposed to help the spirit word or is the spirit world supposed to help you? [Spirit world should help] They are waiting to help, but why are they still waiting? Would they help you in building the heavenly kingdom on earth or in trying to live comfortably? [To build the heavenly kingdom] (161-227)

As I say, spirit world must be mobilized. Otherwise, how can we create the heavenly kingdom? [We cannot] The heavenly kingdom is supposed to start from True Parents and not from fallen descendants. As the angelic world assisted at the time of Adam, spirit world should return to earth and assist with re-creation. Isn't this the Principle of Resurrection? It will be considered true when it is realized in reality. (162-115)

Am I driving you into suffering because I hate you or because I want to save you? You should know that it for the sake of saving you. Understand that your suffering is for your own salvation, you should be grateful. Then the new world of heavenly shimjung will unfold before you. This is the right order. So once you possess heartistic ties, you can fly anywhere and day and night according to heavenly commands. If you are determined to take responsibility and lead the world like a locomotive, then the spirit world will help you. If you think this way, the spirit world will surely help. (96-279)

When you undertake the responsibility for the nation, you should be able to say things such as the following: "In carrying out the individual, familial, ethnic and national mission in the Unification Church, I will faithfully stick with the fortunes of this church. I am a branch of the Unification Church that is growing with the power of the church. Therefore, the word of the Unification Church is my word, the personality of the Unification Church is my personality, and the shimjung of the Unification Church is my shimjung." Then, you will develop wherever you are as the Unification Church does. If you keep up the pace with the Unification Church through such a standard, good spirits and ancestors who used to move along with the national fortune will work for you.

Your physical appearance may be ugly, but spirit world sees you as princes. Especially, your ancestors within ten generations are anxious, for the history of restoration is realized centering on ten generations. But when an evil descendant appears, ancestors within ten generations judge him lest he ruin them. For this reason, if someone here has good ancestors, he will be actively supported by them. When you fight and win every battle, spirit world will rejoice. Then you will scare away evil spirit people. Your ancestors will serve you as king. You should be able to feel such things. We should prepare our foundation with the heart that refuses to defile heavenly tradition and with dignity. You should pray as to what kind of condition you will establish. Now is a blessed time. (34-20)

3. Spirit World and Ancestors

When I see someone's face, I can usually tell if he has good or bad ancestors. Some people have good ancestors and receive blessings, whereas others have bad ancestors and suffer all the time. Such people will only suffer when they do witnessing in their mission places. (37-144)

When your personality has a certain shortcoming, then listen to the kind of testimony that can supplement your personality. Listen to many experiences. When you hear them, do not criticize, for criticizing means deciding between the heavenly side and Satan's side. Do you understand? Criticizing is like a cancer in your development. Once you are on Satan's side, you cannot just come to God's side, and once you are on God's side, you cannot go to Satan's side. In our life, we cannot just go on a straight line but on a zigzag path. I inherit elements from both good and evil ancestors, and these elements influence my actions. So criticism is dangerous. This is the reason why criticism is prohibited. (date unknown)

If you possess true love, you can join God's party any time. You can see thousands of ancestors and spirits because you can transcend time and space. Only those who have the heart of true love can manage and transcend all this. The only way to inherit everything from God as God's equal is through love. If a man of true love just passes by, slightly touching me, I will be very happy. Everyone will welcome him. The other world is like this, so you should be trained here, do you understand?

Why am I teaching this? It is to create a person who can breathe in the heavenly world and follow its beats. You should be able to dance to the beat. I am eventually going to spirit world, right? Satan cannot follow me in the spirit world. (147-?)

We should be one by receiving true spirit from God. In order to achieve a complete unity, we should start with the original subject and then through this become able to move the body; otherwise, unity is not complete. For Unification members, spirit world is a living reality because when they go astray on their own, for example, spirit world stops them and helps them put things in order. This is an amazing thing. A Unification member is connected to his good ancestors through mind and body; they prevent the body from going in the evil direction and push it in the good direction. (162-104)

If there were True Parents who governed everything -- true family, true society, true country, and true world -- how wonderful this world would be. But this is not such a world. Why has this world become like this? Because of the Fall, right? From the standpoint of the Principle, it started with a wrong motivation and has continued thus. The simplest way, then, would be to say, "I can simply get by, and what is the need for a regret? Then I don't need to have any kind of high purpose. It has been like this so far, and I should accept the way things are and live on. How long can I live, anyway? I may live for 70 or 80 years, and that will be it for me. So what's the need for painful worries and toils?" If your life just ended in this world, how simple it would be. If this life was all there is, then I also should have packed my bag and left. But man lives eternally. You don't have so much spiritual experience, but you can meet all the ancestors, including Adam, in the spirit world. You, elder man, do you want to live long? [Why so long?] Do you want to live long or die quickly? [I want to die soon) Do you want to die soon? [Yes] Then if I strike you with a sword, would you say, "Oh, thank you"? (laughter) [How can we die like this?] But you need this if you want to die quickly, don't you? [But I should die according to my destiny] Elder woman, you would run away instantly if a car drove at you on the road, right? (laughter) We have a protective instinct, which makes us act even without a thought.

Does mind get old or not? [Mind does not get old] How about the body? [The body gets old] Why does the body age when the mind does not? When you are treated like an old man, you are not happy. If you are not treated as the same generation, how disappointed you must be? (159-277)

When you go to the spirit world, you will meet countless saints and ancestors and talk with them. They will ask you where you came from and how you lived, just as friends share their life stories. When your great ancestors ask you, "Hey, you, where did you come from?" then would you protest them for using rough language? Or, are they entitled to use such language because they are your great-grandfathers? Christians bow down and pray until they hurt their forehead, just to meet Jesus. Even when Jesus appears, however, would they be happy if Jesus keeps using rough language to them? (148-321)

4. Hope of Spirit People

When our Unification Church members have a sincere, loving heart to make Parents happy at least once in their life, they can resonate with the other world. You all want to love me, right? How long have I been speaking? For almost four hours. But has anyone at least prepared any bread for my lunch? Is there anyone who tries to offer at least spiritual bread, or one who prepared bread with a thought that he will be grateful even if I throw it away to birds without eating it?

What would spirit people think? Would they want to bring something to me every day and see me eat something from it? Who would be more eager, you or spirit people? Would spirit people be more eager? [Yes] That is true. You do not know, but spirit people know. They know what will happen in the future. You don't know anything, but the other world knows clearly. So they know how they can serve me. All the five senses feel stimulating power from me. You have not been able to feel this so far, but now you will be able to feel this when you are connected with me. (207-98)

5. Returning Resurrection and Rebirth

1) Returning Resurrection

Just as spirits of good ancestors at the time of Jesus could rise from the form-spirit level to the life-spirit-level spirit world, your ancestors have a special privilege to return through you. Do you understand this? When you understand this and become victorious branches, then your ancestors will help you. This way, you should be a foundation through which your ancestors of thousands of generations can return. In the time of Jesus, spirit world helped conditionally for the sake of life-spirit-level resurrection, but now they help unconditionally for the sake of divine-spirit-level resurrection. So now is a time of great blessing. Do you understand it? In other words, spirit world is helping. (14-21)

Our present church is too large. At the time of the Chung-pa Dong old headquarters church, when I kicked someone out through one door, he would enter through another door, hiding behind a chair until I went upstairs, and when I disappeared he would come out and pray through the whole night. We have this kind of history, rights After this, he would come here like this to see my face before he left. It .is surely crazy, right? Both you and I. Isn't this why we are famous in the world? [We are crazy together] No, I am not crazy, you rascals. (laughter) If both of us are crazy, then who can take out the feces and urine? What if both of us urinate? (laughter) You are crazy, but I am not. If I were crazy like you, then the Unification Church would not have survived.

In such a chaos, I have been able to steer the way. How much did the world try to kill me and uproot the Unification Church ? It was because I was not crazy that we could steer our way through all this. I have tied a rope high up with God according to the way of the Heaven. Petty folks, however, try to hook it within a narrow range, in vain. This created wars between churches and countries, bringing countries to ruin. The Unification Church victoriously overcame its war with Christian churches, political parties, democratic and Communist worlds. How? From far away. When the rope is hanging from high up, they could not undo it with their own strength. Can they cut off the Unification Church? Whether it is philosophy, religion, or spirit world, no one can be our match.

In America, there is a spiritualist association, and its head is Arthur Ford. He heard about Reverend Moon from Asia. Our missionaries do not visit person by person. They bring Divine Principle books to people who have spiritual communication and tell them, "Please check what kind of book this is. I will come back in a week." When the missionaries go back in a week, people say, "Oh, master, please come." (208-195)

We should offer sacrifices to God with a theory and practical foundation that is enough to subjugate the spirit world. This ceremony of sacrifice was today's pledge service (Nov. 17, 1990), do you understand it? At Han-nam Dong house, I prayed that since the time has come, the current that has been flowing in reverse through heaven and earth now flows in the right way. Since Heaven has restored the eldersonship, all the existing second sons and the second sons to be born in the future are under God's rule. So, after the restoration of the eldersonship, the era of the second son comes, and heavenly law cannot allow the devil to have a performing stage. This is a logical conclusion. Do you understand this?

All the spirits have abused Abel on earth, just as the first elder son murdered and victimized the second son; however, now that we have the eldersonship, we can control even the spirit world. Now they must help us, in order to receive the Blessing. The more they oppose, the deeper they fall into a pit. Heavenly fortune is changing rapidly. Wait and see in the future. I do not like saying such things, but it is inevitable. Those who communicate with petty spirits spoke against going to the Unification Church. But now Buddha, Jesus, Confucius, and Mohamed must teach people to go to the Unification Church; otherwise, they would be judged by heavenly law. Why? It is because Reverend Moon's religion is the parents' religion. (208-154)

2) Questions and Answers about Principle of Rebirth

(Father answers questions: March 26, 1972, Essen church, Germany)

Question: Through what foundation did the Principle of Rebirth come into being in Asia?

The theory that is prevalent in Asia is not the Principle of Rebirth but the theory of reincarnation. Reincarnation is a Buddhist doctrine. Spirit people desire that they receive privilege through people on earth. This is the request of the spirit people. The valve of human beings before the Fall was such that they can dominate the angelic world and cosmos. They fell down because of the Fall, and so they must go back up to the original level. In going up, however, they cannot go all at once but through stages; through the stages, they must now restore individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos.

Originally, human beings should go to this world (Father points to what he wrote on the board). But there is no one-step, road to this world; you must pioneer each stage and proceed through the stages of individual, family, tribe, and nation. (Father writes on the board) From this point of view, in God's providence those who died before the Old Testament Age, which is a providential age for saving individuals, desire to enter this age and receive the privilege. Going through each stage inevitably requires indemnity. Here, indemnity must he paid, as in the case of Cain and Abel.

In other words, suppose a spirit person A has been helping through different Ages up to now. In order to go to the next stage, however, he still cannot pass over freely, but only by establishing a condition for indemnity. It cannot be done in a day or two, and requires some Principled number, for instance, 7 years, 40 years, 70 years, or a few centuries. Thus, since this spirit person, who has been helping, here (Father prints to what he wrote on the board), cannot continue to go up before the period of indemnity is over, he goes back to the spirit world. This spirit hopes that the first man on earth he is working with can complete the foundation, but if that one fails to complete the indemnity condition within the period and dies, the spirit person chooses another man and tries to return to him.

For instance, if the spirit person is Paul, in an attempt to go up through each stage, if the first man he returns to fails to complete the indemnity condition within the given period and dies, he returns to another man and helps him. Indemnity is necessary. According, to the Principle, indemnity

is not completed in a short time. For this reason, if the second man does not fulfill the indemnity, a third man is chosen for returning resurrection. So eventually, Paul returns to the third man. The second man will say that he is working with Paul's assistance. Likewise, the third man in the next age will also say that he is working with Paul's assistance and even that he is himself Paul. This way, it looks as if Paul's spirit appeared in the second man and again in the third man. Looking at such a phenomenon, people come up with the theory of reincarnation; it is because they do not see the whole. This is the same in this age until the age of the world and universe. (Father writes on the board)

Original man comes to live under God's direct dominion, apart from Satan's rule, and yet even he lives in the fallen realm due to the Fall. In order to get away from it, he must pay individual indemnity, family indemnity... Without this he cannot come out. Spirit people appear in each age through the rule of returning resurrection, and so each stage looks like a phenomenon of reincarnation.

The same applies to you. If you have faith but die before marriage, you have to go through the stages of family, tribe, people, nation, and world. For this reason, you cannot tell how many hundreds of millions of years it might take. It could be almost infinity. Jesus could not go beyond the limits of nation, and so he has to come back and help at the stage of the nation; only through this can he go to the Kingdom of Heaven. He is now in Paradise, and the rule applies even to him.

When Jesus comes to someone and guides him, the person claims that he is Jesus. From this, it seems that Jesus is born again, which gives rise to the theory of reincarnation. Do you understand this? (Yes) You should understand spirit world clearly. Human beings, who are supposed to live in God's dominion of goodness, are living in the fallen realm, and they must come away from it. This is why such things happen. Jesus did it spiritually. Christianity has been doing it spiritually also, do you understand? Is there a question about this?

From this point of view, the Unification Principle of Resurrection conforms exactly to the spiritual facts. In other words, the Principle of Resurrection teaches you the spiritual formula. So far, countless religious people have experienced such things but have not understood it clearly. When you hear this Principle, however, do not just learn it as a theory, but you must practice it in your own life and achieve victory; otherwise, I will not teach you this.

In other words, instead of stopping at learning about Noah's family, Abraham's family, Jacob's family, Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus, we should try to pay indemnity for all these figures and establish a victorious foundation. I will teach you when such a foundation is established. In other words, we cannot carry out God's Will unless we turn our defeat by Satan into victory. The providential figures such as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Moses did not know this.

The coming Christ, however, must indemnify the failures at the levels of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation. He is the representative who knows this all and can put it into effect until the ideal world is found. You should know that without his doing this, we cannot realize it. What will happen if you meet the Messiah and follow him? When you meet him at the time he is perfected through the ages of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation, you will also receive the benefits of the ages of individual, family, tribe, and people and continue up to the national level. When someone at the individual age wants to go up to the family age through the Messiah, he has to pay indemnity on earth, just as spirit people do. Also, in order to go from the family age to the tribe age, he has to pay indemnity. This means that the longer one has stayed in Unification Church, the more indemnity he has paid; the longer he has been here, the closer he is to me.

The way up to the age of nation is a vertical path, and the national system should be determined here. If you do not continue to go up in this process, however, you can fall away. It is because spiritual phenomena are such that no matter how high you go up, the same phenomenon occurs because of indemnity. Indemnity blocks your way. This is why it is easy to fall away. When you fail here, you will lose everything. Although the nation of Israel and Judaism waited for the Messiah for 2,000 years, all the foundation collapsed as Jesus died without completing his mission. (Father writes on the board) For this reason, you should know that many people have made sacrifices in the up-and-down fluctuation.

This happens to the mainstream of God's providence, and yet it also happens to many nations around the world as side-streams. Through this, indemnity is paid throughout the world. In other words, as it goes up as the mainstream like this, other people around the world take either conforming positions or opposing positions and pay indemnity. (Father writes on the board) Things are organized through such indemnity. You should know that for this reason many religions have made sacrifices in following the providential course.

How do spirit people and religious people on earth go beyond this level, which has been the highest goodness? In other words, the question is how the national level can be transcended. This is the Messiah; Messiah seeks after this. (Father writes on the board) Since Messiah knows the method for indemnity, when people unite with him, their indemnity period will be short. When a nation is established and settled with the Messiah, all the individuals will belong there. If a nation paid indemnity, family, tribe, people, and nation will go up to the world level. Considering this, you should think how fast world restoration will be if one nation is found.

We can go beyond Paradise only when we establish a nation. Paradise is like a waiting room before going to the Kingdom of Heaven. If errors still remain that were committed by Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Jacob as they followed the course of restoration, they must all be indemnified.

Without indemnity, horizontal development cannot happen. From this point of view, we can see how important a nation is. If we have a nation, we do not fall away. For instance, how much are foreigners cared for by the German government? If they do something wrong, they are kicked out. When they have no nationality, however, where can they go. When such people are killed, they still have no place to appeal.

In a satanic nation, we are people's enemies. Believers of God are their enemies, so how much do they hate and persecute us in their nation? Furthermore, even if they kick us out or kill us, we have no place to appeal our case. Thus, since the nation is important, God comes looking for a nation..

For this reason, in finding a nation, you should pay indemnity for individual, family, tribe, people, and nation. You should follow the individual, familial, tribal, and national indemnity courses. Otherwise there is no road to the world. Since the nation is the center, each nation must go through the central nation. If you die without restoring a nation, you can only return to the earth to support individuals and families, unable to work with proud authority. You are not qualified as a fighter for occupying the satanic world.

Thus, you can enter in only with a nation. Have you entered in? Although you have entered into the Unification Church, you have not entered in God's unified nation. Can you be a people without a nation? No. Do you understand this. [Yes] Hence, all the spirit people hope to assist people of this nation. If only you are in this nation, returning resurrection will occur horizontally. Since it occurs horizontally, the foundation you work for will remain for you.

But before finding this nation, however much indemnity you pay, you will lose it all if you make a mistake. You may build up from the bottom, and yet if you slip off on the way everything will crumble down to nothing. When this is being done on a horizontal level, however, what you have worked for will remain eternally. In other words during restoration, you will lose your investment through indemnity; when a nation is found and we work horizontally, however, your efforts will remain as your accomplishment, rather than disappearing as indemnity. (54-227)

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 1]

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 1]

Please Allow Us To Become Filial Children Who Comfort You, Father

Today even if we see something evil we don't sense anything, and today with hearts that are unrighteous and incomplete and frozen by suffering while facing the will of heavenly fortune, we are unable to feel our responsibility. We have been people who have not experienced heartbreak penetrated by sorrow and have not had minds to cast aside the enemy, and we have been people who have not been able to bring results in battle, or to believe in the Almighty God. We did not know the filial devotion of Jesus Christ in relation to heaven.

Your will to raise up Jesus Christ and to be proud of him has passed through history through the disciples and connected to us today. Please let us know that you are hoping that your Will shall bear fruit through us. And please allow us to realize that today, in addition to the joy of having received life, we also have a central responsibility which can be welcomed by myriads of saints.

Now please allow us to become sacrifices to resolve the enmity of heaven and earth, of all things of creation, and of Jesus Christ. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become children with filial hearts who devote ourselves heart and soul.


Please allow us to realize that today it is each one of us and all of us together who have the responsibility to resolve the grief of heaven, and we are in a situation where it is through ourselves that we must bring to an end the battle to resolve the enmity of heaven. Since we have realized this, please allow us to have minds which seek to accomplish more than anyone else, minds which are able to be grateful to you alone, Father.

Please allow us to be grateful even if we are carrying a cross, and please don't allow us to become unmanly fellows in front of you, Father, even if we fight with billions of satans. Please lead us to become children who can say, "Father, I'm here, so don't worry," even if we are carrying a cross and standing in a difficult position. We earnestly hope that you will allow us to become children who are able to offer comfort to our Father who is in sorrow over seeing his children in difficult situations. We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (May 16, 1956)

Please Allow Us To Become Children Who Completely Fulfill Our Responsibility

Father! Since a rugged path still remains before us, we earnestly hope and desire that you will personally hold us and allow us the strength to be able to remain to the end, even if we go over all the paths of death.

Please embrace these foolish children who are only gazing up at you, and please allow us the courage to be able to push forward along this way to realize the will of heaven alone. We earnestly hope and desire that you will help us to be able to go forward as heroes of heaven and as the children of heaven who have been called.

Please help us not to be found lacking while fulfilling the mission we are shouldering as believers who have the responsibility of awakening all your sleeping children and guiding them to your end we earnestly hope and desire that you will help us to become your children who can be even higher than any believers of the past.

Please help us too become children who walk the proper way responding to your gasp and we earnestly hope and desire that you will help us not to become children who are the objects of Satan's derision. Please help us not to be foolish people who calculate heavenly mortality centered on ourselves. We earnestly hope and desire that you will help us to become children who can exalt grace on this earth and reveal your glory alone.

Even now how many children are there who call out to you. Father and raise up a hidden altar yearning to find the way to your Will. Since we alms have the mission to find these people, oh Father please do not let us be found lacking when fulfilling that kind of mission. Father please call and gather together. All your children, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow the day to come quickly when we can exalt your great will of glory.

Since we have the mission to find and bring before you the four billion people of humankind who are sleeping. Oh Father we earnestly hope and desire that you will help us become children who are able to exalt your glory and joy high on the earth by letting flames of life rise up everywhere we go and by bringing about the work of resurrection when we go oust confidently with the Word you have given us.

Please allow us to believe clearly that it is our responsibility to relieve the lamentations of Christ, who has been appealing to you for our sakes, and to relieve the earnest heart of Christ, who has been working for the sake of the people of this earth for thousands of years until today. Please do not allow us to discard the standard of heaven before having fulfilled completely the responsibility which humankind must fulfill, and please allow us to become children to whom only heaven alone can relate.

Please help us not to become children who drop back onto the earth the mission we have already shouldered, and by establishing us as your children of ability, as your beloved children who can reveal your glory to the end, we earnestly hope and desire that you will help us not to leave behind any unresolved grief.

Father, please carry out your work and personally embrace your children who are raising up a lonely altar in the midst of a difficult environment and are crying out to and appealing to you. And we earnestly hope that you will allow us to become heaven's children who are able to receive your extraordinary will and go forth. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (May 23, 1956)

Please Allow Us To Become Children Who Resolve Your Heart Of Enmity, Father

Father of love! We have come to know that you lament that there is no person to bring to a conclusion the history of struggle which remains as the enmity of heaven. Humankind must pull out the original root of the fall which was planted because of humankind, but since in spite of passing through a long history, humankind still has not been able to pull out that original root of sin, Father, please allow us to be able to pull it out. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us all to be filled with your heart and to become one with it.

Please allow us to resemble your anxious mind, and please allow us to have once again the hope that you are hoping for. Please allow us to become brave people who appear representing heaven, who are able to fight with the billions of enemy satans and take responsibility for the remaining history of enmity, and please allow us to become brave people who are able to go forth representing the earth.

On the remaining field of battle, please allow each of us to be able to take responsibility and to go forth for your will until we realize the garden of joy where we are able to share with each other the heart of love of our eternal father. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become your dauntless sons and daughters who are able to fight with Satan, each one of us representing your entire will.

Please allow our minds and bodies to experience and feel keenly the grace of your joy, and please carry out your work of re-creation centered on us. And we earnestly hope and pray, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become children who are able to return glory to you and experience and feel your love keenly due to having taken hold of the root of sin and fighting and winning over it.

Now pouring out the fire of your holy spirit like water which is pouring down, please act to let your chosen children gather into one, and be able to face and fight against this dark world, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who go forth and conquer all evil representing your heart of the enmity of 6,000 years.

Now on the remaining field of battle, please do not allow us to become people who are indebted to you, Father, and please allow us to be able to be equal to the grace of eternal victory. We earnestly ask you to allow us to be able to establish your will and go forth with the hearts of indomitable hems until the ideal garden is built which can reveal your heart of blessing on the earth. We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (October 7, 1956)

Please Let Us Become Heartistic Sons And Daughters Who Are Strong And Of Good Courage

Beloved Father! Please let those of us who are here become heartistic sons and daughters who are able to hear the heart-rending appeal shouted out by Abel. And through our senses and through our blood, please let us relieve the heart of Christ which was pierced by enmity over not having been able to say all he had to say to the people, when, representing the blood of Abel, he offered himself as a sacrifice of blood on the mount of Golgotha.

We thought that the footsteps of the many saints and sages who have come and gone in the course of history were their footsteps alone, but now finally we have realized today that those footsteps are the very footsteps we also must take today. There are many people on earth, but since you have come to us who are so unworthy, please guide us to become sons and daughters who know your situation, oh Father, as you hope we will resolve the grief of 6,000 years for you.

On this earth there are many distinguished people, and there are many outstanding people, and there are also many people of ability, but you have come to us, even though we are so inadequate. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who are able to experience and feel keenly your forlorn situation as you ask us to understand the situation of heaven.

Just as long ago Joshua was strong and of good courage, today representing the people, we must be strong and of good courage, and representing the world, we must be strong and of good courage, and representing the earth, we must be strong and of good courage. Therefore, Father, please be with our inadequate selves. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will lead us to be able to indemnify and go beyond all the sufferings of history through our own selves.

From among the Christians of the world, please allow there to appear quickly many people who are strong and of good courage like Joshua and Caleb who said they would have to go into the promised land of Canaan even if they died over and over again. We earnestly hope that you will lead us to be able to quickly greet a day of glory when we can harmonize with you, Father, and feel the throb of your life, the throb of life of resurrection through hearts based on heavenly morality. We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (June 23, 1957)

Please Let Us Fulfill Our Responsibility Completely From A Bride-Like Position

Father! Please bear with our having been disloyal and unfilial people who have not known your heart, which is worried about our lonely selves, but rather have appealed to you to resolve our frustrations up until now.

Now that we have realized how pathetic and frustrated the heart of heaven is, please let us understand that we dare not tell you about our own situations.

Father! Since that alone is not sufficient, please allow us to be able to resolve your worries and your concerns through our own selves today, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who can offer everything we have to you.

Since today we are attempting to establish valuable conditions for the sake of heaven in the realm of our real daily lives, Father, please be with us.

In establishing heavenly conditions with the value of the whole, we have been showing ourselves to be unworthy by not being able to be happy about our sacrifices, but since from now on we will become sons and daughters who have minds that can enjoy it even if we are used for you without limit, Father, please allow that. Since we know that even Satan cannot block our footsteps, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will help our minds not to change today or tomorrow.

Father, if we seek to become the brides of Jesus who is the groom, please allow us to realize that we are in a position such that if the groom is worried, we too must be worried, and if the groom fights, we too must fight together, and whether we live or die, we must move together with the groom. Please establish us in the position of brides who experience and feel keenly the joy of the groom who, having finished the course of the battle, sings of your glory in the grace of liberation.

In that way everything that has been lost will be found, and we earnestly ask that you will allow a day when we are able to sing praises to your glory with joy to appear quickly in the courses of our lives, in our daily lives, and in our hearts. We have humbly prayed all these thing in the name of the Lord. Amen. (October 4, 1957)

Please Let Us Become True Children Who Represent The Cosmos

Father of love! I had thought that Jesus came to the earth for the sake of finding me alone, but that was not all; I had thought that he came for the sake of my family, but that was not all; and I had thought that he came for the sake of the chosen people of Israel, but that was not all. He also was not a person who came for the sake of any one denomination.

We have come to understand that at the same time that Jesus was the hope of the created world, he came representing its entire value. Father, what kinds of minds do we have today in relation to Jesus who had the mission to restore everything like that? Please do not allow any of us to become a person who says, "I will die clinging to my family." Please do not allow any of us to become a person who says, "I will die clinging to my people, my nation, my world."

We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to live risking our lives for the problem of the life and death of the cosmos; that is to say, even if I live, I represent heaven and earth, and even if I die, I die representing heaven and earth.

Today if there remain the sounds of the shouts of lamentation among the things of creation because the will Jesus had to restore was not accomplished, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become true sons and daughters who are able to give Jesus and you rest by letting us eliminate that, and please let us be able to form an eternal, destined relationship with you and even penetrate into your heart.

And please work together with us, Father, in order to resolve all historical enmity and to be able to receive the comfort of that resolution, and please allow us to be able to go forward together with you. Earnestly hoping that you will allow us to become true filial sons and filial daughters who are able to forget everything and praise heaven, we have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (March 23, 1958)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Able To Comfort You, Father

Father! If we have life, please do not allow the driving force of that life to limit itself to my one being, and if we have the power of the word, please do not allow the word to remain in our own individual selves.

And furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who can make the power of the word and life go beyond the people and move heaven and earth by swaying the world.

We who have gone forth seeking you now did not know that you are not just a father of glory as we had thought; rather, you are going through crises of crucifixion. Today there are many people who are waiting for the Lord of glory, but since there are no people who have a true will to follow the Lord of suffering, Father, please bear with these pitiful human beings.

Father! Now we are those who must go over the peak of sacrifice, but when we realize that you have struggled indescribably before us in order to find us, we come to feel that we cannot help but go this way whether we want to or not.

Since we know that today we have the entire mission of having to indemnify all the historical debts which remain, if we are unworthy, please eliminate that, and please allow us to be able to be capable of carrying out the mission given to us.

For the sake of this people, and for the sake of the world, and for the sake of heaven and earth, please allow us to be able to establish this people first before you, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who can do that and much more.

We, who hear the sounds of the screams of sin which are left from the course of the 6,000-year history, know that we are standing in a position of having to break through from now on as new ancestors of goodness by going through the positions of Adam and Eve. Therefore we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will establish us as heavenly workers who build a new world stepping over all of the present realities.

Until now we sought you, our father, who comforted us, and we sought you in order to be comforted, but now please allow us to become people who represent you, the father who is comforting us, and attend the Lord instead. And we are earnestly hoping that you will guide those of us who have sought to be capable of carrying out this mission so that all our power will be able to remain until that hope in our minds is realized. We have prayed in the name of our beloved Lord. Amen. (May 4, 1958)

Please Let Us Find The Rest That Comes From Your Love, Father

Father! Many people do not know the flow of history, but we know that you have been personally directing the Will of the providence.

Today please allow your sons and daughters who are here in this place to critique on their own the kind of situation they are in now. Is there anyone who is living for the sake of finding rest for his or her body? Is there anyone living only for the sake of finding rest for his or her mind? We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will now allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to find the rest that comes from your love.

We have come to realize that this is the inevitable course of restoration humankind must go. Because humankind lost that due to the fall, please allow us to stand up imposingly before human history which has groped to find faith, substantial beings, the Word, and love, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to go forth unblamable with heavenly hearts, heavenly love, and heavenly hope before all the things of creation on this earth.

Father! Earnestly requesting that you will eternally embrace our minds and bodies with eternal life, we have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (December 14, 1958)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Respect Your Counsel

We know that it was you who blessed this chosen group and it is you who will make them succeed. We know that the origin of our mind is goodness, and that we move through goodness, and we know that the purpose of goodness, the historical purpose, and the providential purpose all become one centered on you, Father. Accordingly, please allow the ideological apex which we are longing for to bear fruit through spirits of goodness, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this time to become one when we establish ourselves as people who go forward steadily in order to become this ideology itself.

Please allow us to take a good look at the direction our minds are heading, and our bodies are heading. Now please allow our minds to be able to devote their entire energies to longing for you and to admiring goodness. And please allow our bodies to be able to struggle in order to hold on to goodness and to thirstingly, urgently fold our hands and call out to you, Father.

Since we know that the history of 6,000 years is a history through which we have held on to you and appealed to you, Father, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow this to become a moment when we are able to reveal ourselves honestly and bow down before you, and report to you truthfully about all our situations, and we can receive the counsel of your bidding.

Since it was you who drove us out along the way others said no to, and it was you who guided us along the way that was so difficult to go, please take responsibility for this way, Father. We have not moved in accordance with any kind of human mind, and we have not been pulled along by any kind of human situation, and since we have come to this point led by the power of the mind and could not help coming whether we wanted to or not, please lead us not to be lazy.

Since we do not know your words of counsel which urge us on, please give us hour by hour the stimulation of your power to realize your word and to head out in the direction of that word. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will not let any person fall behind on the course going towards you at long last.

Please allow us to place everything we have before you now, Father, and please do not allow your altar to be defiled because of us, and we earnestly hope that you will allow this to become a time of our bowing down to make an offering to you with complete sincerity. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (January 18, 1959)

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 2]

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 2]

Please Let Us Move Only As Yours

Please do not allow us to become people who think that our selves belong to our selves. Our minds are not ours, and our lives which are in motion are not ours; and as the desires we are longing for are not ours please do not allow us to relate to heaven with minds which consider things centered on ourselves. Since we began as yours, we earnestly hope and desire, Father that you will allow this to become a time when we are able to move only as yours. Since we know that our minds must become yours, and our bodies also must become yours, and our ideologies and opinions must become yours, please do not tolerate anything that is not yours. If there are elements of evil which you do not want in our minds and bodies, please eliminate them, and we earnestly hope and desire, oh Father, that you will allow this to become a time which moves as yours alone through your having eliminated all the ideologies and opinions that are not yours.

We know that uncountable Satans are stalking our minds and our bodies. If the bitter root of sin, which you cannot tolerate, remains, oh Father! we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will bring about heavenly acts that will give us the ability to subjugate our minds before you, and that you will appear and bring about heavenly acts of re-creation through the authority of your power.

We know the fact that when heaven moves, the earth cannot help but move, and when the earth faces heaven and requests something, heaven cannot help but accomplish it for the earth. Today are there sons and daughters of heaven who are struggling with sincere minds and true hearts in order to grasp heaven as their own? Is there any person who has lived his or her entire life thinking of all of heaven's situations as his or her own situations, thinking of heaven's work as his or her own work, thinking of the ideas of heaven as his or her own ideas, and struggled while seeking to grasp this, been treated contemptuously while seeking to grasp this and been driven out while seeking to grasp this? If we have not been in that kind of position, please allow us to be able to report truthfully that we are criminals who cannot be tolerated by heaven.

Now we have realized that heaven exists, and we have realized who our heavenly father is. Since we know that there remains the necessary condition that we must form a certain kind of destined relationship between you and us, Father, today please allow us to form a destined relationship with you, our heavenly Father, through this kind of heart, and to feel your anguish as our anguish, and your deep regret and sorrow as our deep regret and sorrow. Please allow there to appear before this people, and please allow there to appear in this land a heavenly march which goes forth to fight a fierce battle against Satan.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to drive out from the earth the enemy satans who have faced heaven and accused it for 6,000 years, in order to resolve your grief, and to build as soon as possible the ideal garden you have sought. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (March 15, 1959)

Please Let Us Lead the Way In The Resolution Of Historical Grief

You are the father of hosts; you are the Lord of the entire universe, and you were the central figure who had all authority under heaven, but because of the mistake of your son and daughter, you are facing a miserable situation like this. Therefore, please allow us to understand your heart at this time. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will not allow us to become weak like defeated people as we look up at the peak of enmity of the providence which remains.

Oh, Father of compassion! Oh, Father of love! If your promised Will is alive in our hearts, please protect us. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become loving sons and daughters who build up an altar of heart while kneeling down wailing before you.

When we have come before you, Father, we have been able to experience and feel keenly the lonely heart of Jesus who had determined to go forward not caring about all the difficulties. Now since the time has come to speak proudly about the hope that we, who have gone out with determination, are embracing, please let us stand on the side of heaven and lead the way, and please let us leave behind what heaven wants to leave behind. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will help this true group of people be able to comfort you and fight for you, Father, adding our hearts together.

Since a trend towards the historical turning point has appeared before us today, please let us become a group of people which resolves the grief of history. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to feel we are inadequate in relation to the Will you have established, and are able to represent the heart of Moses who sought to build an altar for you and believe in you even in difficult circumstances.

What we are going through cannot even be compared with your worry, your suffering, and your toil. Please allow us to become people who are able to see the circumstances you went through as you walked the course of unending troubles, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become people who are able to see your majesty as you walked the unending course of suffering.

Please let us be able to go beyond all the unjust accusations we are encountering, all the criticism we are receiving, and all the persecution we are encountering today. Please guide us to be able to go forward for you, Father, without getting bogged down no matter what kind of position we are in. We earnestly hope that you will enlighten us to know deeply about all these things, and please counsel us through your heart which is concerned for us, and earnestly hoping that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who do not mind all these things. We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen. (March 29, 1959)

Please Command Us Through the Original Heart

Father! Please allow our minds and bodies to be permeated by your heart. Please let us become able to feel that we are being pulled into your heart which is permeating our original minds. In our minds and bodies, please allow hearts to blossom which are moved and can go forth running to you who are joyful and embrace you. We have realized that you appear faintly in the midst of dimness and you do not move until we open our hearts. Even though our minds may have become dirty, since our true hearts are still heading only towards you, Father, please come to us through these hearts, and command us through these hearts. Please allow earnest hearts to well up which can call you "My Father" while shedding tears we do not even perceive, having realized that our past lives were disloyal.

We have come to know that heaven does not hesitate to protect anyone, and we have come to understand that heaven does not hesitate to become the friend of those who are seeking heaven, and we have come to know that heaven enjoys appearing as the friend of people who shed tears wailing to heaven, and as the father who will live with us eternally.

Father! We long for your voice which counseled us quietly and we long for the sense of the amazing love with which you embraced us gently. We long for a moment when we can call you "Father" through our minds which are like that, and we want to raise our hands and exclaim and boast that you are our father.

We thought that you were a father who was far, far away, but it was a joyful moment when we found that you are in our hearts. When we said you were far away, you were in our hearts, and when we were confident that you were in our hearts, you were the father who had called to us from afar, but today humanity does not know how to match this beat. Please let us repent at this time for our selves of the past which did not realize that the place where we thought you had abandoned us was the place where you were close to us, and that the place where we thought you were not with us was the place where you were together with us.

We did not know your mind which does not want to leave in places of suffering your sons and daughters whom you want to call "my beloved son" and you want to call "my beloved daughter." We, who don't know your complicated heart, thought that you, who sent us out on the path of toil, were a hardhearted and cruel father, and during that time, there were many times we complained to you and there were many times we felt bitter. Since we did not know about the complicated walls that blocked the way between you and us, Father, please bear with the fact that we have felt bitter, have rejected you, have been coldhearted to you, and have not had faith in you.

We have come to know that this was because of the aspect of the sin committed by our ancestors due to the fall, and this was because saints and sages died leaving behind stains of the blood of enmity in human history.

Today, is the level of our minds in a high place? Please burn away those minds by fire. Are we waiting impatiently to put ourselves and our authority forward and to appear in your place? We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who, realizing that you are in a miserable position, are able to call you "Father," and are able to smote our shameful breasts in front of your majesty.

Father! Now as we come to realize that there remain times of suffering which will continue endlessly along the remaining way as well, we cannot help but report our disloyalty of today to you with our heads bowed. It is my desire that you please allow this one being to carry the sorrow of history, and please allow heaven to tread upon and go over all the suffering remaining, having taken this being as a sacrifice.

I long for the moment when you can rest and cast aside all lamentations, Father, and we can have a moment of joy embracing each other when I can call you my father, and you can call me your son. As long as we are living on this earth no matter how miserable we are, no matter how resolved we are, or how much we sacrifice, please allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to establish at least sincere hearts of unbending loyalty on this earth and then disappear. Since we have resolved to go that kind of path, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will drive us out and lead us until we don't mind those things. We earnestly request, Father, that this will become a time when we are able to pledge and determine ourselves with new minds and bodies. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (March 29, 1959)

Please Let This Become A Path Of Faith Where We Attend Our Sorrowful Father

Father, you have rejoiced in revealing yourself in silence, and you have not minded revealing yourself in the midst of difficulties. When we realize again that historically it was you, Father, who fought personally on our side with us on the battlefield and who were together with us at the point of despair, and when we think that it was you, Father, who were always with us, and who always fought on our side with us, and who always longed to live together with us, please let us repent for our course of faith of the past in which we rejoiced in rejecting and excluding the earth even while living on the earth.

Our Father whom we joyfully attended as being far above the earth was a father of glory, but we have come to know that our Father who appeared on the earth is miserable, and worn out, and lonely. And furthermore, we learned and came to know that you have come to us and related to us in that way through the course of history.

Now we should not rejoice in and attend our Father who has appeared in glory; rather we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to stand in a position of glory of being able to rejoice in and attend our father who has been wounded on the earth and has been afflicted with difficulties, and who has struggled to find a true son.

If we seek to attend you from that kind of position we know that we will first have to go a path of tears; we will have to walk a path of thorns, and we will have to go beyond the path of the suffering of the cross. We know it is only in that way that we can know the fact that you exist.

We cannot help but think that this kind of lonely course of faith is remaining for us.

Heaven has warned us that now is the time to wake up from sleep. Heaven warned us that it is the time that we should hold up a bright light in this dark night, but are our minds immersed in darkness? Are our bodies bound by the chains of death? Please lead us to cut and cast these aside in order to be able to run towards heaven, to be able to fight in the place of heaven, and to be able to take responsibility in place of heaven. We know that it will not do unless we become sons and daughters who by doing that can call you "Father," and who long for our father to come; therefore, if there are people who are inadequate to stand before the will, Father, at this time please encourage them.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us know that the time and the age are at hand, and not let us become people who are judged, or swept away by the shadow of death, and that you will let us become sons and daughters who know how to run forward towards the garden of freedom seeking your bosom, led by the call of life, even if we have the grief of our bodies being ripped apart and even if we face the grief of death. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen (April 19, 1959)

Please Let Us Search For Your Course Of Suffering

We know that the place where you dwell, Father, is the world of infinite patience, and it is a place of infinite toil.

We, who know your heart and Will which dealt with all the sins committed until now since the time of our ancestors, cannot help but bow our heads with ashamed hearts before our father who has walked a path of so much endurance and a path of so much toil in order to find a being of the original creation. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to broaden our minds at this time and bowing down our bodies, attend you in our minds and hold on to you with our bodies, oh Father, who have struggled in order to hold on to humankind, who have gone forward fighting together on the side of our ancestors, and who have endured together with our ancestors, during the long ages as though they were a day.

We have come to know that among the many people who are living on the earth, while there are many people who avoid the path of toil, there are extremely few people who seek and go forth on the path of toil knowing your situation in order to have your heart in their minds and bodies. When we come to realize that there are very few people who offer loyalty for your sake, who prepare an altar for you becoming sacrifices for your sake, or who reveal your enduring heart on the earth, we come to realize that you are terribly miserable, Father. We cannot help but feel that you are a father who toils and worries about humankind, and even while loving humankind, you are lamenting.

Oh, my Father! Now please let the day come soon when you can convey that your situation is like that to humankind who are living on the earth. We are earnestly looking forward to your suffering situation being able to be sunk deep into the hearts of each and every person.

Father! On this day, on this holy day there are many people who are looking forward to receiving blessings bowing their heads and kneeling down to you, but please let us become people who know that blessings belong to heaven and humankind must take responsibility for the course of toil, suffering and endurance.

If we have joy, please let us return it to you as yours, Father, and if we have hearts of happiness and gratitude, please let us return them to you as yours also, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who take charge of your sorrowful course filled with sorrow and enmity as though it were our own. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (May 24, 1959)

Please Let Us Be Able To Sing Of Your Liberation

Father! If we recollect your sorrowful historical course, we cannot suppress our fearful minds, and each time we relate to the majesty of our Father who has toiled so hard, we cannot suppress our awe-stricken minds. Now please establish these people as sons and daughters who are able to stop and take over your toil by offering their minds and bodies as sacrifices.

You have eagerly awaited the coming of a day of victory when we can sing of liberation from a position of joy which you are able to enjoy, but it is not you who are to realize that Will of liberation; we know the fact that it will not be fulfilled unless it is done by us-human beings who are so disloyal and struggling in the realm of death.

Please bear with humankind who are in an important position like this, but who are languishing along the course of death without knowing their own value as human beings. Please awaken in us earnest minds which are able to sing praises of your heart of glory by holding up a new standard for the restoration of the original heart in ourselves now. Please let us have original internal characters and original external forms, and please let us appear as true sons and daughters and be able to sing of your liberation, Father. We know that you know the fact that this has been our hope for thousands of years.

Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead those of us who know that there will be a day of victory to a position of the level of victory, and that you will lead us to be able to become sacrifices in front of the great will for which you want to give us responsibility.

Father! Please allow us to be living temples binding together our inadequate devotion. Since we know the fact that you are notifying us that it will not do unless each of us individually becomes a sacrifice for the victory, please eliminate everything which is not proper to you, and Father, please raise up a new authority of re-creation by reaching out with your almighty hand. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will have the internal character and you will have the external form of re-creation which is able to eliminate everything which is not yours.

And now, my Father! Please awaken these people who are sleeping, and by taking humankind, who are wandering in dire misery, in your hands, and gathering them together in one place, please lead them into your original garden, into the garden of goodness which is your ideal. No matter what kind of persecution or misfortune humankind must go through, we earnestly hope and desire that you will quickly lead humankind into the midst of the garden you desire.

Father! Since we know that humankind has a responsibility which must be fulfilled in order to do that, oh Father, please command your beloved sons and daughters. If they have the responsibility to go out and find the remaining lands of sin and the remaining people, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please raise them up and command them, and please allow them to be commanded and sent to the place that you desire as ardent laborers, as chosen warriors of heaven who are able to build the garden of victory. We have prayed these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (June 28, 1959)

Father! We Are Deeply Awed

Father! We are deeply awed. Having traveled this path, we have come to understand that it is a magnificent path to go, and the more that we experience it, the more we know that it is a path of sorrow which cannot be stopped no matter how we smote our breasts.

Oh Father, who sought us not for just a day, and not for several years, but for the long time of 6,000 years! Please let this be a time of realizing just how insane the position was that we put you in, and just how angered we let you stay, and furthermore just how unfilial a position we were in. Please let us realize that we, who wept and cried over the things of this world before forming this destined relationship, are sinners among sinners.

What is the hope of those of us who have come here? We did not come here to find someone wearing good clothes; we did not come to find someone of authority, and we did not come for the sake of some desire. Since we have come merely longing for your love, longing for your affection, and longing for a destined relationship with you, Father, if you have tears, please allow us to have those tears, also, and if you have suffering, please allow us to have that suffering, too.

Please let us realize that it will not do unless we become princes who indemnify and in your place take responsibility for the history of sorrow and suffering, and we must not become princes who wander searching for a history of joy. We know that you are longing for sons and daughters who are victorious in a position like this, and sons and daughters about whom you can boast before heaven and earth. And furthermore, we have realized that the goal of God's having toiled for 6,000 years was to establish beloved sons and daughters. We earnestly request and desire that you will allow us to become equal to the duty given us and to be able to fulfill the responsibility given us today. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to become filial sons among filial sons, filial daughters among filial daughters, and loyal subjects among loyal subjects.

Then, we earnestly request that you, the father of history, may become our father; that you, the father of the present age, may become our father, and that you, the father of the future, may become our father, and that you will protect and embrace these people, Father, until the day of joy comes when we sing songs of joy mobilizing the entire universe. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (October 11, 1959)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Do Not Leave Behind Grief

Father! We will go. We will be proud. We will overcome. We will collapse embracing this will.

No matter how many people there are who oppose us, please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to say, "Who could possibly destroy your and our relationship which is united heartistically or the fact that we are your sons and daughters, and you are our father? We want to be confident of this honor alone. We want to leave behind this honor alone for a thousand years."

Father! We are in awe of the grace you have told us about. We are ashamed in front of our ancestors who were ignorant but obedient, and we are in awe of the martyrs. And we are in awe of Jesus, your only son who died. Even though we are inadequate and have no qualifications, you have given us such grace that it is difficult for us to be equal to it. Please bear with the fact that we have not been able to shed tears of gratitude.

We have realized that we must become your children while we are living, and we have realized that before we die we must praise your love highly. Therefore please allow us to be able to die not having left behind any grief, and having attended you, at least one time, Father, as those kinds of sons and daughters. Please let us realize that this is our hope, and it is your hope, too, Father, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to realize that this is the way to avenge you and to wipe Satan out of existence.

We earnestly request and desire that you will let us become sons and daughters who go forth and fight while praying even if we collapse enduring, sacrificing, and yielding until the dominion of heaven is established, and even if we face grief which chokes us up for the sake of the day in which this will is realized. Please be with us personally so that we can unite and be more than equal to the responsibility that you have given us in front of the world. We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen. (January 17, 1960)

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 3]

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 3]

Please Let Us Walk the Path Of Loyalty and Filial Piety While Attending You

Father! Please pardon the fact that we have shed endless tears because of our difficulties. When we had difficulties we often smote our breasts and gnashed our teeth. Please let us realize how unpardonable this was in front of our father. Father, please let us realize that this kind of act could be expected from a traitor who had forgotten the sorrow of heaven, but it is an unreasonable act even in our dreams for a group which knows the sorrow of heaven. We have realized that being joyful even when in sorrow, and being joyful even when in difficulties, and being grateful even if we die are only fulfilling our responsibility at least a little in front of our father, and they are ways to avoid being ashamed in the presence of our father who comes to us.

Now the problem is the kind of position we are in. Have we ever even once greeted our father who came to us, or fed our father who was hungry, or given a drink to our father who was thirsty, or dressed our father who was in need of clothing, or gone to see our father who was in difficulties, or visited our father who was ill? You have said that those positions are where we can always attend you, Father.

We have realized that we must become sacrifices for the whole, and we have realized that it is an ironclad historical rule that the smaller must be sacrificed for the larger. Furthermore, since we have realized that great sacrifices must be made in order to establish the will of the heavenly providence, please let us suppress our own sorrows and be more concerned about your sorrows, and suppress our own worries, and be more concerned about your worries, and suppress our own unjust suffering and be more concerned about your unjust suffering. Please let us realize that if we become sons and daughters like that, the heart of heaven comes to be together with us.

We were those who forsook you, when we had suffering, who reported to you when we were in sorrow, who appealed to you to take care of it when we went through unjust suffering. We have realized that this is not the duty of filial children or the duty of loyal subjects or faithful women. We have come to realize that if you are going through unjust suffering, it will not do unless we seek to shoulder that unjust suffering even if we come face to face with a sorrowful position or the position of death, and we have realized that we are the people who must not let you stay in that kind of position if you are in that kind of position, even if we come to stand in a position which is difficult to stand in here on the earth,

Father! Please open the doors of our minds and dwell in us, and please release your grief which has formed during the course of restoration, and please let the joy and glory of attending you with our minds be able to reach and affect this world even to all the created things of heaven and earth. Since we have realized that you are infinitely longing for that day, Father, please let us become people who fight and fight, and weep and weep, going forward for the sake of that day.

We earnestly request that you will allow us to become people who know how to run forward to the altar of glory where we attend you by establishing a standard of heart which says, "I will be loyal to you in that way." We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (May 22, 1960)

Please Let Us Become True Sons and Daughters Who Serve You, Father

Father! We really want to know your hope, your situation, and your heart. From that kind of position we can call you our father, and we know well how much you have longed for and sought for sons and daughters who pledge to find and establish the nation where we can serve you eternally. And we also know that it was only Jesus Christ, who lived and died on this earth, who called you "Father" from that kind of position of hope.

He knew your hope, and knew your situation, and knew your heart. He knew that your hope was destroyed in the course of history, and it was ostracized in the circumstances of the ages, and it remains as a difficult hope while pioneering the circumstances of the future. Your situation is a situation of pathetic tears, and it is a situation placed in an environment no one can sympathize with even if they want to, and he went the path of death together with humankind, and he felt from your position that it was a situation he had to struggle with, and he felt your indignant and angry heart at the time you lost Adam, and your frustrated heart when you sent the messiah. And we know that he did not lose your hope, your situation or your heart, and while hoping for your mighty will and doctrine, he quietly went through a period of preparation, determined to die, pledged before you, and went forth on the path of the pioneer.

We have come to know about the heart of Jesus who faced the cross with the hope he could not realize remaining in his heart, and even though feeling his situation was bleak, in order to not be called an unfilial child he sought to fulfill the duty of loyalty and to carry out completely the duty of filial piety. How much have you longed for true sons and true daughters who can call you father from that kind of position? How much have you longed for true sons and daughters who subjugate the enemy through the hands of those sons, and who bring the enemy to ruin through the hands of those daughters, and for children who gather together serving you and singing praises of your victory: "May the resolution of your grief and your hope for this land of great grief be realized! And may you receive glory!"

We know that you have looked forward to having those kinds of sons and daughters call out to you in your name from that kind of position. We all hold on to you alone, Father, and we hope to become loyal subjects and faithful women who establish your dignity by offering all our filial piety and by offering all our loyalty to you. We are earnestly hoping that we will be able to call you our father from that kind of position, and be able to attend you as our father.

We want only to become true sons and daughters who can really call you "Father," and true loyal subjects and faithful women who are able to really love you. This alone is our treasure; this alone is the purpose of our lives. Until now for the sake of this way we have lived dealing with all kinds of trials, and we are going this way today as well. Since from now we must go forth again, please let us become people who do not pass our sorrow on to you even if death blocks our way.

When we are in a sorrowful position, we should consider that as your sorrow, and we will have to be able to embrace and comfort each other, and we will have to become people who are able to long for and find such a father and such a son. Even if a person like that is dressed in ragged clothes, and he disappears through meeting his final death from a position where he is being ostracized, he cannot but be your son. Therefore we know that the appearance in heaven and on earth of that son and the father whom that son calls, is the end of the fallen history, and the hope of the course of restoration.

We have realized that it is the ideal of the Second Coming to have one son come to the earth who can be established as a world-level son and who can take responsibility for all of heaven and earth as unfinished works. Therefore, from that kind of position, please let us be able to inherit your innermost heart, to inherit all your external circumstances, and to inherit your all of your unfinished work as true sons and daughters, and please allow us to be able to direct the world here on earth, lead the rest of the people, and guide them to you, and please let us be able to sweep away the remaining enemies and to be able to judge again. Earnestly hoping for and desiring this, we have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the Lord. Amen. (January 3, 1965)

Please Let Us Become True Filial Children Who Attend You Offering All Our Devotion

Father! We must not become a group that is just following. We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become people who appear as those who are leading the way, in front of you, in front of our people, and in front of humankind.

Father! You have the grief of having worked so hard in sorrow for many grief-filled days, and since it was the grief of many people betraying heaven and becoming enemy groups, we know well that it is we who must take on the burden of this grief-filled day and these grief-filled situations.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become your sons and daughters who are able to rejoice of our own volition about offering ourselves as heavenly sacrifices for the sake of the universe and all things of creation by taking on the responsibility for that burden.

Now at this time we are hoping that we can report honestly about everything of our past days and on the foundation of pure and clean minds, we hope that our minds can be filled only with hearts that long for you and affection that adores you. By doing that, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be true filial sons and true filial daughters who are able to attend you with devotion, and not mind no matter what kind of situation you are in, and no matter how you appear.

Now we earnestly hope that at this time you will let each one of us have earnest minds which bind together all our various kinds of devotion and offer them, and bow down humbly and are able to call out to you, and are able to weep endlessly, held in your embrace.

The father who has come to us until now has not been someone else's father. Since we have understood that you are my father, and our father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will once again hold in your embrace these sorrowful children who are standing on the way of the destiny of restoration and who have to form a destined relationship with you, Father. We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the Lord. Amen. (January 12, 1966)

Please Let Us Become True Filial Children and Fulfill Our Responsibility

Father! We did not know that you are our father who for billions and billions of years could not stay apart from us even if we wanted to stay apart from you. What was your sorrow, Father? We did not know that it was your sorrow to have lost your children and to have lost history. But now following the ardent wish of your sorrowful command, we have bowed down before you in this place and are sincerely grateful to you.

We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us become true filial sons and daughters who know that as long as historical grief remains, your grief remains as well, and as long as historical sorrow remains, your sorrow remains.

The time has come when your children must appear who can block this kind of flow of history, and who feel keenly that there remains the path of the world-level Golgotha where the building of an altar for you must be passed on to the people and the world.

Your children who have gathered here, for whom have they lived until today? And what are they looking to as they go forward? We have the mission of having to be responsible for the entire destiny of history left by heaven, and since we have walked forth having determined ourselves and having pledged to do that mission, please do not let us hesitate or give up along the way. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will not let us become a group that fights with the evil enemy and in the end is defeated and brought to its knees.

We earnestly hope that you will remember the lonely group which is bowing down at your altar representing many peoples today. And even more, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will remember your children who are shedding tears and looking up to this place today also, and who are struggling saying that they will take on the lamentations of the people and are concerned about heaven and humankind even while on their lonely paths of being driven out in every corner of the peninsula,

We have come to know that all these things were destined relationships in your sorrowful history. As long as the sorrowful relationships and sorrowful history which remain before us are not cleared up, please do not let us become ungrateful children who flee from this path or avoid this path. We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become your true sons and daughters who are able to learn the duties of filial children and to learn the fidelity of loyal subjects. We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. (March 13, 1966)

Please Let Us Have the Qualification Of True Sons and Daughters

Please let us appear as sons and daughters who are able to promise filial piety to you, Father, who are able to dwell in the midst of your heart.

Father! In addition to having minds which adore you and minds which long for you so much that we cannot endure without loving you, please let us become sons and daughters who long for you, Father, even if we lose consciousness, collapse, or are on the verge of death. We did not know that you are longing for many children who are able to feel ashamed about their inadequate selves even though they have given all kinds of devotion and sacrifice for the purpose of realizing your will.

We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us Unification children to become your children who know how to make efforts to see our heavenly father look joyful while we cover our faces and suppress our joy for fear that our own joy might show in front you.

Father! Please do not let there be anything in our real relationships which holds us back as brave people in the vanguard standing before the will. Since we know well that we are all precious brothers and sisters who were born with each individual receiving one blood lineage centered on the love of you who are perfect, please let us become children who know how to stop and go together with your sorrow. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us become true filial sons and daughters who are able to shoulder your yoke in your stead and release you from it.

Oh Father! Your children who have gathered together here are children who have already pledged themselves to you, Father. Since they have pledged millions of times to offer their minds and bodies to you, please allow them to offer their bodies to you in purity. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your children who sanctify our bodies and offer them eternally to you, Father, and who make efforts to become sons and daughters who reveal your love in place of you. We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen. (May 14, 1967)

Please Let Us Welcome In the Original Spring Together With You, Father

Father! Since spring indeed symbolizes liberation, we will once again have to long for the joy of being held in the embrace of your love. Since spring promises a new beginning, we will have to make a new beginning while held in the embrace of your love. Just as all things in nature are in harmony in spring, please allow us to be able to restore the nature of the subject partner which is able to harmonize with the entire universe while being held in the embrace of your love, Father. Just as spring evokes relationships of song and dance, we too will have to long for the time that we are able to do that centered on your love in the bosom of your love.

As though this spring were a foundation for rest, centered on your will, please allow us to be able to long to become people who rest held in the embrace of your love, Father, Father! By inheriting all your internal circumstances in that way, please let us once again internally long for the original human beings who could have made a new beginning with hope in the Garden of Eden, and who could have been immersed in your love with hope. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to feel that kind of destined relationship as we welcome in spring, and please let us offer eternal thanks to you, and let the gardens of our minds be like that.

Father! Please cause all the essential conditions of spring to appear once again in the gardens of the minds of each individual, and please allow our minds to be places where you are able to personally dwell.

It is not the liberation of humankind alone; it is not the beginning of humankind alone, and it is not the harmony of humankind alone; rather you must be liberated, Father; you must make a beginning, and you must become the central being of harmony, Father. Indeed, we must raise you up as our father who can extend out his arms and dance and sing. Since we must become people who are able to prepare an eternal foundation for you where you can rest, please allow this to be a time when we are able to learn this kind of wisdom through this spring. We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen. (April 21, 1968)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Comprehend Through Our Hearts

We know that the time of hope which you wanted to realize centered on the ideal of creation of heaven and earth has not yet been able to appear on earth. We know that when you created all the things of creation and humankind, your joy was great, but until now there has been no one who fathomed the heart of our father who looked forward to the family of goodness which is realized through eternal life and eternal love centered on humankind, and there has been no one on this earth who has experienced it. We will have to truly realize that it is grievous, infuriating, and disappointing that our human ancestors could not attend you and that they could not be embraced within your will.

We will have to realize that the place where you want to meet us and discuss circumstances with us is not the environment of the present reality where we have lived until now; rather it is your world of heart which is on a lofty level.

Please let us be able to truly understand that that world will not come about centered on the circumstances tangled through the fall; rather that world is realized centered on the heart of our father who is longing for that one time in which he can feel and move centered on the true original destined relationships which are far beyond all situations. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to stand in a position of being able to comprehend through our hearts and not just say that we feel.

We earnestly hope and desire to become your children who are able to feel that you are alive through the flow of blood in our veins, and who can sense your breath in the sound of our breathing, and who can feel the touch of the mercy of our infinite father through the sense of touch of our skin.

Oh Father! Please let us realize what sorrowful people we are since we have not had a single hour with hearts like innocent children who are able to be comforted by you, completely immersed in the midst of the merciful heart of our profound and lofty father. We have humbly prayed in the holy name of our True Parents. Amen. (November 17, 1968)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Able To Be Held In the Embrace Of Your Heart

Oh Father! There are many gatherings of people in this world, but in the midst of them inadequate children have gathered together, in the midst of an environment that has nothing to offer. We are not seeking to possess you, Father, with the standard that you are seeking. Since we seek to repent before you, Father, through the flow of true, deep minds reflecting on our inadequate selves, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow this to be a time when we mobilize our minds and we are able to thirst for a relationship with your situation.

Father, through your infinite authority and power you have had dominion over this earth and many people, but since we are longing for your mercy and grace more than your power, when we reflect on your words and call you our father, please raise up a revolution in our hearts in order to make our earnest minds able to explode and to want to be held in the embrace of your heart and please bring about a change of heart, and please let us be able to be accepted as people who are yours. Since we truly desire to be like that, Father, please come to us here.

Your situation must become our situation; your hope must become our hope, and your heart and our hearts must be able to become one. And if you are faced with sorrow we should be sorrowful, too, and if you are joyful, we should be joyful, too. Since we have gathered together in this place putting you first, and we are thirsting to become people who are able to become one with you as substantial beings who are your objects, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please act at this time to eliminate everything that is not appropriate, and to raise up original minds which are completely able to conform and to be absorbed there, and please act to make us able to be aware that we are your sons and aware that we are your daughters. And earnestly hoping and desiring that you will let us be able to appear unashamed, with the authority of heaven as your children who have been established in relation to your will, we have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen. (November 17, 1968)

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 4]

The Prayers of Sun Myung Moon - Filial Piety [Part 4]

Please Let Us Inherit Your Path Of Sacrifice

Father! This morning is the day of rest. Please let us be able to come into contact with your glory together as your children, and please let us be able to come into contact with your noble and precious character, and please allow this morning to become one in which we are able to experience the idea of the victory of the fulfillment of your hope.

Oh Father! When we think about the fact that your holy work of having created this entire universe was ruined like this due to the first ancestors of humankind, as the sorrowful happenings come one on top of the other, we truly will have to feel that we have become people who must be ashamed before you.

We have come to know that you alone carried our responsibility, and you have walked the course of history so miserably, so mournfully, and so solitarily. Now we who have come to know this will have to give all our strength and praise highly the name of our father, and giving devotion, and following the example of your precious heart, we will have to sacrifice everything we have, and we will have to inherit completely the path of sacrifice of the pioneer which you have pioneered until now.

Oh Father! Please look down at your children who are gathered here. We are young. We are inadequate. We are a group that has lived without any kind of hope on the earth. We thank you sincerely that in spite of that you have brought us to participate in this holy place where we are able to call out your name, Father.

Please allow us to become true filial sons and true filial daughters who are able to inherit all of your toil each time we prepare ourselves and call out your name, Father, and who are able to call you "Father" through a flow of deep heart.

Our Father, who has been sorrowful for millions of years, please reveal your grief-filled heart, and please let us reveal all our circumstances, and inherit completely your sorrowful grief, and please allow us to become your children who resolve completely all your enmity in relation to your enemies which has become entangled over millions of years. We have earnestly and humbly prayed in the holy name of our True Parents. Amen. (December 8, 1986)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Able To Say We Will Go Forward For Your Sake Alone

We have determined to be loyal in relation to the remaining path of restoration. We have come to know that your road was so miserable and so sorrowful as you sought the result of goodness which no one knows about.

Please allow us to become children who when we relate to you are able to call you our father, and who have become sons and daughters who are confident that we have the dignified appearance of sons and the dignified appearance of daughters, and that we are able to call out your name. Until now in the course of history so many people have called your name, Father. But there were many people calling you from a position lower than that of stepchildren. Please allow at least us to be able to call you, Father, with a destined relationship of heart which penetrates to the bones. Please allow us to realize clearly that we have become holy Unification Church members who are able to serve you centered on one family and who are able to respond directly to you when you say, "Oh yes, my son, my daughter," relating to us as those who have the destined relationship of your children.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your children who know how to make an effort and who will go forward for you alone while acknowledging of our own volition that we are beings who will disappear for the sake of your purpose because we are beings who were born for you, and we are existing for you having penetrated deep into that heart no one knows.

The Unification children are gathered in this place, but this is absolutely not a place where we have gathered in order to boast about ourselves. We are by no means people who have gathered in order to boast about something about ourselves. No matter whether we are naked, and no matter how dirty or shabby the clothes we are wearing are, please let us determine before anyone else to love you more nobly with minds that seek to become one with the people, nation and world you are seeking. If we have become sons and daughters who have bowed down before you with minds like that, we earnestly hope and desire the you will allow us to clearly know that in the midst of this, we will connect to your heart and in the midst of this, your love will blossom.

In the place where that can happen, that place which no one knows about, we must become your sons and daughters who will be able to determine ourselves saying, "Father, I'm going. I must go. I will fight for you." Please allow us to acknowledge that without doing that we cannot penetrate through the wall of the enemy. Furthermore, we earnestly ask that you will allow us to become chosen warriors of heaven who penetrate through the walls of the enemy and finally absolutely raise up the banner of victory together with your name.

We were not born for anyone. We were born only for you, and because we were born for you, we will live for you, and because we will live for you we will be able to die for you. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who have a solid and clear belief that we must realize a world-level victory. We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen. (June 29, 1969)

Please Let Us Be Children Who Do Not Forget Our Destined Relationship With You As Parent And Children

Father! Having to accomplish the mission of certain victory which you left behind is the daily life of original humankind who are living on the earth and it is their very life, but we know that by not having historical results which could be left before heaven, humankind has left behind historical grief. Please awaken us once again to the fact that you are concerned because we ourselves who are living today in this age are in a position where we could create grief.

Father! Please remember your children who are gathered here. They depend on you alone, and they are a group which is shouldering the important and great mission of having to accomplish the mission which you left behind. We know very well that we appear unworthy, and when we critique ourselves and analyze ourselves, we know that we do not measure up as beings who are able to return something to you. We must not forget that because we have already formed a destined relationship as children with you which cannot be torn apart even if we tried to tear it apart, you look at our very beings and you are relating to us from the point which divides into sorrow or joy.

Just as parents love their children, it is the principle of all human morality, and the duty of heavenly morality that the children must love their parents. We know well that through our lives, humankind should have left behind a starting point of being able to give and receive that kind of love, but because humankind was not able to establish a foundation in daily life to be able to do that, and was not able to have an environment where we were able to do that, we could not establish that kind of tradition.

Please let this become a time and a place in which we reflect on the sorrowful course of history which has flowed on like this and which calls upon us to fulfill the mission left behind for us today. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to be a time in which we are able to present ourselves before your holy majesty, receive new orders, and receive new commands.

We are like naked people. Please let us realize clearly the fact that we are facing the realm of boundaries where we can be invaded by Satan at any time. Now we will have to know you, Father, before we die. And furthermore, we must feel that there remains before us the heavenly mission that after having come to know you it will not do unless we live and attend you before we die.

As we ourselves are now when we stand in the presence of your solemn majesty, do we truly have eyes that are able to look straight at you, Father? Do we have faces that can relate to you without shame? And do we have limbs and bodies that can do things in your presence without shame? When we think about these things, we come to realize that we do not have any features that are not shameful before you. The more that we feel this the more we come to truly know that the position of our father is a position in which he cannot avoid sorrow when he is relating to unworthy people who are pitiful like this and who are not able to stand properly.

Within our true minds, with minds soaring up and wanting to call out to you, going beyond time and the ages, our minds will have to become earnest about running towards you. We earnestly request you to allow us to realize the fact that without that kind of desire, we will not be able to continue our destined relationship as the sons and daughters of our father. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents.. Amen. (August 24, 1969)

Please Let Us Possess The Features Of Children Who Are Able To Represent You

Oh Father! Until now you have been moving. Until now, the earth has been moving, too. But since the direction that you were moving and the direction that the earth was moving were not the same, it became your sorrow; therefore, we will have to unite them. We know that the beings who will have to unite them are the people who are in the middle, who are neither heaven nor the earth. We must clearly know the fact that due to people centering on themselves and betraying God, and not being able to go beyond the foundation of the difficult way of history, today this miserable struggle has continued centered on each one's self.

Here we must know that the enemies who are more frightening than the enemies of heaven or the enemies of the earth are the people. Due to people, your sorrow and grief have piled up one on top of the other, Father, and due to people, until now a miserable history of blood has continued on the earth.

When we realize that all this is because a true person could not be established, we must establish truth and find a true person. And after finding him we must become completely one with him.

We have come to understand that in order to do that, the course of restoration is having to be absolutely obedient to you.

Owing to our having offered our minds and bodies entirely and having given our full devotion, heaven will have to be able to bow its head here and earth will have to be able to bow its head here. We will have to become people who are not ridiculed by the enemy Satan and who have the features of sons and daughters who have become one with you; who are able to attend you, and who are able to represent you. Please do not let us forget the fact that you have longed greatly for those kinds of features.

If in our minds we have hot-blooded vitality, please do not let that vitality end as vitality for any one individual; please let us realize that it will not do unless this vitality becomes connected with your vitality. If there is such a thing for young people, it is the same, and if middle-aged or elderly people have hearts of that kind of vitality, please let them be able to become one with you. We must know clearly that we descendents of the fall are facing a path of destiny along which we must long for and go to the place we are looking for today and tomorrow.

Father! Now we must open the doors of our minds and attend you with much care. Before the majesty of your presence we must bow down, and repent for the historical sins of the past and ask for forgiveness.

Father, please come to us. Please extend your heart of mercy to us and please do not forget us. We must become true object partners who are able to become one with your hope. And we must become people who hold you as an object of adoration and who long for you.

Father! We know that it will not do unless we establish one complete standard that is able to call you Father and that unites the mind of vitality which is able to move or stop together with heaven and the mind of vitality which is able to move or stop together with the earth. Therefore, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to become a humble group before you as those who can do that. We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen. (August 31, 1969)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Able To Take Over Your Great Work

Father! Please let us feel grieved that we have not been able to possess a conclusive authority of love because we have not been able to have the spark of love which is able to go crazy at least several times over the desire to love again, even after having loved our object partner like crazy.

We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons, to become daughters, and to become families who deplore ourselves for not having had a single day when we worshipped heaven through the whole night continuing into the next day, and in order to have that kind of motivation, run to you appealing to hold on to us. We must become children who, in front of the people of the world, the families of the world, and the nations of the world, have more value than they do, and who give them the blessing with joy. And please let us realize the fact that when we become children who newly create something higher, everything turns out well.

Please allow us to understand clearly that the spirit world is mobilized at the point where we appear in the position of parents representing God. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to fulfill the mission of moving the environment, which is the object partner, with the authority of the subject partner by becoming the center of the world.

And when we call you "Father," we want to call you "Father" millions of times with minds which are at least scores of times more earnest than those of the people of the world today who are calling you "Father" with earnest minds. Therefore, please allow us to be able to experience your innermost heart, and please make us more earnest now than before and please make us more earnest later than we are now. Please let us enter the status of being called your sons. Prodigals are also sons, and loyal subjects are also sons, but please allow us to become sons who are able to take over your great work.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow all of us to struggle in order to become sons who are recognized by everyone as filial sons who are able to inherit completely all your great works from you. And please allow us to be able to be recognized by you who will say, "You are my beloved sons." We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen. (February 26, 1970)

Please Let Us Stand As Fitting Children Before You

Father! We know the truth that no matter how much we call out to you, if you do not call out to us we cannot have a destined relationship with you. We must once again feel from the depths of our hearts that you have called out to us over and over again from a position of suffering, from a miserable position, with an earnest mind throughout the long course of history. When we think that without having the attitude of fitting children in your presence, we cannot call you our father, we can imagine how very much you must have longed for those kinds of children! How much you must have longed for a place where you could meet children who were filled with longing and where you could share the circumstances that occurred along the way of your course! How much you must have looked forward to the place where you could give orders about all the missions and give final instructions!

We will have to prepare a place where you can do that. And having become beings who are able to adjust completely to all your commands, we must become sons and daughters who are able to say, "Oh Father! Do as you will!" And we must become sons and daughters who are adequate to inherit the spirit of our ancestors who shouldered the mission of indemnity for the historical age. In this age how much you must have longed for sons and daughters about whom you could praise and boast! Father, you promised, blessed, and commanded internally, but our ancestors who came and went in the course of history always pounded nails into your heart, and when we realize that it was not just once or twice that they banished you to a lonely place, our having the destined relationship of being able to become your sons is a joyful thing, but in relation to the aspect of the mission, each time we look back on the grief-filled path of restoration walked by our ancestors, we cannot help but think that it is accompanied by many sorrowful things.

We are able to call you Father internally, but we know that at the same time, externally we must be able to receive orders from you about our responsibility. And we have come to think that you are not commanding and giving us orders about our responsibility and mission from a joyful position; rather, you are in a miserable position where you have to command and give us orders from the sorrowful, lonely crossroads of death.

Please allow us to realize that in order to meet such a father, we must heal the misery of that father, or we cannot meet him, and in order to have a relationship with that father, we must go beyond all our worldly relationships, or we cannot have a relationship with him. When we consider who was the cause of this kind of relationship, and we realize the truth that it was not because of you; rather, it was because of our human ancestors, humankind, we realize we must become your sons and daughters who are able to feel ashamed.

And when we tell you that we are beings who deserve to die millions of times over, we will be able to communicate with your pitiful situation up until now, and when we stand in a position which is similar to yours or in a position which is even more miserable, our father who has been so sorrowful will be able to comfort us. We know that if there is such a time, it is from that point that we can form a relationship with you, Father. Please allow us to realize that a destined relationship is not realized from a position of asking things from you; rather it is formed from a position where you are able to hold on to us and share about your situation with us. We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen. (March 15, 1970)

Please Let Us Become Able To Testify That We Are Your Children

Beloved Father! We know that if we search and go up and up, and up some more, the outcome will be none other than the place where we meet with you, Father.

If we consider what the final, conclusive words might be, what you might say, and what we might say, they would be, "You are my son," and "I am your son." We know that those are the conclusive words which are the words of hope humankind has pursued, and the words for which you have sought and met humankind.

This is not to end by meeting with you as son and daughter; rather those sons and daughters should be able to transform into the bone of your bones, and the flesh of your flesh, and internal hope should appear to us, and the individual aspiration which appeared to us should appear to a family, and the family's aspiration should go beyond the society and nation, and beyond all the people of the world, and it should become an emotion felt through the experience of your innermost heart, and it should be able to overflow to a world level of universal validity. We know that world is the world of hope you are seeking, and it is the one world humankind is looking for.

When we look at things from this position, we will have to look and see whether there is in reality a group that is looking for this kind of path in this historical period today. We will have to check into this. We must reveal the origin of the truth taught by Jesus and all the saints, and in relation to ourselves, we must find how much priority we give the value of heaven, and we must analyze and critique in what kind of equal situation heaven and we must stand. And then we must understand at this time that it will not do unless we take a stand on a decisive position that it must be this way, and unless, having appeared before all the people and the entire world and the new trends of thought, we establish a standard of truth which can cope with them.

Father, you must be able to prove that we are your children, and we must have faith which can vividly testify that we are your sons and your daughters. Please allow us to prove, not only by faith but from a position of experience, the fact that you and I have a relationship extending front and back and a relationship extending right and left, and please allow us to discover our own selves who are able to establish on our own the origin of proof which can say that from that kind of position without change we have been together eternally; we are living together eternally; and we will live together eternally. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen. (February 11, 1971)

Please Let Us Realize the Precious Value Of True Parents and Attend Them

We will have to come to know how precious the name of True Parents is. We must always keep in mind that they are the parent-body which can resolve your grief; they are the center for realizing the hope of humankind; we cannot substitute all of history for these True Parents who are the origin of the appearance of the ideal world, and we cannot substitute them even for our children.

We will have to have the thought of the True Parents in our bodies. The Will of the True Parents is to save the world. We have come to understand that the thought of the True Parents is a thought for the foundation of the future and for leaving behind a historical tradition. We are in the present in order to bear the fruit of the past; we are in the present in order to become the center of the purpose of the present; we are in the present in order to become the center of the purpose of the future. When we consider that we are standing in a holy position which is able to influence the conclusive destiny of three ages like this, we realize that so far we didn't know that humankind was like that. But now, Father, we have realized it.

Now we will have to give our entire devotion and fulfill our moral obligation as the good ancestors of millions of generations and establish a tradition which will be adequate to be respected forever and ever. When were we filial children to our parents? When did we attend our parents in spring with flowers blooming? Or when did we fight beside them together in summer, fall, or winter? When did we determine to die together with them? We want to sincerely thank you that you have granted us this time when we can share our destiny with our parents for three years, even though we could not yet attend our parents in spite of the fact that we should have attended them for three years.

When our living environment becomes filled with tears and our life course can be filled with earnest tears, and we can say, "I want to live and die for millions of years attending my parents," and when in the day, I think of my parents; at night, too, I think of my parents; when lonely, too, I think of my parents; and when happy, too, I think of my parents.

We must realize the truth that a holy and awesome situation is present in that which will move the many human beings of the world, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to go forward powerfully, more powerfully and more powerfully. We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen. (April 29> 1971)

Please Let Us Comfort the Situation Of Heaven Which Has Suffered Unjustly

Oh Father of great mercy! Oh Heaven, which has experienced losses until now, having destined relationships of compassion and sympathy, please bend down and look at our inadequate selves. When we consider your original authority and position, we come to think that you are a holy being whom fallen humankind dare not relate to, and we must deplore the fact that you, our father who is like that, have suffered unjustly, going forward taking responsibility alone for the path of suffering. But if there is an opportunity for us to be able to notify heaven and earth about this, we must know that before we notify them about pitiful humankind, we are the people who must notify them first about our pitiful heavenly parents.

Even if we are in a position that is able to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, more than hoping for the authority of heaven, we must feel acutely that before us on our road of life there remain many times when we will have to go the kind of road where we comfort heaven, endure and go through many things. Please let us awaken once more to the fact that we must become dashing sons and daughters you can be proud of, who today also of their own volition protect the road to the battle; who, as the pioneers of tomorrow, long for the appearance of victory; who determine to overcome; and who do not know what it means to become exhausted even in a living environment of unfavorable conditions.

Since we feel the fact that unless we move according to your innermost heart, and unless we become beings who are connected to your situation, and, as fruits of goodness, become stepping stones on this earth, you will not be able to walk, then we earnestly request that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who live comforting and attending our father who is going a lonely way even one day more quickly. We have humbly prayed in the name of our True Parents. Amen. (August 29, 1971)

Please Let Us Become Children Who Are Concerned About Our Parent's Heart First

Our Father, who has worked hard with this group which is always inadequate and weak, Our Father, who has counseled us while always enduring in a lonely position, Our Father, who takes responsibility alone in circumstances of sorrow and who goes forward standing in the vanguard in order to pioneer the day of comfort and rest for us, when we consider that you are such a father, we must ask you to please pardon us for having severely lacked filial piety, and for not having been able to attend you as the Lord of our hearts. Please pardon, Father, that we have been inadequate and have not known until now that you are our father who is resurrecting us to eternal life which continues forever and forever, and even today you are continuing the work of creation.

We are longing for a time when we can clean ourselves up and our hearts can be moved with yearning and adoration while gazing at your holy majesty. Therefore, if there is anything you would like to instruct us about, please come, and instruct us so that our minds and bodies may be moved, and if we cannot go to the place that you desire through the destined relationship of the new command, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that even if you have to take a rod to us, you will allow us to be able to go to that place.

Since in spite of the fact that we should give ourselves as offerings to you, we are not able to do that, Father, we earnestly hope that even if you have to drive us there, and even if you have to drag us there, you will lead us to your altar.

On the way to the mountain of Moriah, Abraham brought his innocent son, Isaac with him. When Isaac asked his father, "Where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" his father answered that he did not have to worry about that. Each time I consider Abraham's heart, each time I consider that parent's heart, I come to feel how sorrowful your heart must be as you lead us.

When we think that before being concerned about your heart, there are many times that we are concerned about ourselves or the things around us, now we must go beyond ourselves and be concerned about your heart first, Father. And this must become a time that we awaken to the fact that we must become the people of the nation and the sons and daughters whom you cannot do without, who give filial piety upon filial piety and give loyalty upon loyalty, and who can maintain the mainstream of your dispensation. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow this to be a time of not just our awakening, but rather of pledging with conviction. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen. (September 5, 1971)

Chapter One - A Letter Of Offering To True Parents

Chapter One - A Letter Of Offering To True Parents

The Letter To True Parents

Dr. Lee began with praying "True Parents! I hope you can be consoled by my letter!

True Parents! I would like to give my best regards to you. I hope to receive your love and forgiveness because of the impiety of my earthly life. I cannot but feel sad before True Parents because I came here to the spirit world prior to you.

I know very well the continuous, desperate efforts of the True Parents to successfully fulfill the 3.6 million couple international Blessing. In the spirit world, our members are also working very hard to witness to people. However, even though we make strenuous effort to restore the spirit world, many fundamental problems can be resolved only when you come. I am very sorry for that because it will cause you trouble.

Since True Father will conduct the Blessing in spirit world, multitudes are waiting for you. Now, we lecture that the door of hell will be opened and hell will be liberated. However, even though we try to do our best, it cannot be compared with our True Father's efforts. We desire and pray that our small efforts can reduce your burden.

True Parents! When I lived in the physical world, intellectuals often asked me about the spirit world, but I could not knowledgeably answer. Whenever we held academic seminars, people asked about the spirit world. But I could not give a clear answer. The spirit world was like a riddle that I could not solve by myself. Accordingly, without first systematizing the doctrine of the spirit world, I came here. Therefore, for the following reasons I will try to carefully relate details about the spirit world: First, I want to solve many of the questions troubling earthly people. Second, I want to assist our Unification members while on Earth to live properly. Third, even though my efforts are very small, I want to reduce our True Parents' trouble. Fourth, I am bothered by a guilty conscience because I came to the spirit world prior to True Father.

True Father! So far, your humble son, Sang Hun, has explored various areas of the spirit world. As long as it is possible, I want to search all around the spirit world. Now, I am going to relate what I have surveyed in the spirit world. If my message contains error, please blame me and correct it. It is my sincere heart to help members by revealing the secrets of the spirit world. I hope that by knowing the spirit world, people living in the physical world will not commit sin, and will come to the spirit world without sin. By doing so, I pray that our True Father's burden will be reduced when he comes to spirit world. Moreover, God is burdened and poor.

True Father! I would like to deeply express appreciation for sending me to this blessed place, and giving me the title, "Blessed Man." After completing my earthly life with your grace and blessing, I came to the spirit world. So, I will sincerely devote myself to liberate hell in this eternal world.

True Father and True Mother! As a blessed couple we ask for your forgiveness because we live comfortably in the spirit world. We would like to offer a full bow in front of True Parents. May True Parents live long lives!

August 21, 1997
From Sang Hun

To Beloved Members Of the Unification Church

"I would like to offer this letter to our beloved members."

Dear members! What shall I write first? No one can avoid physical death nor escape the spirit world. It is the way of Heavenly law through which everyone must pass. I miss our members of Unification Church since I came to the spirit world. I am really concerned about how to educate all members not to violate Heavenly law in the physical world so that you will be able to pass smoothly into the spirit world. If you violate the law of the spirit world, you cannot solve it easily, and you will pay the price of indemnity through suffering in the spirit world. Beloved members of the Unification Church! What a hard time you have had! I desire that when you arrive in this eternal world, you can live happily. I wish that you would not try to escape temporary hard times. If you persevere, you will find eternal life.

If you violate Heavenly law, your descendants will have to pay indemnity instead of you. When True Parents organize the spirit world, your wrong behavior will pain the True Parents' heart. Dear members of the Unification Church! My name is Sang Hun Lee, who wrote Unification Thought. I am going to relate what I surveyed in the spirit world. Please read it carefully, and make your earthly lives successful. By doing so, let's console the painful heart of True Parents, and pray that True Parents may have long lives. Please read my message very carefully. You should measure your lives every day by the standard of True Parents' speech. This is my advice as your elder brother, to help you fulfill your responsibility successfully on earth. May God bless all of you!

August 21, 1997
From Sang Hun

Chapter Two - Earthly Life And Life In The Spirit World [Part 1]

Chapter Two - Earthly Life And Life In The Spirit World [Part 1]

Meeting At The Seung Hwa Ceremony Of Sang Hun Lee
March 24, 1997

My Name Is Sang Hun Lee

Please don't try to test who I am. It creates a bad feeling in me. I had wanted to meet you more often during my earthly life. However, it was not easy to meet each other. Dear Mrs. Kim! Through you, I am going to complete what I did not complete during my earthly life. Please don't say that you have no qualifications to do that.

Unification Thought Is the Fundamental Thought

Unification Thought is the fundamental thought that True Father gave us, but many people try to understand it just intellectually. Therefore, throughout my whole lifetime in the physical world, I was trying to write many books to help people more easily understand Unification Thought. However, I could not completely fulfill that. Therefore, from the spirit world, I am going to send you what I did not complete in the physical world, so that you can share it with all people.

Mrs. Kim! From my earthly life, I know that you worked very hard. Therefore, from now on, I am going to help you centering on Rev. Ho Woong Chung's family in the spirit world. Please, wait for this. Even though God said that I don't need to stay on earth for 40 days, I will go around the earth as well as the spirit world as far as I can, so that I can systematize my thought and relate that to you. My wife also has many things to share with you. Mrs. Kim! Even though for a while you may feel troubled because of me, please forgive me. After putting my thoughts in order for 40 days, I will return. Although you may go to Australia, I can go there. Then, I will visit you again. Thank you.

Also, I would like to express my appreciation because everyone beautifully eulogized me in the Seung Hwa ceremony.

Memorial Service At His Home With His Family Members 
March 28, 1997

To Kyum Hwan, Jang Hwan, and Jin Won,

I want to talk with all of you for a long while, but because of limited time, I am going to give my regards through this letter. Kyum Hwan! Jang Hwan! Jin Won! I can give a brief description of the spirit world, which you cannot see, like this:

"What a useless life the physical world was!
It was nothing.
It was nothing.
Oh! God!
Oh! God!"

I don't really know how I can describe this infinite spirit world. God is invisible. Even though I am in the kingdom of heaven, I cannot see God. However, there is brilliant and fascinating light, which cannot be explained by the human brain, intellect, and reason. Before such a bright light, all the contents of our lives are disclosed completely. In this brilliant light, we can have the same feeling of relief, safety, and happiness as a baby feels when it is drinking its mother's milk. In this light, everything seems to be melted like a blast furnace. We can call it the blast furnace of God's love. Oh God! Such a wonderful world lies ahead! A sweet scent, a beautiful melody, such as we have never experienced.

My children! Even if your father tried to write all night about the spirit world, I would not be able to adequately express myself. Let me ask a question. How much longer are you going to live on earth? What is the purpose of your lives? As your parent, I want to ask you to read thoroughly Unification Thought, which I wrote, and the Divine Principle, which True Father wrote. After reading that, you should decide your way of life. If there is a greater teaching than those books, you may follow that. However, if you think that there is no such greater thought, you should work with your whole energy and life for the sake of God's will. You should not listen to the local news regarding various bad rumors and negative things about the Unification Church, but you ought to listen to the national news.

On the day of the Seung Hwa ceremony, many people over-praised me. I want you as my children to receive those expressions humbly. In the near future, I will explain about this huge spirit world through Mrs. Kim, after organizing my thinking systematically and logically. I will also speak to the group of professors about the spirit world. You also have to help Mrs. Kim. You should study how to live. Please keep in mind that the physical world in which you are living is a valueless and momentary world.

From your father

To My Beloved Sons (A letter from Your Mother.)

Kyum Hwan! Jang Hwan! Jin Won! Please listen 100 percent to what your father said. As your mother, what I want to ask to you is that you have close relationships with one another and help others. Please always look around to see if there is anything with which you can help. How are you going to manage the problem of inheritance? After discussing that matter among yourselves, please talk to Mrs. Kim. Your father said that he would then finalize that. I also ask that you study the True Parents. How happy you are because you can listen to this precious news from the spirit world! As your mother, I deeply appreciate that.

From your mother

After Examining My Life, Please Study Unification Thought

After examining my life, please study Unification Thought. Please, follow me. (A father's advice to his sons.)

Questions and Answers with Family Members

Q: What do you think of impiety?

A: Since I did not completely fulfill my duty of filial piety before God, how can I ask for the filial piety of my sons? If you want to perform the duty of filial piety, please follow True Parents.

Q: Why did you go through the window?

A: Nobody would go through a window if one knew that it was a window. But I went through the window because it looked like an open exit. Please, don't ask me any more about that. I have no regret about my past life. I do not even repent. If there is something about which I need to repent, it is that I was not much more intellectually enlightened. [Ed.: Dr. Lee's death was preceded by an accident in which he fell through a window.]

Q: What shall we do with your belongings?

A: Please donate any important things to Sun Moon University and burn the rest.

Instruction to his sons:

You should live for the sake of God's will. If you think that Unification Thought and Divine Principle are truth, you should follow that with all your mind, heart, and life. What will be necessary for you to do? Practice the truth after judging what is helpful to God's will! In the spirit world, I will develop educational materials that can be of vital assistance to people in the physical world.

Instruction to Staff of the Unification Thought Institute

Please develop the the Unification Thought Institute. I will help you.

God's Words

(1) Sang Hun Lee! Congratulations on your arrival into God's bosom!

(2) God called me a "Heavenly Man."

(3) God said that Sang Hun tries to circulate throughout the spirit world and physical world, and that he is working very hard.

Private Conversation

Mrs. Kim! I hope that you can come here after living on earth for the same time as me. Through you, I want to disclose everything about the spirit world as far as I am able. We now can join together in new marriage. (Mrs. Kim saw a vision in which family members were gathering around the dining table of their house filled with brilliant light.)

To Churl Ha Hwang and Jong Sam Lee

"Thank you for attending today's meeting. Please publish this letter as a well-developed book to deliver to intellectual groups." (10 PM, July 21, 1997)

The Spirit World And Its Life
May 23, 1997

Mrs. Kim! My name is Sang Hun Lee. When you test me to see if I am a Satan, you offend me. I would appreciate it very much if you would believe me when God introduces me.

Spirit World

Even though the spirit world appears to be the same as the visible phenomenal world, the scale of the spirit world cannot be compared with the scale of the physical world. For instance, in the phenomenal world, materiality and space limit a car, but in the spirit world, a car's form can be changed at will. Its direction of movement is also free. The car moves with a driver's thought and can even pass through a mountain in a moment. It can move as freely as in fantasy movies or science fiction travel, which children like very much. Even though the motion of the car may look chaotic, because they are keeping spiritual law, there are no accidents at all.

Life in the Spirit World

Earthly people wake up in the morning and sleep at night, and spirit persons behave the same way. However, in the spirit world, morning and night do not follow a regular order. Morning and night can be changed according to one's thinking.

I do not know who first described the spirit world as containing hell, Paradise, and the kingdom of heaven respectively, but the distinctions are proper. Huge gaps exist in these levels of life. For one thing, hell is very bizarre. We can never see comparable sights in the physical world.

For instance, I saw one woman standing nude, and beside her, a man touched the lower part of her body. Beside them, another woman fought with her, arguing that the man's lower part was her own. Despite their grotesque nature, they did not feel ashamed.

Once, when a Japanese woman ran wearing wooden shoes and fell down, another woman came and hid the shoes as if they were her own. The woman who lost her shoes then tried to find them, while the woman who hid the shoes feigned ignorance. Then, others who saw all that had occurred shouted out that the woman was a thief, and attacked her, striking and kicking. These things happen very often.

When an old man cannot eat food because he injured his finger, a young man comes and takes the elder's food, stuffing it into his mouth. These things always happen in hell. Another woman, who was forced to cut off her hair, felt ashamed, and hid her head with a towel. But people passing by her, took her towel and cleaned their hands and faces with it. When the owner of the towel took it again from the people and covered her head, people forcibly grabbed it back, cut it in half with scissors and returned the other half to her. Then, because she could not hide her shame, she withdrew to a dark place.

Original Heaven And Hell In The Spirit World
June 2, 1997

Today's words were spoken not with excitement but with quiet and calm.

Heaven Is the Place Where Thought and Action Become One

What kind of name is heaven? I don't know, but these sentences are written either in heaven or Eden. No matter, it is the place where words and deeds are one.

As an example, if I think, "Today what kind of meat will I eat, what do I want to eat?" with that thought simultaneously a huge feast will appear before me. Also, if I think, "Today where do I want to go, who do I want to see?" I'm already there. Even if I think, "What if that person isn't dressed when I arrive there?" and he happens to be stark naked, then we will have a good laugh.

Recently I thought, "When blind people come to heaven, will they be different from those who had sight on earth?" A grandfather and a midget suddenly stood in front of me. The midget had been blind, but the grandfather had possessed good eyesight, so I asked, "In heaven are there blind people?" Their answer was "We came because you asked a question. While on earth I was blind but here in heaven there is not even the term, blindness there is no blindness. I can see everything." I asked, "Grandfather, you can see, so why did you come?" He said, "You asked about the difference between a person who had earthly sight and one who had not. You can see both with your eyes and with your mind. With eyes you can visibly see an object, but the thing you can see with your mind you can see better than with your eyes."

In heaven, the environment abounds with many bright jewels. Because of the surrounding brightness and luster, you cannot hide any difficulties between each other. Everything can be seen and known with the eyes and mind. If I am filled with light and my hair dazzles golden, it is due to a golden light that is filled with a radiant ecstasy. This is the place where your mind is always filled with peace and serenity, where difficulty, discomfort and hunger do not exist. Heaven is the place where you will find no difficulty to express or explain anything.

Hell Is the Place You Cannot Imagine in Heaven

In hell you endure hunger and suffering; hell swims in jealousy and discomfort. Due to such suffering, fighting cannot be avoided. Everyone feels uncomfortable. In heaven you have the freedom to follow your mind but in hell you can't do a single thing according to your own will. In hell, you take others' possessions by force and eat by stealth. People on earth cannot imagine how bad hell really is.

"Sang Hun Ah!" This Is Love

(Ed.: Only his parents, grandparents or close friends would refer to Dr. Sang Hun Lee as `Sang Hun ah.)

On earth, if Father introduces a story of love, he always speaks in reference to convex and concave. When you think of love you think about convex and concave, but these words, you realize, are too technical.

Calling out, "Sang-Hun-ah," that sound has such a feeling of love that it melts down everything. Love possesses such sensitivity that it must forgive even a brutal crime, or be comfortable when near a person who stinks with the smell of old fish. Even then love possesses the passive feeling of ease and comfort. The word "love" does not adequately describe the heart. Something more is needed. It's having a feeling totally without envy. Even in the most normal circumstances, when you take a step, or speak a word, or when you wear clothes, using just the word, "love," is unsatisfactory. For God, there is no phrase beautiful or deep enough to express or encompass the thought of love. God calls out, "Sang-Hun-ah! That's love!" If you flawlessly embrace the will of love, there will be no fighting or suffering on earth. There is no adequate way to elucidate perfectly the word "love." This is love.

The Concept of Heaven and Hell

In heaven there is no way to worry or have any anxiety at all. You are living and going about as one mass of love perfectly suited. Hell is the place where you spin around on the edge of discomfort, worry, anxiety and conflict, because you live in a world where you cannot know anything about love. In summation, hell is the place alienated from love, and heaven is the holy, perfect unity of love. Simply speaking, heaven is the place where there is nothing that doesn't have love, and hell is the place where there is not one iota of love. It is possible for the fruit of love to bud and sprout and bring about the liberation of hell.

The Middle Realms Of Spirit World
June 1 - July 28, 1997

What Is the Middle Realm of Spirit World?

On the earth, what we thought of as the middle realm of Spirit World is actually somewhat different. Amidst the many communities of the world, people worked to establish nations that are far away from service to God. People work to elevate themselves without concern for religion; they gather in places without a relationship of faith.

In this place it is difficult to see something which resembles either heaven or hell. There are many similarities to the earth. As an example, during mealtime in the kitchen, someone is working, someone is cleaning dishes, preparing food, or serving food; everyone will work together. To describe the people in this realm: in heaven people are very bright; in hell, people are always uneasy and restless, bat here people are always very busy and working hard, never resting. At a special event, people will be alive with energy, but there is no concern whatsoever for God or religion.

In this place people hear the Unification Thought lecture, but some people ask foolish questions, such as, isn't there a world where only people alike live together? Their questions make no sense or are extremely simplistic. You feel that witnessing will take a very long time. The middle realm of Spirit World is not heaven and not hell, but has many different levels. It's a place where it is very difficult to get across to people any idea of God or Principle or Unification Thought.

The middle realms are massive, so the variety is difficult to explain.

In this realm the common people are very distinguishable from Unification members. Unification members are full of life. You can't observe any difficulty among them. Also they are filled with peace and they live enthusiastically. If they have some workshop, there is a lot of fun and games and laughter and enjoyment. Compared to our members, others appear very different. They have no pulse, no life. Their activities are very passive and lazy. They have weary and tired faces. Why do the common people, as opposed to Unification Church members, have such a sad demeanor? It's because they have no hope and no desire. But Unification Church members in the middle realms have hope and desire because they expect and wait for God's special privilege to come to them and they know God's basic will. Common people don't know God's will. They are not in a place of hope. The common people and Unification Church members stay in different regions.

Sadly, there are many members who cannot stay in the Unification realm of spirit world. There are many reasons for this. First, even though a couple received the Blessing, one person deviated from the path and they could not establish a family. Or second, they received the Blessing, but the couple lived without care for God's will. Or third, the couple received the Blessing but their life became uncentered. There are many cases like this. They have the form and name of Unification member. Since they are called members, they may come to the middle region of spirit world.

What do they do in this place? This group of members always dwells in the place where they can receive God's, Heung Jin Nim's, and True Parents special Blessings and favor. How? They can enjoy time together, listen to Divine Principle lectures and receive faith guidance. Therefore they all have hope. Also, this area receives a lot of attention from God and Heung Jin Nim.

People of the world can enter this middle region of Spirit World, but only Unification Church members can enter a special classroom to receive education regarding the direction of righteousness and justice. This is really amazing. You don't understand the meaning of the Blessing while on earth, because you can't see it. But from heaven there is an exorbitant condition that can be received. True Parents are giving the Blessing without price. The reason is because of our Parents' merit. While True Parents are living on the earth in this time, they are giving great Blessings to you. So we must go out to give the Blessing to many people in our area. That is the Unification way of giving Blessing to others.


Paradise on earth was thought to be somewhere between heaven and hell, but that is not accurate. In Paradise people form groups within which they naturally belong. For example, Koreans go to Korea town, Chinese go to Chinatown, and Japanese go to Japan town.

Life On Earth Viewed From Spirit World
June 9, 1997

How Are Works People Do on Earth Recorded in Spirit World?

How people live life on earth determines what is recorded in Spirit World. For example, how a president of a country lived his life is recorded in Spirit World. Whether or not he lived his life for himself or for the sake of his country is what is officially recorded. If your life was just spent on petty things or you were irrationally materialistic, or if you were simply an evil person, not a true person, it is all recorded. It is just as if you were to write your own autobiography. As you arrange the final moments of your life, you will consider how you established your life's path. God appears unconditionally. How wonderful if in your life you worked hard. Even the president of a country comes to Spirit World without pretense. The foundation of your life will appear in front of you.

You become a complete spirit person 40 days after your life ends. During this 40 days you travel back and forth between the physical and spirit worlds, and your place of residence is prepared. During this time God does not intervene. Although your ancestors will cooperate with you, they cannot help you 100 percent. You have to work yourself to establish your residence. No one judges you. Each person's seat of judgement is different. After you go to your home, if you get set up in the place where you desire as far as geography and topography are concerned, no one will force something upon you. Your spirit guide will appear and naturally direct you.

According to the way of Spirit World, the atmosphere of guidance or judgement is different. You may receive some benefit as a result of having spent time as the president of a country, although there were conditions in place that allowed you to make a large contribution to the nation. There is no room for not keeping a position of goodness; if you don't keep your existence of value, then you'll receive punishment up to and not more than you justly deserve. This is the spirit world. Whether you were the president or a person at the opposite end of the social spectrum, class distinction holds no sway over the spiritual foundation.

We estimate the value of a person from a moral basis, and ask to what extent he lived a righteous life. "In spirit world," a medium asked, "isn't there an awareness of social distinction between the lowest level worker and those with scholarly achievement? In the physical world there exists such a distinction between the learned and the unlearned." Dr. Lee answered: "In spirit world, the field of your work is different from your scholarly major on earth. But your greatest embarrassment is not that, but comes rather if you made a mistake in your life and you were ignorant of the value of your life. The manner in which the distinction of academic achievement appears in Spirit World differs from the way it appears on earth."

The Difference Between Religious and Non-Religious People

The difference between a person of faith and a person of no faith is enormous. This creates a considerable class structure, or several levels. While living a life of faith, a sincere person may be able to draw close to God's favor. However, even if you live according to faith, if you lack conscientiousness, your faith doesn't matter. Such a person will reside in a position similar to one who lived in ignorance of God, in a place where God has nothing to do with them. Regarding religious and non-religious people, God's grace comes later to the non-religious. Even in heaven, when a favor is bestowed, apprehensions arise. God gives His blessing to humankind through the Holy Spirit. Through loving humankind, heaven also receives benefit. The time will come when in freedom you will move to a place you desire, one that reflects the spiritual merit you achieved while in your body. At that time, you will move based on God's command.

What Is the Difference Between Unification Members' Position and Other Religions' Members?

A huge difference exists. I can explain this in a word. In spirit world, regions differ. Here, according to the former life of each member, each one differs a little from another, but all the various realms in Spirit World are significantly different. Here, the thing that is hugely different is the position in relation to God.

Limits exist which determine how well people belonging to another religion can hear, feel or talk to God. But Unification Church members by all means reside in a position where they may breathe together with God. Among Unification Church members, there exist several layers. There are distinguishable, revered positions. I'm sorry, but it is for the sake of our members that Sang Hun Lee is speaking, to enable and help us to adjust our lives here on earth and to assist us when we go to Spirit World. Differences arise according to how we went the way of True Parents. The position of the 36 couples is most intense. This is the highest family position, but I cannot easily express all the difficulty and hardship connected with it. Particularly, we have all of our mistakes disclosed.

When on earth, many members or their families get caught in the problem of women, the problem of public money, or other similar problems. Eventually, we all go to live in God's house and there, everything of one's self is exposed. For example, we see at all times someone's sin of having sex with a different woman. We can see in detail the sins of a man who used public money for himself and went to a bar and fell with a woman. The Unification Church members reside in a place more frightening than hell. The same holds true for a low-level family or any other type of family.

Many levels exist according to the nature of the crime or sin committed. However, we mostly reside in the realm of Spirit World closest to God. We also maintain a prison where people with grave sins must stay. How wonderful it is that we can go the way of indemnifying our sin by gathering in such a place among those criminals. No place exists where one can indemnify and solve sin alone. Through prayer, tithing, service and other such public efforts made by their descendants on earth, the door to the prison will be opened for spirit persons and they will be able to leave. When such persons leave prison, they will receive spiritual guidance according to their position.

After paying all our indemnity, at that point will we be able to live peacefully? Yes, once our descendants indemnify our sin. So if our descendants pray for us and offer their whole heart, the spirits which benefit from that indemnity will escape their misery. But our position is to escape only to return again. If earthly people pray and invest their heart, it inevitably shortens a person's indemnity period. However, on earth they mostly don't know a person's situation. So many must undergo a course of mental suffering for quite a long time.

If one's path of hardship is long in Spirit World, then whether the descendants on earth know it or not, he will be incessantly hindered. If ancestors suffer, their descendants also must endure in an uncomfortable position. More simply put, when ancestors commit crime, descendants receive punishment. There is no other path but to remember the way of heaven. Each must go the way of righteousness.

Chapter Two - Earthly Life And Life In The Spirit World [Part 2]

Chapter Two - Earthly Life And Life In The Spirit World [Part 2]

Life On Earth And Spirit People
June 16, 1997

Mrs. Kim! This is Sang Hun Lee. I am Sang Hun Lee. If you record my words, your health will gradually improve.

Life in Spirit World

Spirit people decide their own position by how they lived on earth. If you lived selfishly, then you will suffer in a position praying for a thousand years without special grace. People in the Spirit World who lived in peace on earth also enable their descendants to live peacefully. But if people lived evil lives, then when they come to Spirit World, they live in hell and their descendants are always oppressed with problems. For example: If we examine a person who suffers hell in the Spirit World, they really exist in pain.

The environment is dark, and as in a prison, there is no freedom. There is nothing to eat or wear. Your descendants on earth can do nothing to undo and disentangle all your evil deeds. They do not know how to carry your burden or how to pray for you. But, if their ancestors' wrongdoing becomes known, and the descendants serve with utmost sincerity and prayer, then the spirit person can receive grace. That spirit person can move to a better place where he is treated hospitably and undergoes a change. Who will make that happen? That is the subject of my talk today. Whether you spend money on earth or not, there exists some support for you, but it's not the same in Spirit World. The wind blows, flowers bloom and birds sing but you can't change just because someone commands you to. There is no one whose mere command can change you. The resolution to change can only happen within you. You must reach the point of self-awareness.

If descendants sincerely offer their hearts for the sinners in Spirit World, then such spirit people can come to the point of understanding themselves and how they must change. Fortunately, there are many people who understand this spiritual law. On earth, when a shaman dances

and delves into the ancestors' situation, they can only comfort the ancestors. The shaman cannot solve their ancestors' problems. But if the ancestors receive grace through the sincere and elevated prayer of their descendants, then they may be able to search out heaven's messenger and God's commandment.

The Life of Earthly People

Therefore, people's lives on earth are very important. It takes too much time to improve your position as a spirit person so you can receive effective grace. It takes a long time to move beyond ignorance. Because of that, adjust your focus now on the eternal world and live that way. Through adjusting your focus, humankind will live much more wisely. We hope no person will be foolish in their faith and make eternal mistakes because the natural consequence is a nation full of foolish people here. They can't solve anything. Regarding life in that country, I can't explain everything, but, to summarize it in a word, your life should be fruitful; you should bear fruit. To speak more plainly: committing sin leads only to hell. Live a life of goodness. That is the way of heaven. Please live well for the sake of eternity.

Earthly People And Spirit Persons Have A Different Viewpoint
June 23, 1997

Mrs. Kim! This is Sang Hun Lee. Thank you. Thank you very much for preparing your mind beforehand to receive.

Earthly People

First, let's take a look at the people on earth. Earthly people look with physical eyes, touch physically and act physically. Earthly people live physically limited to a confined amount of space. For example: Human beings live through a time period of 10, 20, or 60 years. Also, on earth, though I desired an object, I could not automatically obtain it. Earth people may artificially make things, but they cannot adequately bring into existence something in the mind that occurred as thought. Earth people get hungry, but if they don't move they won't eat. Also, because you act within finite space, when someone misses you in the realm of thought, it just stops there. Also, when you go through physical pain, you don't know the solution as a certainty. For example, when people of faith have an illness, they will turn to prayer and other such approaches to healing, but non-believers just go to the hospital.

Spirit People

Spirit people are different. Spirit people, because the physical body does not confine them, have an infinite realm in which to act. Let's look at an example: whether looking, touching or acting, because it appears immediately with your thought, there is no length of time. Because spirit people can simultaneously move something with thought, just as with the touch of the hand, time is condensed and it doesn't require someone else to aid you to solve a problem. At the same instant a spirit person thinks, another spirit person can receive it, and this doesn't require words. When a spirit person develops his logic with definitiveness and exact precision, he can transmit the exact details and they will appear right before the face of the other person. So you can very quickly express your circumstances because your partner immediately recognizes your expression of feeling.

Spirit people can know completely all of God's creation process from the beginning, as well as the whole concept of what we call a person, so we can never cause God pain. (This is one thing that separates heaven from hell.) Spirit people, if they work hard in their own sphere, will evolve as the highest master of a skill and will receive their reward. Thus, no greed exists and they always carry a tranquil countenance. (This is also a dividing point of heaven and hell.) In other words, for the sake of solving a problem of food or clothing, there arises no harassment or annoyance, and our facial expressions remain benign and humble. If I summarize the difference between physical and spirit people, physical people live and act within the confines of space. They remain busy acting to solve difficult problems and they suffer due to food and clothing needs, but spirit people can move freely throughout limitless space. Because the worries of food and clothing have been removed, we are infinitely bright and humble. Our conclusion: bear good fruit in your physical life and when you come to heaven you will appreciate the correctness of this teaching.

The Principle of Duality in Spirit World

In the Divine Principle, in the discourse on Unification Thought, the principle of duality teaches that give and take action takes place when subject and object give and receive, reciprocally generating Origin-Division-Union Action (O-D-U Action). Through this we receive joy. This is the fundamental principle of God. So let's talk about the difference between the physical and spirit worlds. In the physical realm, when subject and object, through give and take action, achieve O-D-U Action, there is joy at becoming one. In Spirit World, the feeling of joy that comes from becoming one in O-D-U Action through give and take action is somewhat different. For example: In the process of giving to another and their reception, there is no time involved. Because O-D-U happens with thought, you don't actually see any sign of give and take action. This is a clearly revealed account of the basis for heaven, where completed individuals are gathered according to the principle of duality.

Give and Take Action in Spirit World

The fundamental concept of give and take action is unity between subject and object through giving and receiving with each other and becoming one through love. We can see this achieves the model of the kingdom of heaven. In heaven, give and take action happens even when you just look up towards each other; you become literally one perfect body. But in hell, or outside of this realm, there exists a lot of difference in the level of give and take action based on the class or position of each person. The fundamental teaching of the Creation Principle is that give and take action in heaven is where you fundamentally accomplish and complete the purpose of God's creation. Because hell is the place where you cannot understand God's foundation at all, there exists only one relative principle in hell. Even as you progress, you must think of one very important point in order to achieve the liberation of hell: You must strive towards the goal of give and take action. This is very similar to the situation on earth.

The Intimate Relationship between Life on Earth and Life in Heaven

How can my life on Earth be consummated in heaven? The eternal position in which we are placed is decided based on the standard of good or evil during our life on earth. Based on whom my life was centered upon on earth, my position in the eternal world (God's side, Satan's side, atheist) is decided. Though there might be some differences based on individual achievement, a spirit of nationalism and a worldview, the formation of personality is far more important in heaven than is a spirit of nationalism or a worldview. The thought that because I worked in a higher position on earth, I will be placed in a higher position in heaven, is wrong.

Therefore, the most worthwhile and fruitful way is to live with my heart centered on God, renouncing personal greed and leading a life of reverence and respect. Then we can live with our heads up in heaven.

Questions and Answers

Questions from Dr. Lee's daughter

Q: What should we do to compensate for our impiety in not attending you in your lifetime?

A: I just want to ask you to live sincerely and faithfully in your position.

Q: Please give a word of direction to your children.

A: I do not want to engage in clumsy explanation. If you think the path your parents have followed is correct, just follow the path. Yet, if you think otherwise, then there is nothing I can do about it. I will think that your father's life was not enough for you.

Q: What about the books we are keeping?

A: Donate them to Sun Moon University (Institute of Research for Unification Ideology).

Q: What about the problem of the burial ground?

A: Just do as you please. I have done nothing good for God, have I ?

Q: The property...?

A: I want you to do as you please.

In Seung's Questions (Dr. Lee's Son)

Q: In heaven is there a difference between the face of a Miss Korea and a homely face?

A: Those pretty faces on earth are still pretty here. However, those homely faces are endlessly beautiful because a beautiful heart is expressed through them and they radiate the light of God. Pretty faces in hell cannot be compared with even homely faces in heaven. Though our faces do not change their shape (a round face remains round and a long face long), since the true beauty of the face is determined based on how we lead our lives on earth, those who are trying to come to heaven by cultivating their hearts and characters are indeed wise.

Q: How great a difference exists between those who are courageous and those who are cowardly?

A: Courage and cowardice are not that important to God. Try your best on earth to come to heaven since the desire for heaven does not come from courage, nor are people ignored because they are cowards.

Question from the Medium (Y. S. Kim)

Q: Are you reading from your notes or just speaking as you think?

A: It is very complicated and hard to explain. Whenever I think, it just appears to me as recorded. It can be said that your thoughts are automatically recorded.

The Fundamental Meaning Of Love

Mrs. Kim! To describe the scene here for a moment: the present time is very precious. Many people who received direction from God are praying and are about to begin their work. Now, let us begin. Love, as the letter can explain, is the state of mind where you are acting with all your heart, sincerely and devotedly for others. In love, there exist conjugal love, spiritual love, and religious agape love.

Conjugal Love

Conjugal love is the love where men and women are connected physically. On earth, we can feel emotion when our bodies can meet and love. But in heaven, a man and woman without physical bodies can love. The conjugal love between those high spirits (those who are close to God) is like a beautiful picture. Since the bodies of the two become totally one when they love, they can feel a strong emotion through their bodies and minds which goes beyond the feeling of love they felt on Earth. It is like creating a higher existence from the state of a complete absence of ego. It is like feeling you are in a magical world.

Also, you can actually view the scene of making love with your own eyes. Couples on Earth make love in their bedrooms most of the time. Here, in heaven, that is absolutely not the case. It is not a hidden love, which you can only perform in your bedroom. In heaven, you might love among wild flowers in a field, on beautiful land or on an ocean wave. You can even love in the mountains where the birds are singing and the scene is so beautiful that those who watch you will become intoxicated. Rather than feeling shame or disgrace as you felt on the earth, you can observe the scene with a peaceful mind, admiring the beauty.

Hell is just the opposite. People in hell make love hidden away, and those who see the conjugal scene curse them. They point their fingers at them saying they are ugly. Those love scenes in hell are very similar to those on Earth.

Spiritual Love

Since spiritual love is not physically observed through the action of the body, it looks to some as though it is not related to those who live on the Earth. Yet, it is a love that is absolutely necessary to those who live on the

Earth. Since everybody has his or her own inner self, if you do not cultivate your inner self well, you are going to encounter many problems in making your love complete (becoming one as husband and wife) in heaven.

For example, suppose there is one couple where the husband's inner self is well cultivated while the inner self of the wife is not; then there will not be complete love in this family. Then what will happen? They cannot make an elegant and beautiful love. Yet since they have a desire to love, they will make conjugal love with only limited love, in limited places, such as their bedroom. Then how can these couples make a complete love? When the husband's heart to respect his wife and the wife's heart to love her husband become one, their love can develop and mature into a complete love. Since this takes a longer time to achieve in heaven, when you are on Earth, with your own physical body, you have to try to cultivate your heart and bear the fruit of complete love.

In conclusion, we should use our short life on Earth well, in anticipation of the complete love that will be awaiting the mature couple in heaven. Couples bear the fruit of complete love by cultivating and encouraging each other to achieve true love.

Agape Love Due to Religion

When God created us, He bestowed on us the capacity for unconditional love. This is Agape Love. However, due to the Human Fall and the subsequent changes over the ages, the original standard of love God gave to us has been deteriorating. Therefore, because of the resulting existence of hell, God and human beings endured much pain in their hearts. In reverse, by acknowledging the worth of unconditional, fundamental love, the path to the liberation of hell can be opened up and hell can be destroyed. Conjugal Love and Spiritual Love must exist only between husband and wife. However, by the destruction of this kind of relationship of love, humanity became separated from their foundation of God's unconditional love. God wanted to endlessly bestow Love upon us. With this love you want to give and give, and it becomes bigger and bigger even after you give.

However, since the foundation was destroyed, today, the road to salvation has become difficult. By establishing the true sense of husband and wife, we must love, trust and have a conciliatory attitude toward each other. Sometimes, we must forgive and reconcile with each other.

Therefore, by becoming one with the love God bestowed upon us, the road to the liberation of all humankind will be opened and hell in the eternal world will disappear. Accordingly, if we trust and love each other, neither hell nor war will afflict humankind. Because we led our lives without knowing this principle well, the way to the heavenly world became complicated, and the groaning punishment of hell came into being. We must cultivate and keep a strong love between husband and wife, and cultivate the fundamental inborn love God bestowed to us.

The Activity Of Spirit Selves Through Persons On Earth

Spirit Selves' Help for Persons on Earth

The spirits in the Spirit World cannot improve themselves without the cooperation of persons on Earth. That is, our spirit selves were created to live forever in the Spirit World based upon the foundation of life on the Earth. Therefore, unless spirit selves can rid themselves of the sins they committed, they are destined to live receiving punishment, forever. For example, when a murderer comes to the Spirit World, a horrible (cruel) punishment will be with him forever. He who killed a man with a knife, his spirit self will be stabbed with a knife; he who shot a man to death, his spirit self will have a bullet stuck in his heart.

Also, he who beat a man to death with a stone, his spirit self has to live with his eyes pulled out, and his body being bruised and bloody. He who killed a person by kicking with his feet, his spirit self will stay prostrated with his face down while being stepped on with his own feet. He who killed a person with poison, his spirit self will be collapsed spitting blood, and he who killed a man with an ax or sickle will have the instrument stuck in the chest of his spirit self.

Among those spirit selves, some try to hide the sins they committed on earth, yet they cannot be hidden despite their efforts. Those spirit selves also try to liquidate their past sins on Earth, yet it cannot be done as they wish. Myriad spirits are trying hard to lead a life better than their current situations; again, it cannot be accomplished as they wish. Those spirit selves miss life on Earth and are willing to do any odd and peculiar things to rid themselves of their sins. However, the record once entered cannot be erased. It is common for all spirit selves that they wish to hide and erase their lives on Earth (the sinful behaviors), and feel shameful of those lives being shown to others, yet it seems more tragic since their efforts to hide and erase are also shown to others so vividly.

How Do Spirit Selves Help Persons on Earth?

In order for the spirit selves to be liberated from their positions, they cannot avoid pain and suffering without the help of the people on Earth. Also, since they cannot rid themselves of the sins they committed, the spirit selves definitely go to the place (they lived on Earth). They go to their own flesh and blood, or someone related in some way, and keep sending signals. However, because those who live on Earth are not aware of it, unusual disasters happen, such as a sick person at home, financial difficulties, or automobile accidents. Finally, when the descendent can find out the reason, and therefore can pray and donate for that spirit self, then the spirit self can be promoted to a little bit better position (from his current position) in recognition of his descendant's services. However, if they do not know the reason, then there will be continuous accidents and mishaps, and people will die. As a result, there will be more troubled ancestors. Therefore, if a family cannot find any problems in their faith, but nevertheless has continuous accidents big or small, it can be concluded that this family has ancestors who have complicated problems. Then the fastest way to solve these problems is through prayer, with faith.

Now, the fortune-teller, whose spiritual level is rather low, can solve the issue, yet those spirit selves can only be consoled temporarily; their suffering and pain cannot be solved completely. This is the big difference between those who know God and those who do not. (The spirit selves can stay for quite a while, yet, as time passes, they will be the same.) The spirit selves do not have any solutions from where they are placed, despite their straggling and wiggling at their position. The more severe those spirit selves' lives become, the more difficult and complicated the lives of their descendent on Earth become. The spirit selves in the Spirit World, in order to receive the cooperation from those on Earth, come to their descendants mobilizing all sorts of methods. However, because the descendants do not know the method to solve the problem, the family's fortune will wane and the ancestors' painful lives will repeat themselves. Since those spirit selves who advanced to better positions with the help of the people on Earth can lead more comfortable lives, the lives of their descendent can be more peaceful.

The Relationship between Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth

Now, let's examine the relationship between the people on Earth and the spirit self in the Spirit World. The relationship between those two can be compared with that between needle and thread. That is, the relationship between the people on Earth and the spirit self in the Spirit World is like the relationship between the body and spirit. Also the relationship between the two is like the one between husband and wife who cannot be separated and therefore become one. Therefore, it goes without saying that the person on Earth should lead a good life when they have a physical body. However, it is when they no longer have a body, that is, when they already become spirit selves, they come to a realization that they did not lead a good life. I would like to conclude that when you live on Earth with your body, you have to prepare for the eternal life, summarize your life, and lead everyday life sincerely and faithfully.

What and how can the descendants do for the sake of those spirit selves who already lost their bodies? Their position can be comfortable when the descendent on Earth prays for them. Today, the status that our True Parents granted us, the right to become a Tribal Messiah, is an immensely special status. It is great that I can save my ancestors through prayer in my name. Therefore, because my life on Earth can be made comfortable by praying for my ancestors, thereby having them ascend to more comfortable places, it is natural that I should save my ancestors. Keeping in mind that this is the path by which we can offer a little help to our True

Parents, by easing the pain of our True Parents in the Spirit World, we have to complete our lives when we have our own bodies on Earth well.

It is so natural that we have to complete our duties as Tribal Messiahs for our ancestors' favor, and it also can become the path for those spirit selves who observed it, to receive a special grant.

The medium asked, "In the relationship between the person on Earth and the Spirit Self in the Spirit World, do those spirit selves who are placed in good positions without any difficulties still need cooperation, favor, or prayer from the person on Earth?" And his answer is as follows, "Since a human is composed of spirit and body, a dual structure, the principle is that those who lost their bodies should live in the Spirit World and those who have bodies are supposed to live on Earth.

"It should be assumed that there must be reasons the spirit selves send signals to the person on Earth. Because of the tie of the blood lineage, they are sending signals, sometimes for good purposes and sometimes for bad. The person on Earth should be able to discriminate between these based on the Law of Principle, and the spirit self should not confuse the person on Earth. Many times, since God does not intervene in the matter of blood lineage, we human beings should find rebirth through the spirit of God in order to live truthful lives."

Common Point of Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth

Since the people on Earth have bodies, there are times when they cannot do whatever they wish at their convenience. The spirit selves, though, do not have a body and are free to move within their position (through different degrees of freedom obtained based on the position). The person on Earth, though, has a body and leads a limited life everywhere. Spirit selves, though, without a body, can lead an active life in the eternal world. The person on Earth, though, has a body and cannot occupy an eternal place. Spirit selves do not have a body, so they can have an eternal place. If I list the differences between those two, it will be endless.

Now, let's examine the points they share in common. Both life on Earth and life in the Spirit World are only half the story. Therefore, each can accomplish only half. Then, how can the successful resolution of body and mind lead to the bearing of complete fruit? Before the body and spirit are separated by physical death, they have to finish their lives on Earth. Then they can be complete fruit. However, when the spirit person comes to Spirit World with their spirits not fully ripe, there arise problems. Therefore, to solve the problems, the relationship between the ancestors and the descendent becomes complicated.

Now, again, we have to bear in mind the importance of life lived on Earth. In order to live forever in the beautiful house God prepared for us, we should not live for the "half life" as our goal. I hope your life on Earth is the one that can bear the complete fruit of spirit and body and therefore greet the harvest season with joy.

While recording the message, the medium showed some doubts about Dr. Sang Hun Lee. Then he said, "Please let's stop writing the phrase, `I am Sang Hun Lee who wrote the Unification ideology."'

The Image Of God's Love
June 14,1997

I, Sang Hun Lee

I, Sang Hun Lee, came to the Spirit World from Earth. My only purpose is to graft the ideology of the True Parents into others. This is because I came to realize that there is no ideology higher than that of the True Parents.

True Love and False Love

Love is a precious element God gives human beings when they are born. But the heartbreaking situation is that it was this very love that led to the reality of men and women serving two owners even from birth. This is the beginning of our misfortune. Human beings cannot truly live on the physical love between husband and wife alone. Love is the most precious constituent of personality endowed to us. Due to the human Fall, we lost the essence of love. Original love was overlaid with fallen and ugly love, so love manifests as artificial love. Love is located at the very center of God's nature. We cannot fully analyze nor disclose this love within God. Nonetheless, I am going to report on this fundamental love in the Spirit World.

God's Love

God's love cannot be touched or expressed, nor can we verify God's love with our eyes. God's love is hard to understand. Also, the human brain cannot analyze God's love. God's love, though given to us endlessly, is never diminished. As when a water tap is left open, God's love springs forth continuously. Though we receive and receive God's love, we never dislike it nor can we ever have too much of it. On the contrary, the more we receive the more we become humble as we beg for more.

Though God's love cannot be measured by weight or bulk, it has infinite value for us. I would like to speak of God's love as follows. Suppose that the whole world received God's love simultaneously and returned all the love to God. Even if this took place, God would still have more love. Then how can the measure of God's love toward human beings be expressed? God can neither be seen nor touched. God is neither limited material nor a solid mass. Then, how can human beings express God's love, and how can human beings realize God's love?

I am going to analyze "God who loves Sang Hun Lee." Let's do it.

God calls me, "Sang Hun." I hear the voice clearly with my own ears.

Then a brilliant, glittering, radiating and reflecting light appears in front of, behind and above my head. Amid the light, a streak of light, unidentified, captures my heart. I, with my ability, cannot find the right verb to describe my feeling. It is like the peacefulness when a baby in its mother's bosom meets the mother's eyes while listening to her heartbeat. Even this description cannot fully capture my experience. Then, as God's calling voice changes, the brightness of the beautiful light changes, and I go into an ecstatic state. My whole body seems to be melting. Then, suddenly, I am standing by myself: I cannot see God.

How does such an enrapturing light come to visit a human being instantaneously and continually? God's love manifested as light feels different from moment to moment. Brilliant lights, large or small, and round-shaped as if in a fireworks display, come to human beings as lights of love, varying in splendor. The sentiment we can feel from the light differs according to the shape of radiating light. In addition to the love I have experienced, I have seen God's love shown to other persons. And yet, God is the essence of love.

The Image of God Is Fire and Light

Based upon what we can tell, that light is the shape of love. Because the image of God is fire and light, the elements of love in the human mind interact immediately when God's light is received. Just as light is turned on when you press a switch, when you see God's light, love can start operating and turn your heart into love itself.

The Reason for the Gateway of the Blessing to be Opened Wide.

God's original Will for human beings was for them to maintain the qualities with which they were originally created. But due to the fall, the original parents' descendants could not be born with natural love. God was heartbroken to see His children born with a heart moving in two different directions, being wrongly structured. Therefore, in order to solve the problems of having a heart with two directions and of having further departed from the original plan of restoration and God's authority, as described in the history of restoration, we have to go through the course of rebirth. By being born again without original sin (we can take after the essence of love as God originally desired), then we can experience the complete love of God. This is why we have to be reborn through True Parents. That is the Blessing. This explains why, recently, the True Parents widened the gateway for the Blessing, granting such incredible benefit.

Though recipients do not understand it, once they receive the great favor by participating in the Blessing, they become blessed people. In addition to that, while the True Parents are on earth, endlessly opening the way for myriad people to receive this special favor, those who receive the favor are the Heavenly people. Since they go through the course of rebirth, this is the period when the descendants of the people on earth can receive fortune and blessings without their having to establish any conditions.

Love Is God's Biggest Gift

Love is the core of God's image received by human beings when they are born. Human beings should inherit God's love as is. However, having gone wrong, the relationship with God was disconnected. To re-establish this relationship, human beings should resemble God. The best way to resemble God is to restore the original image of love as sons and daughters. Love! Love! Love! It is the fundamental power with which we can overcome and melt down every difficulty, and thus accomplish everything. Love is the biggest gift we received from God and the sealed proof that we are His children. Love! We have to strive and exert ourselves to find the love we lost.

Chapter Three - Life In The Spirit World Viewed From The Principle

Chapter Three - Life In The Spirit World Viewed From The Principle

Subject And Object (Law Of The Spirit World) 
July 21, 1997


When a subject and object desire the give and take of love and beauty, the universal prime force endowed by God and ruled by God operates and becomes the fundamental force for their reciprocation. The subject uses it to give force to the object, and the object uses it to return force to the subject. Thus it exists within the forces of action that form a reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object. It does not work independently, but is given by God, by whom we sustain our life and continue to exist. There is nothing that can exist independently. Existence itself can be possible only through the force generated from give and take actions between a subject and an object. Therefore, whether in the spirit world or on earth, the forces of all existing beings are manifested through the process of reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object.

At this point, I would like to write down the actions of a subject and an object that I witnessed in the spirit world. In the spirit world, when God, who is in the position of subject, gives to a spirit person, in the position of an object, His force is immediately reflected in the spirit person and they are united. For example, when God calls my name, "Sang Hun!" in a nonverbal way, I, His object, with an original mind, am automatically drawn to His order. I would not question Him or express my own views, such as, "God, what is it?" "I do not know," "I do not understand," etc., but I am automatically drawn to Him. This can be compared to a northern magnetic force being drawn to a southern magnetic force.

Therefore, when we come before God, human beings are attracted to Him as if they were His shadow, in the relationship of subject and object. This is the fundamental force in accordance with the original principle of reciprocation. Which is stronger between the force that a subject gives to an object and the force that an object returns to a subject is not a question. The important question is how they can have give and take at the same level of force. Since God gives human beings the universal prime force, we are to live according to the original Will God had at the time of His creating.

Therefore, the fundamental force of the universal prime force can bring smooth give and take actions only when a subject and an object establish a standard as a reciprocal base. If a subject and an object, whether in the human, animal, plant or mineral realm, form a standard for reciprocation, the force of multiplication comes into being. If there is instead conflict or friction, an action of force does not take place. Therefore, since God is the original standard for the fundamental force that is required for us to exist, if we have an attitude through which we live attending God in our mind, we can immediately receive the force of the subject and reflect the same force as an object.


The force of an object should be like a beam generator, immediately returning force at the same time as receiving the fundamental force. This means that when a subject appears as the fundamental force that is received from God, its object can also receive the same force. Therefore, a subject and an object should neither be in the position of relating to each other independently, nor follow the rule that one must give first and the other next in an orderly manner. They should have a reciprocal relationship on the same level. In a reciprocal standard there is no concern for priority of position or level. A conflict that arises from a disunited husband and a wife, who cannot become one as subject and object, is not a fundamental force given by God. It is from fallen nature.

Subject and object have been derailed from the right track, losing the original force from God and deviating from the realm of God's dominion. Accordingly, since an object is reflected by the action of its subject's fundamental force, it should not deviate from the direction of the original force that strives to respond to its subject from the position of an object. If an object has deviated from receiving force from its subject, the object should strive to have its own force establish a reciprocal circuit.

Let me give you an example. In terms of the relationship between a husband and a wife, a husband is in the position of a subject. Yet if something goes wrong with the husband, the wife comes to stand in the position of the subject, the original positions being reversed, until the husband returns to his original position, which takes time.

The Main Topic

When a subject and an object have a good reciprocal relationship, the force of original value can be manifested. However, if something goes wrong with one party, and thus their position is reversed, until the one party returns to the original state, the other party should keep his or her position. Otherwise, the fundamental force given by God will leave them and be lost. Therefore, in order for a subject and an object to have proper give and take actions, they should serve and attend God, the original source of the force.

Since all beings sustain their lives by the force generated between a subject and an object, unless two become one, both of them will walk a path of destruction and death. Both subject and object must strive to unite, always examining themselves as to whether they love the original force or are accustomed to the fallen nature. If they are crossing a bridge made of stone, they should take with care each step toward the world of eternity. Then they will be able to lead a life of wisdom.

There Are No Exceptions to Spiritual Laws

Many people understand that the fundamental force from God is the universal prime force. Yet people do not think about how they can possess the force themselves. During their earthly life, they should realize the value of the original force. The rays of the original force can be reflected only when one is on the original rail, not off the rail. Even when you are on the rail, you should take care not to be derailed. In the spirit world, no exceptions and no forgiveness are applied. On earth, we can be forgiven based on circumstances or heartistic relations, but in the spirit world, even in the case of a parent-child relationship, that is not acceptable. This is not because the spiritual laws are fussy, but because everything is done in accordance with the Principle.

You might wonder if the God of love should not be more understanding. However, because He is the subject of the original love, if He allows exceptions, the fundamental order will be destroyed. In other words, He must refuse them in order to maintain a right order in the world of eternity. Thus, it is because He loves us that He does not forgive us. Therefore, we should live each moment fully for the life of eternity. The reason why I am saying this is to fulfill my obligation of helping the True Parents as their son when they reorganize the spirit world. If we are truly their children, should we not live a life of filial piety, helping our parents when they are in difficulties?

Since what is seen in the spirit world is so clear, Dr. Sang Hun Lee seems to be emphasizing his views, after analyzing his observations and experiences. (Medium: Y.S. Kim)

Three Objects Purpose
July 28, 1997

Three Objects Purpose

The three objects purpose is God's precious blessing and gift to human beings, given them at the time He created them. This principle came into being to make possible a condition for human beings to come before God. However, due to the Fall, the principle of the love and beauty that should have been reciprocated between us as husband and wife was invaded. In order to restore us to the original state centered on God, we should reverse the wrong fulfillment of the three objects purpose, dating from the time of Adam and Eve. Centered on God, Adam and Eve should have had a reciprocal relationship of love and beauty. However, because their relationship was centered on Satan, the circuit of the original reciprocal relationship was destroyed. Therefore, God intends to build the ideal of the kingdom of heaven based on love, by restoring human beings so as to attain the value of the original standard of the three objects purpose.

The Completion of a Couple

One of God's blessings to us human beings is the multiplication of children. This is Agape-type love that gives and gives without any conditions attached. That type of love is not often experienced in our life. However, like a spring of water that never dries up, the love of God, who desires to give infinitely as the King of love, never dries up. As a husband and a wife, we should resemble God's love and become one with His love that constantly desires to give and give. Then our love and beauty will be returned to God as a precious offering. How many couples exist on earth today actually practicing and living God's love according to His desire?

The kingdom of heaven in spirit world is a beautiful place where a couple lives, returning love and beauty to God and reaching the standard of the three objects purpose. Therefore, there can be no deceptions or falsities in the couple's loving. Since the conjugal love is given and returned centered on God, it should have the standard of supreme value. During the earthly life, a couple should live a life that is totally united with God's true love that fulfills the three objects purpose. Otherwise, even if we go to spirit world, we cannot possess the love of the kingdom of heaven.

Fallen Nature
July 28, 1997

Fallen Nature Is...

Fallen nature refers to a mentality that is derailed from the original track of the Principle that God originally intended. Then, how can human beings return to the original track of the Principle, removing the fallen nature? The reason why God loves us without any reasons or conditions is simply because we are His children. Human beings who are derailed from the original track should return to the original position as God's children. However, to do this is impossible without establishing a proper condition.

Then, what is that condition? When human beings created as the children of God fell, by being derailed from the original track, they came to serve another master, resulting in their attending two masters. However, they should clearly realize that God is the true master. That is, only when they return to God after leaving their position of dealing with two masters, can they be fully restored.


Complete restoration is simple. Within human beings, who deviated from the original track of the Principle, leaving their original position as children of God, fallen blood is flowing. Therefore, fallen activities should be stopped. However, in order to be reborn, we should understand the process of rebirth. Our defiled lineage should be completely sanctified, through a process called rebirth, and we should inherit the love of God. In order to be reborn, our body needs to re-enter the womb. This may sound like a fantasy; however, the Principle teaches us that we can go back to God through establishing an indemnity condition of lesser value.

Then, we need a mediator, which is the True Parents. Human beings cannot go to God without the True Parents since the original sin can be removed only through the True Parents. Only through them can fallen human beings come forward to God as His original children, with Godlike value. Since we inherited the original sin with fallen nature from Satan, we should be separated from it. It is wrong to think that we can do this on our own. Separation from the original sin is possible when we realize the value of the Blessing given by True Parents. From this perspective, we can learn that the Blessing contains many meanings. After coming to spirit world, I realized even more deeply the amazing value and greatness of our True Parents.

The Four-Position Foundation
July 31, 1997

What Is the Four-Position Foundation?

The four-position foundation means a foundation where a subject and an object have united and multiplied centering on God. Human beings who are created as children of God based upon His purpose of creation, and who are supposed to follow His ideal of "subject and object," should grow up within the sphere of God's love and fulfill the ideal of creation God originally intended. However, Satan became the dominator of this world. So, the ideal world can be built when the world under Satan's dominion is restored and completely brought under the dominion of God.

God, through His providence of restoration, has been looking for the human beings to build heaven on Earth. When the people on Earth come back to God's bosom, the eternal kingdom of heaven in the spirit world, centering on God, will be built.

True Parents of Heaven and Earth.

God wanted to build the ideal world. However, the world became evil due to the human Fall. Further, the course of the history of restoration became entangled. The providence for restoration is to untie the knots of resentments and sorrows of history one by one, and through doing this bring the world under the dominion of God. A master who can bring to its end this providence for restoration should come to this world. Then the establishment of heaven can begin. The one is the True Parent. The history of salvation for humankind initiated by the True Parents has greatly contributed to the development of human history. Through this fundamental providence, an eternal ideal world can be established here in the spirit world.

Since the True Parents who are now on earth are True Parents not only for the physical world but also for the spirit world, they are the masters of the eternal Sabbath of the spirit world and they are the masters of the ideal kingdom of heaven. Therefore, spirit persons in some levels have lived with the hope of the day when the True Parents come to the spirit world and build the ideal world here. The spirit persons in high levels know of the coming world of hope, but spirit persons in low levels don't know how their present, terrifying world of punishment will change. For them, there is no hope and nothing to wait for. There is only continual pain and suffering.

Therefore, the greater the number of people going to hell, the more the spirit world will be complicated and the more True Parents will have to work after they come to spirit world. Even though the external Blessing seems to be given freely, the destiny of those who were headed toward hell will change. So, let's become pioneers who will build the eternal world. That is the way to fulfill our filial piety. In conclusion, completion of the four-position foundation is the completion of the kingdom of heaven. The completion of the ideal kingdom of heaven is to show our filial devotion to True Parents.

The Ideal Of Heaven
August 7, 1997


Heaven is the place where people who have received recognition as God's children gather. They are the owners of heaven. The ideal heaven is realized by those who live for the sake of others and do not think or act for themselves.

What is the proper behavior in heaven? In heaven, people's behavior is motivated by their own humble attitude, not by someone else.

Is there a fence in heaven? It is not a place where someone asks you to come or go. It is not the place where someone makes an order. Rather, it is the place where people act by knowing and feeling God's breath.

There are no classes in heaven-no such rule that someone is higher or lower than others are. This place doesn't care about people's social position. The one who was at the highest position and the one who was at the lowest position are united by their love for each other. In heaven, there is no such a gruesome scene where the lower kisses up to the higher as on earth. The one who accomplishes the ideal of the kingdom of heaven is the one who knows God's ideal and realizes God's fundamental will and lives it. The laws of the spirit world are very strict. Examination is very exacting. So people on earth should try to live looking forward to living in the ideal kingdom of heaven.

The Principle of Reciprocity and the Ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven

The principle of reciprocity can be explained through the principle of give and take action. The meaning of give and take action is not only to give and take well. The parties also should know upon whom the action is centered. A subject and an object shouldn't pursue their own ideals centering on themselves. They should realize that the sure guide toward God and the ideal of heaven is to live in one direction through the circuit of their give and take action. That direction is toward the owner of the fundamental power. The subjective force in the principle of reciprocity is generated when it is for the sake of its object, and the objective power is generated when it is for the sake of its subject. These forces are the fundamental forces following the principle of reciprocity, which directs the forces to be directed to God. I'd like to say that the realization of heaven is the main purpose of the "principle of reciprocity."

Gateways to Heaven

There are many gateways through which one must pass before entering the kingdom of heaven. Heaven is the storage where you collect all the fruits of your life. Here, they measure the weight of your bundle and see how much recognition you can get. In other words, they compare the weight of the good and of the evil you have done. What was your earthly life? Was it for God? Was it for you? What were your views of the world and your country? What did you leave behind on earth?

These things are taken into consideration. There are so many such examinations and they examine your life in full detail. It is like water collected from a river finally coming to your dinner table after being sterilized and filtered so many times. It is not that a guard questions you and takes you to a certain gate. My experience is that I go to this gateway and that gateway as if attracted by a magnet, and I must pass through each of them. The pain when you reach a certain gateway and are rejected because of your sin is beyond description. It is so shameful and fearful.

There are so many levels behind each gateway. There are many more places than simply heaven, Paradise and hell to which we refer on earth. Then, how can we safely pass through all gateways and go to heaven? If there are some gateways you cannot pass due to your sins, you will spend a certain time there to pay indemnity, with the length of time based upon the condition of God's special Blessing, the achievements of your descendants, prayer, offering, service, and so on. Spirit persons are waiting for the True Parents to come to the spirit world, when they will build new standards for passing through each gateway. I am really worried that this will be more work for the True Parents.

Formation Of The Four-Position Foundation And Dual Characteristics


The four-position foundation is the core of the Divine Principle, which teaches that a couple should be united centering on their love and multiply children. However, the formation of the four-position foundation when viewed in the spirit world is much more exciting and mysterious. The four-position foundation does mean that a husband and a wife are united and multiply their children centering on God; however, when they are in love and united with each other, there is no distinction of subject and object. They completely become one body. More than that, God's love covers their love, so that the only thing visible to us is resplendent light. The beauty of love itself is the only thing that can be seen.

The Ideal of Unity in Love

Then how does children's love look? Children's love results in unity just as a couple's love does. Parents and children are united into one with their love. Even though they are three distinct people-father, mother and child-they do not appear separately when they are united in love. Their union could appear as the father's figure, the mother's figure, or the children's figure. However, once they start to talk to each other, they appear again as different people. The formation of the four-position foundation means that if we are united centering on God, we will be one body with God. Therefore, there don't appear here four separate existences (including God), although they seem that way on earth.

A couple united with God lives as one body even though they are two different people. This is how the spirit persons at the highest level appear. However, a subject and an object that are not fully united do not appear as one. Neither can God's resplendent light be seen in them. Only people who pass all the gateways to heaven can achieve such unity. Therefore, the basis of the four-position foundation is that a couple manifesting dual characteristics is united in their love for God. The four-position foundation is God's fundamental purpose, and it is the foundation for God's fundamental power of love to exist and operate in the world.

Universal Prime Energy, Give And Take Action, And The Principle Of Reciprocity Viewed In Terms Of The Principle Of Dual Characteristics
August 4, 1997

Dual characteristics means that figures in the created world resemble God's characteristics. God gives their characteristics. The fundamental force of it is "Universal Prime Energy," and "give and take action" is the action between these two characteristics. Then, what is the Principle of Reciprocity? When a subject and an object carry on "give and take action," the force of "give and take action" (Universal Prime Energy) causes them to have give and take with each other. In other words, this force is like the attraction of a magnet.

Divine Principle describes this, the utmost fundamental energy, as "a subject consisting of the dual characteristics," or universal prime energy or give and take action. However, the origin is the same. It can be simply said and understood as "God's fundamental energy." The fundamental force for the changing of the seasons is not formed by human beings. The originating force of all energy used in the created world stems from only one force, given by God. We cannot truly explicate the energy for the existence of the eternal God. That is the energy of God, my Father, who is the sole creator of humankind.

God is the master of the spirit world, which is limitlessly wide, which our reason cannot understand, which we cannot see with our physical senses, and which we cannot grasp or explain. You cannot describe God, no matter how long you study Him. He is the One who cannot be described nor explained in terms of any of our senses or emotions. I, Sang Hun Lee, like logical reason and analysis, but God is the master of the eternal light that cannot be divided nor analyzed. God is the One who guides the providence and leads people profoundly with His resplendent light.

Oh! My God

I thought I could analyze God if I came to spirit world. However, since coming to the spirit world, I am just full of admiration for its huge scale, and my expectation that I could analyze the spirit world seems stupid. "My God, please forgive this son. You are the One who cannot be compared with anything else, anywhere. Your value and existence is one and only, incomparable, Heavenly Father. There is no other way to express my feeling other than "Oh! My God! Oh! My God! Oh! My God! Please forgive me." Therefore, one who tries to analyze and study God is the most stupid person. The wisest man only says "My Heavenly Father," and realizes that the fundamental source of all energy is the expression of the Heavenly Father's prime energy, as explained in the Divine Principle.

Human Structure Based On Subject And Object Relationship
August 4, 1997

Human Structure

According to the structure of a human being, a person isn't created to live individually. He or she is supposed to live for the existence of his or her subject or object. When a subject and object perform give and take action well and become one, they form a foundation through which God can work and they become the ultimate object of joy of God. Most people's lives are full of thinking simply to live for their own sake. However, living individually does not align with the original Will of God. For that reason, a person pursuing a single life is not a filial child of God, but is one of the people who become ashamed when in the spirit world. If human beings were structured to live singly, God's creation, though reflecting the highest intelligence, would be called a failure.

Life for the Spouse

Since a human being is God's ultimate creation, the human being must possess the element God most desires. This is the heart with which a person cannot help caring for a spouse. Therefore, according to the external dual structure of humankind, a person needs a complement, and the person's internal character is formed with the heart of caring for the complement. A human being is supposed to live according to the direction to live for others given by God. If a man or woman goes against this direction, it will be a crime in front of God, and he or she will have no home in the spirit world. Since no one can live on earth forever, he or she will become lost. For that reason, a person should appreciate the value of life given by God and live a life to serve God and others.

Medium Of Love
August 4, 1997

Man Is the Center of Love

Since a man has dual structure, he should be the center of love to be completed in front of God. In other words, God created man with the highest intelligence, distinct from the other creations, and for that reason, man should be an existence more valuable than other creations. Because of the Fall, man could not accomplish that. Therefore, he must fulfill his responsibility as a true child by following the direction to return to the original position. Why is this? God makes the creation. Its value is merely to offer its beauty and growth to God.

Man Is the Medium of Love

God has provided man with the value of love,, which other creations do not possess. Love cannot be generated by a single existence. Its value can emerge only when a subject and object are united and become one. A human being, which is a medium of love, becomes the center of love and leads God to the ultimate joy by being qualified as a true child. Thus, man should be the medium of love to offer the ultimate love to God and lead God to His joy. Man should reach the standard of value that God provided. Man should do his best to live his life in order to make God joyful. To do that, we each should love our spouse. We should become one and be God's children returning glory to Him. That is the perfection of man.

True Love
August 7, 1997

True Love

True love is the original love which was lost in the Garden of Eden and which we try to find in order to live with God. Love can be called true love only when its standard of value is centered on God. There is no true love without God. Because Adam and Eve didn't offer the first fruit of love to God, God and human beings have lived as parents and children of sadness. Because Satan took the first fruit of love, God has worked in order to take it back. However, since countless sinful seeds have already been planted on the earth, God is working to collect the pure grain after harvesting the fruit of sin, by sifting the grain.

God needs a strategy for bringing back the first fruit that was taken away by Satan. It involves the condition for indemnity. Since the True Parents came to the earth, God's formula has been bringing its final results. This is because the ultimate purpose of God's restoration providence is to regain His lost children. Humankind must realize original true love and return true love to God. Only those who have been selected to attain the True Parents' standard of rebirth through the Blessing can appear as true children of God.

Those who have not passed the procedure of the Blessing are not qualified as first fruits. In order to be guided to God by original true love, the couple who received the Blessing from the True Parents must love each other, multiply children and establish the four-position foundation. True Love results in the couple becoming one, and the parents and children becoming one through loving each other centering on God.

The Appearance of True Love Is a Luminary of the Light

in the spirit world, true love appears as radiating perfected light. The lustrous light can be radiated from children or from parents. The original luminary of the light is the true incarnation of true love that God has given us. If a husband and a wife cannot become one, and children cannot become one, the light of true love cannot be radiated completely. We have usually conceived of true love as agape love that we give and receive eternally. However, the fullness of true love is given through the four-position foundation of complete oneness centering on God. Therefore, those who have not been reborn cannot join the line of complete true love. Thus, they do not have a ticket to come to the kingdom of heaven in the spirit world. Everyone should do his or her best to participate in the line of the Blessing.

Original Love
August 7, 1997

Original Love

God said it is beautiful watching Adam and Eve loving each other. God rejoiced even to the degree of feeling rapture. However, because of the Fall of humankind, God had lost all such love. For this reason, humankind has the responsibility of consoling God's grieving heart and of letting Him again rejoice. I mentioned original love when discussing true love. Now I will categorize the appearances of original love. These are: a) the love of a husband and a wife centering on God; b) the love of children centering on God; and c) true love centered on God.

Appearance of an Original Couple Standing in Front of God

What is the appearance of a couple who have established the original love when both finally come to kingdom of heaven and are meeting God? They come to the spirit world just as a bridegroom and bride enter the wedding hall, wearing the most beautiful clothing on earth. As the bridegroom and bride whom God receives are extremely beautiful, the scene brings to my mind the image of an angel from heaven having descended to the earth. The good man and good woman go forward to God and offer a full bow while receiving resplendent light within a beautiful melody. Within the bright radiance of light, the husband and wife embrace each other. The appearance of the couple loving is as the world of light becoming one, and is very bright. Within the light, God embraces them and rejoices by radiating love in a stem of light.

The bride who came to the spirit world before her bridegroom goes forward to God when she finally receives her bridegroom. This is a description of the time when Sang Hun Lee was going forward to God. This made me think that this was the original love of God which God wanted to establish in the Garden of Eden.

Principle Of Reciprocity In The View Of Original Love
August 8, 1997

Foundation of the Principle of Reciprocity

Original love is the love that God wanted to develop in the Garden of Eden. Then, how does it relate to the Principle of Relationship? The foundation of the Principle of Relationship is giving and receiving for the sake of the other. What I want to say about the Principle of Relationship in view of original love concerns the kingdom of heaven made up of good men and good women in the spirit world.

Life of an Original Couple in the View of the Principle of Relationship

What is the life like here of an original couple in view of the Principle of Relationship? As an example, let's say there is a couple eating together at a meal table. If there is a specific food that the wife wants to offer her husband, at the instant of her thought, the food is put in front of her husband. When her husband feels gratitude toward his wife, at that instant she recognizes his feeling and smiles.

However, I have seen that people eating in hell do not recognize each other's thoughts. Rather, hell is as in a prison where people are fighting each other for food because of their hunger. In the kingdom of heaven, couples know each other's thoughts, words and actions by simply looking into each other's eyes. Since they always know each other's heart of wanting to give and the heart of willingness to give, they correspond just as a magnet and compass correspond. Accordingly, they are always very humble to each other; they always express respect to each other; and they live always showing warm and peaceful smiles.

The world of original love is the world where couples live with the heart of willingness to give and receive centering on God, and dance within the rapturous light of God as one does in the warm sunlight of spring. Couples on earth are dreaming of the ideal of original love. I want you to live a life that can be accepted by God.

Dominion Over The Universe And The Value Of Mankind
August 8, 1998

Humankind Is the Primary Agent over the Entire World of Creation

God, who created heaven and earth, created humankind as the primary agent over the entire world of creation. However, because of the Fall of humankind, it seems that the value of all things and the value of humankind was reversed. For this reason, humankind lost the value of existence as the children of God. How painful God feels that the world of creation He built for the sake of His children grows and multiplies on its own, but the primary agent of the creation of heaven and earth is not appearing. Man's task is to correct his fallen position and return to God by getting onto the original track.

However, the only way for humankind to appear as the owner in front of all things is by standing on the standard of the value of the Blessing, by being reborn through True Parents. God originally blessed man to do whatever he desired in the Garden of Eden. That is, God allowed him the qualification of manager of the entire world of creation. Through rebirth, man can regain his role as the primary agent in the Garden, and attain the standard of value of the manager of the universe. Then, how high does the standard of value of humankind reach? It is as the children of God and the owner of the entire world of creation. God created all things for the sake of humankind. Therefore, God rejoices only when humankind rejoices together with God as they survey all things.

The Appearance of Man and All Things in Harmony

Don't you think that a reciprocal relationship must be established between man and physical things, since they are his objects of joy? Then, let's give an example of how the harmony of all things and human beings, who are the primary agents of the universe, appears in the spirit world. When a couple embraces, grass, flowers and birds surrounding them each harmonize with them. A blade of grass radiates beautiful colors. It swings light with excitement. Birds gather and sing their own beautiful songs. A passing breeze harmonizes with the couple by bestowing a silky soft touch. Everything around them radiates in beauty. When the couple makes love within such an atmosphere, God answers with a stream of bright rays of light. You might imagine a scene in a movie in which the king and queen in a castle, wearing soft and beautiful clothes, make love while beautiful harp music is heard. However, that cannot compare with true love in heaven. Man received an abundance of treasures from God as the manager of all things. However, because of the Fall, he cannot feel or see them. Yet, if we attain the standard of the value of a perfected human, we will restore every relationship. Therefore, man must again realize his value as the original owner of the entire universe and return gratitude and glory to God.

Dominion Over The Universe And God's True Love
August 8, 1997

We Are God's Children

God created humankind as His children. God cannot but have a painful heart toward His children when they do not return to God's bosom and instead wander around at a distance. For this reason, there are times when God reverses the management indirectly. By doing so, God has been consoled through patiently watching all things. However, God feels joy when His children appear in front of all things as the primary agent. This is because all things desire human beings to have dominion over them.

God's Joy and Love

When God sees the environment harmonize while the couple appears in front of Him and returns joy and glory to Him, He wants to bless them by saying that the world of creation is all theirs. One stream of brilliant light harmonizes with all things and reconfirms that the primary agent in such a beautiful world is humankind. Then God blesses the couple to harvest as they want. When a good man and good woman having received that Blessing walk by, each blade of grass dances with joy. The couple feels God's love within the beautiful, enraptured atmosphere wherein birds rejoice with their own chirping sounds, melody wafts on the breeze, and indescribable fragrance fills the air. Therefore, since the world of creation is the expression of God's devoted love that is given to us, we must joyfully return our love to God as primary agents over the world of creation.

Perfected Human Beings Have The Value Of God
August 8, 1997

Perfected Man Is God's Heir

When man grows in the right way, being completely accepted by God as His child, he becomes a perfected child of God and is bequeathed everything. Thus, man, who is recognized as the manager of the world of creation, can stand as the object of God's eternal joy. Such a person has the standard of heart that can know God's thought through living and rejoicing with God. He has attained the standard of the value of God.

One Who Lives with God

For this reason, indeed, man is to attain the position of having the value of God, and this is God's ultimate desire for man. God wants man to be in the perfected position, where God can bless him with the words, "These are all yours. You have done everything." That is the position where we always live with God within God's radiance.

Cain And Abel In View Of The Principle Of Reciprocity
August 9, 1997

The Relationship Between Cain and Abel

Already, the origin of the Principle of Reciprocation was mentioned several times. Here, I will discuss how the relationship between Cain and Abel is systemized in the spirit world in view of the Principle of Reciprocation. God was going to give Cain the exact same love He gave Abel, if and when Cain and Abel established a standard for reciprocation through Cain respecting and loving Abel. However, rather than loving Abel, Cain was arrogant, showing off his qualification as the elder son. This pained Abel's heart, and stimulated his anger toward Cain. Cain's arrogant behavior resulted in a sorrowful history within God's providence.

God has had to re-indemnify segments of history due to mistakes. God has pulled man by letting man establish the condition for receiving the Messiah and then stand in the position where God can say that he has no sin. Then, according to the Principle of Reciprocation, by which the subject and object become one with the love caused by the heart of wanting to give to each other, the restored original relationship of Cain and Abel will be the same as if man had not fallen. Cain will not have the emotion of hating Abel to the extent of wanting to kill him. On the contrary, the power of respecting and helping each other will function more strongly.

The Cain and Abel Relationship in Heaven

The Cain and Abel relationship clearly exists in spirit world. There are Cain-Abel relationships, such as elder person, younger person, higher-level person, lower-level person, one who receives more love closer to God, one who receives less love of God, etc. For example, between the elder person and younger person, rather than the elder person ignoring the other's feelings and giving orders by screaming, he will ask, "What are you doing now?" with a warm heart. Then the younger person will smile and respond, "How shall I help you?" In such an atmosphere, their hearts have give and take. Also, when a younger person has a question for the elder person, he will ask, "I am very curious about such and such content. Could you help me understand?" Then the elder person answers not with an attitude of authority and reputation, but with the love of a true elder brother.

God did not apply the Principle of Reciprocation between subject and object to humankind alone. To every creature, God gave the heart of love that wants to give for the sake of the other. Since such a heartistic relationship has been broken, the Cain and Abel relationship became one of distance. Because the situation on earth became complicated, the situation in spirit world became more complicated. The ideal of the kingdom of heaven must first be realized on earth, and on that foundation the spirit world will become perfectly organized. I want you to live your life on earth through reorganizing, rethinking and reestablishing the original Principle of Reciprocation.

The Kingdom Of Heaven
August 9, 1997

What Is the Kingdom of Heaven?

In simple words, the kingdom of heaven is the place where the people who have no individualism or self-centered thought gather and live. In other words, it can be summarized as the world of living together and glorifying together, with the heart of willingness to live for the sake of the other, willingness to give endlessly.

What Is Hell?

Hell is the place where people are gathered who have an attachment to "I," the individual, to my situation, and to my possessions. Hell is the world where persons with such thought go.

The World of Eternity

Generally, most people living on earth pursue physical pleasure as their ideal of life. This is the reason that life in the physical world, not knowing God, can easily become preparation for hell. The world of eternity is unavoidable for everyone. For this reason, considering the eternal world, we must live our short physical lives with daily examination. The law of the eternal world accepts no excuses. There are no personal explanations. This is the content that Sang Hun Lee truly wants to communicate, so as to help the people on earth, and this may be my best gift. All I want to mention again and again is, "for the sake of eternity, do not live in the moment foolishly." That is the way of filial piety to the True Parents.

Life In The Kingdom Of Heaven
August 9, 1997

The kingdom of heaven is the area in which we become one with each other's love centering on God. In this world, each person respects the other's personality, is always humble, always warm, and always smiles. Your height, your beauty, your position, your wealth, your education do not matter at all. In this world, there is no difficulty and no envy, but only eternal happiness.

Chapter Four - Meetings In The Spirit World I

Chapter Four - Meetings In The Spirit World I

Jesus Christ
August 10, 1997

You are all concerned about Jesus staying in Paradise. Then, what does Jesus do? He lives as if he were the only existing person in the cosmos. What does that mean? It means that he feels extremely lonely. There are many Christians around Jesus. Some are wearing crosses; some are holding rosaries. However, even though Christians serve Jesus, fulfilling the highest goal of their earthly lives, Jesus feels lonely. What is the reason for this? If, as Christians believe, Jesus is the Christ of glory, why is he staying in Paradise? It is because Jesus is still praying and working for the complete fulfillment of God's will on earth. Since most Christians do not really understand his heart, he is in a lonely position with which we should sympathize. From this perspective, even Paradise is not a perfectly happy place. So, Christians who are in Paradise beg Jesus to take them forward to the door of the kingdom of heaven. "Oh! Our Lord! We want to go together with you!" They are begging like that. Whenever they do so, Jesus feels pain in his heart. He answers, "I stay here because I am God's son, but my mission as Christ is continuing, and I am happy to be in this place."

Then, when will Christians be able to move from Paradise to the kingdom of heaven? Until when will Jesus stay there? He will wait until the True Parents come for liberation. At that time, the people in Paradise will be able to receive many advantages.

I often saw Jesus walking together with God, but many Christians did not recognize that Jesus was with God. This is one difference between Paradise and the kingdom of heaven, where everyone will understand Jesus and God.

The Holy Mother Mary
August 10, 1997

The Holy Mother Mary was a great woman who is respected as Jesus' mother. Even though she is always with Jesus in Paradise, she displays humility and a sense of unworthiness in front of him. She lives with a burdened conscience because she did not fulfill her entire responsibility for Jesus on Earth. Even though she was not a nun, she now lives as a nun. Therefore, the relationship between Jesus and his mother is not easy. Nonetheless, there is no blame between them, and they relate with great care for each other.

August 10, 1997

Joseph, Holy Mother Mary's husband, lives in the same level as Mary, but he is also living a very lonely life in separation from Mary. Even though they were a couple on Earth, now they live as strangers and do not even meet. Joseph feels it would cause difficulty if he met Jesus, and even the Holy Mother Mary also feels apologetic meeting Jesus. Moreover, they seem to worry about what people think of them. Joseph is repenting for his past earthly life and feels very sorry to Jesus. Because most people who are around them know of the relationship between Joseph and Mary, they feel pressure and tension. We can see that Paradise is not a superficially happy or dazzling place; rather, it is the place of hope and desire.

August 11, 1997

Buddha is the most famous and respected personage for Buddhists. I am going to tell the story of meeting Buddha. He was spending his time sitting at the foot of a high mountain and sighing deeply. When I asked him why he sighs so much and has so many concerns, he answered, "You did not come here to meet me, but came to analyze me. Since you are living in God's love, you may know every situation. In spite of that, why do you ask me? On every April 8, Buddhists celebrate my birthday with a festival, but I have only the heart to want to hide. I feel very sorry and repent that when I lived on earth, I did not teach how to serve God. Because I also refused to acknowledge God, my teaching seems to lead many people astray. What can I do?"

He spoke to me like this, with deep sighing. His face does not seem to look bright and he likes to walk in the high mountains. He dislikes meeting people and wants to go where nobody is. He is always repenting in his prayer and continues to offer full bows before God with a completely sincere mind. Even though some Buddhist believers are following him, he does not appear in places where many people are gathered. Finally, the place where Buddha is living seems to be the highest level of the middle spirit world. I am going to share the Divine Principle and Unification Thought lectures with Buddha continuously.

His character is very mild and humble. He does not walk proudly with an uplifted head, but drops his head at a 45-degree angle. He always talks with a benevolent face. When he was listening to a lecture, he continuously thanked me for my lecture. When I ask him to make a promise for the next lecture, he does not promise easily. After a few silent moments, he makes a facial expression as if to say, "If you have extra time, please come." He does not say any unnecessary words. He is very humble and benevolent.

How can Buddha meet God? Some Buddhists may believe that he was the highest religious founder on earth and so he should be treated most highly. However, even though it may be a very troubling story for Buddhists, he cannot meet God directly. However, he can sometimes receive God's direction through a messenger. When he is to receive God's direction, then as a servant does before a king, he gives a full bow before God and kneels down to receive it. Then he gives another full bow as he receives God's direction, as one does in reading a king's order. Buddhists can sometimes witness such a scene, but they do not know what is taking place. Moreover, God's direction does not come often.

The contents of God's direction seem to be comforting to Buddha, as he knows he will need to wait silently for a long time until he can come into the direct realm of God's love. It was very surprising that God is walking with Jesus but not with Buddha directly. Why is that so? Jesus is the Son of God, but because Buddha is not, he is in the realm of the Fall, without the fundamental condition to go before God. However, God forgives him and consoles him.

August 11, 1997

Confucius is the great King of Confucianism. He stays in the same level as Buddha, which is the highest level of the middle spirit world. Even in the coldest winter, he wears the classical oriental overcoat and hat, and has deep meditation, sitting on the snow for several hours. Therefore, if I do not make an appointment with him, it is not easy to meet him. When I greeted him saying, "I came here to meet teacher Confucius," he responded, "Isn't it rude if you come here without an appointment?" I introduced myself to him. "When I was living on earth, I thought of your Confucianism as a most valuable thought, and I wrote Unification Thought, and I lived having a new view of life through the Reverend Moon's teaching."

When I had finished introducing myself, he said, "How can you call your great teacher's name directly? You should call his name respectfully as calligraphy characters Moon, then Sun, and then Myung." He taught me like that. He also said, "Since your seat seems to be uncomfortable, please change to this seat." His word and behavior were very courteous. So, it was not easy to share my opinion. Whenever I visited him, he came out wearing humble attire. He seems like a stone Buddha. Since he did not speak quickly, it took time to listen to his words. His facial expression also would not change and looked severe. He liked very much the lectures of Divine Principle and Unification Thought, and he gently asked me to come again. However, because he was worried that his request might cause me trouble, he glanced at my facial expression. Since his character was very reticent, it is difficult to know his inner situation.

I was curious how God's love is delivered to the place where Confucius lives. In the case of Buddha, God's love was delivered through someone, but with Confucius it was different. God called Confucius. When God said that he should teach God through his thought, he gave a full bow before God. Because he gave the full bow very politely, it took quite a long time. Why does God treat them differently? Buddha himself acted like God but Confucius taught the various requirements of etiquette and norm. He did not act like God. There are many people around Confucius who look courteous, wearing the traditional dress, such as overcoat and hat. It was not easy to meet Confucius. When I went to meet him, I had to pass through many doors, like passing the 12 gates.

Muhammad (PBUH)
August 12, 1997

Muhammad (PBUH) is a little distant from God and the Holy Spirit. If this were the physical world, I could say the name of the place where he dwells, but in the spirit world, it is difficult to express. In going to meet him, I encountered many difficulties. It was difficult even to find the way to go to him. As it is on Earth, he does not want people to focus on himself, so in spirit world he dislikes being easily revealed. Therefore, the meeting place wasn't bright.

He asked, "What is your motivation for coming to meet me?" After introducing myself, I respectfully said, "Since you are the noble one whom many earthly people want to meet, I also came to see you." After thinking for a while, he began to open his mouth to speak. "My life on earth was not perfect I made mistakes and God made me realize this by sending me here. I deeply repent that I gave God cause to worry about me. But despite that, God gave special grace by letting me stay here, so I am grateful."

He continued, "When I was staying on earth, I thought that my thought was the most systematic and detailed teaching of God. I feel very ashamed for that. I cannot lift up my head before God. However, since you have come here, please feel free to say whatever you came to say." Since then I have met him four times. The reason I met him so many times is that I wanted to understand his thought clearly. During the second meeting, I explained a part of the Unification Thought and introduced True Father, and he had a surprising comprehension of it. He has already known True

Father very well. He said that he was very much looking forward to seeing the Reverend Moon in the spirit world.

When I asked why he is waiting for the True Father, he said that he already knew that True Father will establish the law of the spirit world and liberate the people of the spirit world. When I asked how he came to know that, he said that it was through attending many seminars about this that were held in the spirit world.

Muhammad (PBUH) was wearing a robe, which covered his entire body from head to foot. He had the character of religious founder, and stood as a dignified figure. Most people surrounding him were dressed similarly, such as we see in the Arab countries. People who are living in this Arab area were trying to avoid meeting others. If I tried to see them, they turned their faces. Even though I asked the reason, they didn't give me an answer. I came to guess that they feel uncomfortable around me.

Muhammad (PBUH) seemed glad to meet me, and at the same time, seemed to feel shy. He always met me bashfully. While staying here, I have never seen God call Muhammad (PBUH) or make any request of him. Even though Muhammad (PBUH) recognized God's love and felt sorry for God, I could not see that he gave a full bow and devotion as did Buddha and Confucius. However, I don't know if he is doing that when I am not there. He doesn't seem to feel lonely, as Buddha does, and he also doesn't seem to have a meek face like Confucius.

How did so great a man as the leader of Islam come to be in this situation in spirit world? I have thought deeply about that and here is my viewpoint.

Man was created to pursue goodness by loving as God loves. However, it seems that Muhammad's successors at times pursued individual desire through autocratic authority rather than following goodness and love. The mind by which we serve God should spring automatically from the original nature. Faith produced by forcible and cruel methods is just formal faith. Moreover, forcible methods oppress the original human nature. It is far from God's way. Therefore, those who practiced it cannot but take responsibility for it in spirit world. Muhammad (PBUH) is looking forward to seeing the true God, but he is in a difficult situation. He can resolve this problem and go before God only when he has the cooperation of earthly people. Therefore, if people of his faith attend the Blessing ceremony and pray for him, he will like that very much.

Emmanuel Swedenborg
August 13, 1997

Swedenborg was the one whom I most wanted to meet in my earthly life. In order to meet him, I waited for God's will. What does God think of that? God said that even though man's ability is limited, the power of the Holy Spirit is infinite. Swedenborg was one who thought the power of God more precious than human ability.

He is staying in a good place that is close to Paradise. Before I met him, I looked around at his surroundings. His disciple came out to meet me. He said, "My teacher welcomes you." He said that his teacher received the revelation that God's messenger would visit today. So, now he is waiting for you. When I entered the room, Swedenborg greeted me with a bright smile and face. It was a very good feeling.

When I sat silently to introduce myself, he said, "You are the one who received God's love and special grace and lived attending a precious teacher. Therefore, can you give me a lecture of your teacher's thought?" So, I introduced briefly about Divine Principle and Unification Thought. He also asked me to introduce True Father, who had given such precious teaching.

When I responded that he would already know about True Father, he said, "Your teacher is the one who is a luminary like the sun and the moon. Because you attended such a teacher who cannot be evaluated by human thinking, I have to learn from you." He asked me with that humble attitude. I promised him to have many chances to talk with him.

Swedenborg had a very systematic and logical thought. I was wondering why this person stays near Paradise even though he experienced God's love and was serving God. He was in the place where he could see God closely and was waiting for God's grace.

Because he lived communicating with God for a long time, even when he came to the spirit world, his spiritual eyes shone very brightly. People who are attending him also had bright faces and humble minds. However, because they don't know True Parents' thought and the Blessing, I came to think that before True Father comes to this world, I would witness to them by giving lectures as soon as possible.

Sundar Singh
August 13, 1997

This person is the one who saw the high-level spirit world while on earth. I could compare Swedenborg and Sundar Singh. The place where Sundar Singh is staying is located in the middle spirit world, which is lower than Paradise. Before I met him, I came across various decorations that were spread all around. It was as before a female shaman dances. The surroundings of the house were similar to the Buddhist style. When I entered his house to meet Sundar Singly a servant guided me, spreading salt before my way. Sundar Singh did not come out from his room, but instead someone else opened the door. When he saw me, he said, "How does such a precious person visit here?" I introduced myself in detail, and I told him that I came here in order to introduce Divine Principle, Unification Thought, and True Parents. He said, "You are very gracious to me, but I don't have any qualification and I have come to have a guilty conscience." When I asked what was the reason, he said that while he stayed in the physical world, he received not only the Holy Spirit, but also spirits from other levels. So, he feels shameful before God. He said that after giving a sacrificial offering, he would listen to my lecture.

He was very humble and silent, but he spoke very clearly and logically. However, I could not say that God would not like the decorations around his house. I think that when he receives the Divine Principle lectures, his ideas will change.

The spirit world differs according to level, and people who are close to God are more comfortable, while people who do not know about God tend to argue very much with one another and be in anguish. Although I want to restore this area, I do not have confidence to accomplish that even by giving dozens of Divine Principle lectures. I feel very sorry for True Parents.


Many people may think of Socrates when they are in a complicated and confused situation in their thought. Man is trying to seek God according to the original nature given at his birth. Before human beings rationally recognize the fact that they were created by God, they are in the heartistic relationship with God, which is the relationship of parent and child. Therefore, man's original mind to pursue God will necessarily seek and find God. However, if you are captured too much by your own thought, you will lose God. I think that Socrates is such a person.

In order to meet this person, I made great efforts. However, it was not easy to meet him. The place where he is staying is located in the lowest level of the middle spirit world. The reason why it was difficult to meet him is that he was not willing to meet me. When I visited there the third time, he agreed to meet me, with a dark and gloomy facial expression. The reason he did not want to meet me is because he didn't want to discuss with people who had a philosophy different from his own. He wanted to maintain the fruit of his own thought continuously, and especially he did not feel any need to listen to another way of thought. He was very arrogant, and disliked even to talk. He was unwilling to listen to my talk.

However, I began to speak about the Unification Thought step by step. While I was giving a lecture, he suddenly asked me, "Who made those ideas? Is it your thought? If it is yours, you seem to think about it very much." Therefore, I began to introduce True Father, but he had not known about True Father. After I had talked for a long time, it seemed that he opened his mind a little bit. Through him, I came to recognize that philosophical thought can be an obstacle before God. Because he was filled with his own thought and logic, it seemed to take a long time to change his thinking.

When I came again the next time and asked if he wanted to listen to my lecture, he said, "Since your lecture is not necessary for me, if you came with the mind to change my thought, I can hardly welcome you."

When he has a problem, he is not willing to meet other people until it has been solved. Therefore, his surroundings are dreary and at a little distance from people. He did not try to have interest in the harmony of nature in which flowers bloom and wilt, or in the fact that man's death and life are derived from God's power, or in God's existence. Because of that, it seems it will take a long time to remove his egotism. However, I did not give up hope for him, because our thought is on a level higher than any other is. When the medium asked me if he does not know about True Father and if he knows about God well, I said, "Even though he knows about God, he does not know about True Father well, and he doesn't want to know about True Father because of his own philosophy."

August 14, 1997

Adam, the first human ancestor and the first grandfather, is a handsome looking man with a warm personality, and he always made us feel comfortable. I was curious on what level of spirit world he was living. If I tell all the details, it will take too much time, and I will be sorry for Mrs. Lee.

Adam remained too distant from God to appear before Him. However, since his indemnity period is finished, he is now living in a good spirit world that is close to God. Adam is always afraid of coming before God, being cautious.

Adam says that his life in that realm of spirit world is a lot better than that in the Garden of Eden. Things are abundant and he can meet with many people. When he was living in the Garden of Eden, he was lonely and fearful to face God. According to Adam, he did not know that he was supposed to make Eve happy. He just thought that he was to stay with Eve in the Garden of Eden. In other words, he was not mature enough to relate to Eve as a man. He was not old enough for him to realize that Eve was to be his wife. When things went wrong with Eve, he finally realized it, but it seemed too late for him to do anything about it.

Since Adam failed to fulfill his responsibility as the first human ancestor, he suffered a lot, working hard for many thousands of years. Therefore, as a sinner, he felt tremendous guilt before God. Although he is now living near God, he still is always cautious before Him.

August 19, 1997

It may sound too harsh to say that Eve is the greatest sinner in human history, but it is true that she committed a truly serious mistake. Eve is now living with Adam near God. She is always warm and thoughtful but also quite stubborn. To me, her face is not the most beautiful one, but she is very good-looking. Whenever I tried to speak to her closely, she always turned her face away. When I had another chance to see her, she again turned her face away from me or bent her head down so that she would not have eye contact with me. Therefore, it took time for me to have an opportunity to talk with her.

As we were conversing with each other, when she discovered that I was close to God, she attempted to have an open and honest dialogue with me. She started by saying, "It may not be necessary for me to talk about my fault in the past, but I would like to be honest with you. Adam and I always lived close to each other, eating together, sleeping together, etc. We were so young at that time and we did not know that we should become husband and wife. Adam always liked to have fun, running here and there. I also liked to play, but I preferred to stay in a quiet place, spending time with the creation. Although Adam and I had some time together, since we were both busy playing separately, we did not have the opportunity to express our love for each other as a man and a woman. The being that actually opened my eyes to the opposite sex was Lucifer.

Lucifer was always with me. He was always kind and willing to teach me everything. Sometimes he would bring things that I liked to eat. In the meantime, through Lucifer I developed a feeling towards the opposite sex. Lucifer also came to fall in love with me. At the time my relationship with Lucifer came to fruition, Adam began to notice it. But Adam did not interfere in our relationship, nor did he express his love for me. He just left me alone. Then my love for Lucifer became more passionate, and Lucifer led me well. I just could not let go of Lucifer. This lasted for quite some time. Lucifer was scared and so was I. Yet whenever Adam saw me, he ran away from me. After a while I came to realize that my deeds were wrong. One day God struck us with a terrible reproach. He said that we were no longer qualified to be with Him.

Then I looked for Adam with a sincere heart. I desperately clung to him, appealing to him to help me. Afterwards, as was taught by Lucifer, we slept together. When I had a sexual relationship with Adam, I could not feel the same passion for Adam that I felt toward Lucifer. I came to miss Lucifer more and more. Strangely, Adam and I came to feel distant from each other. Whenever Lucifer glanced at me and tempted me, he was irresistible. Eventually I was drawn to the bosom of Lucifer and could satisfy my burning physical desire through him.

As time passed, I could not avoid God's eyes on me. I was scared of his anger towards me. Then I went to Adam. Although I had no physical relationship with him, strangely enough I felt a sort of peace. Without knowing why, whenever I went near Lucifer, I was captured by an intolerable fear. As time passed, I came to realize that what I did with Lucifer was wrong, and I felt more guilt in front of Adam.

Adam comforted me, but my heart was always tormented. That has been the story of my life. I felt sorry for Adam, and I am a terrible sinner who cannot even ask for forgiveness and salvation from God. As the indemnity period is over, I am elevated to this place, but I am the worst sinner.

I wondered why God called such a sinner, Eve, so quickly to be near Him. When thinking that Adam and Eve, as the first human ancestors, are the unforgivable sinners and the ones who caused the greatest pain to God, I was curious how they could be in this spiritual realm.

As human history flows, the day of joy when hell is liberated should arrive as soon as possible. Otherwise, human beings cannot be liberated from pain and suffering on earth. Now, since an indemnity condition was established on their behalf, Adam's family is finally liberated. Through the liberation of Adam's family, a foundation for all sins and crimes to be forgiven is also established. Someday, the gate to hell will be wide open, and an eternal day of liberation will come.

August 19, 1997

I came to encounter Noah, Father of Faith, who built an ark on the top of a mountain. He was residing in the upper level of the middle spirit world. He always prays, bowing down and making special conditions such as sacrificial offerings to God, with all of his heart, mind and soul. He works very hard and dresses similar to the way of a farmer who plants rice seedlings. He makes an altar to make an offering to God. Using his talent that built the ark, he thoroughly checks here and there to make sure everything is perfect. He does his very best with everything he is involved in. He does this wherever he goes, in whatever he does, not only for himself but also for others. He also encourages others to pray and makes special conditions. His facial expression shows he is very kind, good-hearted, and pure, without thinking of his own interest.

I asked him, "Did you never change your heart while building an ark for 120 years at the top of a mountain?" Noah answered, "According to the direction of God, I was building an ark. Therefore, I could not change my mind in the middle. If I changed my mind, I should have doubted whether that direction was from God. I do not recall how the time period of 120 years passed because I was totally committed to building the ark. Actually, it was fun to build it. My children and wife also helped me, but their support was not 100 percent. People usually seek for what is visible. They often turn their faces away from God who is invisible. So, many times they shook me while I was only focusing on building the ark. They would say, `How can we live alone when all others die in the flood? Why would God let us live alone? Let us ask this question to God and when He gives us a clear answer, we can continue to build the ark. If God destroys all humankind, there will be no descendants. God is not so cruel as to do such things to human beings, etc.' All kinds of temptations came to me, but I did not pay attention to any of them, but only focussed on building the ark. Still, I am grateful that my wife and children did not turn away from me. While we were living on earth, the greatest joy was to attend God with all of our hearts and obey His words. That is why in a wonderful place like this, I am teaching people how to attend God in the right way. This is the most joyous time for me. It may sound rude, but may I ask how you came to be given such a great grace of the love of God? How well did you attend God when you were living on earth?"

Noah did not know about the True Parents well. I explained about them for some time. Then he was immersed in deep thought for a while until he said, "You seem to have been born at the right time." He seemed to be expressing an envious heart by saying this. When I told him that everyone can be this close to God, he replied, "I am grateful for where I am. People go to the level that corresponds to the merit they received while attending God on earth." He expressed the desire to learn more about the True Parents.

Another thing that I was interested in was the time of the flood judgment. Noah responded. "God one day gave me an urgent order: `Noah, Noah, hurry up and get into the ark with the others.' Three days thereafter, it started to rain. From that time on, all family members began to believe in me. While we were confined for three days, everyone including the animals made such a commotion to get off the ark. At that time I depended on God only and prayed constantly. The main theme of my prayer was, Please build your nation through the flood judgment. As it started to rain, everyone inside the ark remained silent. All of my family members paid attention to every single movement of my actions.

The flood that continued for 40 days and nights was truly an astonishing tempest. Due to the heavy rain, the entire world was dark. The rain flowing in the valleys made mountains fall down, with their tree branches broken. Lightning and thunder were ceaseless. Realizing that this was truly a punishment from God, I only continued to pray. All I was wondering about was when God's indignation would be stopped. Forty days later, after the rain had stopped, God said that my faith had calmed His indignation. A ray of sunshine shone on the window of the ark; the tempest started to die down. After that, all of my family members followed my directions, depending on me. There was unity in the family. It was a happy time of our life together.

I asked, "May I ask you about the mistake made by Ham?" He replied, "That year, all of us worked very hard. Especially, the harvest for grapes was a great success. Since all of us did our best, everything was abundant and our hearts were peaceful. We were just so happy. One day, I had a glass of wine after working hard and happened to fall asleep out of fatigue. I must have been too hot from drinking the wine and without realizing it, I must have taken off all my clothes, making me naked. Usually, my second son was obedient to me. Since I was sleeping, he had the desire to make sure I was sleeping comfortably. He must have come into my room, and upon seeing me sleeping naked, he must have been surprised.

My family members who had returned from work and saw me in such a condition made a commotion about it. Especially, my wife was upset with me, asking me why I could not even take care of myself as a person who attended God. The fact that I could not do it became a great sin before God. Although I had attended God all of my life, since the flood judgment I had become arrogant rather than being humble. For this, God punished us, admonishing us. God always thinks that humility comes first." Then he added that whenever he thinks of his mistake, he always feels repentant and is unable to lift his face up before God.

Noah attended God all of his life. Thus he thought that God should be able to forgive the mistake of his son, Ham, but He would not. That was because of the Fall of man, for if God forgave, it could be another condition for Satan to invade. That is why God would not forgive Ham's act. This is the law of the spirit world. There is no exception in the Heavenly law. Therefore, those who want to be treated generously before God should live a life that can pass the Heavenly law in the spirit world. Then you can be recognized and dealt with by God accordingly. I sincerely hope that people on earth will be able to come to God by passing all of His tests.

Abraham and Isaac
August 20, 1997

I think I was introduced to Abraham and Isaac even before I went to meet them. I had heard, while in the spirit world, that Abraham had been meeting important figures in God's providence. They came to visit me, saying that they could not have someone as important as I to come to them. Abraham is a good-looking and gentle-hearted person. When I said that I would like to go and visit his place, he answered that people around him are able to attend God well, bowing down to God in the morning and in the evening, according to the Heavenly law.

As I expressed my interest in the burnt offering of Isaac, he understood me, agreeing with me. He stated, "Since I did not have a child for a long time, I made special efforts in attending God. There was nothing that I could reject or deny in God's voice. Further, my wish was that I depend on God in everything and live with Him. As I made special efforts every day, at my age of 100 He gave me a son. The preciousness of this son was indescribable. I was so immersed in enjoying him, almost forgetting to make offerings to God, although God is the one who had given me that son.

"As the child was growing, he was interested in everything that I, his father, was doing. He loved me very much. Perhaps it is because he is a son who was given to me after my making many special conditions for God. He would say, `Father, today, why is there no water on the altar? God should be upset with this, and I will bring some water for Him.' In such a way he grew and grew in health and wisdom. One day, God called me and said, `Abraham, I would like to receive an offering from you, which may be a difficult offering for you to make. Will you still do it for me?' I replied, `I will do whatever you ask me to do. Please go ahead and tell me what to do.' Then God said, `Abraham, I would like to have you offer your precious son, Isaac.' I thought I misheard Him and asked Him again, `What have you said?' He answered, `I told you to offer your son.'

I could not tolerate the pain. Whether it was day or night, everything seemed so dark to me. For several days, I was in torment. Then Isaac came to me and asked, insisting on my answering him, `Father, is anything wrong?' I told him, 'God has asked me to make an offering.' Isaac was surprised and asked, wondering, `Father, why are you taking so long to execute God's direction? Please do it quickly.' With his push I told him, `I should make this offering not here, but at a place far away, in a deep mountain.' Isaac said, `Then it is all the more reason why you should be in a hurry. Let us leave quickly.' Owing to his pressure, I could no longer resist him. Several days after our departure, when we arrived at a mountain, he asked me, `Father, what will be the sacrificial offering object this time?' I could not answer him. As firewood was piled up, I just called Isaac's name and embraced him. Then Isaac said, `Father, God asked you to offer Him Isaac, right? I knew it when I saw your gloomy face.' Then he continued, `I am grateful to God for choosing me as the offering object. Father, what are you worried about? Becoming an offering object is good. It is a blessing.' Then he lay down on the firewood without hesitation. Looking at the sky, I earnestly prayed with mixed feelings in my heart and with fear towards God and grief for my son, `Father, I am offering my son to you!' With this prayer, as I was about to strike Isaac with a sword, I heard a voice from the sky.

Abraham, I now know that you respect me. Stop what you are going to do.' Then Isaac, who was lying on the firewood sat up and pushed me, asking, `Why are you stopping? Please continue to make the offering!' He continued, crying out loud, `Father, if you falsely swear before God, I cannot look at your face.' Then God called, `Isaac!' Isaac who heard His voice this time listened to me. Through this, although I had failed in making the burnt offerings according to God's direction, God forgave us, both father and son. At that time Isaac joked, `Perhaps God thought that I was too young to be an offering object.' "

Isaac has a small build, but he takes after his father; he is a good-looking man with a humble heart. Abraham and Isaac were close to each other to the extent that I was envious of their relationship. Abraham's offering of Isaac teaches us many lessons.

Judas Iscariot
August 20, 1997

Judas Iscariot always ran away whenever I saw him. I went to visit him a number of times, but he would not want to see me. So one day, I left a message on a piece of paper, "Your past fault should not be hidden, but should be revealed in order to be forgiven." I again visited him several days afterwards, at which time he agreed to see me, and bending his head down like a sinner, he asked me, "Why are you coming after me who is such a great sinner?" I did not answer immediately. After some time, Judas continued, "An historical criminal like me cannot come to God or to the Lord. As I am repenting about my sin living here like this, please do not come to see me anymore."

"How painful your heart must be. It may not be a great comfort to you, but I thought I might be able to ease your painful heart," I said. He responded, "So far, there has not been even one single person who tried to comfort a sinner such as I. But no one and nothing can be a comfort to me, and therefore I again request you not to visit me anymore." I could not introduce either the Divine Principle or Unification Thought to him. His living environment was barren, like that of a prison, and I could hardly see anyone around him. Earthly people usually think that hell is a place where many people are crying and screaming, filled with an unbearable bad odor, but actually, hell is a lonely place. I returned to my place thinking that I would visit him again and help him after a while, when he is calmer.

John the Baptist
August 20, 1997

John the Baptist is short but has a smart-looking face. When I asked Jesus how John the Baptist was doing, Jesus asked me not to say that I had met him. He also added that John the Baptist would not want to meet me, and so I would not be able to meet him. The place of John the Baptist was very distant from that of Jesus. When I went to visit him, a gigantic person who was carrying a sword stopped me, saying that not everyone was allowed to see his master. Then he asked me to put down my name in the visitors' book. As I entered his house after signing my name, John the Baptist received me, bowing down and said, "How could the messenger of God come to such a humble place as mine," and he sat down, kneeling down before me. Even before I asked him any questions, he started to talk. "On earth, I was respected and followed by many people, but now, my dwelling place is so humble and I cannot even see the Lord. Further, even if I would like to attend the Lord, He would not come here. I was so accustomed to be attended and I did not pay attention to Jesus' life at all. Because I thought and related to Jesus not with God's eyes, but with human eyes... I did not realize that it would be such a great sin. Since I do not know how to be forgiven, I am frustrated. As you came here as the messenger of God, could you help me?"

When I asked him why a man with a sword was guarding the gate, he answered that he is always insecure with a fear that someone might come to hurt him and therefore he meets people selectively. I told him, "You need to continuously repent until the day when the gates of hell will be opened," and I introduced True Parents to him. Then he asked me when that day of liberation will come. As I was returning home, my heart ached because I know that before True Parents there are many people like him on earth, who will be living a life like that of John the Baptist in the spirit world.

Kim Il Sung
August 21, 1997

To meet him I had to go everywhere to look for him. I asked God about his whereabouts but God only shook his head. I asked around but nobody knew. So I finally decided to go down to low levels to look for him. When I went down to a low level, I really felt that there is hell. Then what happened? A giant man injured by gun and knife was leaning against the door, not able even to go inside, and sat there, such a ghastly sight. I asked him, "By any chance are you the Premier IL Sung Kim?" He was moaning and groaning and could not even hold his head up, and asked who I was. I told him who I am and mentioned Father's name.

He was bleeding everywhere but he changed his position to kneel down. He said, "I committed so much sin, and did so many wrong things to him; therefore, I am paying for all that now." I asked him, "Why don't you go inside instead of staying here by the entrance?" He said, "I wish I could do that, but as soon as I go in, those people throw stones, knives, guns, and all kinds of things at me and create such a riot that I cannot endure. Also they scream and say, `Go away, you son of a bitch,'-so I cannot stay inside.

Why are you looking for me? Do you think that my son Jung Il would know about all my misery? North Korea will perish. I knew that already, but I could not do anything about it. I was just hoping that Jung Il would attend True Father and listen his advice to lead the country. I never knew that the North Korean people's shouting and screaming was as loud as this. I really did not know my sin was so great like this. Nobody welcomes me anywhere. Could you please save me?" he begged. I had to give Divine Principle and Unification Ideology lectures, but I really could not bear to see that gruesome scene. I went inside the door; it was like the open space of a jail. All the people who were there rose and asked me, "Who are you? How could you come in here so imposingly?" I told them that I am a messenger from God and requested a little bit of time to talk.

From here and there, I heard people saying sarcastically, "All right. We have plenty of time. Give us a speech." I explained to them that God is the central person of love, and after that gave a lecture about the dual characteristics of God. I also appealed to them with tears for about 40 to 50 minutes that they should live for others, love and help each other and forgive each other's fault. They must endure and wait until the day of liberation of hell.

After that, I told Il Sung Kim to lie down for treatment of his wounds. People around us started to help by cleaning his wounds, and the atmosphere changed to very calm and composed. I asked to come again later on for more lectures. Some said that would be fine and some said to let it be and did not want to be bothered.

Il Sung Kim sat down anxiously. He could not lift his head up and he could not even look at me when I was leaving. On the way back I was thinking that earthly life is so short. Who can know about this kind of fact? Earthly people cannot see the Spirit World; therefore, they only cling to what they can see and live their lives. This kind of punishment of hell, the life that can only face this kind of wretched hell: What a poor life! I am writing this letter in the hope of being a vital energy for our members so that without suffering, all of our members can be directly embraced into God's bosom.

Realm Of Unification Spirit World
August 21, 1997

I'll explain the realm of Unification Spirit World. Here is a real heaven. Here is a real Eden. Here is real peace. Here, everybody is happy. Here is full of hope. Here is a real garden of love. Here is real rapture. Here is a place that really sprouts a bud of love. Here is a holy place of beauty that cannot be adequately expressed. Here Heung Jin Nim is always the first to do the work very quietly, humbly and with great detail. He always asks God about the work and seeks His opinion. He goes around each level, and listens to people's situations and comforts them and so on. Missionary Chong Goo Park always attends Heung Jin Nim and goes everywhere with him. Sometimes Missionary Park stops Heung Jin Nim from going to very difficult places and he takes care of things instead of Heung Jin Nim.

Dae Mo Nim always prays, just as she had done during her earthly life. She does not move from Heung Jin Nim's living place, and she always prays. Dae Mo Nim lives with only one mind and wish, which is long life for the True Parents. Choong Mo Nim calls Dae Mo Nim elder mother, and she always follows next to Dae Mo Nim and tries to learn even all the little things. One time I witnessed a very interesting scene. Dae Mo Nim's couple and Choong Mo Nim's couple were together and talking to each other, and Dae Mo Nim's husband said, "Let's have a fun time together. I feel we are so distant because we are too serious and too formal with each other." Then Dae Mo Nim said, "How can in-laws have fun time together? Aren't in-laws supposed to be formal and serious to each other?" After that the atmosphere changed to serious again. Choong Mo Nim is always serious and formal, and she tries very hard to learn.

President Hyo Won Eu always gives Divine Principle lectures. He returns to the lecturing position even when talking with members comfortably. Divine Principle lecturing is his life itself. Even in this kind of happy atmosphere, we have some bad times also. Many of our members are here, but that doesn't mean that everybody is happy. They carry the title of their sins like carrying a name-tag so it is publicly revealed. Therefore, until they pay off the indemnity, they face many embarrassments and pains.

Even in heaven, there are different levels. I am not going to say any more about it. But if I summarize it, Heavenly life is the extension of earthly life. The Spirit World is like going in to the storage area with the fruit of your own life. But more precious than grain is the attitude of living for the sake of others. We all learned about give and take action from the Divine Principle, and the very basis of that is living for the sake of others. Therefore, if we live for others rather than ourselves, it will be all right.

Chapter Five - Meetings In The Spirit World II [Part 1]

Chapter Five - Meetings In The Spirit World II [Part 1]

Leaders Of The Communist World

Karl Marx
May 19, 1998

Karl Marx lived his earthly life as the chief of evil persons. Why was he so ruthless? His rebelliousness derived from his resentment over the lack of recognition he received for what he considered his great and wonderful ideas. He was not willing to open his mind to discussion because of his awful pride and arrogance over his thought. Thus, he rebelled against the social system and his thought provided the raging mob with the foundation for their revolution. I wondered where such a ruthless person, who was intoxicated with his own ideas during his lifetime, would live in the spirit world.

It was not easy to find him at first. But then I realized that those of the same kind flock together, so in order to find him, I asked here and there for where revolutionaries are to be found.

People who worked for revolution on earth still are intoxicated with themselves in the spirit world. Around the place where Karl Marx lives, I found shabby buildings that look like detainment centers for prisoners of war. In those houses, there were many people who look like remnants of a defeated army. They were exhausted persons who were laying down because they have nothing to do, and disabled persons who walked leaning on crutches. Their faces were spiritless, reflecting the miserable realities of war. Nevertheless, they were going somewhere. They followed a guide.

Then I heard someone shouting with a loud voice from a high place. "My fellow citizens!" he shouted, "Let's start again! We cannot be defeated here. Let's encourage each other and struggle once again! Victory is ours." He was shouting that sort of rhetoric. The man shouting was the very Karl Marx.

I waited to meet him at the rear of the audience. Regardless of the people's difficulties, he continuously insisted that his theory would bring victory. After his speech, I asked him to meet me for a moment in spite of his busy schedule. When I asked, he said to me, "What kind of thought do you represent?" Then I introduced myself, "I am Sang Hun Lee, and I systematized the Critique and Counterproposal to Communism." He replied, "I have nothing to do with the Critique and Counterproposal to Communism. I have no time to talk with you because I am very busy." When he said this, I responded, "No matter how busy you are, you should not treat me like that. I waited for you until your lecture was finished." He lowered his eyes at that, and asked me to sit down with him. He would not let me say even one word. Fortunately, I was willing to listen to him as he explained his theories.

He was a great theorist. He talked about his theory without stopping for breath. Because he strongly insisted on his opinion, I could not open the door of dialogue. I waited continuously. When he seemed to be ready to finish talking, I stood up and said that it was my turn. I said, "I, Sang Hun Lee, am a person who likes to listen to others, but since you have finished speaking, I would like to offer my opinion." I then talked about the core contents of the Critique and Counterproposal to Communism. I explained why the theory of communism failed of necessity.

"Even though your theory is very great," I concluded, "because it explains nothing about God, who exists as a reality in human life on earth and in heaven, communism could not but fail. Do you know God? Without knowing God, you cannot teach about the fundamental purpose of human life. Without knowing God, there is no peace and eternal life for human beings. There is only war. Aren't these all the people who were intoxicated with your thought? Let's look at them! Why do they all live like defeated and failed people?

"Please follow me. Let's go to where I live and look around that place. Let's talk continuously on the way. I would like to invite you to my house today. Please let's go."

When I said this, it seemed that I hurt his pride. So I talked to him very politely. "I would like to invite you as a guest at my house. I want to treat you with great respect." He seemed to feel a sense of obligation to follow me.

While we were on the way, he asked me, "Why did you come here? Why did you come to me and give me an enthusiastic lecture?" I answered, "You will find out when you come to my house." When we arrived, he looked around the beautiful and fantastic natural environment where I live. He seemed to feel very sad. I guided him to various places and showed him one special place. I showed him a beautiful vista of a couple loving each other. Marx was not surprised or embarrassed; on the contrary he was attracted by it. He seemed to be drawn to them by magnetic attraction. Moreover, on the street, people's bright and peaceful facial expressions seemed to cause his thinking to change.

He asked me if there were more places I could show him. I answered, "How can you see everything in a day? I will guide you to more places next time." He asked again whether he could live there. His attitude had changed very much after seeing this world. I came to think that there was a good chance to speak to him about God. When I said, "Only people who adore and worship God can live here," he said, "Let's go to God." When I answered, "God is not here," he said "Then I will go to God and ask some questions. What shall I do in order to adore God? If God gives me some guidance, I will do exactly what He says." Since Karl Marx's mind had opened slightly, I began to give him a Divine Principle lecture, pointing out the errors of his thought. While I was giving the lecture, I could discern from his facial expression that he was in anguish over the difference between what I was teaching and his thought. However, I lectured without stopping.

In this way, I lectured him so many times. One day during my lecture, I suggested that we would have more lectures at his house. He said that he needed more time before inviting me to his house. However, by the time I finished the lecture, he said, "Because today's lecture was more interesting than yesterday's, tomorrow's will likely be more interesting than today's, and the day after tomorrow's more than tomorrow's. So I suggest that I invite you to my house when all lectures are finished."

In response, I said to him, "Because it takes much time to finish all my lectures, let's stop this lecture right now. Then, when your mind really wants to listen to the lectures again, let's begin again." My intention was to be able to give the lectures in his home. When I suggested, "Because your house is too small, so let us do the lecture in your big yard," his face became cool, and he said, "I know the reason you want give an enthusiastic lecture there. Anyway, let's have the lecture there."

One day during my lecture, some strange young people entered the room and asked Marx, "Why do you listen to the lecture all by yourself?" They said that they wanted to listen also. I thought that it was a good chance and invited them to come into the room. From here and there, many people gathered. Then a strange thing happened. Marx's face turned as red as a beet. He began to cry with his head down in front of the entire audience. He continued to cry, and then spoke, "My friends who have gathered here! Please listen to this teacher's lecture." He guided all the people to an open place. In this way, in a wide-open yard, I came to be able to give various lectures in the Divine Principle and Critique and Counterproposal to Communism to many people. Through my lecture, 7080 percent of Marx's followers came to be favorable. Marx was disappointed about that.

At this time he is very close to me, but he has not reached the point of accepting True Parents. However, since he is listening to my lectures very carefully and positively, I believe that he will accept True Parents soon. I will explain to him that the messianic thought of True Parents is the completion of all systems of thought.


As the leading figure of the communist revolution, Lenin may have been a contributor to communist countries, but he is the lowest person before God. Where does he live in the spirit world? I have been to his house before. I went there in order to discuss the Critique and Counterproposal to Communism with him.

When I entered his house, there were many security guards and they checked everything. So it was hard to go into his house. I introduced myself proudly as God's emissary. The procedure to gain an appointment was complicated, and because the purpose for the visit was unfamiliar, it was not easy to gain entrance. Because I could not wait any longer, I told them again that I came as God's emissary with an invitation for their teacher. I told them, "I am going to attend your teacher very well, so please let me go inside." Finally I could pass through.

Lenin was not so big or tall, but his face was very handsome and made an impression of strength. He asked me, "What are you going to accomplish by meeting me?" I answered, "Originally, I had great interest in your thought. I want to meet you and learn your theory directly from you." Lenin did not easily reveal his mind and thinking. He said, "I am not so benevolent that I would speak unguardedly about my thought to a person unknown to me." He tried to verify my identity. When I introduced myself as a physician, he responded, "Why does a doctor such as you care about the disposition of a revolutionary?" His mind was not open enough to allow us to discuss our thinking with each other. So I told him, "Because you are a very valuable and important person, I am grateful to meet you. I would like to invite you to my house." He expressed his deep appreciation for me very politely. So, I told him that I would come back to bring him on the next day.

The next day, I did not enter his house and instead I sent one person to call on him. Then a strange thing happened. Lenin had disappeared, although he had promised clearly to meet me. I asked those in attendance when he would come back, but no one knew. My planning was in vain. Every house around there looked very gloomy and shabby. Those poor looking houses stood very close to one another. Why was he unwilling to meet me? I considered various reasons. For the next two days, I explored around his house. As I walked, I tried to come up with some inspiration or wisdom.

After a few days, I discovered a new house among the many houses in Lenin's neighborhood. It was no bigger than Lenin's was. Lenin and a group emerged from this house. However, I could pick up that they considered it to be an uncomfortable or strange situation. Lenin did not display his audacious and strong features. He seemed to be tense and afraid of something. What was the reason for that? I tried to come up with the reason. In any case, the company came out of the house and did not go to Lenin's house, but in a different direction. I followed them, sometimes at a distance and sometimes very closely. As I did so, I witnessed another situation. Lenin's facial expression reflected that he felt oppressed by someone. The group scattered and began to walk separately. I did not want to lose them so I chased them very carefully. They arrived at an intermediary point and began walking together again. I was wondering what their final destination would be. It turned out to be a little stream.

There they sat down side by side. Because I had to listen to what they were saying, I went into the water a little ways off and pretended to wash my feet. I could hear what they were saying. I heard Lenin's voice. "My friends!" he said, "We have to fight here and gain victory. Otherwise, all of us will be expelled. A dangerous circumstance is coming." I heard the voice of a young man. "Even though we are united into one, because we don't have many members, I think it will be difficult to win." After that young man spoke, the group was silent for a while. And then, Lenin's voice was heard again. "If our identity is known to others, we will be in danger. Therefore, let's move to another place and stay there! If we move to a small house, we will be safer." I was wondering why they had come there, and why they had to talk secretly. But my question was answered soon.

If they had met in their residence, they would have been watched under close guard. I recognized from their dialogue that in their residence, because they watch one another, they cannot divulge any secrets.

Because Lenin followed a mistaken theory, even though he was a great leader in one nation, his life's results were miserable. Therefore, he could not speak even a word with dignity, and he did not have a comfortable place in which to live. If he lived with splendor in the eternal world, he would be able to walk with confidence, raising his head. However, he has to live a limited life, always looking over his shoulder. Lenin's situation provides real instruction for people on earth. How should we live in order to prepare for eternal life?

I returned home praying that I can meet Lenin again in the near future.

Question (Young Soon): "In the physical world, you drove a car. Do you walk to witness to people in the spirit world?"

Answer (Sang Hun Lee): "Because it is difficult to understand life in the spirit world, even though I explain it, you may not understand much. However, I will try. When one walks on earth to get somewhere, you have to walk continuously, but in the spirit world, since location changes according to one's thinking, walking has a different meaning. One can ride a car wherever and whenever one desires it. This is little bit difficult to explain. Even though you may want to know in greater detail, I will stop here and turn to the next task.


When God created this world, He restricted the capacity of the human brain and reason. But Stalin lived his earthly life exercising his authority as if he were God. He wanted to surpass his restricted status as God's creature.

It was not difficult to find Stalin. I thought that Stalin would live near Karl Marx. At a place far away from Stalin's house, many people often gather together. Stalin attends the meeting and proudly tries to show off his authority as he did on the earth. The houses that are around Stalin look like the small houses made of mud, surrounded by fence, which we can see in North Korea. The people in them live poor lives. All of them on earth had served Stalin as God. Around that area are desolate and lonely surroundings. There is a horrible atmosphere that makes you feel as if someone is likely to suddenly jump at you. You always feels as if you are being watched. How is Stalin treated? Because he lived like a king on the earth do the people serve him as if he is a king in the spirit world?

After watching the surroundings silently for a few days, a person opened the door of his room and called for someone to come. He was calling for Stalin. I was anxious about the reason Stalin has to hide and enter the room secretly. As I watched, a man and a woman entered the room, all the while looking around fearfully. Then I waited for long time, and no one came out or went into the room. I changed into shabby clothes and approached the house. I expected that they would discover me, and I was planning to say, "I came to beg for some food." I went to the door and listened, and heard a voice say, "I cannot endure my brethren shedding blood any longer. Let us go back to our families and have comfortable lives!" I waited and listened.

Then I heard Stalin's voice. "Before coming here," he said, "I fought so many times for the sake of my nation and brethren. In light of that, how can we be defeated? You misunderstand about our situation. If we are united into one, we can gain victory." Then a woman shouted out, "Dear king, Stalin! You gave us nothing except suffering and tears. We cannot follow you or serve you any more." After she spoke, she began to cry.

Why could they possibly be here? Because most of the people here are those who protested against Stalin's autocracy, if Stalin's followers apprehend them, their families have no way to be saved. Therefore, they meet secretly, avoiding observation. However, what is Stalin doing? Why does he work secretly? It was very difficult to figure out his identity just by observation.

One day I was able to go into his house wearing a mask. When I said, "I came here to meet the great teacher," a young man came out of the entrance and asked, "Where are you from? Who are you?" I said, "I heard that the teacher whom I desired to meet stays here, so I came here to receive his teaching." I waited for a while, but Stalin did not come out. Instead, another young man came out and said, "Our teacher will not go to the place where people do not honor him as king." However, in a moment, a strange thing happened I was facing the front gate and Stalin suddenly appeared behind me. As I tried to turn around and look at him, some young men suddenly appeared and grasped me tightly, shouting, "How dare you come here?" I quickly said to them, "I came here to meet my respectable teacher. What is wrong with that?" They said, "Show us your identity!"

I, Sang Hun Lee, shouted out with strong confidence in God, "I am God's emissary, sent by God. God called me to you." Stalin said, "Where is God? If you bring God here, I will visit Him." When I said, "God does not have the leisure to visit an individual family," Stalin replied, "I also have no spare time. I am very busy." However, the young men were not willing to release me. So I politely said to them, "What if I study your teacher's theory right here?" Soon they released me.

Stalin asked me, "What do you want to know?" Because I had much interest in his thought anyway, I answered, "I want to learn your thought." He said, "Then let's begin tomorrow." I countered, "Because I am here anyway, I want to learn something from you today." He suggested that we meet at another place, because the place we were in was not a proper one to discuss theoretical matters. Finally I promised him to meet the next day and departed. However, when I tried to exit the way I had come in, the young men held me and threatened that if I returned, I would confront serious danger.

The next day, I met Stalin at a dark and gloomy place a little ways away from that place. He was the only one there. When I asked,, "Why are you alone, even though you are a great man?" he didn't say anything. He just led me to a small quiet room. That room was a secret place that Stalin uses. He asked me, "Do you really want to learn my theory?" I answered in the affirmative, but he said that his feeling was not so good and that he would not be able to give his lecture with much enthusiasm. He said, "Because I live in seclusion, if I speak about my theory publicly, I will be expelled from this place. Not many people around here know who I am. So I'm wondering how you knew me." I said, "Because I work as God's messenger, I have the means to know." When I said that, he replied that if I would provide him a place to hide, he would be willing to follow me.

I immediately realized that I had a good chance to open his mind, so I suggested that he come to my house and teach me his theory there. When I said this, his face was overcome with fear. His eyes and entire attitude seemed to reflect his fear that I would torture him. Nonetheless, he asked me to show him the way of salvation. When I responded, "Rather, I would have you save me," he said, "All right; I will follow you."

That very day, I guided Stalin and showed him all around where I live. He saw all varieties of peaceful and comfortable life, beautiful dance and song, the beauty of all things of creation, and the splendor of God. He asked me what kinds of people are those who live here. I said that only people who served God and attended him can live here. Like Karl Marx, he also said, "Where is God? Please guide me to Him. I am going to serve and attend Him." When I said that only after studying Unification Thought completely, can you receive permission to meet God, he urged me to quickly begin his course of study in Unification Thought. I explained about Unification Thought, the Critique and Counterproposal to Communism, and the thought of True Parents, and pointed out in detail the errors of Communism. After listening to my lecture, he asked, "Where did you learn this?" I replied that I learned it from the True Parents when I lived in the physical world. So, he said, "Your parent is a very great person and great revolutionary." When I taught him that my parent is revolutionary, but he is a revolutionary of true love and the savior of all humankind, he said, "When I was in the physical world, I also was treated like a savior." I asked, "Then why do you live a life of seclusion now?" He answered, "Because people do not treat me well."

He did not yet recognize that his theory was wrong. It seems that I must take a great deal of time in order to persuade him. He seems to need time to receive True Parents. However, as long as he pays attention to my lectures, I believe that there is hope.

True Father and Mother! Please wait for the day of victory. I, Sang Hun Lee, will reach the enemy of True Parents.

Question (Young Soon Kim): "Stalin killed more people than Hitler. Nonetheless, Stalin just lives a life of seclusion. Why?"

Answer (Sang Hun Lee): "Mrs. Kim! If one commits sin and lives in hiding, is it happy life? It may be a life of even greater suffering. When one lives in hiding, his is a life filled with fear."

II. The World War Criminals

May 20, 1998

Hitler killed Jews with great cruelty. Of all the murderers of history, Hitler inflicted the cruelest slaughter. I thought that he would live among an evil group. I was very busy finding people whom I wanted to meet. In the course of my efforts, I happened to hear a group of Jews shouting, "Let's kill him." When I turned my head and looked, I witnessed a tremendous mass of people, all of whom were bound in chains, shouting, "Kill him! Kill him!" The crowd was so vast I could not see its end. Further, I could not readily find out who it was whom the crowd wanted to kill. The shouting of the crowd continued. There were many people covered with blood. Some of them fell down and were dragged on by others. It was a tragic scene reminiscent of a battlefield. Still I could not discover the object of their murderous wrath. Searching here and there, I tried to find that unfortunate person. In my heart, I felt as if I was digging up mines in a minefield.

Oh my! What's wrong here? There came into my view someone hanging on a tree, his body naked. Because he was in the middle of the mass of people, I could not see him well. No one seemed to regard this naked man as human. They shouted, "You should suffer more than you made us suffer. Do you feel shameful? Women! Please hold and touch this guy's testicles. How attractive the balls of that person are! He slaughtered millions of people as if they were animals. Touch the letters that are written on his chest. What do the letters say? Are you the King of the Nazis? Because you exercised a king's authority over us, now we will judge you as a people judge their evil king." They shouted all varieties of curses and insulting language at him. "Pull out his eyes. Pull out his hair. Light his hair on fire." All this and more and more. No matter how miserable a man's life can be on the earth, no scene that horrible could possibly take place on earth.

If I had tried to help him, I am sure his tormentors would have killed me. But in view of such a tragic scene, it was heart wrenching to depart without doing anything. After returning home, I could not endure the pain in my heart. Whom should I ask to repent first? Whom should I embrace; to whom should I teach about God and talk about True Parents? I could not resolve this question. So, I prayed to God.

"Heavenly Father!" I cried in prayer, "What can I do for the poor people who are suffering in such agony?" I prayed sincerely for God's answer. At that moment, I heard God's voice. "Sang Hun-ah! I understand what you are going through. However, since those people are suffering in painful resentment (ban), until their anguish is released, you have to wait. If you ask them to pardon Hitler now, they will kill you. Please wait. Hitler has to pay indemnity for the evil he committed during his earthly life. When one commits sin, one must pay indemnity. Whenever you pass by that place, your heart will be painful. At that time, please pray for him and offer consolation. How much can they have? As time passes, they will become calm." This was God's word.

I prepared various lectures in order to dialogue with Hitler. But, whenever I went to that place, the same awful events were taking place. When one group of people shouted so much that they became exhausted, another group came and repeated the same thing. One day, I went into the crowd and met a young woman. She was slender and quite pretty. When I asked her how she was killed, she turned her head and asked me not to bring that up. So I approached the subject with the heart that God had conveyed. "How unfairly you have been treated! How much pain you must have in your heart! I can understand your painful heart." This moved her mind. She said that she was murdered as we see that person being murdered. What she meant was that she was naked when she was killed, and soldiers came and looked at her as much as they wanted. They put her into the gas chamber and whenever they wanted to look at her, they opened the door and looked at her until she became unspeakably miserable. And then, finally, they released the poison gas that killed her.

The naked Hitler is the object of all this resentment. Even though he is completely exhausted as a result of the vengeful shouting, he is forced to endure it continuously. You in the physical world cannot imagine how miserable he is.

I met another person whose hands and feet were bound in chains. I tried to console him, saying, "How much suffering are you going through? How much pain do you feel?" He said. "That person confined us and made us live according to his will. Therefore, we lived in captivity, and because that person regarded our tribe as his enemy, we could not survive. We cannot even imagine his cruelty. Now, our tribe is going to get revenge. If we collect all the chains that bound us, and cover him with them, it will be his gigantic tomb. I believe that our wish will absolutely be realized some day. We all want to grind up him, mix his dust with water and drink it. And even if we can do that, still our resentment will remain." That was how that one man expressed his resentment.

How can I fully describe this miserable and tragic scene in words? It is constant suffering and continuous agony in endless repetition. However, I have to love those poor people. So, I will wait a little while longer and visit them again. In order to meet Hitler, I have to wait until the situation around him becomes calm. I am waiting in prayer and meditation upon God's word. I hope that I can meet him as soon as possible.


There are many things that people need in order to carry on their lives. Food, shelter and clothing are particularly essential. Mussolini's idea was that weapons are the most important thing for a person to have in life. He was absolutely convinced that a person with a large store of weapons could devour all the countries around him, and achieve victory in every situation. The most wicked aspect of his thought was that killing was not a sin. He believed that people were justified to dispose of people who got in the way, because this was no different than what was practiced in the animal world. I was curious to know about this person's life, his thoughts and about his life in the spiritual world.

Whereas Stalin's life can be described as a continuation of a secluded existence, Mussolini can be described as leading the ideal of a secluded existence. Simply put, he may be in one place today but a completely different place tomorrow. He has no permanent habitat of his own, and must wander from place to place like a gypsy. You may wonder how I came to meet Mussolini. He has no place of his own but is always making himself a burden on others, so I happened to meet him while I was visiting someone else.

The people in that area told me, "That person over there doesn't have a home. He's always wondering from place to place. He could stay with us if he wanted, but in a little while he will leave." I was curious to find out who this person was and why he lived like this.

One day, I followed this man as he went along, hoping to discover his identity. I was very careful not to let him know that he was being followed. He stopped at three or four places, but he never engaged anyone in serious conversation. Instead, he would just exchange a few words and then move on. Then one day, Lee Sang-hun grabbed hold of this man and shouted: "Brother! Let's talk for a while." He acted very surprised, and demanded to know who I was. I told him that if he didn't have a home, we could go to my home. I told him we wouldn't be disturbed there. There would be only the sound of elegant music, and there would be many places where we could have a very wonderful conversation, I said. He replied, though, that wandering from place to place was suited to his character and he didn't want to settle down anywhere. So, I asked him if we could at least be friends. He wanted to know who I was, so I said that I, too, didn't have a permanent home. I said I had a place where I could stay, but I wasn't comfortable there, so I was wandering around. I suggested that we travel together as friends, since two would surely be better than one. He cocked his head in a gesture of bewilderment. I decided that I would travel along with him until I could find out his identity.

I'm not sure how many days passed. He asked me what I had done in the physical world. I told him that I was originally a doctor of internal medicine. Then, I asked him what he had done in the physical world. That's when he started to open up.

"I was a major leader of a certain country," he told me. "I had always had a keen interest in international affairs, and at some point I began to have a growing feeling of ambition. Soon, I began to have a desire to become a figure of worldwide caliber, and so I focused the entire economy on building up the military arsenal. What I am today is a result of my thirst for power while I was on earth. My name is Mussolini. I am a monstrous criminal. Because I am a criminal, wherever I go I am always afraid that someone might recognize me. That's why I am always trying to hide. My heart is very much at ease now, because I have opened up to you. Why is it that you are following me around?"

I replied, "I was hoping to find you. I will tell you much more about that later. How would you like to hear me give a lecture?"

He said he was quite willing to listen, but that he was afraid that if he stayed anywhere for an extended period, people would discover his identity. "If that happens, then not only will I be caste out again but I will also be cursed," he said.

I told him, "If someone commits a crime, then it's natural that he be punished. Also, I think a person has to know and understand the seriousness of the crime he committed and then never repeat his crime. If you've done something wrong, then of course you have to face punishment. How long do you intend to keep running away?" I tried to explain this to him in a way that he would understand.

As it turned out, the good in Mussolini's character outweighed his temperament as a thief to a greater extent than I had expected. When I pointed out the errors in his ways, he responded with gratitude. Also, he asked me politely to let him hear my lecture. Since he didn't have a home where we could go, I asked him where he wanted me to give the lecture. He responded that he would follow the lead of his "teacher." So, I decided to open up my home to him. It seems, though, that this person led a very complex life in the bedroom-that is, his relationship with women. When he saw my bedroom, he asked how it was that I could have such a good and beautiful room, but have only one woman. I was at a loss to know where I should begin with this person. At any rate, we settled ourselves in my home.

First, I explained to him the motivation for the fall. He asked a lot of questions. He wanted to know where I had learned this, what grounds I had for believing this, and so on. Methodically, I took him step by step through the Principle lecture, Victory Over Communism Thought, Unification Thought, explaining everything in detail. He was deeply impressed with the content. He asked me many questions-"Who taught this to you? Who came up with these ideas? How did he figure all this out?" The heartistic distance between us, though, was too great for me to give him the answers to these questions in much detail. I simply told him that I had learned these things during my time on earth from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who is the True Parent. Mussolini then remarked that Rev. Moon's theories were very systematic, but that it would be very difficult for someone to actually live according to these ideas.

As a final matter, Mussolini needed a place to stay. I asked him how long he expected to keep wandering around. He told me he hadn't made up his mind on any particular place yet, and that he would decide on a place when he found some place that was appropriate. It is God's Will. As yet, he doesn't understand the conditions for indemnity or the root of evil, so it is likely to take considerable time. I can only give praise to True Parents and pray that God will help him.

Question: Dr. Lee, what language did you use when talking to these people? Confucius spoke Chinese, Shakyamuni spoke the language of India, Jesus spoke Aramaic, Karl Marx spoke German, Hitler spoke German, Mussolini spoke Italian.

Answer: In the spiritual world, I meet someone and my meaning is conveyed to that person. Then, that person's meaning is conveyed to me, so there is no need for language. When I look at a person, my meaning is conveyed to him. When he looks at me, his meaning is conveyed to me.

Chapter Five - Meetings In The Spirit World II [Part 2]

Chapter Five - Meetings In The Spirit World II [Part 2]

Leaders Of The Communist World

May 21, 1998

Most people in Japan share a national trait whereby they tend to rely on a god in all things. Most households follow one form of faith or another. This person Tojo, though, insisted throughout his life that the god of his own self was superior to all others. His incredible pomposity, arrogance and sense of superiority were far greater than any belief he might have had in a divine being. Simply put, his idea was to say: "There is no God. He's dead. So, follow me, instead."

It was only natural, then, that I would be curious to find out about this person's position and life in the spiritual world. At first, I was not able to meet him. Later, I began to look for him at the direction of True Parents. The thoughts and curiosity of True Parents became my motivation to seek him out.

I had to go into a place where there were no mountains or rivers. As I began to search this area, I couldn't help but wonder whether it was possible for anyone to live there. Then, in one particular place, I began to hear a strange sound, as if someone was moaning in agony. It sounded like he was in a great deal of pain. The sound was coming from a structure that could hardly be called a house. It was more like something that the nomadic peoples in tropical areas of the earth build and then tear down when they eventually move on. I looked more closely, and I began to see signs of human life in this structure. There were a few other structures similar to this one scattered about the area.

I opened the door, which was little more than a piece of tree bark. Inside, I discovered that a few men were using this place to live. One of them was ill. I asked the others whether the man had a headache, but they said they didn't know. I, Sang Hun Lee, said a prayer for them. Then, I placed my hand on the one that was sick, and began to pray for him to be healed.

"I pray in the name of the one who has come as the messenger of God. Let the pain that this man suffers subside," I said. He immediately stopped his moaning and sat up. Then, he asked me, "Who are you that you are able to save me from my suffering?" I asked him to identify himself to me first. He bowed his head, and told me that because I had relieved him of his pain he would consider me to be his teacher, and his god. For this reason, he said, he would tell me what I wanted to know.

"My name is Tojo. While I was on earth, I denied the existence of God. Instead, I claimed that I myself was a god. But when my physical body expired and I came to this place, I discovered that there was no place for me. I tried living in the jungle. I tried going under water. I went many places, but I couldn't find anyone who was glad to see me. I finally settled here on this barren plain. People are so scarce here that even if I cry out in pain, no one knows. Sir, you are my god. Please save me."

I told him that I was an errand-boy sent by God. I also told him that my purpose for coming that day was to give him salvation. As soon as I said that, his body began to tremble. He bowed over and over again and thanked me profusely.

I said to him, "The reason I started looking for you was that the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who is the True Parent living on earth, told me to come see how you are living here and then convey this information to the people on earth. I received God's permission and came here as quickly as I could."

Tojo said, "The True Parent is your parent, so how is it that he wanted to find me? For what reason did he want to find me?"

I continued to explain to him about True Parents. I told him that the True Parent is not only my physical father but also the messiah at the Second Advent who comes as the father of all people. Tojo wanted to know whether, if the True Parent was the father of all humanity, then could he also be the father of someone like him, Tojo. This was the chance I had been waiting for. I told him, "Yes, that's right. If you just hear the ideas of the Messiah and believe, then you, too, can be his child. He immediately began saying "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much" over and over.

I asked if he wanted to hear my lecture, and he said that he would be glad to hear anything that I had to say, because I was the person who had saved him. So, I said I would give him a short lecture right there. I took the content that is normally given over three days and poured it out to him all at once. First, I lectured the content of "The Messiah: His Advent and the Purpose of His Second Coming" and I explained to him the reality of God's existence. Then I poured out the contents of Unification Thought and Victory Over Communism Thought. He seemed totally captivated by the words. Then, he began to cry.

"I, Tojo, deserve to be punished in front of all the people of the world, because I was so arrogant as to put myself in the place of my God." He confessed that he was a sinner among sinners, and asked me to tell him what to do. He asked me to save him. I told him: "Sometime in the future, the Messiah will also come to this world. Until then, let's work together to spread his words." He looked very surprised by this, and said, "If we do that, I will only bring you harm. If you work with me, then you will be attacked, too." He asked it there was any other way that he could be saved. I told him, "This is the only way, so let's wait for the Messiah with a heart of atonement." I asked him to pray, offer expressions of his devotion and assist me in my work. After that, I returned.

Leaders Of Korean Christianity

Kim Hwal-Lan

Kim Hwal-lan was a very famous woman on earth, who took pride in the fact that she had graduated from the most prestigious academic institutions. She led a life of faith based on certain strong convictions about God, and many people looked up to her as a member of the elite. The question, though, is whether a member of the highest elite on earth can also receive an elite position in the spiritual world.

I visited a club of Christians one day not long after I came to the spiritual world. The people there were waiting earnestly for the Lord to come on the clouds-so much so that they had created an effigy of the Lord and hung it from a cloud. They were praying and expressing their longing for the Lord. I also saw a painting of Jesus there, but Jesus himself was not in the club. There are many such clubs formed by Christians gathering together among themselves.

I visited the clubs, because I was searching for a specific person. Even more than the pain that she had caused the members of our 36 Blessed Couples, I was curious to know the outcome of her erroneous judgements about God. One day, I found her. I came across a woman in a rather unusual club of Christians consisting of members of the upper class. The woman was preaching very energetically, and I went in and listened to what she had to say.

She was saying basically that, since the Lord who is to return had not yet come, it was the responsibility of women to hold candlelight vigils and pray until the day of his coming. We should not be derelict in expressing the devotion of the bride as she waits for her bridegroom, she said. She called on her listeners to join together in prayer until the day of the Lord's return. I, Sang Hun Lee, stood in the back of the crowd and clapped very loudly. I did so, because I wanted her to notice me so that I might have a chance to meet her. Instead, though, I found that the entire crowd turned around to look at me. Kim Hwal-lan suddenly appeared directly in front of me, and greeted me very politely. I introduced myself as a messenger from God.

She said, "You look like a respectable person, but why do you joke with us? A messenger from God?"

Many people were focusing their attention on me. I continued to lead the conversation in a direction to where I would be able to declare the coming of the Messiah.

"Madam Kim," I said, "the Messiah already returned a long time ago. Your education of brides here is mistaken. I'm sure Jesus knows this, too. The Lord has come. He came a long time ago, and he is working hard for the building of the Kingdom of Heaven, for the establishment of world peace and for the salvation of humanity."

She responded: "That's what the heretics say."

"Then," I continued in a very earnest tone, "will you listen to me while I talk a little about what the heretics say? If you can show me that what I say is mistaken, then I will be glad to study under you."

Most of the people in the crowd were women, and they agreed that they wanted to hear what I had to say. I knew this was my chance. I explained about "The Messiah: His Advent and the Purpose of His Second Coming." I used a detailed historical chart to talk about the parallel providential periods for the coming of the Messiah, and compared it to the present age so that they could understand for themselves that this was the time for his return. I also talked about the issue of Jesus' crucifixion, and how the Lord at the Second Advent would have to carry on the work that Jesus had begun. Then, I put a question to the crowd at large, and particularly to Kim Hwal-lan.

"Am I a fraudulent messenger? Is the content that I have introduced here in error? Doesn't it agree with the general principle? There are many areas of detail. If you like, I can talk about those at another time."

Kim Hwal-lan raised her hand to ask a question. "Why did you come here? Who did you come to see?" I told her that I had come to meet Kim Hwal-lan. Then, I began to talk about True Parents.

I asked her whether she remembered the name, "Sun Myung Moon." She said she did not. I asked her again, but again she said she recalled no one by that name. "In that case," I said, "do you remember hearing about the Unification Church?" She thought for a while, and said that indeed she did recall hearing something about that. I said: "Do you know who is the founder of the Unification Church?" Finally, then, she was able to remember Rev. Moon's name.

"The gentleman who founded the Unification Church is the one who is the Lord at the Second Advent and the True Parents. He is now shedding his blood and sweat on earth for the sake of human salvation." Kim Hwal-lan's face turned as red as a beat.

"Then, I am a terrible sinner," she said. "Have you come to take me away as a criminal?"

I told her it was not for me to determine whether the term "criminal" applied to her. This is something that only God and Madam Kim herself could judge. The other members of the crowd were very curious. Madam Kim and I were talking about the coming of the Lord at the Second Advent, but they had no way of knowing who we were talking about. Kim Hwallan suggested that the two of us meet later in private. I told her then that I would end my lecture for the day. I offered to return the next day, if she wanted, to lecture the Divine Principle. Kim Hwal-lan seemed very dissatisfied with this. She said her group would have a meeting and decide what would be good time for me to come. One woman in the group, though, raised her hand and said: "I want to hear what you have to say. Let's listen to him." Others, then, joined in with her in a chorus of "Let's listen to him. Let's listen to him."

I lectured there for three days. Everyone wept and prayed and sang hymns. We began singing "When the Bridegroom Comes," which is hymn number 162 in the Korean Christian hymnal and has the refrain "Prepare, Prepare." It made quite a ruckus.

Many members on earth, especially those who were forced to terminate their studies at Ehwa Womens University, are interested to know what has become of Kim Hwal-lan. Kim Hwal-lan kept beating her breast with her fists and shouting, "Lord, Lord, what should be done with this sinner? Lord, Lord, please save me, for I am a sinner."

Later, Kim Hwal-lan met with me, and sincerely apologized for what she did on earth. She asked me what she should do for the sake of those who had suffered as a result of her actions. I told her that she should work for the sake of the coming Lord. She should take full charge of the task to go to all women Christians and bear witness that Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the Lord who has come on earth, that he is the True Parents and the Savior, the parents of all humanity. She smiled and said she would do this work to the best of her ability with a heart of atonement. It made me happy to have overcome these people, but I also felt a certain bitterness to think of how they once left a terrible mark on our providential history.

Question: How is it that a person who opposed our will so vehemently is able to live in such tranquility?

Answer: A person who was recognized on earth as an intellectual of the highest order and who served God and made many great efforts during her life is now consigned to a lower realm of the spiritual world where Jesus does not live. Is it accurate, then, to describe this person's position as "tranquil"?

The Family Of Maria Park

God who rules over all things in creation spoke as follows: "Sang Hun, it may seem to you that people live according to their own wills, but it is only when the direction of their will is consistent with that of God's will that they can be said to be following a true path." I was curious to know why God had spoken these words to me, and I waited for Him to explain. Then, one day, God told me: "There is a particular place where you must visit today." He then sent a woman of small stature to where I was and told me to go with her. The woman was a messenger of God. Because we were going on God's command, I was especially curious to know where it was that we were going.

The woman told me that the place where God had told me to go and see was not a pleasant place. After we had traveled a certain distance, the woman told me to stop and wait. She called a man to where we were, and invited him to accompany us on our journey. I felt strange in my heart, but I continued to follow along.

Where is this? I could see a large gate that looked similar to the prison gates on earth. It was very high and tightly closed. But then, what is this? After waiting for a long time, the man who had traveled with us said something, and the gate suddenly opened wide. We went in. I could hardly believe what I saw there. The people were all people, but they didn't have the form of normal humans. There were "crying people," "fighting people," "people who have been struck with a sword," "people with crooked eyes," "people biting on a stick," "people with their hands behind their backs," "people with their feet sticking up in the air," "people with blood pouring from their bellies," "people with blood flowing from their ears," "people with malformed hands, feet and ears." The place was filled with people whose appearances are difficult to describe with words. As they moved along, each person kept repeating his or her particular motion, so the group had the appearance of a colony of people suffering from physical disabilities.

This was really strange. I was curious to know why God had sent me to such a place. As I stood there feeling pain in my heart over what I was witnessing, the woman who had come with me called to me and motioned for me to look in a certain direction. "There she is," she said. "The person that God wanted you to see is over there."

I looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a woman who was holding her lips with her hand. Her hand was stuck to her lips and wouldn't come off. She would try to eat something, but the hand got in the way, and so she would spill more food than she would manage to get into her mouth. I stood in front of the woman and said, "You're Maria Park, aren't you." She nodded her head to tell me I was correct. There were many things I wanted to ask her. But there was no way to do so, because she couldn't open her mouth. I myself was surprised to hear the words "Father, what is to be done with this person" echoing in my heart.

Then, suddenly, the woman began leading me to another place. She pointed out a man who turned out to be Lee Ki-boong. We looked at each other, and I could hardly believe what I saw. Lee Ki-boong had blood pouring from his chest. We were close enough that we could recognize each other. After that, I began looking around on my own. I wanted to find the son of Lee Ki-boong. I wanted to find Lee Kang-suk. How was it possible that an entire family had ended up in such a place? I found the son. He was in a permanent pose of standing behind his father with a knife in his raised hand.

The woman looked at me and suggested we return to God. I offered a prayer to God in this place. "God, please save these people. Please liberate these people before True Parents come here and see them in their present form." No one, though, responded to my prayer. As I traveled back through the large gate, I was thinking: "What is to be done about this gruesome sight? How am I to show this to True Parents?"

I called out to God, and He responded: "Sang Hun, is there pain in your heart?" I just began to cry before God. God told me: "Sang Hun, it's not something for you to cry about. I wanted you to see this, because it's something for which you have to bear responsibility. You must tell my children to live good lives. For the people in that place, the path of salvation will not be easy. Tell my children to live good lives on earth before they come here. Do you understand my meaning? Sang Hun, I'm asking you." Then, God was silent.

Park Tae-Sun

When Elder Park was on earth, he was venerated so highly that his authority seemed to rival that of a god. Next, I would like to describe this person's appearance and life in the spiritual world.

I found Elder Park living in a community of regular Christians. The standard of these Christians, though, was not that of faithful people who had lived in attendance of the Lord. Instead, their standard was that of people who had put only a little effort into their faith. So, for example, when they sang hymns or prayed, they didn't know the words very well. They were novice believers. Elder Park was among them. I have never conversed with this person. The reason I have not been in a hurry to speak with him is that it is obvious that he is purposely hiding himself in an area that is not appropriate to his position. From what I've seen, I can tell that his faith was based on an arrogant heart, and that he became intoxicated in his mission. In this world, he is living in a place that is considerably distant from God. He still does not understand his position. He lives among novice believers and still holds on to his past domain. I will let some more time pass before meeting him.

Next is the life of regular Christian ministers. In the Christian realm that I have seen, I have not come across anything remarkable with regard to ministers. I have not found a situation where a minister who was specially revered on earth has been given a special position here. What I have noticed is that even if a person is given the position of minister on earth, here he may not have that position. I have not yet seen the ministers who opposed us. In hell, or in the place that is called Heaven, there is no sign indicating where the ministers are, so I have not been able to find them. This is something that I am planning to do in the future.

Korea's Political Leaders

Syngman Rhee

I was curious to find out about how people who had been president of a country were living in the spiritual world. Here, a person doesn't receive a large residence just because he was president of his country, so it's difficult to find these people unless you really look for them. I decided to use an unusual method in order to find President Syngman Rhee. As I meditated, I prayed: "God, please lead my heart to wherever President Rhee lives." At a particular spot, I began to hear very beautiful singing. It caught my attention to the extent that I started heading in the direction of the sound. After a while, the singing stopped. I stood for a while, wondering how to continue my search, and I finally decided to just try on my own. The place was surrounded on four sides by mountains, though, and this made it difficult to see where things were.

I decided to put my trust in the general direction that I had followed in order to arrive at this place, and began looking around that area. Once in a while, people would come and go from the woods. I wasn't sure whom I should ask, and so I just kept searching the area. Soon, I noticed a man sitting at a bend in the road, apparently in deep thought. I went to him to get a good look at him, but he wasn't Syngman Rhee. I asked him whether he had ever heard of someone named President Syngman Rhee nearby. He answered me in a way that I thought odd. He said: "I don't know if he's a president or what, but someone lives in that house across the road there."

I went to the house, thinking there was a chance I might find President Rhee there. The house was a little bit better than most homes. Oddly, though, it was very quiet, and I didn't see any signs that someone lived there. Inside, there was no sign of anyone. I was looking around inside the house, when finally I heard someone make a noise. It turned out to be President Syngman Rhee. I was very surprised to see how he was dressed. His clothes were very shabby. His appearance was scruffy, and he had no one with him.

I quickly greeted him: "You must be President Syngman Rhee. My name is Sang Hun Lee." He wanted to know how I had known where to find him. I told him that God had sent me, and he asked me if I had ever met God.

I said, "Yes, I met Him."

"Why, then, has such a great person come here?" he asked.

I asked him why it was that a former president was living such a lonely life in this place. He said he didn't know the reason himself. He told me that he had a large house in another place nearby, but he lived here because he was more comfortable. He told me that since he couldn't be treated the way he wanted, he felt more comfortable living in a place where he didn't have to meet anyone.

"Well, yes," I said, "but this is a place where neither God nor Jesus are present. Do you have to live here?"

He replied, "God and Jesus have forsaken me." But he also said that he wanted to meet God and Jesus. When this man who was responsible for a nation failed to fulfill his responsibility, he heard his own people demand that he give up his office and was thrown out of office. Seen from the perspective of eternal life, Syngman Rhee's life is nothing more than the result of his failure to fulfill his responsibility, either during his tenure as president or during his life as a human being. I have not done so yet, but someday I plan to invite him, too, to my home and talk to him about True Parents.

*All the people who now live far below the stations that they enjoyed in the physical world are people who were traitors to the providence, and I think that the place where they exist now is none other than hell.


A Letter Presented By Jesus To True Parents
May 22, 1998

Father, my name is Jesus. Though I am not worthy, you have given me so much love, concerned yourself for my sake, and prayed for me so often. Even this is such a tremendous blessing for me, and yet you have even given my wife a home that is far more than she deserves. How can I ever repay you for all your kindness?


My wife is a woman who is far better than I deserve. Truly, I am awestruck. From this point on, my wife and I will uphold your will and work to make an offering of our lives as a beautiful family. I will attend Heung-jin Nim, offer my prayers and hard work for the sake of the direction of the True Parents and the providence of restoration.

Also, Father! There are vast numbers of Christians here, but their hearts have been closed. Now, you have narrowed the gap between us and Heung-jin Nim, who is able to establish the same flow of cooperative relations as on earth. We will work hard now on the basis of this spiritual backing and foundation.

The name of "Jesus" is always being made to stand out on earth, and no words can describe how ashamed I feel before you, Father, because of this.

Father, please forgive this sinner (in the sense that the responsibility was not fulfilled). Some day, your resentment will be resolved. Christians on earth will begin to have dreams about the wretched appearance of Jesus in the spiritual world.

Father! I truly thank you. I love my wife. Thank you.

I pray that the Parents may have long life and good health.

Jesus, who was born in Nazareth of Judea sends this letter from the spiritual world to Father.

*I am very sorry, Mrs. Kim, to trouble you so often. (This is in reference to the letter that I sent to Mr. Chang.)

A Letter Presented By Choong-Mo Nim To True Parents

Father, this is your mother.

Father, how many difficulties you must have faced over the years! As a result of my inadequacies, you were not able to go a smooth course, and you are left with no choice but to live a life where there is no difference between night and day. Father, it always pains me to know that you have had to suffer, because you lacked the foundation of your mother's devotion.

Father! Together with Dae Mo Nim, I am learning many things and teaching many things. Whenever you think it necessary, I am willing to assist. Am I being too arrogant? Is it still too early?

Father! I will become a loyal mother, or "choong-mo," according to the title you have given me. And, Father, the image of me wearing a towel over my head is very unattractive, isn't it? It causes you shame, doesn't it? I have asked this lady to remove the towel, because I'm afraid that image will cause you embarrassment.

Father! Please wait and see. I truly will become a loyal mother. Father, Mother, I pray and pray again for your long life and good health.

*As she writes this letter, she is crying again. Whenever she appears, she is crying.

A Letter Presented By Young-Soon To True Parents

I present this letter to Father.


This is Kim Young-soon. I dare to present this letter to you. I received your instructions from Rev. Kwak, and in the car on the way home I was feeling the weight of the task, because I didn't know what to do. Then, I received God's encouragement to "Be joyful that you have been blessed." I felt I had to offer devotion. I thought I would offer 40 days. Then, I wanted to make it 21 days, and then 3 days. The longer the period of devotion, the longer you would have to wait. The next day, I received a phone call from Rev. Kwak. He told me that he was leaving for the United States in three days, and he needed me to give him all the results of your instructions before then. I was at a loss. Oh God, help me. How can I complete everything in three days? God, please, please help me. How can I do this in three days? Then, suddenly, I heard a voice say: "Mrs. Kim, this is Sang Hun Lee. Don't you know Father's character? Let's begin this evening. I'm ready." Then, he gave me a list of the prayer items. I told him that I didn't even know who "Japan's Tojo" was, but he told me not to worry. He said he knew about Tojo well, so I didn't have to worry that I didn't know him.

He was very calm and kept encouraging me. He never comes unless it is for a public purpose. Yet, when Father's instructions are involved, he comes immediately. I realized how deep the communication is between a father and son. The spiritual world that cannot be seen with the physical eye, . . . I am learning many things, and feeling many things.


Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 1]

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 1]


O God!

How should I do this? Where should I start to write? When I pick up my pen to write a preface, I feel as if there is pain in each and every cell of my body. How am I to put into words the pain and suffering that I have experienced with the devil? This pain isn't even worth boasting about, so how much of it will I be able to candidly communicate here?

It happened as I was about leave for Australia. I was preparing the manuscript for a book titled, "The God Who Found Me." In this manuscript I summarized just the essence of the love that God had given me during the nearly 30 years He was beside me and taught me far more than even my physical parents. As I was about to finish this manuscript, I pledged to myself that someday I would publish a book about Satan. That is how I came to stand in the position where I am today.

Before I came into the Will, I was a member of the Catholic Church, and my mother was a person who spent her entire life praying in the Protestant Church. I had many unanswered questions regarding my faith, but had no way of resolving these. Also, these were not questions that were easily resolved.

For a time I was a teacher, and I came to know about the Principle through the parents of one of my students. I listened to Divine Principle lectures for ten days. I was truly amazed. It was as if I was learning a new formula for my life. Yet, it was not easy for me to change my religious affiliation. Every Sunday, I was in such great torment I could hardly stand it. I struggled for seven months, and finally changed my religion. The ten days of Divine Principle lectures changed my life. My mother, who had spent her entire life in prayer, had said in her prayers, "May my son accomplish the work that I have left undone." Until then, I had the nickname "Smiler." After this, though, I never smiled.

It is a memory that I don't even want to recall. In spite of this, I write these words in hope that evil will be banished forever from the Earth and that everything will return to the original countenance and original position desired by God.

I don't even want to count back to see which year it was. Satan tormented me ruthlessly for three years, and then finally attempted to kill me. He grabbed hold of my stomach so that I could not eat. It took the longest time for me to eat even a spoonful of food. It often happened that I would swallow my food too quickly. I would start to have trouble breathing, and it took a great deal of effort to get the food into my stomach. Every time this happened, my husband would message my stomach and pray for me. I remember the expression on his face-tense and anxious that Satan might take his wife away from him. He looked yellowish, and beads of sweat fell from him as he held me and prayed with all his might as if he sensed that I was about to take my last breath. I don't even want to recall the pain that we suffered as husband and wife during the struggle. We would struggle like this for about an hour before Satan would leave. It would have been nice if that were the end of it. I was admitted to hospitals as often as four times in a single year. Satan tried every possible way to kill me.

One year, God commanded me to visit a number of prayer chapels located in various places. Then, one day He specified a particular chapel and commanded me go there. He told me to remain there for forty days. This command came as a complete surprise to me. This was a place that was difficult for me to stay even four days -- no, not even one day-much less forty. Yet, He wanted me to stay there for forty days. I stamped my feet, and said, "You ask too much of me." It was a command from God, so I decided that I would obey, even if it meant that I would lose my life. I wonder whether there could be any place on Earth that was as horrible as this. It was a place so terrible that I could barely bring myself to look at it with my eyes open. There were patients with severe cases of abdominal edema, people missing arms, people missing feet, people whose mouths had caved into their faces, people with tubes connected to their noses, people whose faces had become contorted, people whose complexion had turned dark and who seemed to have nothing left but skin and bones, and people who used their entire bodies to roll around. I saw children with pitiful bodies. I saw people whose faces and noses had all been twisted out of shape. I was dismayed at the sight at these horrific sights. Even more difficult for me was that I had to worship together with these people. The smell of rotting flesh was worse than at a fish market. There was something even more fearful. Dead bodies were being carried away here and there, all around me.

I could hear them making their final agonizing cries of, "O God," "O Lord," and "Please, save me." It was pandemonium. I would see people one day in pitiful conditions with expressions of deep anxiety, who would disappear in a day or two. I wonder how God received the final prayers of these people. How was I going to spend 40 days observing this pitiful sight? None of the spoons and dishes used for these peoples' meals were being sterilized. People were in such hurry to eat that they would simply wash the dishes before reusing them. I had no idea how I was going to gain control over my personality and my environment in this situation.

I wondered what possible purpose God could have in placing me in this situation of incredible death. "Please accept me just as I am," I prayed. "Where do you intend to use me that You should give me such suffering as this?" It was a series of untold number of days of tears and pain. How am I to record on paper the pain my husband felt as he left his wife in this place, separating and rending asunder our small family of just three people?

I barely managed to complete my 40 days amidst this confusion and suffering. I thought to myself that since the following day would be my forty-first, surely God would tell me, "Leave this place." And sure enough, at exactly five minutes past midnight on the fortieth day, God spoke to me, saying, "You should leave this place at once." I replied, "God, I will leave here in the morning." God grabbed hold of me and comforted me. He spoke to me in tears, saying, "My loving child, I don't want you to have to stay in this place even five minutes longer. Leave quickly. But my loving child, my child, my child, there is one thing that you must be sure to remember. You can forget everything else that happened in this place. But there is one thing that you must learn from this. You must gain an understanding of the real nature of Satan. This place represents the reality of Hell. Satan has taken all my children and defiled them. But I must take care of them and cure them." God comforted me for the various ways in which He had given me difficulty. He repeatedly emphasized, "You have to realize this before you go. You have to see this before you go." And He cried very sorrowfully. God expressed great sorrow that His child had had to suffer, and told me, "Leave this place at five minutes past midnight." I escaped from that Hell, leaving God behind. God does not hesitate to be with His children in the midst of suffering, and is determined to treat their injuries and diseases.

Now, it is my intention to report an incident in which Satan attacked me directly. I have previously testified to the spiritual experiences that I had during the three-year period I spent visiting various churches. Each time, Satan would stand on my shoulders and jump off from a high place and stomp all over me. This was his attempt to prevent me from going to the meeting place. Whenever I stood on the stage and began talking about the spiritual world, Satan would pinch both my cheeks. He even tried to put his hand over my mouth to try and stop me from speaking. As I stood on the stage, he would even push me backward. I would grab the podium firmly with both hands, or in many cases I would spread many cushions in the rear of the stage before I went on stage. This existence of Satan cannot be compared with that of any devil on earth. He is a deceiver, a liar, and he does not have even the smallest amount of moral integrity.

The three members of our family went through a lot during the period leading up to the publication of Dr. Sang Hun Lee's previous book, "The Reality of Spirit World and Life on Earth." One night, God woke me from my sleep gently and said, "My loving child, do not be afraid. Satan is railing that he will do what ever it takes to kill you. So in order to keep you alive, I have switched your suffering with that of your son. As long as you stay alive, your son can recover. I know this will make your heart ache, but you must be patient."

I yelled at Satan, saying, "Satan, you devil! Where do you think you're going? You are my enemy. Are you completely blind?" Satan, though, paid me no attention. My anger was not resolved.

During the time that I was reporting the content of the book titled, "Lucifer, A Criminal against Humanity," I was forced to endure countless hours of lamentation and indignant anger. God, Dr. Sang Hun Lee, my husband, and I were together in experiencing this indignant anger and pain. At the end of this book, where Lucifer writes letters to God and to True Parents begging their forgiveness, Satan needed to shed desperate tears and repent. But he did not do this. Instead he was without emotion, remorse, or tears. His attitude was that he was writing these letters only because he was forced into a situation where he had no other choice. In particular, he refused for a long time to write the letter of apology to humankind. During the forty days it took me to finish reporting this manuscript, my health declined terribly. I continued the task, however, determined that I had to live at least long enough to finish the manuscript. Will Satan compensate me for the pain and suffering that I experienced during this time?

At the end of each day, I would hide the portion of the manuscript I had transcribed during that day. Now I want to express the anger that has been building up inside me, and kick out this devil Satan forever. In the end, God told me, "My loving child, you have really suffered. But you are not the only one. It hasn't been easy for Sang Hun to communicate this content. He cried aloud as the looked into every corner of Hell. He cried and cried. He embraced Heung Jin Nim, and cried endlessly. You have no idea how much time Sang Hun spent in prayer and in anguish, trying to keep me from having to see these terrible scenes. In his relationship to me, Sang Hun has walked the way of a loyal subject and filial son. You are not the only one who has had a difficult time."

"God," I said, "it's true, isn't it, that the end of evil history is now behind us and that a new morning, the new day of your eternal world, has dawned?" I didn't expect God to answer my question.

God concluded by saying that Dr. Sang Hun Lee has completed his final mission as a person who has arrived in spirit world. When I understood the depth of Dr. Lee's devotion and heart to God and True Parents,

it made me feel very small and ashamed in comparison. Let all of us now be liberated from Satan. In doing so, let's build God's eternal world of peace and happiness, where there is no poverty or disease. I made this determination for myself as I remembered the unpleasant experiences and memories of that period. I sincerely hope that all those facing the trials of disease and hardship will now be able to lead lives as beautiful as the peony blossom that blooms in April. I hope that we may breathe in the warm spring air, and rise up to make our breakthrough.

Overlooking the Asan Campus,
Young Soon Kim
March 22, 1999

Present this letter to Father!


This is Sang Hun Lee. I believe you have been in perfect health during the intervening time. I offer my sincere congratulations to you on the victory of the 360 million couple blessing and the blessing of Hyo Jin Nim.

Father! I received a command from God just prior to the 360 million couple blessing. He told me, "You must now reveal the true nature of Lucifer to all humanity and resolve all the pain of the history that had a wrong beginning." He also said, "Work quickly to resolve all the things that True Parents must do while they are on Earth."

Father! I again offer to you content that I have put together. I ask that you please read it. Please point out those portions that are wrong, and scold me.


I now offer to you the content that I have put together in accordance with God's command.

Your humble son, Sang Hun

February 10, 1999

1. The Life Of Lucifer And The Events He Precipitated

1) The True Nature of Lucifer

Lucifer was created at the time God created all creatures. His status was that of an errand runner who would carry out various tasks that required attention in the Garden of Eden. God loved Lucifer. He closely inspected all the created beings in the Garden of Eden, developed them, and guided and taught Lucifer to enjoy them. For his part, Lucifer went throughout the Garden in accordance with God's commands. He enjoyed his life there, and was obedient to God. Later, God created Adam and Eve, and set them in the position of His children. He directed Lucifer to look after, teach, and love Adam and Eve with all his heart.

At first, Lucifer was extremely happy. He took pride in the fact that he was looking after God's children. He was moved by God's love for him, and he protected God's children and raised them with care. As time went on, though, Lucifer saw that Adam and Eve were growing up just fine with less and less need of his help. Gradually, Lucifer began to turn against God's love.

Lucifer began to think, "No matter how I look at it, I'm the one who was here first and worked hard to cultivate this Garden. Why is it that God cares for and loves Adam and Eve more than me?" The seed of resentment toward God was beginning to sprout within Lucifer's heart. Sometimes, Satan would protest to God. "Why do You give Your work to Adam and Eve, when You have never done so to me? Why do you reserve such special love for Adam and Eve? I am disappointed. How can You do this to me?" This is how he began to rebel against God.

There were several incidents of this type, and eventually Lucifer came to the point in his heart where he no longer stood in the position that he needed to maintain. He began to think that he would like to live in the same position as Adam and Eve, and he began to have lustful feelings toward Eve. Gradually, Lucifer began to avoid being seen by God. Meanwhile, Adam and Eve were naive, and followed Lucifer's every action. Lucifer acted as though he alone were their parent. He avoided God, and acted as though he alone was the master of creation. He controlled Adam and Eve, and gradually led them farther and farther away from God.

He avoided God more and more, and acted like a master, a king, and even the parent. And he began to tempt Eve. Adam wasn't aware of what was happening, so he would go wherever he wanted to go in the Garden. Even as he grew older, he never understood the relationship that was developing between Lucifer and Eve. Adam did not have God's teaching, and Eve was always around Lucifer. So Adam became accustomed to being by himself as he grew older. When Lucifer was planting the seed of evil in Eve, God warned Lucifer that he should return to his post and maintain his position, but Lucifer's heart was already filled with curses for God. Lucifer no longer cared about his position or his station in life. God admonished Lucifer on many occasions.

God admonished Lucifer from several angles to let him know that abandoning his position was a great sin in the eyes of God. Each time, though, Lucifer rebelled by telling God that anything God did in His position, Lucifer could also do.

God gave several warnings, trying to avoid having a blot on history. Lucifer, however, began to plant in Eve the arrogant concept that he was the highest of all beings and that he could even become higher than God. As evil began to attack like waves washing against the shore, God endured tremendous pain and continued to admonish Lucifer. Finally, though, Lucifer became a criminal in the eyes of history. In other words, Lucifer began an illicit relationship with Eve. How can we even imagine how God must have felt when He learned of this. His heart overflowed with tears, grief, curses, and pain. God was in the Garden of Eden trying, together with the rest of Creation, to Booth His grieving heart.

How many days did this go on? How many years did it continue? In spite of God's feelings, Lucifer and Eve avoided Him and accelerated their relationship as though they were crazy. Adam was still immature, and didn't realize that God was going through such pain in His heart. All God could do was to treat the rest of Creation as His companions and as His children. God lived in sorrow for years. As Eve grew into maturity, she began to realize that her relationship with Lucifer was wrong. She then began to plant in Adam the same insecurity and fear that she had received from Lucifer.

Adam was immature. He looked upon Eve as less an object of lust and more as a woman who was quivering with fear. He wanted to help her, and so he comforted her and did everything that she asked him to do. This was the love between Adam and Eve. Adam, though, came to realize that Lucifer's love for Eve was far more passionate than his own. As time went by, the love between Adam and Eve became very complicated and stormy. This was the beginning of the sinful history of our original ancestors. This became the root of humanity's original sin. How it must have pained God's heart to lose His children to Lucifer before He even had the chance to love them.

Even in this painful position, God wanted to look upon His children from the position of parent. As a result of the Human Fall, however, God had no choice but leave His position as parent. From that moment, the parent-child relationship between God and humankind began to write a history of difficulty, pain, and grief. The parent-child relationship of love deteriorated to a position of hatred, curses, and nightmares. That is why this history now needs to be corrected. Lucifer needs to return to his original position and raise both hands to God in sincere apology. I believe that is the only way that the pain of restoration history and the history of God's grief can be resolved.

February 10, 1999

2) The Existence of Lucifer

After his illicit relationship with Eve, Lucifer became separated from God. He attacked God and rebelled against God in every aspect of his life. He sowed discord everywhere he went. He planned everything so that the world of evil that began with him and Eve would be completely centered on him. He took on an aggressive character in people's hearts that made them do the exact opposite of whatever God wanted.

If God was working in the East, Lucifer would lead people's hearts in the opposite direction toward the West in order to create an obstacle for God. He aggressively recruited people who ran into problems while working on God's side, and began to increase the size of his group.

On God's side, there was no teaching about good and evil. Only the Word of God was taught. In Lucifer's position, on the other hand, a great deal was made of the fact that God's work was not working out well. So the group of evil was able to increase its numbers quickly, and only a few were left on the side of good (side of God).

God did not try to make excuses. Nor did He give His teachings. This is where the concept of good and the concept of evil originated. Lucifer's influence and organization was growing, and God waited with a lonely heart for Lucifer and his group to repent for their mistakes and return to Him. He waited countless years for this to happen. These were the years of God's grief. These were the years of pain, years of grief, and years of indignant anger. The organization of evil became stronger and the forces of good were being defeated. But during these years, God waited and waited for the appearance of true children who would shed light on the history of sin and evil. This has been the years of grief in God's heart.

How terrible it must have been for God to see that as time went on human beings developed two different hearts within themselves. These two hearts both defended and fought against each other, as human beings sought after two different masters. How God must have regretted that He ever created human beings. Still, God's position as a parent was even more fundamental than His position as Creator. As a parent, He waited with mercy, forbearance, and love. As he did so, human beings began to seek God within their original nature and to live righteously. People sought God in different ways in accordance with the varying voices of their consciences. This is how different religions came into being. God is one. It pained Him yet again to see the rise of so many different religious groups. What is to be done with this pain of God's heart?

The longer He waited, the more religions were created in accordance with the ways that humanity was changing. Every time people tried to live righteously, Lucifer interfered in order to try and make them live unrighteously. This is how so many different religious groups and denominations have come into being up to this day. As Lucifer's organization grew larger, there would be self-destructive acts led by the forces of evil. Every time this happened, more people would seek out a new righteousness, and this is how the history of the Heavenly way has been written.

Thus, the road has been opened. People who are in areas where there is no road must come to the road, even if it means they must retrace their steps all the way back. A more direct expression would be to say that good represents the way, and evil is doomed to destruction.

Lucifer has lived his life many years in the opposite direction from God, but now Lucifer must come back. Anyone who keeps going in an area where there is no road is simply making his eventual return trip that much more difficult. Lucifer and his band must not waste any more time in stopping all that they are doing now, repent, and return to God. They must apologize to God and confess to the world that they are criminals responsible for the wrongful history.

February 11, 1999

3) Love and the Fall

Lucifer's fall in the Garden of Eden as a result of illicit love was passed down from generation to generation of human beings and became the original sin. The original world that God desired would have been a world where parents and children lived within the same compound, sharing love and living in beautiful harmony. The illicit love that resulted from the Fall, however, meant that the love of human beings bore little resemblance to the true nature of love. This love only produced disharmony, and it was all that human beings could do to maintain love between husband and wife within a limited scope. It was as if a bird that is flying freely in the sky suddenly broke its wing, or somehow the wing fell off. No longer able to fly, the bird would have to crawl along the ground or just lie down. This would severely restrict its area of activity. Human acts of love today are as severely limited as the bird that has lost the use of its wings. This is the reality of love today.

Whether it be a husband and wife who are deeply in love with each other or a newlywed couple on their wedding night, the act of lovemaking today has to be done in hiding so that no one else will know. This is the painful reality of the act of lovemaking that Lucifer has passed down. God created human beings as His children, but the love of the children has been put somewhere where the parent cannot give it His blessing. When God gives His blessing to His children, all of creation also gives its blessing. God wanted to share in the joy and happiness of His children. Lucifer was the one who completely robbed God of the opportunity to express such a heart.

God's heart and love were reduced to such a lowly level. God's heart was made into a pitiful state. This is how the fundamental motivation for human love was turned into something that caused God great pain and sorrow. Among the different expressions of God's heart, even His love was broken and lost. This painful history continued and continued until today. In order to bring an end to God's lonely heart and the history of His grief, we must consider how Lucifer's fall and illicit love has brought about an untold amount of suffering to human beings. The time has come for us to get rid of the mistaken origin of love that Lucifer gave us. Thus, Lucifer must repent before God as a criminal who has committed crimes for thousands of years. He must raise both hands and take responsibility before God and humankind for his errors.

In this way he must participate, along with the ancestors of the 360 million couples, in the building of a new heaven and new earth and make a redemptive offering before God and True Parents. Mistaken history must be brought to an end, and Lucifer must dance and sing with True Parents in the new Eden.

February 12, 1999

4) The Life of Lucifer

Lucifer knew everything about the significance of the fundamental love of the human ancestors and about God's providence. He feared God and held him in awe, and he also knew about the position that he was expected to keep. For these reasons, he has always been in a state of insecurity. He has lived in fear that one day a particular incident would occur. This has been the story of Lucifer's life.

Lucifer has lived in a state of insecurity and fear, and has forgotten what it was like to enjoy love and peace. The time when he lived surrounded by God's love and in God's bosom is nothing but a very distant memory to him. Today, he struggles in the hope that his desires can be satisfied within the limited scope of the life of fear and dread. He has hoped that his will could become reality. His life has been a repetition of this pattern.

Lucifer lived in oneness with insecurity and fear. If God is associated with the Holy Spirit of love, joy, hope, peace and warmth, then Lucifer is closely associated with insecurity and fear. This is because he took that which belonged to someone else. This has been the origin of every aspect of his existence. No matter how hard he may try, he cannot fool people completely. This is because he is a creature created by God, and that is how he was created. How, then, can Lucifer break out of this wall of insecurity and fear and become one with God's heart of love?

The way he can do this is to keep his position and his station in life. He is not in his own position but in someone else's and he is pretending to be the rightful owner of that position. As long as this is true, he lives with the insecurity that the true owner of that position may someday appear. If he were to change his attitude and announce, "I am not the owner. Wait a little while, and the owner will come," then his heart would be much more at ease. Also, he must become humble and rid himself of selfish elements.

Taking over a position that was not his own and pretending to be the owner means that he has exceeded his rightful level and stolen the position of the rightful owner.

Insecurity and fear came about as a result of excessive desire. Lucifer must do away with selfishness, and live life honestly in his rightful place. That is the only way he can have a foundation of peace, love, and happiness. The greatest crime that Lucifer has committed against humanity until now is that he passed on to us insecurity and fear at the same time that he passed on to us original sin. The fact that insecurity and fear remain in the hearts of human beings signifies that elements of the Fall still remain within us. Even great amounts of human effort and prayer have not been sufficient to rid us of these elements or to bring an end to the history of evil.

Working within the context of our precious human lives, we need to remove from our minds and bodies the evil elements we received from Lucifer. To do this, we must reveal every aspect of Lucifer's nature and root out his fundamental elements. This is not something that can be accomplished in silence or meditation.

Not knowing something can never be considered good in the eyes of God. We must make efforts to know, and when we have knowledge, that should not be the end. We gather knowledge in school, but knowledge has no significance if it becomes an end in itself. We must practice the things we have discovered and learned. This is necessary if we are to rid ourselves of the elements that we received from Lucifer. For a long time, Lucifer's existence was discussed only in terms of his being a criminal. No one taught how we could rid him from our lives.

Now, though, each of us must know the method by which we can get rid of him, and we must root out Lucifer's elements. The clear fact is that God is our parent, and that we are linked to Him through an eternal parent-child relationship and in a life of attendance to Him. If this is true, then we must consider who is the to have two masters. No one would dare refer to God as two. The one-or hana-nim is the Creator God who is our parent.

Yet, during the course of history, God has suffered great pain and waited endlessly. How often have His hopes been disappointed? We children need to comprehend how God has been anxious and lonely during a tremendously long time, and then live our lives in a way that begins to repay Him for His grace. Lucifer must go to his position. He must have a heart of repentance before all heaven and earth, and go to his position. Once he arrives there, he must adopt an attitude of waiting humbly for God's direction.

As a criminal, Lucifer must go before the True Parents and have a heart of repentance. He must consider how he is going to recover all the long years that he has spent deceiving human beings and leading them into the dark abyss. As long as the wound of those long years remains and the scar remains, Lucifer will have no right to lift his head. He must live waiting for whatever direction God may give him.

In this year when True Parents are rooting out Satan, Lucifer himself must close a chapter of the dark history and do the work that he must do while our True Parents are still on earth. So Lucifer must quickly bring an end to the sinful history of humankind and return to his position. The history of precious suffering in the eyes of God will remain as precious history. But the history of suffering and darkness only creates an even bigger blot the longer it continues.

Who can understand the hurt and the pain, the suffering that my Parents have endured? As a child the position of filial piety is to be with the Parents, walk the same way as they walk and to do whatever I can to heal their wounds. That is why I want to tell the world about the position of grief that God has endured throughout history. Now is the time that the criminal must raise both his hands and apologize. God is our only master. And only our Parents will be with God forever. The long years of God's grief, of His lamentation. Now as a child, I will be a pioneer in declaring Lucifer's crime and in making clear the details of his crime to the whole world.

February 13, 1999

5) Love and Blessing

Lucifer departed from the original standard where God created him, but he knows the fundamental will of God's love and blessing. That is why he has lived in the exact opposite direction of God's course. The reason is that by going in the opposite direction, he knew that he could create a group opposed to God and a nation opposed to God, a family and an individual opposed to God.

Lucifer thought that he could continue forever going against God and create a force that is even greater than God's. However, God never told Lucifer about His direction. The reason is that God saw that he is trying to go in the opposite direction and he knew that if he let Lucifer know what direction he is taking, Lucifer would go in the opposite direction. Lucifer has avoided God and gone in the opposite direction and devoted all his energy into creating his own force and has caused pain to God's heart.

God's love has reached out even to Lucifer. God's parental love desires to give the blessing even to Lucifer. Even in his pain, God has loved Lucifer. Even though Lucifer has caused God's wound, he must work to mend that. Lucifer must come to know God is love, understand God's love, and bow down before the love of God that reaches out to him in mercy. It is not because God is powerless to do anything that He has waited so long; God is the owner of all creation and He is the owner of love and mercy. Lucifer must know that God is the Parent who waits for Lucifer to return on his own. Also, Lucifer must bring to an end the various lineages and works and other mistakes that he has brought about. When God gives him mercy, then he must bring all of his activities to an end and come before God as quickly as possible and receive God's blessing and grace.

The flow of history has gone in a wrong direction, but this mistaken flow must eventually come to an end and there must be a new beginning. When a ship at sea comes up against a storm, then it must first wait for the storm to subside. But there is no sailor that will do nothing after the storm passes. The sailor will work to repair the damage of the storm so that if another storm comes or if a large wave comes, the ship will be able to withstand that force.

The foolish person does not understand the time in which he lives. The wise person who has foresight, however, understands the time in which he lives and works to follow the path of heaven. We are now living in the wonderful time that is the year of rooting out Satan, so Lucifer must bring to an end all the mistakes of history. He must confess together with all criminals his own mistakes. He must repent. Together with all his group he must bow down to God, offer a kyungbae to God. If he does this, then I think that would be the attitude of a truly remarkable being. Even if until now his actions have been that of a monster that is even more terrible than a thief, he still has the chance to act out a remarkable finish. I think that would be the wisest attitude that he could adopt.

I hope that Lucifer does not miss this opportunity to receive God's mercy and forgiveness. He can repent before God and receive God's forgiveness and even hope to receive the True Parents' blessing. I sincerely hope that Lucifer does not miss this opportunity. I think that this is the best time for Lucifer to completely sever himself from all the sins that he has committed throughout the course of history and bring a beautiful end to this mistaken history.

February 13, 1999

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 2]

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 2]

6) Love and Within Love

The word "love" is very interesting. God is the incarnation of love. God cannot be explained without using the word "love." When God began creating all of creation, He began with love. As He created each creature, He made it so that every creature had its own special character and would be able to show its own special beauty and joy to human beings. Even after creating human beings, God wanted to be able to relate with creation and have a give and take of love.

The motivation for God's creation was love and the flow of history was to be a flow of love. The final destination of history was to be love, and the entirety of our life was to be love. When God would meet His children in spirit world, it was to have been a meeting of love. But the beginning of history turned out to be a beginning of illicit love and of evil, so the essence of love was corrupted so that it no longer bore any resemblance to its original purpose.

Love can be divided into two general categories. One is the vertical love such as parental love and the love of children. The other is horizontal love such as love between husband and wife. More concretely, the two types of loves are one that involves sharing heart to heart and another that is more physical. Today, however, both types of love have become corrupted so that they bear no resemblance to what they were originally.

Lucifer avoided God Is eyes and left his position. He engaged in self-centered love centering on his excessive desire that he himself could not control. Even though love is something by which we live for others and give to others, Lucifer acted according to his own desire and stole that which belonged to someone else. Because this was the nature of his love, it became a love of disharmony. His vertical love was also a love by which he stole something that did not belong to him. For this reason he could not love properly. Instead, he loved as a thief and this love came to have a nature of insecurity and fear. The tragedy of Eve was that she finally had to go away from this love of Lucifer because of the pain that it caused her.

The central figure of human history is the one who is the king of love and who created all of heaven and earth. Yet the flow and direction of history was changed to one of evil. God cannot just sit waiting and do nothing about this. The time that God has spent waiting was such a difficult time for Him. His children must now take hold of the criminal of love and carry out an operation to wipe out his influence and offer him up to God. This is the way that we can bring final resolution to the historical grief of God who is our Parent.

Lucifer, do you know what your crime has been? Can you hold your head up as a criminal before humanity that lives for the sake of love and was created for the sake of love? Lucifer understands clearly the nature of his crime.

Lucifer should come back to love that is real love. He should come to the garden of love and gather up all the forces of darkness. How far will he go? God is the Master of the entire world. Lucifer is only dancing around on the palm of God's hand, and God can do anything He wants with him. But God is love itself. We must understand the heart of God who has endured until today as a result of His love.

Today even if God continues to wait, His children can no longer wait. The heart of the children is that we want to let Him have peace in His heart. Lucifer understands what love really is and he once experienced that kind of love. God is a Father who misses even those children who are kicked out of the Garden and He looks over the wall surrounding the Garden to see how His children are doing. This is love. How much has Lucifer missed God and wanted to see God? How much did he miss the love of God?

Lucifer, you should come back into love before all the people who have witnessed history pass judgment on your past crimes. Come back to the road of real love. You have lived by turning your back against love, but God will again clothe you in love. You should come back to the original Garden and return to the state where you are obedient and joyful. You must change your clothing and put on the clothes of God's love. Don't make us wait any longer. Come back on your own before the call goes out to capture all the sinful people all over the world. Don't come back secretly in the evening after dark or under the cover of darkness. Instead come back when the sun is high. Come and stand in front of God. That is the best way for you to end your mistaken path. I want you to hurry. Come quickly.

February 14, 1999

7) Lucifer's Fall as Seen from the Four Position Foundation

In the Garden of Eden God created human beings, and His hope was that they would be fruitful, multiply and have dominion over all things. This was the blessing that He gave to human beings. And He saw that all was good. But this was only a momentary joy. Lucifer put a trap of darkness on God's joy and this caused a flow of human history to fall behind.

Anyone who understands this fact cannot stand to wait any longer. Who could possibly know this and simply sit and wait? Now we will reveal Lucifer for who he is to all of heaven and earth. God created Adam and Eve, and He blessed them so when the time came they could love each other and establish the blessing with God's permission. They would have multiplied sons and daughters, and firmly established God's position as the creator of human beings. Lucifer, however, became their masters by occupying God's position, and they multiplied an evil world and race which they had not desired. We became the descendants of victims within this flow of history. Now we are at a point, though, where we have sufficient intellect to understand who is the criminal and who is the victim. How will we make this judgment? Do we have to always be looking at the dark shadow that is inside God's wall of love?

There are many nations and races in the world, but in God's eyes they are all His children and we are all related to each other by blood. We must now correct the actions of Lucifer by which he separated the world in this way. This is work that the children must accomplish.

God, who is the essence of love, has waited and endured in love. The True Parents discovered the true nature of Lucifer and are waiting for him to come. We who are the children, however, must be born again as pioneers in this history. We must accuse Lucifer for his actions and the resulting mistaken history. We must place him on the great place of judgment and officially pass sentence on him.

Many witnesses are sure to appear before the God of love and True Parents. Lucifer has avoided God in many ways, and he has distorted the direction of history in many ways. He has organized the forces of evil, but these facts have been known to us from the beginning in the Garden of Eden. Lucifer turned against God and acted as though he were God and used trickery. We can no longer wait for Lucifer nor can we be fooled by him any longer.

Lucifer must establish the pattern of the four position foundation correctly. He must tell the truth about how history began. History has flowed until today in the wrong direction. But no matter how hard Lucifer may try to distort history, his true nature and his crimes cannot be avoided. Lucifer, you yourself must explain exactly about the historical mistakes. Tell the world yourself how it is that we came to this point. You are your own witness. You must reveal your own crimes, even if you have to bring a lawyer for yourself.

God will weep, His children will weep, and all of creation will stand as witnesses as sentence is passed on you. Let's hear you talk about the time in history when you were happy. When you were happy didn't you hear the sound of God crying out? Lucifer, if you think you can avoid this, let's see you try. All around you now there is no place for you to stand. The 360 million couples have surrounded you. Lucifer, there is no way you can escape from this net. What are you going to do? Are you going to confess or are you going to destroy yourself? Which will you choose?

Many times in history you wore the mask of God in order to increase your forces. Now let's see you show your real self. You have been nailed by the four position foundations that surround you as the false master of history. Can you escape? If you want to make excuses for yourself, let's see you try. No matter where you go your final destination has already been determined. Hold your head up and see where it is that you must stand in relation to the four position foundation in accordance with Divine Principle.

Now you must put your two hands together and apologize before history. Do this quickly. Think about who God is. Come to your senses and think about where your original position lay. Lift up your head. Look around you and see where God's position was. Go ahead and touch it. I'm sure you will see for yourself that your path has been a mistaken one.

February 15, 1999

8) The Three Objective Purposes and God's Will

God's original desire and the beginning of history went in the wrong direction. It is only natural that the children should resolve all the mistakes and sources of pain for the sake of the parent. The painful reality is that in order to do so we need to talk again about the pain of the parent I s heart and His circumstances.

The three objective purposes that God wanted to accomplish were to be able to have give and take with love and beauty. History, however, has gone in the opposite direction from God's desire, so we must recover the three objective purposes to the original positions in the Garden. To do this we must begin by correcting those things that went wrong in the beginning. That is why we must reveal the essential nature of Lucifer.

Lucifer understood the will of God contained in the three objective purposes, but he initiated the history of evil instead of the history of good. He should have had give and take in love and beauty, and returned joy to God. Because he had give and take in evil, however, he gave God pain and grief instead of joy. In this way he completely ruined God's will. It was his purpose to create his own world as if the three objective purposes represented his own will. We know now that this is the reality we see today. So in many ways we can see that Lucifer's crimes have become apparent to the world. In the name and authority of God's children we accuse Lucifer before God.

The fundamental essence of Lucifer has now become clear, so please make it clear what attitude we should adopt as children. When we were too young to understand, we could only stand by and watch our Parents suffer and shed tears.

Now that we have grown, we can understand our Parents pain. We cannot just stand by while they are suffering unjustly. God, our Father, what shall we do? True Parents, what would you like us to do? We believe that it is not right for the children to simply wait forever.

We think that it is time for us to remove the painful circumstances that your children have had to suffer because of Lucifer. It would be very difficult for you to have to look at the horrible and pitiful scenes in the spiritual world that came about because of Lucifer.

God's will was for all beings to have give and take in love and beauty. The fruit of evil that Lucifer brought into being has brought a tearful fruit to this Garden. The situation in this time of harvest is that everything has been stored in the eternal storehouse in its ruined state. Who is going to save these people? Will Lucifer save them? Shouldn't you, Lucifer, be responsible for the fruits of your seed? Why do you cause our Parents pain by forcing on them these fruits of the mistaken harvest time?

You sowed the seeds, so you harvest the fruit. Go to one of those terrible dens. They are filled with the cries of your descendants calling out to you. Why do you neglect your children? Go and cry out with them. Take responsibility for them. Are you qualified to be responsible for them and to save them? Lucifer, speak. Raise your head and speak. Tell us that you will take responsibility for the seeds that you sowed. Tell us that you will take responsibility for the seeds that you sowed. Tell us that you will take responsibility for the seeds that you sowed. Are you confident? Are you qualified? Speak up and answer. As a child of the Parents I cannot bear to let them see any more pain. Our Parent, God, has shared the pain and suffering of His children throughout history. Our Father, God, allowed Himself to be scolded along with His children, shed tears together with His children and endured suffering together with His children.

Lucifer, when your children were being scolded, what did you do? When your children were shedding tears, did you ever shed tears with them? Did you ever feel pain in your heart for the suffering of your children? If you never participated in their suffering, then haven't you lost the qualification to be their parent? Then what are you? Is there anything that you have accomplished? You sold out humankind, and you sold out history so that you could live an easy life. The only thing you have done is to live a life of a prodigal son. Isn't that true? You must make compensation to humankind and to history. How much will you pay back? Even if you were to sell your whole life it wouldn't he nearly enough to compensate for God's love and tears.

Lucifer, what shall we do with you? What shall we do with you so that all the years of God's grief, all the years Of humankind's suffering and misfortune, and all the seeds of evil that you sowed can be resolved? What will you give to compensate the True Parents for the life that they spent dealing with these things? How will you pay them hack? As children there is no way we can express these painful circumstances. The beautiful world, God Is original creation, has now become a world covered with wounds. As a child I must reestablish a purpose in that ideal Garden which was destroyed because of Lucifer. I believe it is my destiny and mission to accomplish this.

*After Dr. Lee recorded all this and as he turned to leave, he said, "Mrs. Kim, you don't know. You don't know. Mrs. Kim, you don't know about all these painful circumstances." And then he began to weep.

February 16, 1999

9) Lucifer's Fall and the March to Hell

Lucifer's fall in the Garden of Eden has been revealed through the Divine Principle, and it has been revealed that he is the criminal ancestor of humankind. He must now resolve the years spent waiting for him and return to where he was before the fall. To do that, Lucifer must repent deeply and recognize himself that he was wrong. He must stand in his original position and respond to God's commands with absolute obedience. He must recover everything in the position where he completely fulfills his tasks. How, though, is Lucifer going to get rid of all the evil fruits that have multiplied over the long years beginning with the day that he left his position?

Everything has to be taken care of on Earth before the place in spirit world that is called Hell can be destroyed. No matter how hard people try in the spirit world to liberate hell, it is no use. Evil people on earth leave their physical bodies behind and come into the spirit world and form a long column leading to hell. As long as this continues, hell cannot he destroyed.

In the same way that grain harvested in the autumn is stored in the storehouse just as it is, human beings also go into the eternal storehouse of spirit world just as they are. This is a very painful fact. People on earth who have physical bodies will probably find this difficult to understand. This is the grief and pain of God and True Parents. The True Parents are working to take care of this on earth by rooting out the true nature of Lucifer. God Himself tries not to look at this place called Hell because it hurts Him so much to do so. How much, then, would it hurt the True Parents, who must establish the laws of the eternal spirit world, if they were to come here and see the terrible and pitiful scenes in Hell? I, Sang Hun Lee, absolutely want to go the way of filial child. I want to take care of this problem before True Parents come, so that the terrible scenes that Father must see can be reduced as much as possible.

One day I had a discussion with Heung Jin Nim. I suggested that if there was a way whereby a series of posts could be placed in the ground so that God and True Parents would not have to see these terrible situations, then we should do this. But there is no way that this can be done. So what must we do? How can we stop that march to Hell? No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't think of a way. Until life on earth has been cleaned up, there is no way that healthy grain can be brought into the storehouse. All things come about by the decision and determination of our True Parents, but I, Sang Hun, feel my lack of qualifications and strength and abilities. There is no act that is more unfilial than this.

One day I was wondering to myself, "What shall I do, what shall I do?" God called me, saying, "Sang Hun, I am very grateful for the way that you concern yourself over this. It gives Me joy that I have children now who think about these things. I am grateful."

I was awe-stricken. I don't have any qualification or ability, so what I can do is to reveal all the traces and kinsmen of Lucifer. That is all Sang Hun can do. When I was on earth I was really ignorant about spirit world. I searched through many books to try to study spirit world, but I could never figure out what the spirit world was like. Now that I am in this world, an even greater problem is the existence of Lucifer.

The peace of all humankind was destroyed because of one single being, Lucifer. The origin point of all human history is becoming black. No matter how much we try to cut it off, the issue of the people marching to hell cannot be resolved. Even Unification Thought and my efforts are of no use with respect to this issue.

True Parents, what should I do? No matter how hard I try to help you, I only end up increasing your burden. The dark shadows on earth that came about as a result of Lucifer's fall have only resulted in pain so great that even God and True Parents cannot speak about it. I feel sorry that I have no ability except to dig up all the reality of this and make it known to the world.

Lucifer, how do you want things to be resolved? You only stomped all over the world according to your desire. Did you ever look back to see what happened to the world after you stepped on it? What will you do about the cries of agonies and the curses of your flesh and blood? Try drinking from the same bitter cup as they do. Isn't that what you should do as a parent? Why do you expect the True Parents to heal even the wounds of your children? Why did you create children that you could not heal and for whom you could not take responsibility? What is there that our Parents should be responsible for? Don't try to pass the responsibility on to someone else. I feel so sorry for our Parents that I can hardly look at them. Lucifer, do you know about God Is years of lamentation? Why don't you treat the painful wounds of our Parents? If you do that, then I, Sang Hun, will also treat the wounds of your children. Give me your word as a man. I will keep my word. You should do the same. Shall I leave our Parents in your care? I want you to cure them of their lamentations and of their tears and of their wounds and of their pain. Completely cure them. I think if you nurse them it will have a greater effect than the best medicine. I don I t have the proper medicine to treat my Parents. I need you to nurse them. I beseech you. I beseech you to live up to your name as Lucifer and maintain your position until the end in order to care for them.

February 21, 1999

10) The Events Brought About by Lucifer

Over the course of history we human beings have had evil blood flowing in our veins because Lucifer became the ancestor of human beings in the Garden of Eden. Because of this, human beings have been born with original sin. Originally, human beings were supposed to multiply a lineage of goodness through the Holy Spirit of God. Instead, we multiplied the seed of evil. God, too, needs to bring an end to the lineage of evil and establish the lineage of His original desire, but first He needs to bring an end to the flow of human history which began with evil.

Already many evil lineages have been multiplied on earth. How this must make God's heart ache! But it is only natural that the wrong history must be corrected and the wrong lineage must also be corrected. When I was on earth, I really tried to study and analyze this from the perspective of philosophy, but now that I am in the spirit world I see that there is an incredible amount of difficult situations. There are many things that can never be resolved by my individual intellect or by any philosophy. It hurts me even more, because my inability means that I must ultimately pass the responsibility on to the True Parents.

The longer I am here, the more often God calls me. He calls me but when He sees my immature state, He finds it difficult to speak to me. I can understand why He would feel this way. There are so many things that True Parents must take care of while they are on earth. God wants to tell me about these but it hurts His heart so much that He can only call out "Sang Hun," and then He is silent. San Hun, though, understands God's heart.

True Parents! I am so sorry that I have no choice but to give you even more work. Until all the evil lineages that have been created so far have been brought to an end, the life in spirit world is so confused that no matter how much people try, it cannot be resolved. If only the grain that has properly ripened were brought into the storehouse, then it would be easy to keep things in order. Previously, I revealed many times how if the many families that have received the Blessing simply continue to live as they did before, they will fall into a trap in the spirit world. If that happens, it will take a long time. People cannot see the spirit world with their eyes, and they think that it is something that doesn't concern them. So when they come to the gate of the spirit world, they find that they are unable to pass.

People must understand the teachings of the Divine Principle and the essence of the Blessing. They must live according to God's Providence and the direction given by True Parents. The life that Lucifer leads in its essence is very unclean. All he does is do everything he can to pull humankind into evil. He is completely incapable of doing anything about the column of people marching into hell. It is True Parents who must resolve this complicated situation. We should not simply pray for True Parents' health and long life. Instead, we should also try to better our own lives so that we can lighten True Parents' load even a little bit. This may be even more important than praying for their health and long life.

In the world of reality, everything belongs to me. How many people are there who live to be a hundred? Before long, everyone must come to the spirit world. Everyone must live clean, peaceful and honest lives. If pure and clean water were to flow into the spirit world from the physical world, then there would be no need to clean up the spirit world or gather up trash. Right now, though, there is so much garbage that people don't have time to properly separate their trash. They just throw it all into one pile. It wouldn't be right for God's children to say that because they live a life of attendance to God that they can live peacefully and smell the scent of flowers and listen only to wonderful sounds.

Heung Jin Nim's expression is sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes yellow. It often changes. This is because he is working so hard. It is time now that we all acknowledge the fact that we became Lucifer's descendants, accuse Lucifer to the world, and liberate ourselves from our bad habits. We must participate together in the movement to kick out Lucifer. Whose fault do you think it is that everything is so horrible and diseased on earth?

There are many incredible diseases that came about as a result of sin, but we think they have nothing to do with us and ignore them. All these are the "holy" inheritance that Lucifer left for us. Doesn't this make you angry? Doesn't it make you angry that the history of evil continues to flow and the evil blood continues to flow in the veins of people?

Everyone must be liberated from that which is old. That is the only way that Lucifer can be completely expelled. All of us must work to attend God and True Parents. No one would want their parents to have to accomplish such a difficult task on their own. Let's determine ourselves to go the way of filial piety. To live well, to live correctly, means to liberate God and practice filial piety to True Parents.

Only the Parents of Heaven and Earth can resolve the evil lineages that Lucifer has brought about. No one else can do this. But we cannot imagine how difficult it is for them to resolve this complicated and long history by themselves. People on earth cannot see the spirit world, so their hearts are at ease. But here there are no excuses. People don't give you a discount because they feel sorry for you. If you are placed in hell, you can't buy your way out. The sight of people who have been living there for thousands of years is more terrible than the most gruesome battlefield covered with dead bodies. Can you understand this? What is Lucifer doing about this?

Does he say that it pains his heart to look at this or does he give them any sympathy at all? Rather than doing anything to resolve this situation, he only adds more and more people every day to this march to hell. This place is our home where we must all go together. I ask that we be able to receive our True Parents eternally in a well-built home. Now Lucifer must clearly acknowledge the reality that he himself has created, and work with us to build the Kingdom of Heaven.

February 24, 1999

11) Lucifer's Deeds

In the Garden of Eden Lucifer left God's side and abandoned the heavenly path. For this reason, he became prisoner to insecurity, fear, hatred, envy, jealousy and desire. These are not God's attributes. They come from sin. God's original nature is love, peace, happiness and good. God wanted to give these attributes to human beings. Instead, more evil elements were passed on to human beings than the attributes of God. Parents, however, wait for their children and children search for their parents. This is the heavenly principle. This is why we want to bring Lucifer as a witness and correct the beginning of history.

Lucifer abandoned his original position, and has acted falsely. For this reason he has always been afraid that someone would unmask him. So he has been filled with hatred instead of love. Because he is always afraid that he might lose his place, he feels he is in competition with everyone around him. That is why he has more hatred than love. Because hatred comes first from him, it was only natural that he feel envy, jealousy and evil desire.

Because these were passed on to human beings, the results of Lucifer's deeds have dealt a decisive blow to people. In an environment filled with peace, happiness and love, people's hearts are at peace, so it is impossible for people to get sick. Most of the diseases that affect modern people came about as a result of this sin that Lucifer passed on to us. As time passed, the diseases that came about through sin spread more widely to the point that modern people are not able to treat the fundamental cause of sin. They can only see the resulting diseases, and so they concentrate all their efforts in treating the diseases.

How, then, should we treat the diseases that came about through Lucifer's sin? If it is a disease that is connected to the root of sin, then we should first work to pull out that root. In the Divine Principle chapter on the Fall of Man, the root of sin is revealed as the illicit love of humankind. Actually, the root of sin in each individual can be discussed in terms of several categories. For example, the disease named "liver cancer" was decided by modern medical establishment. Liver cancer can affect different people for different reasons. In some cases, undue stress may be placed on the liver as a result of smoking or drinking. In other cases, a person may hate someone so much that this heart of hatred will have an effect on the liver. They both suffer from liver cancer, but in the first case the cause is physical and in the second case the cause of the disease is spiritual. The first patient can be treated by having him stop drinking and smoking and take plenty of rest. The second patient needs to be treated by having him repent for his heart of hatred. In this way, there are different ways to treat an illness.

The fundamental cause for both these patients, however, is the same. It comes from attributes of Lucifer. In treating the diseases of modern human beings, therefore, we should not depend solely on the visible disease or on the name of the disease. Instead, we should remove the fundamental cause of the disease and rely on the attributes given to us by God. Modern human beings are most afraid of the disease called cancer. This disease, too, has its fundamental cause in the mistake committed by the original human ancestors.

When the hearts of all people are filled with the attributes that God wanted us to have-that is, love, peace and happiness-and we have give and take with each other based on these, Lucifer's elements will be completely removed from human beings. Even though Lucifer has been working for thousands of years until today, he will be completely helpless in the face of the attributes of God our Father and he will have to leave us.

Fundamentally, we are one, but we made two masters for ourselves. Some stranger has been acting in the place of our master. Now his deeds must be judged by history and all diseases must be forever expelled from earth together with Lucifer's demise.

All of us now must know all the details about everything Lucifer has done and pour ourselves into pulling out the roots of the fall that are within us. We must work to prepare ourselves for the day when the blossoms of God's love, peace and happiness will fill the earth.

February 25, 1999

2. Diseases Caused By Lucifer

1) Diseases Caused by Lucifer

The number of diseases in the world is too many to count. There are also countless names given to these diseases. How is it that Lucifer makes people sick, and how does he push them along the path of death? Let's take an example. People on earth are most afraid of cancer, so cancer is divided into several categories.

Why does the disease called stomach cancer come about? The stomach is a very important organ for people. Of course, all parts of the human body are precious, but the stomach is especially so because it takes all the food and drink that comes into the body through the mouth and digests and stores these. It is a storage place that is supposed to provide the body with nutriments. If something goes wrong there, then there is a problem with supplying nutriments for the body and there is major difficulty in maintaining life.

When that happens, there is an imbalance of nutriments in the human body.

The body becomes weak and it loses its ability to defend itself against other illnesses. In general, stomach cancer is caused by overeating to the point that stress is placed on the stomach. Aside from this, if a person is under a great deal of stress in general, it makes it difficult for the stomach to perform its normal movement of contraction and expansion. This makes it difficult to digest food completely and food particles are left in the stomach. A stomach has ways of avoiding trouble and maintaining its balance even in the midst of such stress from various sources. This is why the health of a human body can be maintained.

When a person eats very salty food, then the stomach will make the person drink water so that the salty elements can be evaporated. If a person eats a lot of spicy food and the stomach begins to hurt, then it will send a signal, saying, "Please don't eat any more spicy food." This way it manages to avoid trouble and to adapt itself. Here we find another amazing aspect of how God created human beings. It's difficult to coordinate even things that can be observed by the human eye. Yet, the different parts of the human body are able to coordinate with each other without having anybody giving them direction. We must give thanks again to the love of God for humankind. Strangely, we see here that there is a criminal who places obstacles in the way of the proper functioning of the human body and makes the human body break down. The identity of that criminal is Lucifer.

Lucifer says, "The stomach is doing very well, so I am going to grab hold of it or see what else I can do." He does all kinds of mischief like this. When this happens people feel pain in their stomach or exhibit various other symptoms. Such people become unable to eat and they go to one clinic after another, but they are told simply, "It has to do with your nerves." So they are always sick and suffer through their life. It's amazing that when the human body breaks down it creates the sensation of pain. If there were no pain, it would be impossible to treat the body. Because there is pain, people pay attention to curing the disease. So how are we to treat this illness? The motivation for this disease may lie in any one of several aspects. For us, however, the most important thing is that we ourselves must find out the fundamental cause of the illness. When we have found the fundamental cause, we are already halfway in curing the disease. Is it true, then, that if a disease comes from Lucifer we should not treat it but simply pray about it? This kind of unenlightened faith only causes pain to God and other believers.

Modern medicine, too, has been blessed by God. So it is natural that we should rely on medical science in treating diseases. An important thing to add, however, is that we need to know how to deal with the fundamental root of Lucifer. We must ask ourselves, "Why did I come down with this disease?" If it is a situation where repentance is necessary, then we must repent. If we do that, then Lucifer will certainly leave us. Sometimes if there is some mistake, then we can correct that and pray so that Lucifer will leave. Some people may just keep visiting hospitals for an extended period without thinking about these things I have described, or will foolishly continue simply praying about it. This kind of faith is wrong. Of course, there are many cases where diseases are cured through prayer. This outcome depends on absolute faith and on the symptoms of the disease.

The wise decision for modern people would be to live a life of attendance to God, by putting into practice the word of God for the Completed Testament Age in accordance with their own clear thinking and their experience of faith. As children, we must have an attitude of mature faith. There have been many instances until now where spiritualists led many people into darkness as a result of their own mistaken judgment and thinking.

God has raised human beings by telling us that we are the supreme being in all of creation. Yet many people have become confused by the claims of spiritualists and have been led into the wrong place. This is very important. Therefore, when a person becomes sick, he should not panic. Instead, he should pray. As we grow in faith and gain more experience, we should be able to resolve more and more problems ourselves. People on earth must listen to the teaching of True Parents and offer their devotion in order to grab hold of themselves and root out the lineage of Lucifer forever.

February 27, 1999

Human beings live in their physical bodies on earth for roughly a hundred years. So the physical body is an organic structure that God has given us. When this physical body is young it grows. After we are past our twenties, however, the functions of the physical body slowly decline. It seems extremely unfair, though, that it is much more common for the body to be ruined through sickness than it is for a person to gradually approach death as his body declines through old age.

Human beings were supposed to live in joy by receiving the elements of love (life spirit elements) from God. From the time of our birth, however, we were afflicted with a disease called insecurity. Thus, humanity started out in a wrong way. So the life span of human beings has been related to sinful blood relations, and everyone has elements within them which allow Lucifer to invade them. Human beings took on a form that was different from what was supposed to be. They took on a life of disease. That is, human beings were first of all diseased spiritually and secondly diseased physically as a result of Lucifer's invasion.

About 70 to 80 percent of all illnesses are the result of Lucifer's invasion. Another 20 to 30 percent result from excessive fatigue and other environmental factors, but these do not develop into tragic diseases.

What are these diseases that are among the 70 to 80 percent? Some people come down with a disease because either Lucifer or another being acting on his behalf is tormenting that person. There has to be some causal element for this. Perhaps a person will be made to act like Satan in front of everyone at church so as to create problems for people who are leading a good life of faith. When this happens, that person can overcome this through prayer, humility and love. However, if the person continues to be invaded by Lucifer, then that invasion will infect some portion of his physical body and he will become ill.

When that happens, the person becomes distant from his faith and his physical body becomes even more diseased. Lucifer works to push individual people into darkness so as to make them come to his side. When such a person goes to spirit world he will naturally be guided to a place where people attend Lucifer as their master. I will not go into the issue of the division of denominations within and among religions here.

The spirit world is vast, but there are very few places where God can be with people. I believe, then, that you can understand how lonely God's heart must be. It is impossible to list all the evil deeds that Lucifer has carried out against humans until now. How great God's sorrow must be when He sees the tragic forms of His children when they come to spirit world. Until the Kingdom of Heaven is established on earth, there can be no Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. True Parents have to take care of all these problems while they are on earth, so they have an incredible task.

Lucifer's minions continue to work extensively to bring people over to their side, but God only waits for them to return to Him. Now, however, True Parents have established all the conditions necessary for us to be able to rise up. Let's invest our hearts together in the effort to clear up the problem of Lucifer once and for all. This is the only way in which we can together accuse this criminal against humanity.

My hope is that we will all become one before God and True Parents who must continue to see their many children in a diseased state.

March 7, 1999

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 3]

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 3]

2) Diseases of the Digestive System

The opinion held by most people regarding diseases of the digestive system is that these are caused either by excessive stress being placed by the stomach through overeating or by eating foods that are salty or spicy. If the disease is difficult to treat, they say it concerns the nerves. This is the diagnosis of modern medicine.

In the former case, there is a clear cause for the disease. This is considered common sense. We also need to recognize, though, that there are many people who suffer pain without knowing the cause of the disease. In the former case, medicine can be prescribed and we can see immediate improvement in the patient. The latter case, however, is a case where a disease comes from Lucifer.

In such a case, therefore, taking medicine or going to different hospitals will not do any good. The patient will continue to suffer day after day. In some cases the stomach is so painful that the patient cannot eat. In other cases the patient cannot swallow food. In some cases the patient will eat but then have a severe reaction and will feel like he will die. Some people eat only gruel or very soft rice and suffer many years. I would like to explain now about the causes for such symptoms.

There are differences among people depending upon their individual mission or the accomplishments and merits of their ancestors. However, when a person is being tormented in their stomach, this is being done either by Lucifer himself or his minions who grab hold of the stomach. This not only obstructs the function of the stomach but also affects the heart.

If this is a great person who is fulfilling some mission, then it may be that he is being prevented from eating so that he will not be able to pursue his mission. If it is a person of great faith, it may be that he is being given a test so that he will not be able to follow his faith. Depending on the different ways that the tormenting is carried out, this can turn into stomach ulcers or other diseases of the stomach. So the only thing that Lucifer has given us is disease. Because people don't realize this, they waste a lot of money on hospitals. The clear fact we must understand is that we need to be able to distinguish the different causes of our illnesses. We have to be able to determine the cause.

We have to be able to distinguish whether the illness is of the first type or the second type. Whichever it is, we need to be healthy. The first step for us is to determine the cause clearly in terms of medical science. The next step is to consider how we are going to treat it. If nothing is wrong medically, then this is clearly a spiritual illness, so we must pray.

If we pray, then God can work. God can always work whenever we ask Him something in prayer. This is because we are God's children. God cannot work if we do not pray. This is because Lucifer is maintaining his position as our master.

When we call out to God, Lucifer is forced to move away. Until now we treated diseases without really thinking about the method of resolution. Now we should chase Lucifer away and seek God's healing hand. God is love, so He will surely give us His hand. All of us should pray to God and attend Him as our Father.

March 8, 1999

3) Diseases Caused by Ancestors

There are many people who don't respond to the treatment prescribed at the hospital and suffer from poor health throughout their lives. In the cases of these illnesses as well, God does not intervene. The reason is that people linked by blood to Lucifer can go back and forth to each other freely, but God cannot intervene. First of all, this is because of the blood relationship. Second, it is because our ancestors are more on Lucifer's side than on God's side.

The ancestors of such people appear to their descendants in the same form that they had when they left the earth and entered spirit world. So they may cause physical pain. The fact that someone's body is ill is a sign that their ancestors are not in a comfortable place, so they are trying to make some request regarding their situation. Prayer is also necessary for this kind of problem. Chronic illnesses must also be treated by modern medicine, and they require a particularly mature attitude by the person of faith. What I mean by this is that not all the blame should be placed on the ancestors. The person who has the physical body has to understand that he also has responsibility.

For example, if the body is sick because of ancestors, the person should not only be trying to liberate his ancestors. He should recognize his own responsibility to the same extent that he liberates his ancestors. Only then will the afflicted part be cured. If the sickness derives from some grief of an ancestor, then the descendant needs to lead a life of sincere faith. Only then will the ancestor also be able to find a comfortable place in the spirit world.

Thus the diseases that afflict us come to us from ancestors who are on Lucifer's side. They are giving us much suffering, so we must understand the causes and pray. We must take care of how we lead our lives.

March 9, 1999

4) Disease of the Prostate Gland

Diseases of the prostate are unique in the area that they only afflict men. An infection develops on the male sexual organ and the prostate becomes enlarged. This disease requires that an operation be performed quickly, otherwise the enlargement will cause severe problems. The view of medical science is that this illness requires an operation because there is something wrong with the male organ. Seen spiritually, however, the cause of this illness is latent from the time of birth, because human beings are born with original sin. The fundamental root of sin is exactly as it is described in Divine Principle. Thus the root of sin and the seed of sin are in the male sperm. It is not an exaggeration to say that this disease is given to us one hundred percent by Satan. This is a serious problem.

It would seem, then, that all men would suffer from enlarged prostrates or infected sexual organs and are in need of operations. Why is it that this is not so and only some people come down with this disease? The amazing fact is that in many cases there is a complex interaction of lineages linked with the indemnity of ancestors, the mistakes of individuals or the mistakes of husband and wife. The medical world will say that this is craziness. But I have no choice but to make the facts clear.

Let's take an example. In hell there is a horrible sight of many people who have come to spirit world after suffering from various diseases while they were on earth. I will describe one of these cases. It is a situation where a man and woman committed adultery together. The man deceived his wife and the woman deceived her husband. They led this life for a number of years, and over time the man developed a disease on his sexual organ so that it became impossible for him to have conjugal relations. The woman became more and more distant from the man. So two women turned against this man and this caused various problems. As a result of these problems the man finally murdered the woman with whom he had committed adultery. In hell this man and this woman sit together facing each other as enemies. The lower portion of the man's body is resting on a piece of meat about the size of a baby's head and the woman, even in this environment, is touching the lower portion of his body. The man is in incredible pain. That is not all. Even though the man is crying out in agony because of his pain, his father is sitting behind him and playing with prostitutes. The father continues to sit with the prostitutes, even though he is afraid that his son may see him. It is a difficult sight to watch and I am having difficulty putting it into writing. This is exactly how Lucifer avoided God's eyes and committed illicit love in the Garden of Eden, thus creating the root of sin. How can people on earth understand such things?

I intend to reveal everything about the terrible and vicious lineage of Lucifer. In this way I intend to liberate all the diseased spirits who have been imprisoned by Lucifer.

March 10, 1999

5) Diseases of the Circulatory System

There are many diseases of the circulatory system, but here I will discuss heart disease. The heart is a very important part of the human body.

Every time a person breathes, the heart functions as a pump in order to maintain the life of the human body. It is an organ that is easily put under a great deal of stress by the thoughts that are in the mind of the particular person.

All the parts of the body are inter-linked so that if one part breaks down, then there is apt to be a chain reaction to other parts. A heart can easily develop a disease as a result of the person's sadness or joy. In addition, excessive eating of meat or drinking beverages that have a high alcool content can also lead to blockage of the arteries of the heart. I have already described how the medical world views diseases. I would like to describe from a spiritual perspective a process that leads to a person developing heart disease. Lucifer, or people on his side, cannot stand to leave human beings alone. If a person tries to live comfortably, then Lucifer works to torment him.

Lucifer and his coons are always putting worries into people's hearts, or giving them insecurity and fear, leading them into needless thoughts, turning them into alcoholics or just giving them all kinds of pain. In this way they give insecurity and discomfort to the heart. If a person's heart is under stress for several days and then some terrible incident occurs, a person may die from the shock. The heart stops beating. A person who is under a lot of stress for many days may be able to recover by taking heart medicine. He needs to lie down so that his heart can rest and be stable. It becomes more difficult for the heart to function. The problem becomes even worse if a person is overweight.

A person who is not able to control his heart condition must live his entire life under a death sentence and be very careful. Therefore, we need to receive help from modern medicine and return to our positions as people of faith so that we can have confidence and courage for restoring our own health. A most precious gift that God gave us is love. We must realize this so that we can love each other and respect each other. We must be joyful and harmonize with each other and share the work with each other in all circumstances. We must seek to resolve all problems through faith and love. In this way I hope that we can be liberated from a state of being pulled around by Lucifer and take on a form where we are filled with hope for God our Father and can cure ourselves of all diseases.

Here I would like to tell one more story about the situation in hell. This is a story about a woman whose body is bloated like a mountain. She always wishes that she could lose all her excess weight so that she could walk around with a light body. She wants to be liberated from her worries. She is so heavy, though, that she cannot walk and she needs people to help her stand up.

On earth this woman was very rich. But because of her wealth her mind was never at ease. She was so concerned with managing her wealth that she never slept well at night. She caused a lot of hurt to other people in the process of gathering that wealth. Many of her neighbors and siblings became her enemies because of this wealth. In the end she died from heart failure due to her wealth. When she wants to stand up, she will ask the person next to her to help her. But the person says, "You're so rich, why don't you hire a servant? Why do you make us work for you?" They only curse her and refuse to help. How long will she have to receive this punishment? She has been there a long time, but God only watches.

As children of God, heart diseases on earth are not the problem we need to worry about. We need to be more concerned about the fact that a wrongful life on earth will lead us to a place called hell and that this place is causing great burden to God's heart and to True Parents. We must come to our senses as mature people of faith who can be liberated from Lucifer's temptations. We must discover where all desires and false glory come from and we have to deal with these ourselves.

*Mrs. Kim, now that I have told you that all diseases come from Lucifer, you may think that you understand everything about their causes and that everything is easy now. But that is not the case. It's not easy to get rid of Lucifer and his coons. They continue to hold on to people and attack them until they fall into a trap. This is why Lucifer and his attributes are so evil.

*The work became so difficult for me that I asked for help from Heung Jin Nim, Choong Mo Nim, Dae Hyung Nim, Dae Mo Nim, and other people who I understand are praying. Dr. Lee told me, "During the time that you are transcribing this, all these people are around you in a circle about 20 to 30 meters in diameter and they are praying for you."

March 11, 1999

6) Diseases of the Respiratory System

All parts of the human body are important. When God created human beings, He thought very carefully about how each part of the body should be constructed. If you look inside the human body, everything is connected like in a computer or other electronic device.

God first created a very detailed design of the human body right down to the smallest part and studied each pan very carefully. He created us as organic and mysterious beings. Lucifer led the way in destroying all of God's creatures, and then he has the audacity to repeatedly act as though God's creation itself is a failure.

Today I will talk about the lungs, which are most central to the respiratory system. Human beings cannot go a single day, no, not even a single moment, without breathing. Breakdowns in the respiratory system may be caused by pollution from the surrounding environment, that is, germs, viruses, various types of environmental pollution, dust from factories, chalk dust in school, or from excessive fatigue. The human body will break down if it is treated too harshly. This is what the medical field refers to as diseases of the respiratory system.

I would like to talk about the causes of disease that cannot be seen by the physical eye. Some disease is caused by spiritual germs, in other words, by Lucifer's cruel actions. People's bodies can become ill as a result of physical causes, but there are also many causes where Lucifer grabs onto the respiratory system and torments people. In such an instance treatment is easy if the person understands at an early stage that he is being attacked by Lucifer and his coons. With most respiratory diseases, the person will have a high fever at an early stage in the disease or else there will be a low fever over a long period. We first should go to a doctor and treat the fever. The problem is that there are cases where medicine has no effect. At first it seems the fever goes away, but then it comes again and then the body breaks down somewhere. The person suffers psychologically, physically and financially.

The strange thing is that this disease will move from one place in the body to another. Sometimes there may be a cough; other times it may be a fever. When this happens we avoid the outside air and stay inside. We rest and stay in bed for a long period. Sometimes the symptoms appear in the form of typhoid fever. This disease deprives a person of his spiritual strength. It makes him afraid of the disease and weakens his psychological health. The person suffers from a lack of desire and confidence as a result of torment from this disease.

Especially diseases of the respiratory system can be communicated from one person to another by talking with other people. If a person comes down with tuberculosis, even their spouses and children have to be quarantined. Lucifer and his coons have the most fun with these diseases. They can isolate a person and then attack him at will, so they like this disease very much.

From the time people are born, they have no way to deal with these diseases. This is because we are in a blood relationship with Lucifer and he is always with us as if he were our shadow. That is why he is the enemy. Let us look at an example in hell that has to do with this type of disease. There is a woman who lived in a very wealthy family when she was on earth. Somehow this woman was betrayed by a man she loved. The psychological torment that resulted in this incident led her to develop tuberculosis. Worry and anxiety damage the lungs. These are the most fundamental attributes of Lucifer, so Lucifer went to that woman and made her worry more and exacerbated her illness. Modern medicine says that tuberculosis is not a major problem and that cancer is the most fearful disease. Most fearful thing, however, is the attacks that people receive from Lucifer and his coons. There is no medicine for this. There is no treatment for such disease.

In the past, people who developed tuberculosis were placed in quarantine. In this isolated state people became weaker psychologically and often died, so this disease was feared very much. Even though I studied medicine while I was on earth, I didn't understand this fact.

In the midst of hell I thought a great deal about how to deal with these situations but the column of people marching to hell grows by the day.

People on earth will have to deal with this fact on their own.

The woman I mentioned suffered from tuberculosis until finally she committed suicide and went to hell. The spirit people around her treat her coldly because they say she is a patient who suffers from lung disease. When she coughs they tell her to go away. Even if she turns her head toward them, they say, "Go over there." When she breathes, they tell her to breathe with her mouth closed. The people around her shout out for her to be removed to a place of quarantine.

God is our Parent and he created each part of our body to have a very mysterious structure. So we can imagine that it pains Him deeply to see how people's bodies have become diseased. Fathers who raised children on earth are greatly disturbed even if their child catches a cold. So how much more must God hurt to see these pitiful situations where people develop a disease and die without reason. All diseases have their cause in Lucifer. Diseases will continue to haunt people until Lucifer repents on earth. All of us should clench the fists of both hands and participate in the effort to get rid of diseases. Let's not wait for our Parents to do it for us. Let's offer our strength to God and True Parents.

March 12, 1999

7) Diseases of the Nervous System

Because modern people live in the age of extreme competition, they quite often make the nervous system overwork due to anxiety without any reason. However, this disease of the nervous system is different from physical disease. Without any reason, you will experience pain in some parts or have a very high fever. Since the causes of these pains are invisible, it takes time to find its source.

The uniqueness of this disease of the nervous system is that it is not easily healed once one gets it. The disease has various names, such as depression, mental derangement, etc. What is the cause of depression? People develop depression when they are in deep agony, when their lives are not joyful and they cannot escape from the endless cycle of a painful life. One of the diseases of the nervous system is called mental derangement, but this is clearly different from depression. It is unique to the patients of diseases of the nervous system to want to be isolated from and hate others; but the patients of mental derangement cannot fully express what they have in their mind. Therefore, their viewpoint of things becomes different from others. The patients of depression are gloomy, but they can correctly express their thought, and their view of looking at things is the same as normal people.

Then, what causes mental derangement? There are various causes, but in general, people get this disease when they become overly focused on one thought or get shocked without realizing it. Anyway, it is the general view of modern medicine that diseases of the nervous system such as depression and mental derangement are incurable diseases.

Next, I will talk about the disease of the nervous system that is seen from the spiritual perspective. I would like to say that depression and mental derangement are spiritually the same type of disease. The common habit of Lucifer's followers is that they always abuse a person's body and mind, lead them to sickness, and eventually to the way of death. This is their common characteristic.

They, unfortunately, stick to human beings and plunge them into concern and anxiousness, isolate and damage them, and make them become dispirited by mentioning their weaknesses and leading them to thoughts of, "I am terrible, I am stupid, I am not womanly, I am not manlike, etc." Then, they would sometimes put them down or keep people with such symptoms from progressing. They paralyze people by capturing them in an inferiority complex causing them to lose confidence. By doing so, they make people distressed and miserable, and lead them to commit suicide. Anthropophobia is 100 percent the act of evil that these spirits impose upon people. They make people get the disease of extreme selfishness and make them to aim for the first place (the top). However, when people fail, they push them down into despair as one who is riding the last train of his life. Feelings of loneliness, isolation, sorrow, despair, a sense of humiliation, and so forth, symptoms which occur without any reason, are all the disease that Lucifer and his people are giving to people.

When this happens, human beings will lose confidence in their mental health, give up everything in their life, and because they cannot determine the purpose and the goal of their lives, eventually they can't help but go the way of committing suicide. This is not all. Being angry and antagonizing others without any reason is the same type of symptom. Lucifer's people make mankind suffer from fear and anxiety, and always lead the entire family towards fear and darkness, and create in the family a frightening and anxious atmosphere where peace does not exist, and eventually lead the family to misfortune rather than happiness because of continuous struggle and friction. All these acts are the acts of Lucifer and his people. How can I express these types of symptoms with words?

At the worst, they completely envelop the human brain so it cannot function. They bruise the brain so much that the mental function cannot be used correctly. They lead people to insomnia by making them think deeper and deeper on one issue. Since they tie up the mental function, sleep will be impossible, and because one cannot sleep, it is obvious that one would continuously suffer from anxiety.

This anxiety is one of the characteristics that Lucifer had at the time of his affair with Eve, causing him to seek to avoid God's eyes, and such characteristics have been inherited by mankind. It is a common factor that most of the people who suffer from mental difficulty become captivated by anxiety, fear, and fright. We can see many people around us suffering from anxiety and fear.

8) Types of Skin Diseases

After all parts of the human body are minutely bound up and well-assembled, this structure is fully surrounded by a sheer layer called skin. In it, God created a physiological flow, and was delighted to watch human beings. Human beings have various skin colors. If we divide them broadly, they can be divided into races of yellow, white and black. However, apart from these skin colors, certain changes in the skin appear in the form of various diseases. Without reference to the external phenomena of the skin, that is, skin deformities resulting from a fire or a cut, its internal phenomena can result in many skin diseases.

Various inflammations of the skin can be clarified by specialists. However, amazingly, these often result from the action of Lucifer's evil nature. When we go to see doctors because of a skin disease, they might treat it by giving us an injection and advising us to take medicine to prevent its inflammation. Such treatment may or may not be effective.

I now want to talk about a scene in the spiritual world concerning a skin disease, although it is invisible. You might have experienced your skin becoming inflamed for no reason, becoming red and swollen, and feeling cold. At such time, Lucifer and his allies attack in many forms the place where it became red, swollen and inflamed. They cause it to become itchy, stinging, and swollen more seriously. If it was well-treated with many injections in a hospital, it might become well or it might not.

There is one thing we must realize at this point. Lucifer and his allies always desire for mankind to suffer, and lead them in such a direction. You are apt to think that skin disease is not related to Satan. But I say that's not true. Since Satan attempts to lead mankind into suffering, even when it comes to trivial inflammations or a tiny swelling which you may think is nothing, it is wrong to think that Lucifer does not interfere. In any case, it is Lucifer's nature to lead mankind to suffering. Therefore, we must remember this clearly.

I want to make a film involving scenes from hell and show it to all of you. In the spiritual world, a disgusting liquid flows from the skin. This liquid smells terrible, worse than the smell of a terribly rotten fish at a fish market, and your nostrils are filled with the stench when you go near them.

When you listen to their various circumstances, which have resulted from not being able to straighten out their earthly life, there are all kinds of reasons given, such as one was robbed of his money while running a small business, one wasted all their fortune in quarreling with a knife, and so forth. However, their suffering and difficulty appear as various skin diseases in hell. Therefore, in order to give suffering to mankind, there is not even a single corner where Lucifer does not attack.

It is Lucifer's attack that makes them become malfunctioning, suffering, and miserable. From now on, we should stop being attacked. We should forever chase out the criminal of mankind by cooperating together with the same heavenly anger and uniting our minds. This is my earnest hope.

9) Types of Women's Diseases

Women's diseases are those diseases that cannot afflict a man. Diseases of the uterus (both inside and outside), a woman's menstrual period, breast cancer, etc. belong here. Although I do not list all the diseases that obstetricians and gynecologists normally deal with, I believe that you will know them well, so I will start my story without an introduction.

Satan even gives countless troubles through his involvement with various women's diseases. For example, it is a baby that a normal woman wants the most when she is married. However, Lucifer and his allies try to hinder mankind in the area of multiplication. Thus, there are some women who finally give birth to a child after experiencing miscarriages over and over again. Also, although they are pregnant, through countless difficulties of environmental and physical pain, eventually Lucifer is able to make them give up and abort their babies. Let me present an example.

A woman got pregnant. However, thousands of satans and her ancestors combine their powers into one in order to strike and afflict her body in various ways such as tearing down her womb, or discharging blood through her uterus. Then, why do her ancestors not help her but rather add to her suffering? This could be because of the indemnity of the sin that her ancestors committed during their earthly life, and/or if they come when their situation is orienting them towards hell, the woman's physical body is meant to be destroyed and the multiplication of her children will be stopped.

Then, why do her ancestors cooperate with Satan? It is because they are of the same sort. Although her un-restored ancestors want to help her, when they visit her, it ends in giving her trouble. This is why she cannot be successful at all. At this point, we must learn a lesson. Tribal Messiahs have to save their ancestors. They have to release them through prayer. This is true not only for ancestors in the spiritual world, but also for earthly ancestors as well.

Since their place is not settled, the ancestors ask for salvation. They can be saved and freed by any special figure. There might be a large number of our ancestors. True Parents therefore gave us the privilege of becoming Tribal Messiahs, or those who can save their own ancestors. Therefore, we, as Tribal Messiahs, can save our ancestors through our direct prayer. However, we are short on faith. We must believe the word and pray deeply for them.

Therefore, since not only the diseases of women, but all diseases are caused by and have their origin in Satan, we must know their treatment and treat them. Now, I want to refer to a scene in hell concerning women's diseases.

A young woman died while giving birth to a child. However, she always weeps embracing her baby. I asked her the reason, because both the baby and its mother cried. The baby's father was not a bachelor, but a married man. So, she really didn't want to give birth, but it was too late and she was unable to prevent giving birth. The legal wife of the baby's father visited her and asked her to leave him many times, even beating her. However, the young woman stood firm as long as possible, but finally she died because of her difficult delivery. Here is one point we must know: what she did was not a true way.

When she realized that she could not take someone else's husband, she had to change her direction. Who, then, could think about spiritual difficulties? If it is not truth, it is meant to break down someday, and if it is not a proper way, it is meant to be blocked. This is the "Heavenly Law" that God created.

When it is said that one will be punished when one commits a sin, it is not that the punishment is given by someone. It is that you will destroy yourself. This is the law. Because God is good, He created goodness when He created human beings. God did not create evil. God's omnipotence is able to govern the good. He therefore does not interfere in evil. Then, will evil flourish forever if He does not interrupt it? Although God may not interrupt, someday it is meant to self-destruct. This is "Heavenly Law." Now is the time. This means that God's waiting must come to an end now.

We all must quickly change our direction if it is not right. If the way of return becomes long, to that extent the way for our descendants will become difficult. Sin is the cause of all diseases. Selfishness, jealousy, and greed all become the cause of disease. In front of God, the owner of love, beauty, and heart (shim jung), I pray with my two hands held together that we will return to our original appearance.

March 14, 1999

10) The Disease in the Field of Otorhinolaryngology

There is no invaluable part in the structure of our body. But unfortunately there are various types of diseases in otorbinolaryngology. Everyone can easily understand the names of the diseases even though I don't enumerate them one by one. In this letter, rather than talk about the various diseases which can be seen in hospitals on earth, I would like to talk about the spiritual phenomena that continuously give us pain spiritually but cannot be seen with our eyes.

It is easy to check and cure those diseases which can be seen with our eyes.

But it is very hard to endure the attack of invisible spiritual beings. When my neck is strangled or attacked by Satan, the neck gets hoarse or husky. Without knowing the cause, Satan gives various types of suffering to human beings by making them hear some noise and makes them frustrated, and by making them sneeze terribly, by stepping on their nose.

When we go to the hospital, miraculously the names of the diseases are given to every part of the body. It is very exquisite. Since God is the Lord of knowledge, emotion and will, as well as the owner of the origin of the universe, He blessed the many kinds of medical science on earth. Though countless children suffer seriously, God would not let them die easily with the ravages of sin. Since God wanted human beings to heal and clear off their sins on earth and come to the heavenly world without sin, medical science developed.

However, nowadays, most people only think to go to the hospital when they catch a disease and suffer from it. This is the general way of thinking of modern people. There are only a few people who think that it is caused by Satan. This creates a pain in the heart (shim jung) of God. This is because Satan acts with the thought that it is his mission to make mankind suffer. Whatever the disease may be, it occurs because Satan attacks human beings. It is not that Satan attacks because we have some reasons or conditions, but he just touches us. Therefore we must know that the solution lies in our belief and in our sincere heart (Jung sung). Although God gave mankind the ability and privilege, because of the fall, we are cut off from the ways of love and harmony. The longer the period of being cut off continues, the more the function of our five sensory organs will become just like a rusted machine. As a result, we won't be able to fully use the function of our five sensory organs.

In hell, there are many scenes. There is a dumb person who cannot speak even though he has a mouth, and a deaf person who cannot hear even though he has ears; there are countless spiritual beings who have been living without the function of their auditory sense and/or the sense of smell. It is extremely terrible. Why has it happened? When would this end? I want to burn out this ghastly place and change it into a new area wherein fresh flowers bloom. However, we don't have any ability or any qualification.

God in Heaven and True Parents on earth are the only persons who can solve this problem. Therefore, we must think about punishment in the eternal place when we live wrongly on earth, and must realize that we have responsibility to return to God all God-given functions in their original state after keeping and using them responsibly without being plundered by Satan. We should be well separated from Satan's acts and must go the way of faith rightly. We must participate in the movement of expulsion of the line of Satan with the heart of wrath.

March 14, 1999

11) Other Diseases

Besides the diseases that have been mentioned earlier, there are many other diseases whose names are not known by human beings. We must know the origin of these diseases and must be able to research and analyze them thoroughly. Human beings are not created to go to the place where God's heart hurts, by suffering and battling from disease.

Because of the wrong start to history and the inheritance of the blood lineage of evil, many primary factors occurred that allowed various diseases to attack our body. Whether the disease is visible or invisible, so-called spiritual disease or physical disease, the suffering of human beings is not filial piety to God. From now on we should not allow our body to be abused by Satan. Throughout the long history of mankind, Lucifer and his followers have pursued us indefatigably to attack and harass us. Even though we know this, we easily gave our physical body over and we collapsed easily. This is extremely heartbreaking.

We must completely root out Satan from our heart in this, the year of the complete rooting out of Satan. We must try to root out the factor or cause of Satan. We must root it out completely through a whole straightening out of all the suffering caused by Satan. The way of filial piety to God and True Parents is to participate in the eradication movement of the factors and causes in our thinking that might give Satan the way to attack us.

March 14, 1999

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 4]

Chapter 6 - Lucifer, A Criminal Against Humanity [Part 4]

3. Life On Earth And The Treatment Of Diseases

1) Life on Earth Leading to Hell

Although we may not see the death of countless people as days pass by, God suffers from His children's pain, and lives His life filled with a deep sigh and bitterness. There are large groups of people. We cannot even tell what kinds of sin they committed or where they came from. There are people with their eyeballs lost, people with their legs cut, people with their mouth exploded, people with their mouth twisted, people with none of their intestines; people healthy, but exploded and hung down. There are people with their every finger bent and twisted, and their eyeballs popped out and hung down, people with their arms but who seem stagnant, people with their hair pulled and exploded head, people with their legs stuck together and cannot walk, people with their feet but who cannot function because they are curled up. How can I express all these with words?

Though cruelly misshapen and miserable in appearance, these are none other than God's children. Nevertheless, since they come to this spiritual world and stay in the situation of their spirit being stepped on, being ill, and being destroyed by Satan, how would God's heart (shim Jung) be for He cannot help but must simply stand by and watch His children?

There is nothing to console or express such a heart of God (shim jung). Try to imagine how would your heart be if you saw your children showing up in such a situation. This is all a result of what Lucifer, Satan, has done until now. We must think why God has endured and waited until now. Why has God waited? Why has God only watched? Why has God been so cruel and heartless? Why did God allow the miserable situation of His children to be displayed just like something to be seen in an exhibition? We must sympathize with this sorrowful history of misfortune.

In the thousands of years of long history, it is the history of the providence of restoration that God has awaited for His true child to appear to share Heavenly Father's name. Who will restore this history? Who will save this mankind? You must remember that God and True Parents, once again, must straighten out this tragedy. You must remember this deeply. With what kind of heart (shimjung) would you treat your children, when your physical children return to your bosom in such a condition? In front of the heart (shimjung), you must offer the service of repentance to God and True Parents. How would you do?

I decided today's title as "The Life on Earth That Leads to Hell." Please, I beg you, from now on, we must eradicate this secular life which leads us to Hell. We must come to the spiritual world after completely cleaning up our wrong life on earth. When you come to this place, there are no medicines or people who will treat your mistakes. This means you must treat every mistake on earth since there are medicines and hospitals. Don't think that there are medicines in front of God and True Parents.

There is nothing free in this place. Even my wife, my husband, my parents, my children would not express any generosity. No one can avoid the Heavenly Law. Would spring come when you shout out, "O, I don't like winter! Spring! Come quick!"? Just as this is the creation of God, we must make the right way of life on our own. Before the way that we have created, there is no method or medicine. We must solve the problem on our own.

In conclusion, because we come to the spiritual world as we lived wrongly on earth, in many aspects, we must live our daily life by reflecting and organizing. Who alive on the earth knows when one will go to the spiritual world? This is why you must live your life cleanly, arranging everything with the attitude that you will not feel any shame whenever you may go to heaven. The arrangement and the norm of the life are the teaching of the Principle. You must remember the fact that the spiritual world exists without any doubt, that your descendants will be punished if you commit sin, that God is alive. You must live your life by remembering: What would I bring before God?

March 17, 1999

2) Life on Earth Leading to the Kingdom of Heaven

God created human beings as His children, and wanted to live together with them in joy and happiness. Human beings are created as objects of joy before God. However, until now the lives of mankind have not been the object of joy before God, and the relationship of parents and children became lonely, solitary, and extremely sad in the life of God. This is the world neither God nor mankind desired. Therefore, imagine God's circumstance in His life until the dawning of the Completed Testament Age with the appearance of True Parents. It is not that God simply came until now by chance, but God waited for a long time overcoming the searing pain on flesh and bones.

After True Parents emerge, we must think what is our task. We were all ones who would deserve to take a train for hell. However, how fortunate we are to be born in this good era. If any choice was given to us to take a train either for hell or heaven, the train for heaven must have been full. This is why we cannot take either the train for heaven or hell as we wish. Our prosperous life and heavenly fortune came before us. We must deeply think how we could dare to be born in the age of True Parents, and how we could attend and love True Parents.

What more fortune our life could have since we can prevent ourselves from going to hell by simply following True Parents? As we attend True Parents, we often cannot discover that our life has the happiest value and the most fortune in the same sense as it is darkest just under the lamp. We must reflect whether or not we sometimes missed and dreamed about the brightly shinning light in the other's house in the distance. We must think and reflect whether or not we misjudged the life on earth as our eternal place although we must come to the spiritual world, the eternal place, after a short life on earth.

According to the directions of our lives, our houses are being built in heaven every day. However, my home in heaven is being built and destroyed, but that in hell has been rebuilt a number of times for it being so bored. Then, where would be my place to live in the spiritual world if my earthly life ends before my house in the spiritual world has begun to be built? If so, we will be a wandering spirit and wander from place to place. As we believe and attend True Parents, we must solemnly lower our heads before our internal attitude of our lives, and think and think about our attitude standing in front of God. If you feel something unpleasant, it is the sound of your conscience. So, ask your inner person. If you hear the sound of a defender who defends your feeling, you must cruelly hammer it down. You must shout out, "You, the defender who destroys us, leave us."

Let's build our house where we will live eternally beside God, where the entire creation will sing and dance together in a sunny spring of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let's build our eternal place on top of a hill where there is no anxiety but overflowing with laughter and happiness, where we can embrace and liberate our "ban" freely in the bosom of God whom we missed the most.

March, 17, 1999

3) Relationship between God and Humans (Ancestor Relationship)

How joyful would it be if all mankind could stay in God's dwelling place after living on earth together? However, we cannot do anything about the Heavenly Law of God. When God created man, He created the human being as the most loving sons and daughters. But would God want to send some of His loving children to Heaven and the others to Hell? Wouldn't it be God's heart (shim jung) that He wants to bring and watch all loving children beside Him?

However, because of the wrong commencement of history, two locations and places for two owners came into being, and the law that God could not take part in came about. Therefore, inevitably, sorrow and darkness occupied the background of history. What can we do about it? Even God cannot know what to do about this law. That is why disease, war, and poverty arose and the spiritual world became dirty and complicated in the stream of immemorial history. So God could not help but to turn away from there.

Therefore, we human beings have sought the way through the teaching of religion in such complications and circumstances, and made an effort to listen to the voice of conscience in order to live properly. And we must know always and clearly that the relationship between God and Man is fate. We must understand God's parental heart (shim Jung) that He cannot interfere with His loving children who are living in suffering and difficulty. This is all because of Lucifer, Satan. It is because of the existence of the blood lineage of Satan who has acted as an owner in God's place.

Who can interfere with this? We must direct our attention to our mind and body clearly. We know these factors very well through the Divine Principle. We also learned through countless lectures on the spiritual world by True Parents. So all of you must practice what you have learned from the teaching of the Principle.

We, as children of God, must help God and True Parents. How can we save the numerous ancestors who cannot get out of hell? Are we going to wait until True Parents or God begins to act for us? True Parents gave us a great privilege, which is Tribal Messiahship. Shout out to God! Shout out loud and beg earnestly to God, saying, "God, please save our ancestors. Please save our ancestors who are suffering in hell." It will be Lucifer, Satan, who would give ear to your shouting more than anyone else.

If so, Lucifer would become painful. An outcry of liberation will echo from several places. At that time, God can accept His children unconditionally. Lonely God! Lonesome God! God will deeply embrace His children, though they are barefoot, even though they have a broken and crooked mouth, ear, and nose, even though they became bruised, and even though they are like defeated troops with double cranes returning from the battlefield. Our God and True Parents will say, "My children, my poor children! I missed you," and will console us with Their embrace, dress us, put us to sleep, and will keep patting us.

We, as children, must liberate God's lonely heart (shim jung). With our prayer, our cries will burst out echoing through hell and liberating hell. Then we can save our ancestors. In that time, because there will not be even one single person suffering in hell, we don't need to pray an unpleasant prayer. If there is such a person, please shout! Please shout confidently, "God, I don't have sin. God, I will not go to hell." All of us are born with the relationship of father and son in front of God and True Parents. Therefore, we must liberate parents. This can be accomplished only through our right life and prayer.

March 17, 1999

4) Treatment of All Disease

If human beings get disease, they become painful, difficult and troublesome both physically and spiritually. Thus, they must be treated both spiritually and physically. That is God's desire. For our happiness, the happiness of humankind, that disease must be treated without a doubt. How can it be treated? The origination of all disease is only one. The fundamental cause is sin. Therefore, we must clean up this sin. Through indemnification of our ancestors' sin, we have to treat this by analyzing what was the seed of sin, such as greed, envy and jealousy, and so forth.

If we pull out and examine the roots and buds of sin, then, disease will be attached to them. Furthermore, to treat it, we will experience difficulty by losing our properties. You will be the first to intuitively understand the cause of your disease. Why did it come about? We cannot avoid the indemnification of our ancestors; because it is connected to blood lineage, inevitably we must encounter it. There is no such a foolish person who encounters it by doing nothing because of an ancestor's sin. At first, we must pray for ancestors and carry on our right life and must become the Messiah in front of our ancestors. Modern medicine is what God blessed. So we have to treat all disease wisely, and through a compromising way. I earnestly desire you to come to God as mature believers, managing your wise life, happy life, without suffering disease in your earthly life.

March 17, 1999

4. Root Of Sin And The Path That Humankind Should Go

1) Root of Sin (Essence of Sin)

The original root of sin is the same as is revealed in the Divine Principle. The origin (essence) of sin I want to talk about today is what all humans have contracted. This is an extremely painful thing. What a feeling of mistreatment we have based on the fact that we were born with sin although we were created by God. God has been waiting until His beloved children return to their true position, coming not from a parental position, but from the situation of having had to live in a corner room because of being seized by a servant against His desire. We must remember that, with countless vicissitudes, God is our parent.

Now we must fundamentally be aware of each of these deadly pains and must live our lives with the faith that we will go directly in front of God by straightening out all these issues when we go to the spiritual world. This is the same as it is with the married life of a wife and husband. Don't live a separate life wherein a wife lives in Heaven and her husband lives in hell. You must live a married life in such a way that you would have the feeling that whoever went to Heaven first would wait, with a heart full of Jung sung, for the other to join them in a well-prepared, tidy house.

Since the root of our sin is what we received from Satan, we must live our lives looking into our true selves by receiving forgiveness and straightening ourselves in front of True Parents if there is any need. We must be freed in every circumstance, not only in the life of a couple, but in every horizontal human relationship as well. There is no one who wins over death. Those who receive the highest treatment in the highest position, those who, in their arrogance and haughtiness, impose or wield power over every man by ignoring them are not qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The essence of sin has nothing to do with True Love. The essence of sin is the way of self-centered thought; it is hatred rather than love; it is antagonism rather than hatred; furthermore, it is the mind that can commit murder.

We must know that God has not held any antagonism against all these, not even once, but has waited patiently. In front of every organization, company, and others, put myself within every person's heart and then judge. Put myself in such a position and frankly judge. In that position, see what is the score and accept it, even though it be cruel. By doing so, you must live your daily life by marking a "circle," a "triangle" and an "x." Then, score yourself on the last day of 365 days. You must count and find the total number of "circles," "triangles" and "x"'s. If your "x"'s are 70 percent, you must restart your life. If you come to be in such a situation, you must realize that you have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven and therefore must do your best to prepare one. Why are you so frantic for a 30 pyong (1 pyong = 3.954 sq. yds.), 40 pyong, or 50 pyong residential area, a decent size piece of land, and to have luxurious cars? Why are you so stingy about preparing 100 pyong for a castle in the eternal world? The visible world is a place through which we are simply passing by, so 20 pyong of area will be enough. Therefore, I think it is important for us to pour our entire energy into building a castle where we will live eternally.

What is sin? It is that humankind is living apart from God. We must separate ourselves externally from that which caused us to stray from God. We cannot help from being born with mistreatment. From now on, however, we must completely restore ourselves to the position as children of God centering on the content of all the teachings of True Parents. We must strongly maintain the position. We must become a strong rock that will not shake in any strong thunderstorm. Standing in the top position, let's shout out, let's cry out, "I have no relationship with sin. As a child of God, I will live pledging filial piety, loyalty, and virtue in front of True Parents. My life and my glory are all God's, and True Parents. . ." until we lose our voice. Then, we must live our daily lives carving this cry on the rock of our hearts every day until we lose our voice. By doing so, we must live humbly, heading toward the highest place by completely cutting off and rooting out any relationship with Satan.

We must cut out the root and the bud of sin on our own and, in that position, we must build our eternal home of rest where we can sing and dance by attending God and True Parents. Please remember that the path of cleansing the root of sin forever and ever must be prepared on the earth.

March 20, 1999

2) True Parents of Heaven and Earth

We, mankind, were born with the original element of sin. This we call the original sin. It is God who has patiently waited and waited for such a long period of time in order to cleanse this sin. Although God has patiently waited over the course of along period, He did not just wait blindly for it to pass. God had prepared the blood lineage of True Parents and sent True Parents to the earth to give rebirth to all mankind through the blood lineage. In the process, God engaged in a gruesome battle of bloodshed against Satan. Throughout countless vicissitudes against Satan, God protected the blood lineage of True Parents.

We don't realize that we are so fortunate to have been born in such a wonderful time period. We don't know the value of it. Think about what the heart (shim Jung) of God would be in sending our True Parents. Three hours of darkness when Jesus was on the cross and the periods of True Father's life in prison were ravaging themselves on God's heart (shim jung). Who in the world would understand such a heart? Think about the parental heart (shim Jung) of God in having to simply watch anxiously, without being able to do anything for His son when Satan was attacking True Father like the attack of a swarm of bees.

Imagine that your son is standing across the frozen Han River. In order to meet your son, you must walk over the frozen water. The ice is cracking here and there, and is even broken in pieces, but as the parent you must walk over it. How would your heart be in such a life and death situation, in such a crucible? God has been protecting True Parents by being patient, and with an even greater pain than that. Countless religious people, countless religious leaders have walked innumerable paths of suffering, striving to pioneer the path of goodness, to lead mankind to the path of deliverance from sin. Absolutely their suffering will not become meaningless. However, God alone is the only parent of mankind, and the creator.

God waits expectantly for all of us to live in one place by attending one parent. If Satan did not exist, the separation of religions would not have happened. All religious leaders and pioneers desire that we all love each other in the same place in front of God.

"True Parents of Heaven and Earth! Man mansei (ten thousand times more of ten thousand years: eternity) for Heaven and Earth!" We must be able to say, "We are so grateful that God has protected True Father's eighty years of life. We are so grateful that we were able to live our lives by holding onto True Father's eighty-year life." Now let's sing, dance, and run, embracing each other attending our eighty-year-old True Parents of Heaven and Earth for eternity. God, mansei! True Parents, man-sei! Our Unification Church members mansei! Entire mankind, mansei! We must pray that our True Parents of Heaven and Earth may have a long, healthy life. We must sing hallelujah when True Parents come to this world. We must attend True Parents well for the eternal reign, until the completion of the castle. We must attend well until all humankind is saved.

I felt a number of times that God did not know how to express His heart in front of True Father. The appearance of God not knowing how to express His gratitude toward His son for True Parents' suffering, but getting excited was very tearful and pitiable. We all must think about how to attend True Parents. How could you understand my situation in this world wherein I cannot see True Father's holy face no matter how widely I open my eyes?

However, it is the sincere request of Sang Hun Lee who came to this world first, to live a life of observance to God in the appearance of True Parents of Heaven and Earth doing their duty of filial piety in front of God. This is why I truly wish that we all must sincerely believe and attend True Parents and live happily together in this place. I wish we all can meet here where God dwells.

True Parents of Heaven and Earth, man mansei! Our Unification Church members, man mansei! Mankind of the world, man mansei!

March 20, 1999

3) The Life of Sang Hun Lee

Originally, my family was Confucianist. I benefited from a good environment in which I inherited an intellectual capacity from my parents. Therefore, I graduated from medical school and became a doctor of internal medicine. My original plan was to engage in analysis of and research on the human body. So at medical school I concentrated on the study of detailed parts of the human body, but it was the question of the existence of God which remained always in the bottom of my heart. What is the nature of the world after death to which all mankind is destined to go and what is the purpose and method of creation since we are told that God created man? These kinds of questions were very new and curious for me. I realized that the mentality of a man cannot be controlled. The queries on man's thought, intellect, ideology, and so forth were serious issues for me. It is possible to study the parts of the physical body since they are visible, but no matter how hard I thought and studied, I could not find the answer as to the nature of my inner person. These questions resulted in my having serious torments. Mentally, I eventually came to the point of not wanting to live because of the emptiness inside. Quite some time after that. I came to know Reverend Sun Myung Moon and studied the Divine Principle of our True Parents. My joy at that time was even greater than what I would have felt had I possessed the entire world.

The more I studied the Divine Principle and analyzed it closely, the more it became the source of enormous life elements and energy. After analyzing its various dimensions in more detail, I realized that it was an incredibly great truth. My life began to completely turn around from that moment. I couldn't help being surprised at the change in myself from only wanting to be buried to deeply analyzing this Divine Principle, putting all other desires away. As I analyzed the Principle, it seemed that every cell of my body became alive. With the hope that everybody might accept this Principle as soon as possible, and with the hope that this Principle would soon appear to the world as a good theory which could provide direction for the thought of countless numbers of intellectuals, I lived my earthly life analyzing and studying the Principle in its various aspects.

There is only one reason that I speak about such a title as "The Life of Sang Hun Lee" at this time. In my life there are only True Parents, both on earth and in the spiritual world. My only purpose is to testify to True Parents by gathering all of my life, my thought, my knowledge and my study. I am not an earthly person. All I want is to tell you this by borrowing one weak woman's hand and betting my life. What are we so afraid of in our lives? In the history of God's providence, there is no greater man than True Parents, and there is no more glorious man than True Parents. You are all seeing True Parents only with your physical eyes. When we see Rev. Sun Myung Moon in the spiritual world, all creation flutters and the light shines in every direction along with his every movement. So, we cannot see Rev. Sun Myung Moon surrounded by such light. When the wrinkled skin of his holy face moves, the light of blood rolls down in between the wrinkles. The light of blood is no different from that of Jesus on the Cross.

Because of the radiance emanating while embracing and loving mankind with a parental heart, many times it is difficult to see the face of surrounding people. Moreover, when Rev. Sun Myung Moon sighs, perhaps earthly people cannot hear his breathing sound, but there are many times that it resounds like thunder. This is the sound of his concern, anxiety and grief for mankind. How can this be expressed in words? Every moment when Rev. Sun Myung Moon moves, God, anxious that he may get hurt, places cushions of light, and covers him with resplendent light in every location where Rev. Sun Myung Moon speaks. It is very difficult for me to watch the scene because I was so moved by such love from God.

The reason that I am calling my Parent, whom I have been attending all my life, by his name, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, is because of my desire that not only our UC members, but all religious people and every intellectual person as well, study and analyze Rev. Sun Myung Moon, True Parents. The fact that you are attending the greatest man on earth with a physical body is an event of enormous significance that simply cannot be adequately expressed to you. However, it makes me, Sang Hun Lee, very painful and impatient as I realize the fact that there are many people who do not even know how to deal with the fact of this grand event. I don't have any results which I can be proud of during my earthly life, but I want to express once more to everyone the incredible fortune which I had in my life as a man-to encounter and attend the greatest man. Therefore, I truly ask you to study more and more deeply.

In this great time, if you arrive in this world not having known the real value of this greatest man in your life, you will experience embarrassment and pain. All I want is to help you to prevent this. Then, who is Rev. Sun Myung Moon? I want those who still ask from a far distance, "Are you the one who is to come?" to quickly come to a conclusion. I wish you would believe that True Parents are the True Parents of both the physical and the spiritual worlds, and the Messiah of humankind, so that you will not have regrets later.

Today, the reason that I am testifying about True Parents to you again is because one who has already completed his earthly life cannot borrow the strength of a person with a physical body all the time, and the chance to do so is such an incredible event. However, such an opportunity does not come often. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I want to make sure that you remember this fact one more time. "Every congregation of all other denominations! Are you still waiting for the Messiah to come on the clouds? Please, I ask you to broaden the range of your faith, and change the direction of your view of faith, so that we can meet together in the place of the children of God with a matured intellect."

March 20, 1999

4) God and True Parents

We all have been unable to see God. Then, can we see God when we come to the spiritual world? If He is the one that we human beings can see, He may not be God.

God is He whom we cannot see with our human eyes or touch. He is not a being who can be seen within the limit of human vision. God is the parent of all humankind, the creator of all things. If such a God can be determined and analyzed within human thinking, then we can conclude that any other great being could become God.

God is only God. My arrogance that I would be able to analyze God when I came to the Kingdom of Heaven completely collapsed into small pieces. If there is any one who would analyze God, he would be the most foolish one, and no different from an idiot. This effort, then, is no more than a waste of time. If any one could analyze God with their human brain, that person would have to be God.

I wish you would think deeply about the fact that God is everywhere, and that He is omnipotent and almighty, and give up on analyzing God. I think it is the duty of children to attend Him with the attitude of absolute obedience.

Then, who are True Parents? God desired to love and feel joy through the grandchildren and great-grandchildren generation after generation after creating humankind. However, because human history began from a criminal, the entire direction of history went wrong. For this reason, in order to straighten out this history, God waited for the right moment while sending countless historical beings. At this point, we must rethink Jesus' crucifixion and straighten out our thinking.

If Jesus had not been crucified, he would have become the parent of mankind. However, because Jesus was crucified, new parents must come to mankind. Otherwise, mankind has no way to be saved. Therefore, God has sent Rev. Sun Myung Moon, True Parents, to this earth and is having him give rebirth to humankind that has the wrong blood lineage.

Attending God, True Parents became the officiator of large weddings and married many people. By doing so, True Parents were rooting out the blood of the fall (crime) from humankind. This is the so-called Blessing of Mass Weddings. Since God gave Rev. Sun Myung Moon the qualification and the authority of the Messiah, we must all participate in this blessing and cleanse the root of original sin. The final destiny of history is the salvation of humankind, and the history of humankind is the history of providential restoration. Therefore, the one who can completely banish Satan, who has been acting as the owner until now in someone else's place, and leads mankind to live attending God as True Owner and True Parents, is this very Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Therefore, Lucifer, the criminal of mankind, must be born again through True Parents, walk the path of redemption, and attend God from his original position. From now on, I wish that we can finally cleanse the evil history of sin through True Parents, and accept everything with the attitude of a new start. We must attend and follow Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the True Parents whom God has sent to the earth.

Only when we do so will the direction of reborn life be determined for us human beings, and we mankind will be able to stay in the eternal home in the Kingdom of Heaven in this spiritual world. I sincerely wish that you would clearly realize this. Practice True Love, and never have any regrets.

March 20, 1999

5) The Path that All Humankind Must Go

Humankind was created by God. However, for mankind, the parents who gave birth to us and the parents who raised us are different. The parents who raised humankind is the devil or Satan. Because of the fall, humankind was not able to treat and acknowledge God as their Parent, but lost the right to go forward in front of God on their own. Therefore, humankind must restore the relationship of father and son with God. To do so, humankind must return to the original position, for which it needs the Messiah. The Savior of humankind, the Messiah, is none other than the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, True Parents, who came on earth. Without going through the Messiah, humankind has no other way to go in front of God. In order to go to the place of Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven, humankind must be reborn. The Messiah received the authority to save humankind through the blessing from God. Therefore, all humankind must be reborn through the Messiah's blessing, and must live the life of believing and attending Him. This is the only way to connect the glorious situation to the spiritual world. The blessing of humankind is the blessing of God, the liberation of God, and the cleaning of God's history of Han.

This is the age of consummation.

The history of humankind has continued along without anyone revealing the fact that the history of humankind must be restored. But now, people must completely conclude the entire evil history of the sin of Satan, and must restore the history of humankind by attending God in the position of True Owner. When the original world is restored on earth, hell in the spiritual world will automatically disappear. Since there would be only citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven alive on earth, why would hell be needed in the eternal world? Only when we have the attitude of life that the final destination of our lives is not the earth, but the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, will we be restored from our old habit of life.

When the life of each individual can be acknowledged by God, the restoration of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world will conclude. When this happens, Satan will not be able to find any place to stand and his base will be completely destroyed. We would normally think that the eternal peace of humankind and the salvation of humankind are the goal of God and True Parents.

Now, we will experience with our own eyes that the evil history of sin will vanish since the time of Heaven's fortune is coming. Therefore, we must be wise people! Don't fail to keep your place in the grand line, but do fulfill the mission of pioneer.

That is our victory of restoration, the way of filial piety in front of God and the position of entering the place of the Kingdom of Heaven. I wish you would attend True Parents in one place and stand on the front line for the realization of the peace of humankind, which is also the desire of all people and of God.

March 21, 1999

6. Myself of Today

Yesterday and today, we always wear the clothes that are stained with evil and sin during our earthly life, but never think to change the clothes. This is because no one has taught us this fact. However, when we recognize the period and environment, we realize we are standing in a very fortunate position. We were born in the age of restoration, and now we know the entire secret of the cosmos to enable us to cleanse our stained selves.

Now we know the task that we must do and the direction we need to go. We even know that the invisible spiritual world exists. That is the place where you have never been; it is the unknown place from which you cannot return once you go. However, how much further can I reveal the fact that the spiritual world exists? Would it be alright if we just go straight? You must make sure that the direction is determined correctly.

I can say that this is a somewhat complicated message to understand since it explains in quite some detail about the spiritual world. However, what else could I do, as one who came here before you? Shouldn't it be the case that I should reveal the reality of this place to you and then pray and wait until you would directly seek and come to the bosom of God? Because my heart is burning with such desire, I am asking you once more. The way of filial piety to God and True Parents is to properly discover myself today and maintain myself. Don't expect that such a report as this will be given again sometime in the future.

Obviously, the spiritual world and physical world are two different worlds. The task of revealing the secrets of the spiritual world can be assigned to a particular person and at a particular time. Therefore, don't expect any more to come after this time. Spirit people are meant to live in the spiritual world, and earthly people are meant to live on the earth. Let's become a person of today who lives life as an original self in the eternal happy position, through remembering today's revealed facts deeply, holding tightly to them, and making them my own. I truly wish your life to be renewed by taking care of, polishing, and cleansing yourself to become an original self.

March 21, 1999

5. Lucifer's Apology

1) God's Request to Lucifer

The new Heaven and earth began in the history of grief and "han," and now the age for God to be able to sit in the position of True Parents in front of humanity is dawning. The beginning and the end have already been finalized. Already, every child of the entire Heaven and earth knows who you are. Lucifer, recall your original self and the position wherein you were unconditionally obeying God and rejoicing at the time of the first meeting in the Garden of Eden. Please return to that position. You are not qualified to conduct the conclusion of the evil history of sin which you have sowed. Your original self was a being created as only a messenger. You were not created to act as parents for the children of God. Various explanations are not necessary. Already the judgment has been made. So, your appearance wouldn't become cowardly in front of all humankind if you quietly show your final humble attitude.

There won't be another day of judgment for you. Since the final judgment has been made, just quietly return to your position. This is God's final request. It would be better for you to act even one second earlier. If your action takes place one second late, you will remain as the eternal cowardly one in front all of history, and the disastrous scene of your punishment will unfold miserably.

Quickly return to your original position. If you do so, God will quickly settle all the disease of evil and sin which you have spread, making such a mess. Go, go to your position. I am ordering you in the name of Jehovah, of ten thousand armies. Lucifer! Return to your position! Jehovah of ten thousand armies is requesting this of you and telling you for the last time.

March 21, 1999

2) From Lucifer to God

I am offering this to God.

God, I am very sorry.

How could I dare to ask for Your forgiveness? Although I knew that history would end some day, I wasn't able to see either the direction or my original position to which I must go. I was always anxious because there was no one who radically, formally made determination to lead me strongly. How could I dare to go to the position where I am told to go? I will return as I would carry the punishment given by God. What more could I say about the countless days that I sinned by ignoring God's long sigh although I saw it? God! God!

I am very sorry.

From Lucifer

March 21, 1999

3) From Lucifer to True Parents

I am offering this to True Parents.

Since all people call you True Parents, I call you True Parents. I am very sorry that I gave you an extremely huge difficulty to straighten out the countless aspects of evil history of sin that I committed. What word would I have to tell you? Once, I, undeserving and selfish, desired to receive the blessing. I am very sorry for this. If it is possible, I ask for your generous punishment, as you are the parents of humankind. As I see the countless ways of evil and sin, the ways of indemnity, even with my eyes, I can see that the only way of my return is the way of bloody bruises.

However, if it is the last way of suffering to go to God and True Parents, I will follow obeying. True Parents, Parents of humankind, Lucifer is very sorry.

I am truly sorry.

From Lucifer

March 21, 1999

4) From Lucifer to Humankind

I am offering this to all humankind.

This is Lucifer, the criminal of humankind. The devil Lucifer, who spread the blood lineage of original sin to humankind by acting as God, although he is not God, has no word he can say as the criminal in front of all humankind. From now on, when poverty, suffering, and disease disappear, and God's new Heaven and earth open, rather than poverty and disease, peace will come to all people in the world of love and dance.

I think I have no opportunity to even give my excuse in front of the history of suffering and war which caused you to suffer from disease because of me. Unconditionally, I am very sorry. I won't even offer an excuse before the fact that I betrayed countless members of humankind and religious people. I will return as Lucifer, wishing all humankind to be happy as children of God.

Criminal Lucifer of humankind

March 21, 1999



For the last twenty years I have immersed myself in the many books of prophecy found in Korea. These books of prophecy, some thirty in number, appeared five hundred to one thousand years ago.

In a sense it is not an exaggeration to call Korea a nation of prophecies. Often called secret communications, prophecies have their human authors. Nonetheless, as we delve more and more deeply into these texts, we come to realize that they are not created through individual decisions. Rather, they are messages revealing the plans of the Creator, transmitted to the earth through living human beings.

In this book, I have selected seven major prophecies and treated as concisely as possible those parts relating directly to Korea and Japan.

We desire to verify the reliability of anything claiming to be prophecy, through its accuracy relating to events that have already taken place. Through examining the accuracy of the predictions relating to events that have already taken place, we can assess the reliability of the prophecies concerning events yet to come.

The prophecies with which I am dealing have proven amazingly accurate relating to the span of the last one hundred years. By reading and translating these books of prophecy, I have come to realize that they are nothing less than the Creator's plan for human history recorded in words.

These prophecies foretell the fortunes of world history centering on northeastern to southeastern Asia, specifically Korea and Japan, and identify the concluding period of world history to be the one hundred thirty years beginning in 1894 and concluding in 2027.

The books reveal to us that the 36 years of Japanese colonization of Korea and the ensuing division of Korea into north and south were part of the Creator's plan.

From the beginning of the twenty-first century, trends of thinking throughout the world will drastically change. The limitations of science, the depletion of natural resources, the problems of land and population, the equalization of scientific technology among nations throughout the world, the rapid progress of the developing nations to reach the standard of the developed nations-these events are going to change the world.

This is of particular moment to Japan. Beyond the social trends just mentioned, we should dread the natural calamities that may afflict the earth as a result of our failure to heed heavenly advice. Japan in particular should take seriously the possibility of catastrophe striking between 1994 and 2070.

These could be called calamities or acts of God, but ultimately this type of disaster befalling us results from our remaining arrogant and failing to fulfill our human responsibility. We must avoid catastrophes.

According to renowned geologists and prophets, the moving positions of the Arctic and Antarctic poles is not explainable by phenomena taking place on the earth's surface, but rather by phenomena coming from the interior, such as volcanic explosions, etc.

It is said that movement of the earth's crust will have a serious impact upon the east and west coasts of America, northern Europe and Japan. The water from Arctic icebergs now melting will flood the land at the rate 176 kilometers a day, submerging two-thirds of the Japanese islands and 40 kilometers of the east coast of Korea.

Two-thirds of the earth's present landmass will disappear under this water. Based on the prediction of the period during which Japan may experience serious calamity, I construe the period in which this submersion may take place to be between 1994 and 2070. What can Japan do to avoid this? I intend this small booklet to offer solutions, difficult though they may be, based upon the knowledge of these historically-validated Korean prophecies.

In this way, Korean prophecies serve as a serious warning revealed from heaven to the people of Korea and Japan, people who are facing the most perilous times of their history as we enter the 21st century.

Secret letters are literally letters that are sent in secret. To decipher a secret message, it is necessary that one obtain the key or code that the original author used to encode the message. Through the use of that key we can unlock and openly present every detail of the secret message.

This is a perilous time of great change on the earth, a time unprecedented since the universe came to be. At this time I pray deeply that we will avoid the path of death and find the path of life, entering into Heaven on earth and coming into the realm of protection of the heavenly God/Buddha.

August 1998
Sung Mo Koo

Chapter 1 - The Principle Of Constructing Secret Messages and How To Render Them In Plain Language

Chapter 1 - The Principle Of Constructing Secret Messages and How To Render Them In Plain Language

Secret messages, or prophecies, are literally messages that are sent in secret. To reveal the content of such a message, we have first to explore how it was hidden. A metaphor or syllogism is the main method to hide the meaning of a message, and there is a particular key to unlock Korean prophecies. That key is the principle of the I Ching.

The Kasachongron chapter of Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok sets forth the system for deciphering the message according to the principles of the I Ching, such as the ten primal letters of Heaven, twelve basic letters of the earth, the numbers denoting change, the year, month, day and hour, and other more obtuse criteria. After deciphering the text, you have an unmistakable reconstitution of the original message. It is as precise as the splinters of a split bamboo that perfectly fit together.


(Chart 1: Directions)

In oriental philosophy, the universe has special, particular characteristics associated with the directions of east, west, south and north, and there are ten primal letters of Heaven and twelve basic letters of the earth. Please take a look at the following graph, which is an analysis of these characteristics.


 (Chart 2: The ten primal letters of Heaven and 12 basic letters of the earth)

Heavenly Letters (Chinese Characters)

Earthly Letters (Chinese Characters)

Animals: Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Chicken Dog Pig (Chinese Characters)

Between heaven and earth are all the things of creation, and among all the things of creation, humankind is the primeval being. Each individual human being embodies all the principles of the universe. Thus human beings are often called the microcosm of the universe.

Men and women are born as a part of nature. Therefore, the fortunes of all individuals, such as birth, aging, illness and death, happiness, anger, sadness, complacency, wealth, value, poverty and demeanor are dictated by the law of nature. The I Ching (The Book of Changes), the very center of oriental philosophy, contends that all human fortune is part of nature.

The Principle of the I Ching arises from its theory of yin and yang. According to the I Ching, all things in the universe are given existence by a combination of yin and yang and undergo change by a process that can be likened to heredity.

The name given the original chaotic, void state of the universe before the Big Bang is Tae Guk. Tae Guk has no beginning, end or boundary. It is round and it is an entity, one that holds within it the principle by which all created entities exist.

Out of the Tae Guk, the two forms, yin and yang, gestated. Yin and yang together constitute the chi. Tae Guk began to gestate the chi and thus self-movement began. We associate the moving aspect yang with Heaven and the still aspect yin with the earth. These dynamics of stillness and movement seek each other without ceasing, and thereby the Way, the Tao, begins. Thus, Tae Guk did not yet complete the forms and the numbers in it; it has only the principle.

A chaotic and desolate Tae Guk thus is divided into Heaven and earth. The act of the balance of yin and yang created the sun, the moon, the stars and constellations, and brought fire, water, wood, metal and soil into being on earth. This is the explanation for how Heaven and earth came to be.

Joo, Don-yi, in the Dynasty of Northern Song, first put forth the theory of the principle of yin and yang and later his disciples Jung, Ho and brother Jung, Yi completed it as the philosophical and moral foundation for Confucianism. Yin and yang further develop into four distinct forms of (big yang), (small yang), (big yin) and (small yin).

These four forms further divide into eight trigrams. The eight trigrams divide the characteristics of all things into eight categories of forms. These serve as the fundamental principles of change and development in the book of the I Ching. The eight trigrams are classified further into 64 trigrams to describe the characteristics of all created entities in even greater detail. Thus, even the changes in the path of human life, for better or worse, take place according to the law of nature.

This, in brief, is the principle of yin and yang, defining the basic principles underlying the construction and existence of all things in the universe, and corresponding on the human stage to man and woman.

Each existence in the universe is either yin or yang. This applies to all things that exist in the universe, including things both living and inorganic.

Refer to Chart 3 for the characteristics of the eight trigrams.

The I Ching denies that there is any reality that is fixed or stagnant. All things change and develop constantly. But in every change there is always a basic rule. Change does not take place outside of a principle. This premise is the great assertion of the I Ching and it is a great law. By combining the basic principles underlying change and additional directions, one can come to know the future.

Thus, we can understand the secret messages only with the aid of the principles espoused in the book of I Ching. These principles are for the most part presented in Graphs I through 3. These principles play the role of the key, so to speak, to unlock the secrets.


Chart 3

A locked door can be unlocked only if one uses the key by which it was locked. Similarly, to unlock a locked message one must utilize the principle by which the message was encoded. Without that principle, the message will remain elusive.

Now, what is the ultimate message toward which the Korean books of prophecy are pointing?

It is that in the last days of humankind, the eldest son of the Creator God will descend to the earth. He will teach and elevate all people on the earth to enable us to ascend to the level of heavenly men and women. He will bring God to us as humankind's actual true and direct parents themselves. This will create Heaven on earth. The message is also that the eldest son of God is the one who teaches and enlightens both spiritually and physically, alleviating human ignorance and thereby bestowing salvation. Thus he comes as the savior.

Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy

Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy


Chart 1

Do not ever doubt that the heavenly Holy One will descend from Heaven in the east. If the east fails to recognize the Holy One, he will come to be known through newly educated western people. If both east and west are unable to discern the Holy One who is to come, both east and west will be discarded and new humankind will emerge. What can we do?


Chart 2

Returning from the west after receiving such regretful treatment, now looking down from the high mountain upon the world far away. At this time of the latter half of the twentieth century, come to the east and undo all the regrets.

All the central prophecies of the Korean books of prophecy focus upon the advent of the Chung Do Ryung. The books present detailed explanations of how the Chung Do Ryung ("true man" or "holy man") will appear, with what appearance he will come, and how he will save humankind and achieve world peace, in great detail.

1. Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok

Concerning both past events and today's ongoing phenomena, the most accurate accounts appear in the prophecies of Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok. Backed up by a record of 100 percent accuracy in predicting the highlights of the events of the past one hundred years, it provides prophecies relevant to how we should live in the end of days. It presents these much sought after concepts with the utmost clarity.

The author of Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok, Ma,.ster Nam Sa Go, was born in the fourth year of King Joong Jong of the Chosen dynasty (1509) and died in the fourth year of King Sun Jo (1571) at the age of 63. He was extremely knowledgeable about astrology, geography and feng sbui. Under the reign of King Myung-Jong he served as a magistrate responsible for ceremonial offerings and gravesites, to insure the well being of both the royalty and the people.

The preface of the book states that the Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok was revealed to young Master Nam Sa Go some 450 years ago.


Chart 3

The double bow and double Ul are the truth of Heaven and earth. Those who concentrate on financial matters excessively will not see this white cross.

The day will come when all living beings can resolve their regrets. It will be the day of judgment, when God will save the good people and destroy those devils who deny God by burning them in fire.

The double bow means bow-bow and the double Ul means Ul-Ul. [English Ed. Note: "Double bow" is referring to the double notation of the Chinese character "goong," ( 4 bow), and "double Ul" is referring to the double notation of the character "UP' ( L bird.) The appearance of the double notation of these characters has the meaning of a cross in Mr. Koo's interpretation. These together depict a cross (+), but it is not the cross as we have known it. Instead, it refers to a white cross, a great heavenly way that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and all other religions into one.

What is the white cross? Take two letters of an bow and arrange them with the second letter inverted and they will form a cross.


Chart 4

The Bible is a book of prophecy that God gave us. Not one iota of these words is false. The Bible is true. At some point in time we should hear the calf cry out for its mother. When that time comes, do not look to the right or left but rather march forward toward the white cross.


Chart 5

Somewhere in the world you will find that man: he is the holy man. Look at the world justly. He will come (2000-2007 or 2024-2025) and unify the world.

Those who are blinded by the desire for gold cannot escape. Look at the secret message sent to South Korea; everything is hidden in that secret message.


Chart 6

Foolish people will not find it.

The one who is to come will establish a foundation in the early part of his life. In his middle years he will meet a pre-arranged spouse and marry again, and in his latter years (2000-2001 or 2024-2025) he will accomplish the will of God and his couple will rejoice together.


Chart 7

He will suffer and shed tears of blood centering on the island nation and reach out to the four-corners of the world. He will unite Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity and he will come as the true man (holy man) with great benevolence.

Trust that God's eldest son who is in Heaven will come at this time. Those nations that do not believe in God but betray Him will perish eternally.


Chart 8

The way of the white cross combines the fortunes of both east and west and it is like a newly emerging branch. At this time, women will be the ones most blessed with God's fortune.

Believe in God (this is the teaching of the holy man who came from Heaven). Accept the wisdom and teachings given by the Buddha, and drink. There will be nothing that you cannot be through understanding.


Chart 9

Prophecies telling of the end of the world are given to both the east and the west. These prophecies are teachings given in advance by God through godly men, but humanity cannot understand. Alas! The days when the calamities will befall the world are not far off, but how many will come to understand this?


Chart 10

First of all, this man (the one to come) is the wise man whom Buddha sent; Heaven predestined this thousands of years ago. The fortune of this Messiah is as the coming of Buddha (Second Coming of Buddha to this world. When this time arrives, the entire world will be in chaos. Fire will fly and fall to the ground and the world will become hopelessly confused.


Chart 11

Where is the land in which the holy man will make his appearance? It is at the foot of Young San above Myung-Sa-Shim-Ni (a famous Korean locality), where a rooster crows and a dragon roars. (Could this be Yong San in Seoul.)


Chart 12

There will be no place for even one evil spirit to reside in the new world. A double bow, i.e., the white cross: this is true Buddhism and the savior who comes through the white cross is the Buddha's Second Coming. He is the one who has pity on the men and women who are dying and thus saves them from death's grave. He is the one who builds the new Heaven, new earth and the clean and clear new world.


Chart 13

Pray to God for peace. The white world will become totally new. Children, this is the plan of the Father (Parents). The whole world will be unified and once again return to the original point. The mulberry plantation will turn into a blue ocean and a chaotic world will result.


Chart 14

The people of the world will say that money comes first and is most important, but this is the most unenlightened thing to say, even for the strongest man on earth. After creating a heavenly way to bring all the various fortunes of the world into one, he will call all of humankind and save them in the years 2000-2001, or the years 2022 -2025.


Chart 15

How many thousands of miles has he trod, undergoing universal turbulence for so many, many years? This way will be accomplished when the world is in utmost turmoil. The way of the west has taken a long, long time to reach the east. A nation must prosper before my house can prosper.


Chart 16

For thousands of years it was determined to happen on this day. If you cannot come to understand now, you will miss the opportunity represented by the white cross.

Why do you wait and wait and expect to encounter another opportunity so good, spring like and beautiful. All the spirits are rendering protection for this holy man's couple.


Chart 17

Without sound or scent he will land in the east and burn out all evils (those who do not believe in God) and do away with their seed (offspring).

Whether he is God or a man, even God Himself may wonder, and whether he is God or a man, even Heaven may have no clear idea.


Chart 18


The families who read these messages are the blessed ones, and those who do not understand these messages are the families without blessings.

Who will ever realize that this man is the holy man. This man is the most troubled man in the world; this one is none other than the holy man.


Chart 19

Who can fail to laugh when he realizes that this man is the holy man? This man will surely achieve his goal after enduring much difficulty. All people of the world must accept and uphold these words as God's own commandment. He is the one who comes to this world from Heaven in the last days, to save every person on earth.


Chart 20

Every person on earth should close their mouth and dare not speak. The one comes from a peninsula on a corner of the eastern continent in order to harvest humankind. He comes as if to harvest grain, blowing away the bad grain and harvesting the good, solid, mature men and women.


Chart 21

The holy man is born north of the 38th parallel and comes with God's great mission. He is like a man but he is not a man. He is the one prophesied to come to the island nation, but no one in the world discerns the holy man.


Chart 22

The original text of Chung-Do-Ryong calls him "king of the clouds": he who comes in the clouds. He comes to this world for the second time.


Chart 23

He comes to this world of the Buddha and he comes as master of the religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity and to bring all the other religions into oneness. He is the one who comes to this world for the second time.


Chart 24

He is the master of both the east and the west; he is the holy man coming from the olive tree and he appears to be a man but he is not a man. He comes as three spirits in one body, those of the Chung-Do-Ryung, Buddha and Jesus Christ.


Chart 25

He is a king six thousand years old and he is grasping the handle of all power. Sitting on the throne he will burn devils in their chest with fire to kill them.


Chart 26

Buddha's cultivating and the seven measures (Buddhist truth) are God's cultivation, fostered in the lofty and beautiful stone well of Heaven. The holy man from Heaven will give truth to those who thirst for truth as if he were giving water to those with physical thirst.

It explains that the east is the training ground for people over the millennia. Also, it explains the end of the world for those who attained enlightenment earlier than others.


Chart 27

In the year Shin- Yoo (1992-1993, war will break out in the Middle East. In the year Sool-Hae (1994-1995), many will lose their lives. In the year Ja-Chook (1994-1997, confusion will dominate the world and it becomes difficult to predict the future. In the year ln Myo (1998-1999), the future can be predicted. In the year Jin-Sa (2000-2001), the Messiah (the holy mangy will appear. In the year O-Mi (2002-2003, every house will be, full of joy

(Note: The above time predictions can be moved forward 24 years.)


Chart 28

What will the holy man who comes from the mountain of the island nation be like? It is God's dispensation that in the last days one man will incarnate and represent the entirety of Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and all the other religions. The king of Heaven has come to the eastern peninsula. Owing to the holy man, the world will become paradise (the Buddhist ideal of the good world).


Chart 29

You can live on without having to farm. Without working in the field you can clad yourselves and without a horse you can travel afar.

At this time the true man will come to the island, and those who go against the will of the holy man who comes from Heaven will perish and those who follow him will prosper.


Chart 30

The true man will come to the island nation and those who go against Heaven will perish.

This part of the prophecies is clearly a warning to Japan. It is written that the new heaven and new earth, that is, the future way that will build a beautiful world called paradise on earth, will begin in the east. But it is written that the true man will come to the island nation. If so, where is "the east" and where is the island nation? Most Koreans construe "the east" (Kay-Ryong) as the literal Kay-Ryong mountain in Korea. But in reality, Mt. Kay Ryong in Korea is not the originating point of the heavenly way, neither is it a site for the new capital of the nation of the East. In fact it is wise to avoid the Mt. Kay-Ryong area.

Kay-Ryong, according to the I Ching principle, refers to the southeastern part of the earth.

Furthermore, this book of prophecy, Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok, is not confined to a limited interpretation but is very comprehensive and universal.

In this sense Kay-Ryong (the east) is not limited to the Korean peninsula but also includes the islands of Japan. However, the center of the area is Seoul in Korea. (Refer to Central Directional Line of the Capital Graph I).

*Also, judging from the overall flow of the Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok and the yin-yang theory in the I Ching, without including the islands of Japan, the true way of the last days cannot be achieved. Why must Japan be included in the area of Kay-Ryong (the east)?

In the yin and yang, yang denotes Heaven, high, mountains, manhood, fatherhood and so forth, and yin represents the earth, low, valleys, womanhood, motherhood, etc.

Further, what is concave is yin (woman) and what is convex is yang (man).

Here yang is metaphysically the "basic principles" and the atmospheric force of the predisposition of nature (toward good fortune or bad fortune). Yin is the physical vessel or instrument. The phenomena displayed through all the things of the universe arise from the distribution of yin and yang. For example, flowers and fruit are born in physical vessels. In animals, the male gives the atmospheric force of natural energy (the sperm) to the female and the female receives it, gestates it in her body and upon its maturing delivers it to the earth. Even minerals and inorganic materials are comprised of yin and yang (- and +) and today's science discloses that even the atom is composed of yin and yang. Then let us examine this.

The meaning of the eight trigrams

1. strength (the male organ)
2. expansion (the embrace of male and female)
3. entry (the female organ)
4. motion (the act of love between male and female)
5. pleasure (the climax)
6. stillness (coming to the end)
7. retrieval (ending)
8. softness (the state of relaxation after satisfaction)

This is the principle of existence for all created beings based on the principles of yin and yang and the dispensation of the Creator. Also, it is the philosophical and scientific principle underlying the gestation, change and development of all things.

How does this apply to the earth's surface?

The earth's surface is, of course, comprised of mountains and rivers, lands and oceans, reflecting the elements of high and low, yin and yang. Land symbolizes man (high, mountain) and ocean, woman (low, valley).

Interpreting the earth's surface from the framework of yin and yang, we can easily understand that the Korean peninsula and Japan are representative forms. The Korean peninsula, with the Asian continent as its body, symbolizes the male, while the islands of Japan, with the Pacific Ocean as their body, is a typical ocean nation symbolizing the female.

Then what is the way that the holy man brings to the Korean peninsula at the end of the twentieth century? It is said that it is the way of "the union of man and woman-yin and yang." This means that it is the way defined by the principle of yin and yang, of "man and woman joining into one body." Does this mean, then, that Korea and Japan must become as one body?

Yes. Korea and Japan, like an eldest son and eldest daughter, must become good counterparts to each other.

Let us examine the following map:

Korea is a small country protruding north to south out of the eastern edge of the vast landmass of Asia into a corner of the ocean.

If we compare the continent of Asia to a human body, what can we make of an elongated shape hanging not from the upper or lower part of the body but exactly from the middle? Needless to say, it unmistakably appears as a phallus, the part of the male responsible for the reproductive function. Further, you find underneath a small, roundish shape hanging further down. That clearly resembles the scrotum of the body, an important and indispensable part of the reproductive system. The Korean peninsula has such a geographical shape.

The root of a male, the phallus, is connected with the entire nervous system from head to toe. If an illness develops in the central nervous system, which is the center of the human body, the root (or phallus) cannot function normally. Then, looking at Graph 4, where is the line of this vertebrae and where does it connect to this root?

It, of course, begins in the center of China and the Himalayan mountains, which are said to be the center and "roof' of the European and Asian continents. It then extends northeast to Mt. Paek Do, of the Tae Baek mountain range. This is the vertebrae of Korea, centering on Mt. Kum Kang, where all the energy is concentrated. It is said that the holy man who has inherited that spiritual energy is to be born in North Korea.


(Graph 31: Map of Kay Ryong)

In conformity with the yin-yang principle, the counterpart must be a female.

Let us then examine the islands of Japan, located next to Korea.

The islands of Japan extend north and south within an ocean more vast than the Asian continent. The northernmost point, Hokkaido, is the equivalent of the head; the main island of Honshu is the torso, and the southern islands of Kyushu are the legs. It appears as if she is lying down with her legs outstretched. This very island nation of Japan, which symbolize a woman, is the land in which the flowers bloom and where the fruit born of the heavenly way of the holy man is sent to the male land of Korea.

Thus Japan is woman (yin: mother) and Korea, man (yang: father), and the two must become husband and wife. The dispensation of God expects that these two countries support each other, upholding the heavenly way sent by God the Creator, fulfilling an important mission for the sake of humanity.

If Japan fails to fulfill the role of God's eldest daughter as the bride of the eldest son, which is the mother's role for the future world, serious consequences will follow. In that event, another oceanic nation (for instance, a maiden oceanic nation such as England, or a middle-aged oceanic nation

such as the Philippines or Indonesia) will have to become the eldest son's spouse country and complete the unfinished task assigned the mother. But none of these countries are the predestined spouse of the eldest son.

When Japan successfully fulfills her mission, the Second Coming of Buddha, who is the son of the Superior Emperor (God), the Second Coming of Jesus, the Second Coming of Confucius, i.e., the Messiah, will bear the fruit of salvation and accomplish the will of God upon the face of the earth.

If Japan fails to accomplish this mission, not only Japan but also all humankind will undergo unimaginable tribulation, without parallel since the creation of the world.

The principle of salvation in the last days can be explained only by the principle in oriental philosophy of the compatibility and incompatibility of the five elements.

The five basic elements are water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Compatibility exists in the relationships in which one of the elements yields or brings forth another. The order here is water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Water yields wood, wood yields fire, fire yields earth, earth yields metal and metal yields water.

On the contrary, incompatibility exists in the relationships in which one of the elements defeats the other. The order here is water, fire, metal, wood and earth. Water defeats fire, fire defeats metal, metal defeats wood, wood defeats earth and earth defeats water.

At the time of the flood judgement thousands of years ago, Noah saved the seeds of humankind and the animals by building the ark. Noah's ark was built of wood and this instance complies with the rule that water yields wood.

However, the judgment that now is to come is of fire. The only element that can defeat fire is water. To survive the fire, this time we need water, as is stated in the principle of incompatibility (water defeats fire).

Here the water signifies the white water or well water of Kon-Ryun mountain (in China), which symbolizes Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and the other religions, i.e., the white cross. This means that only those who drink the water of truth will survive the time of judgment.

Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok interprets fire in two ways: the fire that falls to the earth, fire flying in the air that falls to the ground, and the fire that shoots up from the earth.

The first fire is the man-made fire of nuclear bombs and missiles, and the second fire is the fire from calamities (or acts of God) such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.


Chart 32

*The true man will come to the island nation and those who go against Heaven will perish.

This prophecy that the true Man comes through Japan is a serious message containing a grave warning.


Chart 33

What is it that kills me? It is fire. What is it that saves me? It is to practice true morality. The white stone that God gives us is the weapon that destroys devils. When a good person possesses it, it will bring him or her salvation, and when an evil person possesses it, it will send him or her to hell. The only person who has the power to use this weapon is the very one sent by Heaven.


Chart 34

Alasi Everyone must awaken. The center of the capital of Korea is the command post.

This is the first fortune (opportunity) since the creation of Heaven and earth, yet they (the people) cannot recognize properly the holy man who comes from Heaven in the last days.


Chart 35

How dare you compare the long life and happiness of the holy man's couple with that of Jesus who came before? Those who seek truth must come to a deep realization.

Whoever fails to be truly attentive will lose his or her life. Who would recognize Confucius if he came to the earth?


Chart 36

He may make no noise and have no odor or particular taste, yet he is filled with mercy and benevolence and loves all the creation.

All the religions of the world assert their claims, unaware of the fact that a tremendous revolution is taking place in the world of faith.


Chart 37

Blinded by the violet mist and distracted by the yellow fly, one fails to see the way right in front of him.

With fire shooting up into the sky and heat filling the air, the road becomes impassable. How can they ever find the foundation that will preserve their lives?


Chart 38

This is the time when fires fly in the sky and the earth trembles with earthquakes (all calamities). The floods dry out and people are scorched to death. They die of unknown diseases; the man alive in the morning is found dead in the evening. Only one family out of ten will remain alive.


Chart 39

Do not move out so easily, you Japanese soldiers. What do you wish to gain by mobilizing again? Your final victory? It will turn out that what you gain will only be death.


Chart 40

The religious way is the way centering on God, and its elite heavenly army contains 12, 000 of each of twelve tribes, a total of 144,000.

By God's eldest daughter (Japan) and the religious way of Korea uniting, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and the other religions will unite and the fortune (opportunity) of Heaven will finally arrive where God can rule directly.


Chart 41

There is no doubt no matter what he builds. The millennium in the east comes to an island country; within the ocean is the son of God. He, through shedding blood and tears, will bring peace to the world, will win over death and will create the new world in which all regrets are vanquished.


Chart 42

As the saying goes, "Wherever good things are happening, bad will follow" (traps: light is usually followed by shadow, there will come betrayal by colleagues. Those who rule over others and do not become humble will perish, but he who humbles himself will survive.

Every person should humble him or herself. The holy man of reconstruction who comes in the east is the father of humankind and he comes also in Buddha's capacity. Bow down to him unconditionally.


Chart 43

The day will come when those who study philosophy or science will disappear overnight. They will find their effort to discover truth through philosophy or science to befuddle. Greatly disappointed, they will become like the insane or drunk and yet will be filled with vanity.


Chart 44

Nothing is above it or below it, nor is there anything other than it.

You can depend upon the sagacious and wise, but never upon secular power.

After first shedding tears, you will singsongs. Starting from the beginning till the end of time, if humankind will participate with one mind and one will, we will see the world in which we can eat the food we extract from atomic materials.

2. Chung Kam Rok

There are many variations of the Chung Kam memoir (or record) in circulation to this day. Yet it is safe to say that we should regard The Book of Discussion between Chung-Kam and Lee-Shim as an orthodox edition. (Chung-Kam-Rok Collection. Tokyo, Japan: Ji-Yu To-Kyu-Sha, 1933)

The highlight of its prophecies of historical events is the accurate prediction of General Douglas MacArthur's successful Inchon landing operation. MacArthur was commander of the United Nations forces at that stage of the Korean War, which broke out June 25, 1950.

He also predicted the defeat of Japan in World War II and he also predicted some thousand years ago the white cross, a very significant feat.

The writings of Chung Kam Rok are estimated at roughly a thousand years old.


Chart 45

When the uneasy days (the last days) arrive, a misfortune of "seven killing" will invade. When these days arrive, follow the principles of the double bows and double Ul's, i.e., the principle of the white cross.

You will find a way of surviving in that white cross. When you come across difficulties, find the white cross and unite with it.


Chart 46

There will ensue an effort to continue a dynasty for a second generation in North Korea, but to no avail; it will end. Negative winds will blow at a tree from all four directions; thus it will be hard to endure. Six multiplied by six equals thirty-six: after the thirty-six years of Japanese colonial occupation transpire, Korea will enjoy good years. A beautiful country in the east will be divided into two (one white, the other red: democratic and communist) but eventually it will be united again.


Chart 47

North and south are confronting each other militarily. It is a very dangerous state of immanent warfare.

Concerning this division of one race and one nation into two. by the time of reunification and return to the original pre-division state, there will be many people starving and stricken ill.

How many will ever survive. The year of famine and starvation will recur repeatedly.


Chart 48

Oriental people (white clothes) and western people (blue clothes) will mix together and endure a life like that of meaningless worms. The countryside and cities to the west and south will be engulfed in the misery of war. (trans: the Korean War) At this time there will be a general (General MacArthur) who commands soldiers in the sea and on the island to protect the country from the danger.

When these soldiers cross the Kum River and save people throughout the land, a great heavenly fortune will arrive.


Chart 49

However, at that time, soldiers of the Chinese army will intervene in the war suddenly and fight against the soldiers of the general who came across the sea from the island.

The general who came across the sea to fight the war of defense is the one who defeated Japan; he is the commander of the Allied forces of the southeast. This general helping the white forces (South Korea) tries to expel the Chinese forces. However, the Red Army calls itself righteous and tries to take the entire peninsula and even Cheju Island.

Yet the Red Army will be forced up to the northern boundary of Korea and thus the war will end in three years' time, leaving the land of Korea devastated.


Chart 50

When this time comes, there will begin to dawn the heavenly nation in the east. In the west, voices will cry out, "Chung-DoRyong, Chung-Do-Ryong, " and "Messiah, Messiah. " However, when this time comes, one must find the double bow and double Ul, i.e., the white cross, before one can partake of the great benefit.


Chart 51

Now humankind has come to meet the central fortune of Heaven. This is the time when the eldest son of the east (Korea) meets the eldest daughter of the southeast (Japan) and marries her. Everyone covets and waits for the True Man, but who is he? He is the one who judges all good and evil. (Refer to Chart ?)


Chart 52

The one who comes with the full power to administer Heaven and earth does not come from the mountains nor from the fields but from where the white cross is situated. At this time, he will surely come with the heavenly law.


Chart 53

That number of heavenly law is the number 21, 600 and this clearly is the number denoting Heaven. Also, there is the number 74,400, which denotes the earth.


Chart 54

These two numbers added together total 36, 000, representing the sum of yin and yang, Heaven and earth. It is written that when good men and women in matrimony reach this number, the holy man will come. This particular number signifies the balance of Heaven and earth in consistency with the principles of the I Ching.

Yin and yang in harmony together bring the fortune of the heavenly way. Thus, the way of the united fortune of the east and the west is the `Fortune of Ten Victories. "


Chart 55

The number, 36, 000 is that very number that changes the predisposition of nature (for example, toward good or bad luck).

When the religions of the east and west come into good accord, all the people of the world will become as close to each other as brothers and sisters. Interpreted by the principles of the 1 Ching, this is clearly the white cross; according to the principles of yin and yang, Heaven and earth.


Chart 56

The "Great Way of the Ten Victories" appears from the east.

There will be a thunderous voice calling out to offer the blessing. If you scorn this and go against it, your act will be as that of a small insect, such as a praying mantis or cricket, trying to stop a rolling wheel, and the holy man will only laugh.


Chart 57

Matching good men and women, the holy man will live comfortably. Those good men and women who receive his matching and return gratitude to God in prayer will receive precious children.

When this happens, the whole world will be united. From the dawn of creation, this has never happened.


Chart 58

In the east where the sun rises there will appear a white cross and it will shine upon all the corners of the world. The savior (Chung-Do-Ryong, holy man) is the "Great King of Ten Victories. " Remember. He is the king of all kings!

*Original translator's note: It was prophesied that World War II will begin out of a certain direction (northeastern direction) which points to the areas of China, Korea and Japan. It is truly amazing that the ChungKam-Rok, which has the history of a thousand years, would point out that 36,000 is the number of Heaven and earth and yin and yang harmonizing the engagement of men and women. The place of refuge at the end of the world is where the white cross is located. Therefore, to seek it is also a very special task.

3. Cho-Chang-Rok

The Cho-Chang-Rok is the dialogue between Yu Hyung Won (pen name: Ban Gye) (1622-1673) and his son (Cho-Chang). Yu Hyung Won was a well-known scholar under the king Hyun Hong in the middle of the Yi Dynasty of Korea. The value of the Cho-Chang-Rok lies in its testimony to the Kyok-AmYu-Rok, validating the authenticity of the Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok.


Chart 59

My father is the elder Ban Gye. One day I asked my father for advice about a detailed plan to deal with the famine that we were confronting. My father answered, "You will find the details about how to preserve one's life during famine and avoid death from communicable diseases in the Yu-Rok of Honorable Kyuk-Am. It should not be a real problem. "


Chart 60

Questioned as to what the names of the diseases at the end of the times would be, the answer was that they are strange diseases given by Heaven for which we do not have names.


Chart 61

The war between Japan and China will eventually escalate to the global scale. The world will be like a stork that tries to pick clams and the clans will not let go of the beak of the stork. So the entire world will be involved in this huge turmoil and all will decline.


Chart 62

Question: Where is the true manuscript copy.

Answer. It should be described in detail in the Kyok-Am-YuRok. However, if the man's mind is not honest, it will not be of full use to him.


Chart 63

However, Honorable Kyuk-Am's Hong-Sufi and my Ma-SangRok contain some of the content. Therefore, some of the descendants' moral life will qualify them to look at the graphs, so there will be some who will receive the effect.


Chart 64

Question: What is it that has a small head but no legs? Answer. That which has a small head but no legs is fire. All humankind will perish by fire.

4. Hong-Su Ji

This also is the work of Nam-Sa-Go, who wrote Kyuk-Am-Yu-Rok.


This book too receives a lot of attacks from many people.

Mr. Ju asks, "What is Hong-Su?" The answer is: The situation and disposition of the world is between the Red (bong) and the White (English ed. Note: su, which literally means sleeve, specifically a sleeve of white silk), and the world war will begin in the northeast and end in the northeast as well. (The prophecy of World War II)


Chart 66

Question: What is the meaning here of Red and White? Answer. Western people and Russians will enter into Korea. The Red will occupy the land north of Kae Sung and the White will occupy south of there. (The prophecy of the division of North and South Korea.)


Chart 67

Question: When will this happen? Answer. Ul-Yu year (2945), the 7th day of the 7th month by the lunar calendar (August IS, 2945 by the solar calendar). Japan will gradually lose its power and eventually perish. Hence, the north and south will be divided and disposed of by the Red and White.


Chart 68

Question: Will the fight between Red and White be fought with spears and swords? Answer. The war fought with spears and swords is a very small war indeed, but the war using chemical weapons and fought in space (in the air) will be a big war.


Chart 69

Question: How can this chemical war be prevented.

Answer. A general with the surname Cho will appear from the northeastern direction leading twelve godly men. Using God's creative energy, he should be able to prevent it instantly, overnight.

Note: General Cho (The Chinese character "Cho" is composed of meaningful parts [moon + star + run] which means the man from Heaven: the Holy Man, the Savior).


Chart 70

Question: Is the saying that the central country of the world will be established in the east true? Answer. It is said that the mind of the people is the mind of Heaven. How can a false statement be made.

5. Ma-Sang-Rok (Or the Horse Record)

Ma-Sang-Rok is the writing of Yu-Hyung-Won (pen name Bahn-Kye). Here are some excerpts.


Chart 71

When the Orient and Occident of the earth are connected directly, the world will come into unity. When this time comes, the True Man can be seen and the holy man can be met with easily.


Chart 72

He who denies in the east what has taken place in the west is not a godly man. He is a man who is neither capable of nor aware of anything. We are to live together with Japan for 36 years. We lament it, but there is a deeper meaning to it.


Chart 73

In eastern China the same will happen and it cannot be avoided.

They assert that Buddhism alone is the religion of truth and the religion of salvation, yet this is not true; God has divided the merit. Each (east and west) wants to get the better of the other, but Heaven treats the world fairly.


Chart 74

While Reds (Communists) are still in the east, the holy man will appear with the heavenly way. In the north there will be a person who has no fear of the world, like Hang Woo, and he will incite a huge riot that even Heaven and earth cannot quell. The south will not be aware of this in advance, let alone the world.


Chart 75

Only when people's minds return to the will of Heaven will the human will come to realize the heavenly will.

6. Yul-Gok-Bi-Ki (Yul-Gok's Secret Note)

Yul-Gok is a pen name. His real name is Lee Yi (1530-1584).

One of Korea's greatest philosophers, Lee Yi served in important positions such as minister of personnel, of internal affairs, of national defense and so forth. He foresaw the forthcoming Japanese invasion (of the sixteenth century) and is famous for proclaiming the need to prepare 100,000 troops. His gift was his ability to grasp the basic principles of the universe and all things and to study them comprehensively.


Chart 76

In the autumn three hundred years after this Japanese invasion, the Korean dynasty will be annexed to an island in the middle of the sea. However, on August 14, 1945 all the Japanese will return to their own country and the land of Korea will be divided and occupied by Russia and a western country.


Chart 77

There are only one Heaven and one earth, but how can there be two kings to serve.

There are only one father and one mother, but how is it that one side serves a red father and the other a white father. The west will grow a hedge around the south and the north will depend on Russia. Foolish people will just act aimlessly.

7. Sam-Yuk-Dae-Kyung

Sam-Yuk-Dae-Kyung is the writing of Lee Min Jae, whose pen name is Myung Ho San Ju. He was deeply interested in the Dong Hak thought and became a disciple of Master Choi Jae Woo (pen name Soo Woon). Then he began to question whether the Dong Hak thought was consistent with the law of nature, so he went to meditate under Mr. Chi Ri. As he was returning from the mountain, he is said to have had the revelation written here.


Chart 78

Foolish people will see him (the holy man) but they will not recognize him. They will hear him but not understand. It is lamentable.


Chart 79

Be diligent and try hard, and do not miss the Heaven given time. If you miss this time the opportunity will not come again.

With all your will and might build the correct culture, man age your families and your nation. Peace in the world will be achieved.

Chapter 3 - The Historical Accuracy And Validity Of Korean Prophecies

Chapter 3 - The Historical Accuracy And Validity Of Korean Prophecies

The future dependability of a prophecy should be attested by its past accuracy. I would like to examine some of the issues of the present day, such as Korea's general fortune, changes in political power, the time of unification and prophesies of the last days, in relation to the past accuracy of the various prophesies.

1. Korea's National Fortune and Major Political Changes


Chart 1

In September of the 4th year of Yung Hee, the Yi dynasty will come to an end. It is the season cicadas sing. Destroying the existing sound moral customs of Korea, Japan will degrade morality and etbics, will abolisb the old studies and systems and will establish a new educational system.

(Note: It becomes the year of 1910, the year Imperial Japan annexed Korea.)


Chart 2

For 36 years following the Japanese annexation of Korea, Korea will be a people without a king and will become sons of a Buddhist monk, where they (the people) do not even know Buddha. (Note: The Japanese set forth a decree whereby all the men had to cut their hair short, like Buddhist monks.)

Japan will first rise as the sun rises in the east and when the time comes it will set beyond the western mountain. When will this time be? It will be when the war between Japan and China escalates into a world war . . .


Chart 3

Beginning in the year 1894-95, and ending in the year 194445, Japan will rise and shine like the sun and then set like the sun at dusk. In the year 1945, Japan will fall and its people will return to their country in great despair.


Chart 4

The Korean people will be divided into two and they will yearn for each other in tears, with a bridge between them. (Note: Pan Mun jeom's Bridge of No Return and the Bridge of Freedom in Im Jin Kak.)

The Korean race will endure the sorrow of forced separation. Japan will move from the west: Korea (western direction) and return to the east (eastern direction: the east), back to their own country. This 36 years of bad relations is predetermined by Heaven and earth. That bad relationship is now over.


Chart 5

Although there is a courtesy that should be maintained among fellow human beings, each side will flock together and plot assassinations. The proper channels of above and below are disturbed, and the sole of the foot that should be on the ground goes above the head. Such abnormal fortune will be rampant.

(Note: This is exactly the way it happened. After liberation from Japan, in 1945, such prominent leaders as Kim Ku, Yeo Oun Hyung and Song Jin Woo were assassinated.)


Chart 6

At this time, if one wants to live, one must pass across the 38th parallel without delay. Three years starting from the year 1950 will be years of turmoil, and Pusan will be the only area remaining in which one can avoid this trouble.


Chart 7

With the happy news of Korea's liberation from Japan, a tired king comes to the south and mismanages the political affairs. Thus the new Lee administration comes to an end after twelve years. The voices of blame attacking Lee for misgoverning a country continue; what can a man do?

Sons that have grown up fight King Lee, and after Lee retreats, Yoon will naturally come in.


Chart 8

To protest against the wrongdoing of the government, the provinces of Kyung-Sang and Cholla in the south rise up in demonstrations beginning in Masan and spreading northward to involve even Choong-chung province. Allover Korea, arguments pro and con will spread like a song ....

(Note: The student revolution began on April 19, 1960.)


Chart 9

Do not support nor oppose. Is it not 1960 and 1961? The three branches of the armed forces (army, navy and airforce) will rise with bonfires and arrest all the thieves in the castle. Even though the military government is at fault, one should keep one's mouth closed as tightly as if it were padlocked. Once you open your mouth wrongly, you will do as much harm as if you were wildly swinging an ax.

(Note: the military coup d'etat of Pak, Jung-Hee on May 16, 1961.)


Chart 10

After Tree Man flies away, who awaits? Next will come the mountain bird.

Note: The two Chinese characters for "Tree" and "Man" could be combined into one character "Park," indicating the former President Pak, JungHee. Likewise, the characters for "Mountain" and "Bird" can be combined into one character "Choi," (Choi, Gyoo-Hwa) who followed after President Pak.


Chart 11

After Park leaves, Chun will enter the troubled world. He sits on the throne ofpower as a general but he should not be complacent. Look at those thieves. Now he may be comfortable but in time his rule will crumble like grains of sand.

(Note: Chun Do Hwan started the May 18 incident in order to take over power. The trial of the military government for the wrongdoings of former presidents Chun Do Hwan and Roh Tae Woo.)

2. The Division Of Korea and the Time Of Its Reunification


Chart 12

When is it that the nation is divided. It is the year of the blue rooster.

(Note: Blue bird, 1945; refer to Graph 1-3.)


Chart 13

When is it is divided for the second time. It is when the tiger and rabbit fight each other and fire is exchanged.

Note: Tiger + Rabbit denote 1950. Fire and water means the south and north. The 38th parallel disappeared and Korea now is divided by an armistice line (refer to Graph 2).


Chart 14

When will armistice be achieved? It is in the month when the dragon and tiger talk to each other and yellow sheep jump in the field.

(Note: Dragon + Snake indicate 1953. Yellow sheep indicate the month of June in the lunar calendar [refer to Graph 31)


Chart 15

When will unification take place? It is in the year when the dragon and snake will jump with joy, and the month when the red dog will jump with joy.

(Note: This is to take place in the month of September (red dog), either in the year of the dragon or the year of the snake. The years that meet this condition are 2000 and 2025. Refer to Graphs 1-3.)

3. The Last Days and the Social Conditions In The Last Days

The last days are the time when the holy man appears. The word "the last days" means the conclusion of this world, or that a great change in human history is taking place, ergo there is an interim time between what was before and what is to come. What are the signs of the end of the world as it nears?


Chart 16

As the time of the last days nears, people will totally ignore the rise and fall of their own nation. Fathers and sons will fight each other over their property. Husbands and wives will divorce each other. Wives will leave their husbands whom they once loved and widows will give birth. Immorality will prevail, especially sexual immorality.


Chart 17

Young infants will lose their lives while still in their mother's womb. This can only mean abortion.

The use of such brilliant inventions as the automobile, train, airplane, telephone, skyscraper, neon signs at this time was predicted. Prophecies portrayed a sketch of the environment of a highly developed world.


Chart 18

People will not be able to see each other's faces but will be able to talk to each otherfrom thousands of miles away over strands of wire that can mix hundreds of languages. Iron horses will run thousands of miles, yet inside it will feel as quiet as if one were sitting in his own three-story house.


Chart 19

A ship will sail in the air (airplanes). It has wings that ride on the air and it will fly as does a white crane, with a red flag, in the clouds.

4. The Way People Must Tread At The End Of The World

The last days are historically the most critical time for the human race. We who live in the last days continue living joyful and affluent lives based upon almighty materialism, without any sense of imminent peril. But this is the time to check ourselves and see if our way of life is acceptable from the Creator God's perspective.


Chart 20

At this time, fire will come flying from the sky and land on the ground, and many human beings will be killed. Three calamities and eight troubles will take place, and by a war of three to ten days the world will come to be unified. Tramp on others or be tramped upon; many cry out in agony.

(Note: Three days of war: although it is a short period of war, there will be unprecedented confusion throughout the world.)


Chart 21

In the time of war, balls of fire will fly over the high mountain where even birds dare not fly, and they will land and leave no trace of humankind.


Chart 22

The savior who comes to this world for the second time will separate all men as grain through a thresher, to separate the good grain from the bad (worthless) grain.


Chart 23

He will be able to discern good from evil as if he were seeing it from Heaven through a glass, and render judgment.


Chart 24

If humankind in the east and west fails to recognize the holy man who comes to this world, they will not escape death.


Chart 25

It is three Gods (resurrection of the savior) coming in one person to rule this world from Heaven. Many good men will live and the evil ones will die. If you choose the wrong, it is like entering into afire carrying a load of firewood. Alas! The days when all the calamities of the world happen simultaneously are not far off. How many will understand this and avoid it? So foolish and so lamentable, but what can be done about it?


Chart 26

Until now he lived in this world as cautiously and insecurely as if he were walking on thin ice. The most benevolent savior loves this world so thoroughly, so very much, that he is even concerned about a dangerous animal stealthily approaching in the night to harm someone, and he renders protection. He is truly an incarnation of love itself. He will have grain brought from afar to provide a life of affluence.


Chart 27

There will be the way of the white cross (+), by which the religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity come into one with God at the center. It is the great Way of Ten Victories, the place you obtain salvation. You must find that place and win salvation. Here all of the principles of the teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity are integrated with consistency. The principles of I Ching can prove this to be true.


Chart 28

A person must abide by three things.

First, one must keep a correct mind and behavior.

Second, one must keep one's mind and behavior clean, clear and bright, and consistent from beginning to end.

Third, white means to keep the mind white, the eyes white and clothing white. This means to keep the environment clean.


Chart 29

How does one live one's life in the last days? When you read this writing you will know, unless you are a fool.


Chart 30

Those who are not concerned or interested will not find anything, but those who seek will find what they are seeking. O, you will come to realize the place of ten victories. Your place of salvation is right in your very mind and spirit.


Chart 31

God's will and the human mind are the same. Once you meet, you depart, and how long will it be before you meet again? Everything has been taught to both east and west through words.


Chart 32

He is a man who comes from Heaven in order to prepare people for the last days and final salvation. All humanity should listen and obey him at the command of God Him self.


Chart 33

There is not anything above it; there is not anything below it; there is not anything other than it.